【Received a regular blind box, do you want to open it?】

【Successfully opened, gain: one cubic meter of basic storage space (can be stacked). 】

Portable storage space? That’s not bad.

Under Molek’s perception, as long as you have a thought, you can”see” an illusory storage space.

You can put in and take out various items according to your thoughts.

“This is also good. After opening the blind box and getting something, you can put it directly into this storage space.”

“Moreover, one cubic meter was opened this time, which can be stacked. Maybe more space can be added when opening blind boxes in the future.”

“Light Nosra has blind boxes around him, so there is no reason why his daughter, Nion, who is a more critical figure, would not have blind boxes around him!”

As a character who appeared in the plot and promoted the development of the plot, Light Nosra naturally has blind boxes around him.

It’s a pity that they are of ordinary level, that’s all.

And by the more critical Nion, Molek is looking forward to getting a higher level blind box!

“If I’m right, the blind box will not appear only once.”

“As the plot develops, when the character’s importance and proportion in a certain chapter become greater, it will reappear next to the character, and its level will become higher…….”

In that case, the Nosra family really has to go there~

These thoughts flashed through Molek’s mind quickly, and at this time, Wright Nosra in front of him also said all those superficial words.

“This is the case at present. Our Nosra family is definitely the most promising mafia family at the moment.”

He pursed his lips, which were dry from talking, and finally concluded:”In short, it is absolutely a very correct and wise choice for you to join in.”

Just as he finished speaking, Molek had not yet given a reply.

“Hahahahaha, Wright, you really dare to say that!!”

A harsh mocking voice sounded beside him.

“You still want to establish the Nuoshila family? When will a guy like you be able to establish a family?”

The ridicule and mockery in his words could be heard by everyone.

“Ken Porter!!”

Wright Nosra’s face suddenly darkened.

Hearing that familiar tone, he knew which bastard said that without even looking.

“You rubbish are here too?!”

Wright Nosra looked extremely unhappy as he looked at the two people who made the sound and were walking towards him.

“Why, the fruit flies in your toilet can run out to look for food, so it’s reasonable for me to follow behind with a fly swatter, right?”

Kenport, who was walking in front and had a thin figure, a hooked nose, and sunken cheeks, said with a wry smile.

“If a wretch like you can come out to look for trash, I can certainly come out to look for a beast to assist me.”

After Kenport finished speaking, the tall and strong man with huge muscular bulges on his body followed behind him and blew out a cloud of white air from his nostrils.

The beast in Kenport’s mouth had dark skin and a shiny bald head. He even posed with his arms bent in a very cooperative manner.

Looking at Molek, who looked particularly”skinny” compared to him, his eyes showed obvious contempt.

“Humph, maybe it’s just a useless piece of shit.”

Wright Nosla couldn’t help but snorted coldly.

This guy called Ken Porter, like him, is a small leader-level figure under the Leeds family.

He can be said to be on an equal footing with him. Because of this, the two parties who are in the same industry but are enemies dislike each other. They are all thinking about how to suppress the other party and step on the other party to get to the top, and they wish they could completely kill the other party as soon as they have the chance.

“Good-looking but useless?”

Kenport’s hooked nose twitched, and he said with a forced smile,”You are talking about yourself, right?”

“Your shabby family boasts of potential…….”

As he spoke, he looked at Molek who was standing beside him and shook his head,”Sure enough, trash attracts trash.”

“A useless family recruits useless people, you guys are really extremely appropriate and suitable, hahahahaha!!”

“You guy……”

Light Nosla’s face suddenly turned ugly.

He wanted to open his mouth to curse back, but the dark-skinned bald man behind Ken Porter stared at him intently, forcing him to hold back the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

“Let’s go, it’s not interesting at all.”

Seeing that Wright Nosla was still so cowardly and submissive, the other mafia members next to him looked at this side with their eyes fixed on the fun.

Enjoying this moment of attention, Ken Porter, who was in a very comfortable mood, turned around happily and waved to the dark-skinned man from Meteor Street that he had just recruited.

“Bullying trash will only dirty our hands.”

He was about to leave with a smile full of victory.

But at this moment

“Boss, are you just going to let them go?”

A rather bland voice rang out in the room.


Kenport paused and turned around when he heard the sound.

“What do you mean?”

Even Light Nosra, who looked very gloomy, turned his eyes and looked at Molek who was speaking.

“I mean……”

Molek pointed his finger towards Kenport and asked calmly,”These two pieces of shit came to disgust us, and we just let them leave like that?”

“Don’t you want to clean it up?”

“Of course, if you are afraid of getting your hands dirty,……”

Molek spread his hands slightly and said with a smile:”You can also let me do it for you.”

“After all, my current job seems to be to deal with such things, right?”

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