Clean, polite, generous, and noticeable at a glance…

This was Light Nosra’s first impression of the man who appeared in front of him. It was mainly because he was in stark contrast to the other Meteor Street thugs who were looking around, thinking of some bad ideas, or talking dirty and rude. That allowed him to make his own judgment and evaluation so intuitively and quickly.

And it just happened to be exactly the same as the judgment he made from the prophecy poem he had seen before!!

The prophecy poem does not give a direct and exact explanation, but is a prophetic poem.

He needs to get the answer he wants from this poem himself.

Light Nosra has read a lot of prophecy poems and knows the meanings of some words.

For example, [Sleep] basically means [Death] and so on.

That’s why he had doubted before, whether he had understood the prophecy poem incorrectly, and came to such a broken place.

But obviously, when the young man in front of him took the initiative to come to the door, Light Nosra knew about Nion’s prophecy poem and made an accurate judgment.

‘It is indeed a powerful ability to predict the future. This ability must be firmly grasped!!

In his heart, he was once again amazed and delighted at the power of the prophecy poem, and a slightly friendly expression appeared on Light Nosra’s face.

“Ahem, that’s right.”

He coughed lightly and said in a soothing tone,”Our Nosra family is a potential stock among the current underworld gangs. In order to develop better, we are going to recruit many capable people.”

“Of course, our family has very strict requirements for the recruits…….”

Light Nosra used his eloquence to talk about those exaggerated, empty and pretentious words.

Morek nodded from time to time.

Well, it was just as he imagined.

The man in front of him was Light Nosra, the head of the Nosra family, who later had a lot of presence in the story of Yuksin City. He was also the boss of the gangster family that Kurapika specially selected to join in order to pursue the Phantom Troupe.

Light Nosra was originally a small leader under the Liz family of a local gang.

Later, relying on his daughter Nion Nosra’s innate awakening ability of precognition, including helping himself and other gang leaders to predict, he climbed to a high-level position second only to the ten old men.

He was often looked down upon by other gang members because of this.

But he didn’t care at all. Instead, he believed that the key to success was to master the intelligence of the future.

Therefore, he is extremely disdainful of the provocations of other gangs, and regards them as”the jealous face of a man is really ugly!” He seems to be very wise and full of grace.

At the same time, this Light Nosra is also a very enterprising and ambitious man. He will not miss any opportunity to climb up.

In the Youkexin City chapter, when he learned that the legendary unit of the Ten Old Men, the Yin Beast, was annihilated, and the Ten Old Men planned to hire a professional killer unit.

He realized that his chance had come.

Light Nosra asked Kurapika, who had captured the brigade member Ugin, to join them, so as to make a name for himself in the underworld group.

He is a man who looks kind and wise, but ambitious in his heart, but he is also extremely fragile.

Light Nosra’s doting on his daughter Nion all comes from the desire to use her ability to madly grab money, status and power.

He believes that as long as he can freely use accurate predictive abilities, he can even control the entire world.

Even reaching the status of the Ten Old Men is no longer a dream.

Therefore, when Nion’s ability to predict the future was stolen by Kuroro, he fell into deep despair.

His eyes were filled with bloodshot and tears, he howled hysterically, and he was on the verge of collapse.

Everything he had, everything based on his ability to predict the future, would disappear.

Later, after Kurapika took over the Nosra family, the eldest daughter Nion lived a happy life. She even went to the Sky Arena to watch the annual martial arts competition.

Perhaps due to various reasons, an accident occurred later, resulting in the disappearance of the ability to predict the future that was stolen by Kuroro~

But it is much better than Light Nosra who never appeared again…….

Many things about Wright Nosra came to mind, and Molek also made a brief summary of him: he was strong on the outside but weak on the inside, lacked knowledge and vision, lacked ability and pattern, and was easy to control.

“He only has the ability to become a local leader, and he became powerful based on Nion’s predictive ability. Without Nion, he is nothing, and there is not much to care about.”

Molek thought so.

This is why he came to Wright Nosra and changed his subsequent ideas.

The Nosra family has not yet gained power, although it is unknown why Wright Nosra came to this place.

But joining in is indeed a very good place to go. Not to mention that he will play a big role in the subsequent Youkexin City chapter.

At that time, many blind boxes will emerge. And as a mafia family that is about to take off, it will have everything, including money, intelligence, power, etc.

After Star Street, there are many things to do and many troubles.

And many troubles can be easily solved once you have your own power, especially in the underworld.

Sometimes, the situation of a lone man fighting alone is really different from that of a person who has the support of an organization.

Molek still understands the principle of leaning on a big tree for shade.

In particular, Molek knows clearly what the future direction of the Nosra family will be.

He knows what to do to make the most favorable choice for himself.

Of course, there is another main point…….

“He is the only one who has blind boxes to open.”

Molek looked at the blind box with white light that only existed beside Wright Nosla, and his eyes became more determined in his choice.

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