Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

Chapter 455 Octopus Balls and Buffet (4000)

The eight tentacles fluttered flexibly, and the entire kitchen has entered a state of orderly cooking.

Under the operation of these tentacles, the bright silver kitchen knife briskly chops the ingredients on the chopping board, and the cast iron cauldron is stir-fried on the stove, and the aroma of the food is overflowing.

And what Don's own hands are currently making is a famous snack that can be seen in commercial streets everywhere in China——

Octopus balls.

Then again, most of the octopus balls sold on the commercial street are actually flour balls, cabbage balls, and egg balls.

die laughing.

There was no octopus in the octopus balls at all.

It's like not finding a wife in a wife cake.

However, this kind of problem does not exist here in Dawn, making it by yourself is all about the quality of the materials.

Sprinkle salt and knead the large pieces of octopus legs, then scald them with boiling water, and cut them into one-centimeter-sized pieces.

Take some shrimps and crabs that Long Niang just caught in the sea, and also blanch them for a while, then pick out the white shrimp meat and crab meat, and cut them into small pieces for later use.

Then chopped some scallions, and then Dawn chopped some red ginger and cabbage according to his personal preference.

With such a wealth of ingredients ready, it's time to start making the batter.

Beat a few fresh poisonous feather eggs, stir until the egg white and egg yolk are even, and borrow some poisonous feather chicken broth from the stew pot on the side to mix it in.

Pour the egg mixture into the flour and continue to whisk to form a lump-free batter.

The batter Donne prepared was light yellow and very runny. This is to make the octopus balls crispy on the outside and smooth on the inside.

Take out [Ruyi] and turn it into an electric oven with semicircular grooves.

Preheat for a while, add a little oil.

Pour batter into half full.

Then there is the part of adding ingredients, adding plump octopus meat, white shrimp meat and crab meat crumbs to each groove.

These seafood are all brought up from the sea by myself, so you can rest assured to eat them.

Seeing the slowly solidified batter wrapping the seafood ingredients, and smelling the faint aroma of cooked wheat from the electric oven, Don felt happy.

Add some shredded vegetables such as cabbage and red ginger to the groove.

Heat until each ball is pale golden and solidified to a slightly crispy level, and turn them one by one with a small wooden stick.

Continue this step, and slowly the octopus batter will become a round ball under the regularity of the mold.

The meatballs are out of the oven, partly brushed with sweet sauce and partly brushed with salty sauce, and finally sprinkled with a little seaweed.

A octopus ball with real ingredients is ready!

After making the meatballs, Don picked up a special piece of octopus from the chopping board next to it.

It is said that this piece of meat is special because the meat of other parts of the big octopus, although the quality is capped, but after cutting, it looks like a normal ingredient.

But this piece of meat is different.

Not only does it have a white and translucent jade-like flesh, but even holding it in your hand like this, you can see the whole piece of meat exuding a faint light!

It was Miss Plague who proposed Donne's previous plan to let Dawn hunt the three-headed demigod in order to improve his strength to the point where he could calmly avoid the evil god's persecution.

And this former evil god who surrendered to us, after explaining the plan, made a special confession to Dawn——

Creatures above demigods have a piece of [spiritual flesh] in their bodies, or it can be called [heart flesh].

After you hunted the big octopus in the sea, it is estimated that such a big piece of meat must not be eaten by one person, and you will definitely eat it with the people around you.

But remember, you can share the meat of other parts of the demigod with others, but you must eat this piece of spiritual meat yourself.

After digesting the power and psionic energy in the flesh of the Storm God, with the golden finger originally given to you, you may be able to officially take the first step to become a god.

After all, the object you want to fight against is the power of the evil god of the apocalypse. Only gods can fight against gods.

After recalling Miss Plague's serious and original words in his heart, Donne weighed the soul of the Storm God in his hands a few times.

I don't know if glowing ingredients can make glowing dishes.

His tone was relaxed, but he didn't dare to neglect at all. He just wanted to cook this special piece of meat from the demigod and cook a special stove for himself.

This wave was stolen by the cook.

The Great Merchant Ship Anne.

The sun on the stormy sea was half sunk below sea level.

In this peaceful evening, the celebration banquet after hunting the Storm God, which everyone in the boat was looking forward to, finally began.

Several temporary wooden sheds were built on the deck, and a batch of pots and pans were also placed.

Inside these big pots and bowls, there are hot and fragrant food.

This is how the celebration banquet will be held tonight.

Dawn calls it self-service. The dishes are all ready-made and delivered from the story world. Everyone can take what they want.

Take it, you can take it.

Kixiu, do you think the setting sun on the sea looks like a steaming pumpkin? Klos lay on the railing of the deck, eagerly watching the setting sun on the sea level.

A few hours ago, the pastor's sister was caught on the spot because she criticized Cardinal Meyer behind her back. She was supposed to copy the entire Holy Book as a punishment, and she was not allowed to eat until she finished copying.

But under the begging of Klos, Meyer finally agreed to wait for her to be punished after the celebration banquet.

The Holy Code can be copied at any time, but if you miss the celebration banquet hosted by Donne, you will not repeat it.

Ah? Resembling it? Kisio who was questioned casually replied.

Like it. I just saw it at the dining outlet. The hot boiled pumpkin is said to be made with a special monster charm pumpkin. It looks soft and sticky. I really want to taste it now.

While saying this, Cross turned her eyes away from the sea and looked pitifully at the several wooden sheds on the deck:

It's not just pumpkin. In the food over there, the color of the grilled sea fish is just right, and the taro is cooked to a crispy luster, which is quite similar to the sun falling into the sea.

Ki Xiu: Stop talking, you're making me even more greedy.

Yuval: Clos, I have to say, when you describe's quite poetic.

At present, the self-service dining area is crowded with people, and everyone is so enthusiastic that it is impossible to squeeze in.

At the beginning of the celebration banquet, under Meyer's hint, the members of the Holy See showed their good character of humility and planned to wait for a while before picking up the meal.

I can't help my appetite at the moment, but before enjoying it, at least be humble.

Anyway, Donne made it clear that this time the buffet will be full of food!

After waiting for a while, I estimated that the crew of the Anne had already taken a round of meals, but there were not many people in the meal collection area.

The four clerics exchanged glances and felt that they had been humbled for a long time, so they left the stage one after another and formally participated in today's celebration dinner.

After some crowding, the four clergymen retreated to the Class A area where they were just waiting.

The plates in everyone's hands are filled to the brim.

After all, the crew of the Anne are of ordinary people's physique. Adele and the others still have obvious physical advantages when they are fighting for food.

Eh? Kixiu, what is this round star on your plate?

Cross glanced at her companion's plate, and then found a golden ball of food that she had never seen before, exuding the aroma of wheat and seafood.

Kixiu sat down on a wooden barrel in Class A, picked up a knife and fork, and was about to eat:

I just heard from the person next to me that it seems to be called octopus balls. They are made from the tentacles of the big octopus that I hunted this morning.

Using a demigod to cook is something that most people would never dare to think about.

However, if Donne was the one who did this, the clergy would somehow feel normal and understandable.

Well, Dawn, not eating people may be the bottom line for him to choose food.

It looks delicious. Cross winked at Kisio's plate.

And Jixiu also understood immediately, and immediately reached out to protect his food:

I snatched this up so hard. If you want to eat it, go grab it yourself. You don't know how popular this thing is. It's almost empty as soon as it's replenished.

Stingy. In the evening, I will secretly ask Don to give me an extra meal! Then I will definitely not share it with you! Hmph! Kloss smacked her lips and sat down on the floor.

The food on her plate was enough for her to eat for a while.

However, people's desires are always insatiable. Even if the food I choose is very delicious, every bite can bring warm happiness.

But Kloss was still curious about what the octopus balls tasted like.

It's a pity that, as Ki Xiu said, octopus balls are one of the few dishes that are extremely popular, and they will be sold out as soon as they are released from the story world.

Now the pick-up area is gone, and I don’t know when to wait for the next round of replenishment.

By the way, what does a demigod taste like...

The pastor’s sister was like this, eating what was on the plate and thinking about what was in the pot, feeling happy and troubled.

At this moment, a bright silver fork reached into her plate. On the fork is half a neatly cut octopus ball.

It was Adele feeding on Cross with a deadpan face.

Woo--as expected, Sister Adele is the best to me!

The pastor's sister was so moved that she had no choice but to immediately hug Adele and kiss her fair and indifferent cheek.

But before that, I still have to taste whether the demigod cooked by Dawn is good or not!

Can't wait to pick up a fork, fork half a ball and stuff it into his mouth.

The octopus balls made by Dorn are very large, and half of them are enough to fill Klose's small mouth.

The surface of the hot meatballs is brushed with salty grilled pork chop sauce. When you bite into it, the shell is crispy and crispy, while the inside is soft and delicious, with a strong seafood flavor.

If you taste it carefully, you can chew the real octopus meat inside the meatballs. Very fresh, relatively tough, filled with just the right amount of grain in the soft glutinous balls.

Coupled with the minced shrimp and crab meat that melts in the mouth; bite it, cabbage and red ginger with vegetable fragrance.

The whole ball is rich in ingredients, and the combination of ingredients is harmonious and harmonious, complementing each other, and the taste is great!

This demigod's big octopus is too delicious! Woohoo - I volunteer to follow Donne to hunt the next delicious demigod beast! The pastor's sister swallowed the octopus balls, and stars appeared in her eyes Come.

She has already decided that when a new round of octopus balls is delivered to the dining area, she must rush in and snatch five or six of them!

Beside Kloss, Adele and the others also began to enjoy the food they brought themselves contentedly.

In class A, the crew members of the Anne can be seen everywhere, leaning on the railing or sitting on the floor, holding a plate full of food, swallowing and chewing happily.

This self-service celebration feast, just like this, started from the red sun falling into the sea, until the stars came out of the water and hung high in the sky.

There was always a jovial air on board the Anne.


story world.

In the restaurant of the old castle in the middle of the lake.

Both Vivienne and Alice are staying here for today's special dinner.

Anyway, after Donne cooked a dish, he would ask Long Niang to pick up some of it, which was very convenient.

Inside the kitchen.

Dawn's eight arms kept cooking to ensure that everyone's stomachs would be full at the celebration banquet tonight.

As for his own hands, he stopped early and started eating directly on the side of the stove.

You can't treat yourself badly, can you?

At present, whether it is the octopus balls made with the tentacles of the storm god or the stir-fried octopus made with the meat of the storm god, Dawn has already tasted them carefully.

Just wait for the system to give him a jump prompt.

After seriously enjoying the delicious food, the lovely system prompt came as promised——

System prompt: [Predator] effect is triggered, attack, defense, physique, agility, and mental power attributes are enhanced.

The rewards brought by eating wild beasts and demigods are very high. The five-dimensional combat attributes of [Predator] alone are all between 80 points and 100 points!

Adding the gains from previous upgrades, Donne's various attributes approached 300 points!

Of course, that's not all.

System prompt: [Synchronous Stomach Bag] effect is triggered, the same type of skills are retrieved, and the skills are combined and upgraded.

System prompt: The superimposed skills are [Wrist and Foot] and [Bite], and the skill [Snail's Touch (not upgradeable)] can be obtained.

[Synchronous Stomach Bag] also did not disappoint Donne, successfully copied a skill from a demigod, and also fused and upgraded two old skills along the way.

Open the skill panel with a happy mood. The newly acquired skill is described as follows——

[The touch of the snail]: 1. The might of the demigod drives away the thunder!

2. More flexible tentacle control. After using the eight snails, you may feel that your hands are nothing more than that.

3. From the tentacles' suction cups, you can manifest mouthparts with double layers of terrifying sawtooth to bite the enemies bound by the tentacles!

Looking at it roughly, it seems that the effects of [Wrist] and [Bite] have been combined and strengthened. Then, while extending the tentacles, it also adds the power of the Storm God to control thunder. It looks very good.

In the kitchen try to extend the snail's touch.

The original white squid tentacles were replaced by thicker and more flexible octopus tentacles.

Compared to [Wrist and Foot], I feel that this [Snail's Touch] can also control the thickness of the tentacles. Now this level is far from my limit. However, if the tentacles are maximized, this kitchen will probably be filled by me , I’d better find an open place and try again later.”

After roughly feeling the feeling of getting started with new skills, Dawn was very satisfied.

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