Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

Chapter 454 Explosion of Octopus Meat

I think it may be that Bishop Mayer has eaten the dishes made by Mr. Dorn?

After narrowing his eyes, Yuval glanced at the deck passage leading to the bow, and then began to guess in such a low voice.

Eh? I think you're right. Klose nodded her head, That's right! Why didn't I think that the problem in our cafeteria would have been solved by letting Mr. Meyer eat a meal made by Donne. Miscalculation I should have introduced them to each other earlier, maybe I could save a lot of meals of plain boiled pork slices and boiled green peppers before. Damn it!

None of the three of Adele replied.

Judging by their expressions, they probably expressed acquiescence and approval to the pastor's sister's remarks.

Kloss is the kind of person who can't relax as soon as she opens her mouth, and soon thought of a new topic:

But having said that, how did Don and Teacher Meyer know each other? Was it because of the statue of the evil god that Don was approached by the teacher? They didn't tell us about this.

Also, have you noticed? Teacher Meyer is so weird when she gets along with Don. She is so strict with us, and she often gets angry with me. But in front of Don, she is like a gentle sheep, super obedient of.

Listening to Kloss's dangerous speech, the three of Adele glanced at the deck channel leading to the bow.

After making sure that no one came, they all looked helplessly at the pastor's sister. Although the expressions are different, they all convey the same meaning——

Why are you always being attacked by Bishop Meyer, why don't you have any points in your heart?

Maybe the cardinal thinks Don's food is delicious, so he has a better attitude towards that guy. Kixiu took up the topic with applause.

No, it's not that the attitude is better. As I said just now, the teacher is respectful in front of Donne, respectful!

Kloss shook her head, apparently not appreciating Kissiu's words, and then her eyes shone with wisdom:

There is only one truth! I think Mrs. Meyer must have been caught by Dawn for some reason. It is the kind of reason that she can do whatever she is asked to do, so she has to obey him and obey him.

Currently, only Pope Mohani, an ascetic monk, and Cardinal Meyer clearly know that Donne is a noble envoy of the Holy See.

Even the two bishops who came with him had only a half-knowledge, and only knew that Donne was an extremely important figure to the Holy See.

Therefore, when Klose and the others saw Meyer's respectful attitude towards Donne, they would naturally be puzzled.

Doubt, but do not say.

After all, they didn't dare to inquire directly about matters related to the cardinal.

Hey, Cross.

When the pastor's sister was still happily telling her genius guess, Adele, who had been silent all this time, coughed and stopped her speech.

However, the latter obviously had more to say: Huh? What's the matter? Sister Adele, don't you think my guess makes sense? Teacher, she must have been...

While talking, Kloss felt something was wrong.

Sister Adele's expression turned into helplessness and helplessness.

After Yuval and Kixiu winked at themselves, they fell silent, as silent as a cicada.

Even, the atmosphere and air around him seem to have become a bit colder.

Kloss turned her head in a panic, only to see Meyer, who had changed into the uniform of the Holy See, standing behind her. She has a gentle temperament, like a big sister next door, with a kind smile on her face.

Huh! Teacher!? The pastor's sister panicked. Even if she got out of character behind her back, she would still be scared when she saw her teacher.

Clos, have you memorized the Holy Code? Meyer kept smiling.

Teacher, don't wow! Last time I copied half of the book all night! The pastor's sister broke down in tears.

Oh, then copy one copy this time, and copy it now.

Ah? Wait a minute, when do I have to copy the book? I haven't eaten yet! Help me! Sister Adele! Ah! Don, help me!

Meyer dragged Cross, who was calling for help, away from the stern.

The three of Adele just cast a good luck look.

As for Dawn, who was called for rescue, he was in the kitchen of the story world at this time and did not hear the call for help. Even if he heard it, he might not really come to save Klos.

It's not bad to be unlucky.


story world.

The kitchen of the old castle in the middle of the lake.

All the food for tonight's celebration banquet will be cooked here.

In the kitchen, Dawn is currently the only one.

Originally, Vivienne followed him into the book.

But as soon as Miss Goblin showed up, she was dragged by Alice to ask about the specific situation of today's hunting demigod battle.

Although Long Niang has been on the battlefield at sea, because of her vague perception of the outside world, if she wants to know the details of this battle, she still has to ask the person concerned.

For Don, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, with [Wrist and Foot] skills, he can control the entire kitchen by himself.

Let me think about what to do tonight. After all, I have to entertain so many people, and everyone has contributed to my hunting of demigods. I feel sorry for my conscience not to invite them to dinner.

Dawn rubbed his chin and began to think, and the eight tentacles formed by converging magic power extending from behind all danced and began to prepare dishes, just like his extended flexible arms.

In the kitchen, there are a lot of ingredients.

There are vegetables and fresh meat just bought from the Marlow market, fresh seafood that Long Niang just fished out of the sea, and a very precious chunk of frozen leg meat of a Cretan bull.

With this rich amount of ingredients, it is not a problem to support a dinner party.

In addition, Dawn is going to make a special food for defeating demigods tonight.

The ingredients are naturally the big octopus itself.

At present, this dead demigod has been taken into the story world by Dornla. Its volume is so large that it almost directly occupies a small half of this independent space.

After the octopus meat is cut, it cannot be piled up in the cold storage.

Direct liquidation.

In order to store these fresh and high-quality ingredients, Dawn had to ask Alice to open up a large space, adjust the temperature, and act as a temporary warehouse.

Solitary Lele is not as good as total Lele. Take out the meat of half an octopus tentacles, and it should be enough for everyone on the Anne to eat tonight.

Greeting Long Niang directly sent half a huge octopus into the kitchen, and used [Paod Ding Jie Niu Skill] to deftly clean up all the big suckers on it.

After losing the suction cup, the tentacle doesn't look so depressing.

Under the reddish-brown skin, there is plump octopus flesh that is white and translucent, even if it is whole raw, it is still quite appetizing to look at.

Sure enough, it is the first SSS-grade ingredient I found, and it looks very good!

Dawn nodded in satisfaction, and continued to use the kitchen knife.

Dawn has already considered what to eat with these SSS-grade ingredients tonight.

With such a large portion of octopus meat, it doesn't matter how many dishes you cook in different ways. Braised in soy sauce, stir-fried, added with seafood, as well as takoyaki and octopus balls should all taste very good!

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