Start Back To The Day Before The End Of The World

Chapter 31: Jiang Yue's Careful Thoughts

One night, Xiao Jun didn't dare to sleep deeply. If a zombie got lost and walked in, and he happened to be asleep, he might have to be a dead ghost.

The same is true for Wan Xiya in the hotel. She tossed and turned on the big bed and couldn't fall asleep. She was used to having Xiao Jun by her side, which would make her feel safe in this apocalyptic world.

In winter, it gets dark early and dawns late.

Xiao Jun didn't come out of the warehouse until after seven o'clock.

You have to ask Xiao Jun how he knew it was past seven o'clock. Curry has a lot of new mobile phones in the warehouse of the mall.

Killing all the zombies on the first floor of the shopping mall not only avenged the feared revenge of last night, but also earned a few first-order mutant crystals, blood money.

There are more and more zombies on the road. Today is the sixth day since the zombies appeared. The day after tomorrow, there will be no zombie rain in the middle of the night. Similarly, the airdrop rain will stop.

In the last life, after the rain of zombies stopped, human beings were full of surprises. As long as there were no more zombies, there would be a day when they would all be killed.

But then they discovered that after the airdrop rain was gone, they began to fall into panic again. This is the hope of human survival.


Half a month later, that is, one month in the last days, zombie rain and airdrop boxes appeared in the sky again.

The next day, the survivors found a large number of second-order zombies.

After that, this situation happened six times in total, and after each time, higher-level zombies would appear.

Before the death of Xiao Jun in the previous life, the highest level of zombies found had reached the eighth level, and the strongest known in Future City was only the seventh level.

Fortunately, the eighth-order zombie is a certain distance from the future city, and for some reason, it just guards its own territory.

In the last life, before Xiao Jun died, this rank eight zombie had never been to the future city.

These are still far away from the current Xiao Jun, and he just wants to go back to the hotel quickly.

I haven't returned all night, I hope Wan Qianya is okay.

As for her other female students, they are not that important to Xiao Jun at the moment. If they are gone, they can be found again, so it is not a big problem.

When Xiao Jun rushed back to the hotel, Wan Xiya was in a daze on the sofa.

She didn't sleep well all night, her eyes were a little red, she didn't look up when she heard the door opening, she thought it was Jiang Yue or Li Jingyin.

"What's the matter? It looks sluggish."

A familiar voice came to her ears, and Wan Qianya raised her head in surprise.

Xiao Jun, he is back.

The tears of grievance flowed down like a broken thread, Wan Xiya threw herself into Xiao Jun's arms, and said with a choked voice.

"You...why...didn't come back all night..."

Xiao Jun patted her back lightly with his left hand, and hugged her tightly with his right hand.

"I encountered a little situation, but it has been resolved."

Xiao Jun will not tell anyone about supernatural talents for the time being, and neither can Wan Qianya.

The movement outside also alarmed Jiang Yue and Li Jingyin in the room. When they opened the door, they saw Wan Qianya crying in Xiao Jun's arms.

Having been together in the dormitory for more than two years, it was the first time they saw Wan Xiya cry. She used to be a famous ice beauty in school.

However, they were also happy when Xiao Jun came back. In the last days, there is a man who is strong enough, and this man seems to be of good quality.

Jiang Yue is not a little girl. She used to like to read novels about the end of the world. Although it was a bit exaggerated, she felt that the end of the world is really coming, and human nature will only be more exaggerated.

From the very beginning when Xiao Jun looked at her and Li Jingyin, there was never any strange desire in his eyes, and he didn't make any unnecessary movements when he brought about thirty girls behind him.

It is not ruled out that Xiao Jun will behave inappropriately in the future, but Jiang Yue believes that by then, he will have the ability to resist.

Jiang Yue lowered her head in thought, then raised her head to look at Xiao Jun, and it just so happened that Xiao Jun's eyes also looked over.

The two looked at each other in mid-air, Xiao Jun smiled meaningfully, and then looked down at Wan Qianya in his arms.

【What does that smile mean? I behaved very normally, probably because I was thinking too much, he just smiled normally. 】

It's just that she didn't notice the faint smile on the corner of Xiao Jun's mouth when he lowered his head.

Crying in Xiao Jun's arms for a while, Wan Qianya finally remembered that there were still two people in the room.

Under the playful eyes of her two girlfriends, Wan Xiya blushed, quickly wiped away her tears and left Xiao Jun's embrace.

"Do you still have the strength to go out with them today?"


For a first-order mutant, the impact of not sleeping for one night will not be great. Besides, Wan Xiya still slept, but she didn't sleep well.

"Then you continue to go out with them today, remember, the airdrop box is the priority."

The day after tomorrow, the airdrop box will lose its source for a short time, so we must hurry up and find more in these two days.

Xiao Jun has already seen what happened afterwards, a large number of survivors searched for the airdrop boxes all over the city.

Without supplementary zombies, no amount of human beings in Star City can be stopped, and it is only a matter of time before they are all killed.

"Then I'll take them out first. This is the information I collected yesterday, and it's here."

Jiang Yue came up and put down a notebook on the table.

"Well, let's go."

Knowing that Xiao Jun is fine, Wan Qianya also returned to her original demeanor, a high-cold goddess, she will only become an obedient little girl in front of Xiao Jun.

Heh, Jiang Yue has her own ideas.

And Xiao Jun discovered one thing, except for the first time she met Wan Xiya and asked them to call him Brother Jun, she didn't seem to call herself anymore, but Li Jingyin called her very affectionately.

Shaking his head and throwing away these thoughts, it's okay that Jiang Yue is fine, if there are any active thoughts in his heart, then he can't say that he will destroy the flower with his own hands.

After roughly flipping through the notebook, they found a total of six airdrop boxes yesterday, and harvested 74 first-order mutant crystals, without any casualties.

There is nothing wrong with a lot of people and a lot of power.

This is just a group of ordinary humans, or women.

Thinking about it this way, how many airdrop boxes does the survivor team have to find every day, no wonder the future city can be built later.

There is no need to think about putting the first-order mutant crystals in Wan Xiya's space equipment. If I knew they had so many yesterday, I should have upgraded Wan Xiya to the second-order before leaving.

I still have 41 here, and I killed a lot of zombies yesterday.

Thinking of them going out, Xiao Jun immediately got up and chased after them.

At this time, they were cleaning up the zombies in the hall, Wan Xiya didn't make a move, and helped them sweep the formation from the side, and she would go where there was danger.

I don't know how Jiang Yue trained. The day before yesterday was a group of weak girls. In just one day, they were able to fight zombies without fear.

Although the coordination is still a bit rusty, the effect is also very good.


Seeing that the battle was coming to an end, Xiao Jun waved to Wan Qianya.

"Brother Jun, why did you come down?"

The other girls also looked over. Many of them showed admiring eyes when they saw Xiao Jun, but when they saw Wan Qianya, their eyes dimmed again.

"There are 41 mutated crystals here, you can go out after upgrading."

Wan Qianya is not hypocritical. Although everyone got the 74 mutated crystals together, she doesn't think it needs everyone's consent, as long as Xiao Jun agrees.

"Starting today, the mutated crystals you get can be upgraded directly. Jiang Yue will decide who comes first, according to your contribution."

What Xiao Jun said made all the girls present excited.

Isn't Wan Qianya powerful because she is a first-order mutant? Now that I have a chance, can't I be so powerful.

"Jiang Yue, there are still two steel knives and a dagger here, you can divide them."

Calling Jiang Yue again, Xiao Jun took out the weapon he picked up yesterday and handed it to her.

"In the future, you can allocate and use the weapons you obtain by yourself, but all the data must be recorded, understand?"

Jiang Yue nodded.

Xiao Jun is willing to do this, that is trust in her, and it also improves everyone's chances of survival in a disguised form. Jiang Yue is also full of gratitude.

After everything was explained, Wan Xiya just finished upgrading and became a second-order mutant, or a second-order mutant who took the mutation mixture. Now, Xiao Jun was relieved of her safety.

"come on."

After cheering everyone up, Xiao Jun turned around and went upstairs. He didn't sleep well last night, so he went to catch up on sleep first.

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