shopping mall.

Xiao Jun didn't kill all the zombies wandering in the shopping mall, but quietly came to the basement.

Sure enough, there is a storage warehouse here.

The warehouse door was closed, and it seemed that no one had been there yet.

At this stage, the survivors are more likely to search supermarkets, and there are only a very small number of people who always have space and equipment, most of which are used to store water and food, and will not be wasted on other things.

He opened the warehouse door, and under the illumination of the strong flashlight, a warehouse full of supplies appeared in front of Xiao Jun.

For bedding, first receive 50 sets, and then go to the soft Simmons mattress, and also receive 50 sets.

If there is no space bracelet for 5,000 kilograms, Xiao Jun has to think about putting it away. 50 sets of bedding are 100 kilograms, and 50 pieces of Simmons are 1,000 kilograms.

Then there are 50 sets of cotton quilts, a full 200 kilograms.

It is good to have a large space and equipment.

Xiao Jun did not accept other things blindly. The big brands before the end of the world are worthless now.

Sexy lingerie? You can charge a little for this one, let’s get a hundred sets first, it’s not heavy anyway.

Attack speed shoes? This is great. Before the end of the world, I often heard people bragging that they carried it on their own. Xiao Jun also wanted to try it.

Then get a hundred pairs and let Wan Qianya try them on.

There are also some clothes and shoes of other big brands, Xiao Jun also took a symbolic amount, and it is also a good choice to reward young ladies who have performed well.

Cosmetics and skin care products are fine, too.

In the end, a full 4,000 kilograms of goods were collected in this mall, basically for the young ladies in the group.


After observing the surrounding environment, there are zombies guarding it, and it is dark and safe here.

Xiao Jun decided to take the talent mixture right here.

I walked a little inside and chose a slightly more comfortable place. There are clothes piled up here, and it is relatively soft to sit on.

He took out the talent mixture from the space, which was a tube of lavender liquid, and Curry exuded a seductive aura in the dark warehouse.

Sitting cross-legged, Xiao Jun stuffed the whole mixture in one gulp.

The liquid entered the mouth, without any special taste, and quickly slid down the throat.

Ten seconds later, Xiao Jun's brain suddenly became hot, as if something special was about to come out.

This feeling lasted for five or six minutes. It was not painful but very awkward, like an itchy place but I couldn't scratch it all the time.

Then, it's gone...

This is the end? Xiao Jun was a little confused.

Xiao Jun suddenly remembered the sentence about the talent mixture, there is a certain probability...

Damn it, this probability can't be the law of penguins, plus I'm essentially the luck of the Africans, the supernatural talent is destined to have nothing to do with me?

Xiao Jun is very annoying, without supernatural talent, even if he has an advantage now, but in the later stage, there is a big difference between having supernatural talent and not having supernatural talent.

But there was nothing he could do, Xiao Jun sighed and stood up.

But suddenly his head became dizzy, and he fell down again. This time, he passed out directly.


"Why hasn't Brother Jun come back, it's going to be dark soon."

In the room, Wan Xiya walked up and down anxiously, looking outside from time to time.

"Brother Jun is so strong, nothing will happen."

Jiang Yue was counting today's harvest, while Li Jingyin followed Wan Xiya to comfort her.

"No, I'm going out to find him."

Seeing that it was getting dark, Wan Qianya couldn't wait anymore.


Jiang Yue, who was sorting out the data, raised her head.

In their dormitory, Li Jingyin is the craziest, Wan Xiya is cold, and Jiang Yue is the gentlest and quietest.

But the strange thing is that when the people in the dormitory have important matters, it is often Jiang Yue who has the final say, and the others are obediently listening.

Therefore, even though Wan Qianya is the strongest now, she still subconsciously looked at Jiang Yue without saying anything to refute.

"It will be dark in half an hour at most, and you don't know his location, so if you go out rashly, you may not be able to come back."

"With your strength, if you are still wandering outside after dark, you will die."

Jiang Yue had already stood up, walked to Wan Xiya's side with two long, slender legs.

"You just have to trust that he's okay."

There is another sentence that Jiang Yue didn't say, if something happened to Wan Xiya, she would have no guarantee.

Xiao Jun is fine, and Wan Qianya is her biggest reliance now.

If something happens to Xiao Jun, Wan Qianya is her only reliance.

In the last days, there are dozens of young girls who are as beautiful as flowers and a large amount of supplies. Without enough strength, it is estimated that there will be nothing left that will be eaten by others.

Wan Qianya also understood this truth, and collapsed powerlessly on the sofa.

It was completely dark, and the zombies outside the house became active again.

Occasionally, screams could be heard from a distance, which was the cry of the dying humans who had not had time to return to the accommodation.

That night, Wan Qianya suffered from insomnia.

That night, Jiang Yue also suffered from insomnia.

If Xiao Jun dies, it will have a huge impact on their army of women.

Xiao Jun slept very comfortably, but when he woke up, the back of his head hurt a little, as if he had bumped it when he fainted.

Xiao Jun took out two or three bright flashlights, turned them on and illuminated the surrounding area, and Xiao Jun finally felt at ease.

It was still in the warehouse of the shopping mall, and the surroundings were so quiet that even a needle dropped on the ground could be heard.

Shaking his dizzy head, Xiao Jun suddenly froze, and then he closed his eyes, as if he was comprehending something.

Ten seconds later, Xiao Jun opened his eyes again and looked towards a corner of the warehouse. Under the illumination of the strong flashlight, it was like daytime.

The next second, Xiao Jun suddenly disappeared, and in the corner he was looking at just now, Xiao Jun appeared out of thin air.

Teleportation, this is Xiao Jun's ability.

The range of sight can be moved instantly, and it can be used three times a day.

This piece of information just appeared in my mind so abruptly, as if I knew it all along.

Teleportation, this is too strong.

If anyone fights with him, this suddenly appears behind the other party, and he can kill him as he wants.

It can only be used three times a day. Although it is a little less, it is used well and once is enough.

Uh... If you're the Enemy of the World, then ignore me.

Putting away all the flashlights, leaving only one in his hand, Xiao Jun was ready to go back.

Today's trip out is really rewarding.

Pushing open the warehouse door, there was a creaking sound, which was particularly ear-piercing in this dark night. Immediately, Xiao Jun heard a familiar sound.

This is the sound of zombies running.

Damn, what's going on, is it already night?

Xiao Jun thought of this possibility.

Only at night, this kind of sound would alarm the zombies upstairs.

Xiao Jun immediately stopped the movements of his hands and could not make any sound, otherwise it would attract more zombies.

And the zombies who just heard the sound were getting closer and closer, and a strong light shot out, there were only three of them, it was okay.

Afraid that the sound of fighting would attract other zombies, Xiao Jun decisively used today's second teleportation.

With one blow, all three first-order zombies were separated.

Relieved, Xiao Jun returned to the warehouse and did not close the door anymore. As long as there is no noise, no zombies should come here.

Finding a comfortable corner, Xiao Jun lay down peacefully. Now, he can only wait for daylight before leaving.

I don't know what happened to Wan Xiya and the others.

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