Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1678: Holy Light

Mu Qing frowned.

His original plan was to abandon the evil nerves and raise the Destiny Sutra to the realm of Dacheng in the future.

After all, the evil nerves are quite weird, even if the creator Scarlet Dominates, they have been assimilated into an evil god.

Mu Qing was very cautious about this evil nerve, thinking that it would be better to let him maintain the state of Xiaocheng.

But now after knowing the harm of the power of time from the master of space, Mu Qing finally understood that the degree of danger contained in the Destiny Sutra must completely transcend evil nerves!

According to the rule of space, even if it is just borrowing the power of time, it will not work, and it will still be targeted by the curse of time.

In Mu Qing's Starry Sky Book, the page belonging to the Destiny Sutra has glowed with bronze luster. Obviously, it is the curse of time!

Knowing this, Mu Qing suddenly felt a big head.

The Star Book seemed to be able to help him resist the power of the time curse, but he didn't dare to continue using it.

Unless it is a last resort, Mu Qing would rather use the Sun Sutra or Chaos Sutra of the Consummation Realm that only lasts ten seconds, and does not want to touch the time pause.

"Time is running out, I should leave too."

"By the way, even those examiners can't watch the first ten levels of assessment, including the battle of our talents. They are invisible."

"Let go of your hands and feet as much as you want! I think you still have enough energy to pass the ninth level!"

The Space Master smiled, and at the same time the body began to spread, then disappeared.

At the same time, the entire assessment space vibrated, and a dazzling wave of light swept away.

The number at high altitude has become ten!

Mu Qing's current status level has reached the tenth level!

On another level of space, many examiners stood up with shocked faces.

Even the old man Long had his pupils contracted, looking surprised.

They all thought that Mu Qing was not good enough, but they encountered a space master who could also enter the non-existent realm!

Unexpectedly, Mu Qing won!

"How is it possible?! Is the space ruler releasing the water?" An examiner stood up and couldn't help questioning.

Not only him, but everyone else basically reacted this way.

After all, that is the master!

Even if it is suppressed to the Supreme Eighth Heaven, it is of the same level, but it is still difficult to defeat, because the ruler is in control of the power of the rules, and you can kill the Supreme Eighth Heaven by casual use of rules.

They all don't know how Mu Qing won the victory.

After all, it involves the assessment of the first ten levels, and the battle screen cannot be viewed, because those who can enter the first ten levels are considered peerless in the entire King of Life, and the specific battles will not be made public.

This is a kind of protection!

Mu Qing took a deep breath, he was worried, and because of the curse of time, he abandoned the sky-defying ability of time suspension.

Not only the potential harm to oneself, but even if it is seen by the people of the royal court of life, 80% of them will not let themselves join.

"Next, who will be the master?"

Mu Qing was quite curious.

At the same time, a door opened, and a figure walked slowly, also with a dominating aura, making Mu Qing feel boundless pressure.

"Yo! I just heard the news that there was a guy who reached the tenth level in the first assessment. I didn't expect to solve the space master so quickly!"

This is an old man, very thin, with a pair of pale yellow eyes, walking slowly in the air.

If it weren't for the other party's aura of dominance at all times, Mu Qing would even suspect that the other party was a wretched thin old man.

Not only the image, but even the tone is quite wretched and careless.

"It's troublesome, I just wanted to be an audience, but I didn't expect that the person who was randomly selected above turned out to be me!"

The thin old man even dug his nostrils with his fingers, his face full of dissatisfaction with the upper echelons of the Life King.

It seems that in his eyes, this task is quite troublesome.

"Forget it, if that's the case, then I will make a quick decision!

If you can pass the tenth level, it is estimated that the master of space deliberately released the water, right?

It's a pity that I hate acting the most, old man. That's too exhausting. I choose to defeat you directly! "

"By the way, to tell you, my name is Holy Light Lord!"

As soon as the thin old man's voice fell, the whole person disappeared into a sky full of light.

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth twitched slightly.

Such a wretched old man, who claims to be the ruler of the holy light? !

Who on earth gave him the name?

And the attack of the Holy Light Lord was very fast, a ray of light penetrated Mu Qing's chest in an instant!

The speed is so fast that Mu Qing can't react!

Severe pain came from his chest, Mu Qing's pupils suddenly contracted, but the reaction was also extremely fast, a snake in the starry sky emerged and swallowed him!

In an instant, the surrounding void was distorted, and densely packed light rays intertwined vertically and horizontally, and each light ray pierced through Mu Qing's position.

Does not exist in the field.

Mu Qing took a deep breath and slowly recovered from his injury.

There is still a small part of the power of the holy light in his body, but it takes a lot of time to clear it.

"This Holy Light Lord... seems to be more difficult to deal with than Space Lord!"

Mu Qing frowned.

Although the space master's attack was equally powerful, Mu Qing was able to react and escape in time.

But this Holy Light Lord, even Mu Qing couldn't react, that extreme speed caused Mu Qing to even be unable to evade the opponent's attack!

"Fortunately, the other party can't get in."

Mu Qing stared at the surroundings, then heaved a sigh of relief after a moment.


The same is the Supreme Eighth Heaven, but the Holy Light Lord obviously has no way to enter the realm of nonexistence.

Anyway, there is no time limit for the assessment. Mu Qing can completely recover all the injuries on his body, and even restore the energy that he had lost when he was fighting Space Domination, and then find a way to deal with the Holy Light Domination!

While recovering from his injury, Mu Qing summoned the Chaos Shield.

At this moment, there is already a gap in the chaos shield, which was caused by the previous attack by the holy light!

At that moment, the Shield of Chaos automatically helped Mu Qing resist, but it was directly penetrated.

Mu Qing knew that the power that the ruler exerts is the force of rules, and it is obviously impossible to rely on the shield of chaos to resist.

"The advantage of the dominion of the holy light is obviously speed, but my speed is too different from the opponent!"

Mu Qing frowned, thinking about how to deal with the Lord of Light.

If time can be used to pause, it would be a lot easier, but Mu Qing dare not use it now.

At this moment, Mu Qing had to sigh that the power of time is indeed abnormal, no wonder the existence of time ruler is called invincible.

Under the same level, a time pause, and then release a big move to the opponent.

Who can stop it?

But now Mu Qing just thinks about it, he is also afraid of the curse of time.

Mu Qing touched his chin and thought for a long time, but the opponent's speed was too much faster than him, whether he could attack the Lord of the Light is still a question!

"Then there is only one last way!"

Mu Qing's face condensed. To be precise, this method was only realized through contact with the master of space!

That is to kill the other party!

Mu Qing who has cultivated the cosmic body, the energy contained in his body can be said to be incomparably surging!

Although the master is powerful, there is only the strength of the Supreme Eighth Heaven in the body of consciousness, and even the energy in the body is only the level of the Supreme Eighth Heaven.

The real master, the energy in the body must be like a vast ocean!

However, the consciousness of the Supreme Eighth Heaven is just a stream at best.

Mu Qing only needs to consume it, and sooner or later the Holy Light Ruler will have no power.

To let the Holy Light dominate the shot, only Mu Qing himself can act as the bait!

At this time, in the endless void outside.

The rays of light condensed, forming a wretched old man.

The Holy Light ruled his face with a solemn face, his face full of unpleasantness, and he couldn't help but yelled: "Smelly boy! Come out for me!

Quick decision! Get out of me! "

At this time, he discovered that Mu Qing was able to enter the realm of non-existence!

Although he is the master, this conscious body is suppressed to the Supreme Eighth Heaven.

Even if you can still use the power of the rule, you can't enter the non-existent realm.

Even the energy in the body is pitifully small, every time you use the power of the rules, you have to plan carefully!

"No wonder the first assessment can reach this point, it turned out to be by this means!"

The Holy Light Master frowned and looked at the endless void around him.

He couldn't enter the realm of non-existence.

And if Mu Qing does not come out, this assessment will continue.

It is estimated that even the senior officials of the King of Life did not expect this situation to happen again!

The Lord of Light is the one who is most afraid of trouble. He wanted to make a quick fight, but now it seems that Mu Qing does not want to end the battle in such a hurry.

"Why don't I just give in? Let the next master get a headache!"

Suddenly, Holy Light's eyes lit up.

It seems to be a pretty good way!

Although surrendering directly is not good for his reputation, he doesn't care.

Waiting like this would make him annoyed.

"Furthermore, in the first ten level assessment, it's not that no one has let go of the water. Although I gave up when I first started fighting, I was a little suspected of letting too much water..."

"Should the executives not blame me?"

The expression of the Lord of the Light was complicated, and he began to struggle very much.

It is easy to admit defeat directly, but afterwards, I am afraid that the senior management will hold him accountable, which may be even more troublesome at that time.

When Mu Qing recovered from his injury in the non-existent realm, the Lord of Light was entangled outside.

In the end, Mu Qing couldn't help but appeared to the outside world for a moment. The fire knife in his hand slashed out, and the powerful sun's fire turned into a crescent slash and slashed away.

At the moment when Mu Qing just shot!

The figure of the Holy Light had disappeared.

On the contrary, countless rays of light penetrated, directly crushing all the sun's fire, and even a ray of light pierced Mu Qing's body!

It's too fast!

Mu Qing had previously encountered the fastest opponent, the royal blood demon, and the opponent used the **** demon's unique magic step, and the speed was quite terrifying.

But at that speed, Mu Qing could barely keep up.

Only this holy light ruled, Mu Qing couldn't react at all. Meeting it meant that he was hit!

A star snake appeared in time, swallowed Mu Qing, and disappeared in place.

In the non-existent field, Mu Qing's body has been damaged, and his face is a bit ugly.

With his own attack, there is absolutely no way to attack the Lord of Light!

The other party turned into countless rays of light, and Mu Qing couldn't judge which ray of light was his body. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1678 Holy Light), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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