Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1677: The gate of time and space!


"Your injury is not serious."

Mu Qing frowned slightly when he heard this, and couldn't help but speak.

In his opinion, the power of the Chaos Spear only slightly touched the dominance of space.

Don't look at Mu Qing using the starry sky snake to escape from the space prison and space turbulence, but his attack also has no effect on the space master!

The most critical Chaos Spear attack only caused a slight injury to the space master.

There is still room for the opponent to fight again!

This made Mu Qing's face weird, and couldn't help but guess, could it be the top ten assessment, as long as it caused any slight injury to the masters, it would be considered a victory?

If this is the case, it would not be so difficult.

However, the expression of space dominator showed a bit of bitterness.

He laughed and laughed and said: "I was indeed only slightly injured, and it will not affect the battle at all, but if you insist that I continue to fight, my conscious body will soon be crushed by you."

After a pause, the master of space glanced at Mu Qing and said, "According to my observation, there is still a lot of energy in your body, right?

At least half!

Even if you are still urging two master-level scriptures in the Dacheng realm at the same time, you are fighting!

The ghost knows how much energy your physique can hold!

And my energy has been exhausted. After all, this is just a conscious body, not the deity. The strength is suppressed to the Supreme Eighth Heaven, and the strength of the body is also at this level. "

The Master of Space chuckled and asked, "Do you think I have continuously displayed the rules of space, how much energy is left in my body now?"

After Mu Qing heard the words, he was stunned.

At this time, he reacted!

Although the opponent is the dominant consciousness, the strength is suppressed by the evaluation space.

How much energy the ordinary supreme eighth heaven has, then how much space dominates the body!

But Mu Qing is different, his body is full of the power of the stars in the six realms, and the key to recovery is fast!

After the fierce battle, Mu Qing lost the power of the three realms starry sky!

In just this time, the power of the starry sky in the body has recovered a lot.

On the other hand, the master of space, his methods are indeed quite powerful, and even able to transmit all attacks from all directions through the space cracks, ensuring that he does not suffer any harm.

There are even space prisons, space turbulence and other methods that involve space rules!

However, the energy that can be used in the space dominator is too small!

Just to enter the field of non-existence, it consumes a lot.

Including the master of space, he didn't pay attention, and planned to fight Mu Qing happily. After using a few spatial techniques, he found that there was no energy left in his body!

Without any energy, the master of space can't even maintain himself in the non-existent realm. Sooner or later, it will be defeated by Mu Qing.

Is it possible for him to fight Mu Qing hand-to-hand?

Space master thinks this is meaningless, it is better to admit defeat earlier.

If both sides are almost the same, the key is that he can feel that there is still a lot of energy in Mu Qing's body.

"Congratulations, you have successfully entered the top ten, and even if you are only taking the assessment for the first time, this result will inevitably be appreciated by the senior management of Life King!"

Space Master laughed.

Later, he explained: "In the Palace of Life, there are many small groups, and you can even think of the Palace of Life as a huge alliance of countless forces!

Among them, there are many super-powers with very high status and right to speak in the royal court of life. They! They are bound to win you over!

Every super power is at least composed of a great ruler, and there are several or even dozens of rulers under his command!

If you can, I hope you can consider our time and space. "

The Space Master lowered his voice slightly and spoke to Mu Qing.

Although he chose to admit defeat, the battle has not completely ended, because the master of space also comes from a certain superpower. He has taken a fancy to Mu Qing's talent and tried to draw Mu Qing in.

"The gate of time and space?"

Mu Qing looked suspiciously at the master of space.

He naturally knew the intention of the other party, but the name of this super power seemed to be something wrong.

"Okay! It seems that you also know the things that time dominates."

Space Dominator frowned slightly, and then immediately said: "In fact, in the multiverse, there have been rumors about the curse of time. When the power of time is touched, no matter how powerful it is, you will die!

And there are many strong people who have confirmed this point, even if it is the power of time in the past, and the invincible master of time, it will not escape fate in the end.

But in fact, this rumor is exaggerated. How can the curse of time be so terrible?

The curse of time will only focus on one person, that is, those who try to grasp, reach, witness, and borrow the power of time will be cursed by time!

You have also heard that the super power behind me is called the Gate of Time and Space, which was actually created by the time ruler when the limelight was in full swing back then!

When the master of time was still in the realm of master, he used the power of time to kill a great master!

Later, the Time Ruler formed the Gate of Time and Space in the King of Life, and there were even several great rulers joining.

Although since the rule of time has fallen into the long river of time, we have lost many people at the gate of time and space, and a group of people think that all of us are contaminated with the curse of time.

But in fact, all the rest of the time-space gate did not have any problems, but in the time-space gate, no one dared to touch the power of time except for the rule of time.

At present, our time and space gate is basically based on the power of space repair, even if it is not as good as before, it is still one of the best among the super forces! "

The Space Master looked at Mu Qing, and he spent all his tongue, mainly thinking that Mu Qing was suitable for their time and space gate.

The original meaning of the gate of time and space is mainly time and space.

But after the time dominates the accident, there are only a large number of powerhouses who cultivate the power of space.

In his opinion, Mu Qing only has the Supreme Eighth Heaven, but he can move so flexibly in the non-existent realm, and it must be extremely compatible with the power of space.

"In the Gate of Time and Space, there are three great masters, all of whom specialize in the power of space. If you join, you will definitely have a great improvement in space!"

Space Master couldn't help adding one more sentence.

In fact, the Gate of Time, as a super power, is powerful, but because of the curse of time circulated outside, many people are unwilling to join.

Even if it is explained, it is useless, because regardless of whether the time curse rumors are true or not, it is certainly right to be careful, so there is very little fresh blood to join the time-space gate!

This is also the reason why the master of space saw Mu Qing and planned to solicit.

There is very little fresh blood in normal times, not to mention Mu Qing, a genius who reached the tenth level in the first assessment!

However, Mu Qing heard so much from the master of space, but his face became more and more unsightly.

If he heard it right, borrowing the power of time, he will also be cursed!

Suddenly, Mu Qing thought of the page about the Destiny Sutra in his starry sky book. The corners were glowing with bronze luster.

Mu Qing didn't pay attention at all before, but later discovered that the bronze luster was getting more and more, and it seemed to be gradually expanding.

Mu Qing suddenly realized that it might be the curse of time!

"So... Mingxuan..."

Mu Qing frowned very tightly, and he immediately thought of the fate of the situation.

Mingxuan also knows that the power of time is dangerous, so he created the Destiny Sutra. With the power of the Destiny Sutra, he used the power of the Destiny Sutra to exchange equal value with the long river of time and borrow the power of time to fight!

Mu Qing originally thought that this method cleverly avoided the danger of time.

As a result, if the space dominates the previous words, the situation that really suffered the curse of time, the behavior of borrowing is also included!

Mu Qing owns the Starry Sky Book, and it is the Starry Sky Book that helped Mu Qing resist the curse of time.

In the starry sky book, in the corner of the page of the Destiny Sutra, the bronze luster will spread with the number of times Mu Qing used the time pause.

When a whole page was eroded by bronze, then the Starry Sky Book could not help Mu Qing resist the curse of time.

For now, Mu Qing himself should be fine!

But Mingxuan is different!

It is very possible that the other party has been cursed by time buried in his body.

"Regarding time dominance... Within your time-space gate, is there still time to dominate the leftover things?"

Mu Qing couldn't help asking.

When it comes to the power of time, whether it is him or fate, it is certainly not as in-depth as time dominates.

If time dominates and records the process of studying the power of time, and some understanding and leftovers, it should be a big gain for Mu Qing!

Space Master heard this, but didn't think much about it.

He thinks that Mu Qing's words should also be afraid of the curse of time.

So he hurriedly said: "After all, the master of time is the founder of our time-space gate. A place where he once lived has been preserved, but it is listed as a forbidden place and is enveloped by a barrier.

Although there are no guards, it is the place where time once lived, and no one will come close. The curse of time is no joke!

As long as you don't get close to that side, you will definitely not get any time curse, don't worry! "

Time dominates may leave something behind, but don't even think about it, it must be related to the power of time.

Therefore, no one would want to enter the place where time dominates, and no one would have the idea of ​​cultivating the power of time.

"I will consider it carefully. In fact, I am very interested in the power of cultivation space."

Mu Qing nodded, and at the same time controlled his expression.

He realized at this moment that the power of time turned out to be so terrible. Originally, he used the time suspension as a hole card, intending to save it for later assessments.

But now it seems that it cannot be done.

Even, he must conceal the power of his time!

If you let the people in the royal court of life know, I'm afraid I would not dare to let myself join, right?

The master of space kept saying that the curse of time is not so terrible, but in fact, the people in the gate of time and space are not afraid to even approach the residence of the master of time?

Obviously, everyone is afraid of the curse of this time!

"So, does the Destiny Sutra need to be elevated to the realm of Dacheng?"

Mu Qing began to worry at this time. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1677 Gate of Time and Space!) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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