Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1668: The Supreme Desolation of the Tenth Heaven

The silver three-dimensional picture is completely presented in front of everyone.

Mu Qing got this little trick from evil nerves.

I have to say that evil nerves have a unique understanding of brainwashing. They can use the Imperius Curse to control others, and they can also use the mind to read the memories and thoughts of others.

If it wasn't for the evil nerves to be too evil, Mu Qing was still quite willing to practice.

After reading Mu Qing's memory screen, Mingxuan and Jianxin Supreme finally learned the whole story, including their contact with the King of Life.

"Unexpectedly, the body of the Ancient Blood Demon is so terrifying!"

There was a shock of shock on Mingxuan's face.

He used to see only a small part of the picture about the ancient blood demon tree in the long river.

Mingxuan believes that the ancient blood demon tree is a kind of natural treasure, and most of the universe has appeared before, and the ancient blood demon tree that **** up the entire universe is just one of the better luck.

But now it seems that this is not the case. There is only one ancient blood demon tree, and it can even be comparable to the king of life!

Mingxuan had seen many traces of the royal court of life in Hanoi for a long time. He knew that the royal court of life was a very large force, and even the ruler of the universe had joined it!

That is a great force at the level of the multiverse, and there is a supreme ruler over many rulers!

Mingxuan's pupils shrank slightly.

Since the Gorefiend ancient tree itself is also listed as a multiverse-level power, doesn't it mean that the Gorefiend ancient tree also exists at the highest level of dominance?

It is even very possible that the body of the ancient blood demon is a supreme master!

Because the ancient blood devil tree is not only the name of a power, but also a conscious life!

Even the universe can be swallowed and absorbed, at least it has the power to dominate.

"This is not good news!"

Mingxuan's face was gloomy.

There are a lot of news revealed in Mu Qing's memory screen, and many of the news was obtained from the blood demon clan by Mu Qing's use of the mind to capture the spirit.

The appearance of the sacred tree is not a good sign.

Because the ancient tree of the blood demon made the trial of the sacred tree, in addition to cultivating the blood demon people under his hand, the most important point is the invasion of the universe!

According to the original plan, after the trial of the sacred tree, a blood demon of the protoss race will be born.

In addition to the power of the ordinary supreme tenth heaven at the beginning, the blood demons of the **** race only have the strength of the ordinary supreme tenth heaven. After getting familiar with the power, they will grow rapidly to reach the supreme tenth heaven comparable to the master-level scriptures.

If it is a relatively weak universe, it can be swept across directly.

Even if a protoss blood demons cannot be solved, the sacred tree will become a bridge to communicate with the real blood demons, and more protoss blood demons will come!

The biggest goal of the sacred tree trial is to invade various universes, and then use the sacred tree as a bridge to absorb the entire universe, and then transfer the energy to the Gorefiend Ancient Tree's body!

Since the sacred tree has appeared in the chaotic universe, it means that the ancient blood devil tree is eyeing the chaotic universe.

Mu Qing also thought of this, and his face became solemn.

Mingxuan didn’t worry too much, smiled, and said, “Don’t worry too much. The sacred tree has invaded Tianqing Universe, but Tianqing Universe is not still good. Eventually, the universe’s lifespan has come to an end, and it will be born. The catastrophe of the universe."


Mu Qing recalled Tianqing Universe and thought about it carefully, as if it was indeed the case.

You know, Tianqing universe has also appeared in the sacred tree, but the development of Tianqing universe is much more powerful than their chaotic universe.

The Supreme Tianjiao is innumerable, and even when the sacred tree appears, there are a large number of Supreme Ten Heavenly Powerhouses swarming in.

The blood demon clan was slaughtered and cleansed, the heart was carved up, and the whole body of the **** tree was not left.

In the end, Tianqing Universe was still very good, and it did not encounter the attack of the ancient blood demon tree.

Perhaps the Gorefiend Old Tree didn't care!

It is very likely that this kind of sacred tree trial occurs every day, appearing in the vast and boundless multi-universe, and the weak universe is directly absorbed by the energy to supply the ancient tree of the blood demon.

Mu Qing guessed that the multiverse-level forces must also be the existence of checks and balances.

The Gorefiend Ancient Tree's main body shot, it will definitely be able to attack the next entire universe, and even easily absorb the energy.

But the King of Life and another multiverse force called Death Hell will certainly not sit idly by.

If the Gorefiend Old Tree keeps absorbing it, wouldn't it keep growing?

Mu Qing suspected that Qing Tong's mission was mainly to disrupt the sacred tree trial of the Ancient Blood Demon, so that it could not absorb other universes.

"When do you plan to join the Palace of Life?"

Mingxuan is more curious about Mu Qing's choice.

He knew that with Mu Qing's strength, he was definitely qualified to join the Palace of Life.

Mingxuan could even feel the powerful power contained in Mu Qing's body!

It was only after a trial of the sacred tree that Mu Qing had grown to such a level, even Mingxuan himself did not expect it.

Of course, Mingxuan is more happy, and the stronger Mu Qing's strength, it means that there is one more person who can fight the Emperor of Heaven.

From Mingxuan's point of view, Mu Qing now has no problem fighting against an ordinary supreme Tenth Heaven.

"After a while."

Mu Qing touched his chin and thought about it.

Joining the Palace of Life is really good for Mu Qing, but you don't have to be too anxious.

Mu Qing bid farewell to Mingxuan and Jianxin Supreme, and returned to the starry sky through the space channel.

The starry sky world was peaceful, and nothing special happened.

Most people are cultivating in the Chaos Temple, and the background of the starry sky is getting stronger and stronger. Since the universe has been promoted to the maturity stage, it has become a lot easier to break through the supreme.

At present, ten Supreme Law Enforcers have emerged in the Starry Sky Realm.

Mu Qing got directly into the Chaos Temple, he threw out the Scarlet Domination Hall, walked in by himself, and took out the prisoner's lamp at the same time.

Inside the prison lamp, there is still a small part of **** fog.

This is the body shell of the sacred tree, most of the energy is absorbed by the destruction, used to transform into the blood demon of the **** race, and the rest is given to Mu Qing!

Of course Mu Qing himself wouldn't be able to absorb it. He took out the starry sky book and threw all the **** fog in the prison lamp onto the starry sky book.

The Starry Sky Book trembled, and a brain absorbed all the energy, and then, on the cover of the Starry Sky Book, a little golden star flashed!

"Unexpectedly, so many golden light clusters are condensed!"

Mu Qing's eyes widened, and on the cover of the Starry Sky Book, one by one golden light spots flickered, a full sixty-eight!

The **** mist has all been absorbed!

In the Starry Sky Book, there are sixty-eight golden light clusters!

Even Mu Qing couldn't help but set off a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

This is definitely a great harvest!

At the same time, Mu Qing had a trace of regret.

Even part of the energy derived from the outer shell of the sacred tree can bring so many golden light clusters to Mu Qing.

If it really absorbs the entire heart of the sacred tree, wouldn't it be appropriate to exceed one hundred?

It is a pity that the heart of Shenshu has long been targeted by Qingtong, and it is naturally impossible for Mu Qing to succeed.

Although I don't know why, Qing Tong has never shot him, not even the slightest intention to kill.

This is what Mu Qing felt most puzzled.

He had already regarded Qingtong as his biggest rival.

"So, do you want to advance?"

Mu Qing touched his chin and fell into a deep thought.

Now he has sixty-eight golden light clusters on his hands. According to the truth, he can raise both the Destiny Sutra and the evil nerves to the realm of Dacheng!

At that time, Mu Qing will be a master-level scripture of the Dacheng realm.

However, the evil nerves were too weird, Mu Qing didn't want to go deep, and decisively eliminated it.

The only thing that made him hesitate was whether to directly raise the Destiny Sutra to the realm of Dacheng now!

After all, it will cost a full fifty golden light groups!

Mu Qing touched his chin, thought for a long time, and then shook his head.

"Forget it, let's wait a moment. Now I directly improve the Destiny Sutra. Although there is a certain improvement, it is not so significant.

Besides, you can usually rely on the abilities of the Star Book to elevate the Destiny Sutra to the realm of Dacheng, so you don't need to worry so much. "

Mu Qing intends to endure it again, and don't have to be so anxious to upgrade the Destiny Sutra.

The golden light group is hard-won. At present, Mu Qing has no other way to condense the golden light group.

The only thing that can make Xingkongshu eye-catching, except for the blood of the blood demon clan, is the energy transformed by the shell of the sacred tree.

At the moment, the sacred tree is gone, and Mu Qing wants to make the starry sky book condense the golden light group, the only way is to join the king of life, to find something that can make the starry sky book attractive!

"A hundred golden light clusters are still a lot worse."

Mu Qing sighed.

His biggest hope at the moment is to be able to advance the cosmic Eucharist.

Once he advances to the power of the Seven Realms Starry Sky, his strength will also be raised to the Supreme Nine Heavens, with a master-level scripture, even the Supreme Ten Heavens dare to challenge!

"Familiarize yourself with the dominating scripture first."

Mu Qing meditated for a period of time, to fully understand his own power, so as to achieve perfect control of every bit of power!

After all, he has recently improved a bit faster.

At the same time, Mu Qing had to rely on the ability of the Star Book to enter the perfect state of the Sun Sutra and Chaos Sutra many times.

Although it can only last more than ten seconds each time, the most important thing is to feel the power of Consummation!

At the same time, the most important point is to familiarize yourself with this terrifying and huge power!

At the critical moment, when Mu Qing didn't want to rely on the Star Book to forcibly ascend to the Consummation Realm, he couldn't completely master this power.

Get acquainted with it in advance, it's true.

In the Chaos Temple, three years have passed.

Only three days outside!

Mu Qing left the Chaos Temple, then took out the emerald green pentagonal crystal and contacted the people in the Palace of Life.

He felt it was time to get in touch with the royal court of life.

At the same time, a depressed voice came from the Penta Crystal, and he replied to Mu Qing. About five days later, the other party would find Mu Qing for an assessment.

Mu Qing felt that this voice was a bit familiar, but didn't care too much, and then walked into the space channel to the core of the black world.

The tenth-class artifact that Nirvana Supreme helped him refine has been completed. It only took more than two days, and the process went smoothly.

When they met again, the nirvana supreme successfully broke through to the supreme tenth heaven.

He laughed and brought Mu Qing a spear. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (1668 The Supreme Tenth Heaven of Annihilation), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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