Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1667: Prison lamp

A multi-dimensional space with diversified colors.

The brilliance of various colors is everywhere here, and Mu Qing glanced at it, and the power of the rules of the space flickered and rippled all around.

"This is... a different dimension space?"

Mu Qing looked at the figure beside him, and the expression on his face showed a touch of surprise.

This is not the first time he has met. Mu Qing had also seen a corner of a different dimension when the universe instinctive consciousness shot.

As far as he knows, the instinctive consciousness of the universe and the origin of the universe also exist in different dimensions.

Mu Qing was quite surprised at the bottom of his heart. He didn't expect that the space coordinates given to him by Mie Shang was connected to a different dimension space!

You know, even Mu Qing has no way to get inside with the world's snake ability.

"It can't be regarded as a real different-dimensional space, it's just a small space created by the marginal area and relying on the power of the cosmic consciousness."

Mie Shang explained it. He held a lamp in his hand, and there was no light on it.

Mu Qing's eyes fell on the lamp.

He clearly remembered that it was this lamp room that brought him from the non-existent realm to the dimension of harmony.

"The power of cosmic consciousness?" Mu Qing looked at Miaoshang with a little doubt.

Mie Shang handed the lamp in his hand to Mu Qing.

He explained: "This is a prison lamp that can trap anything, but of course the premise is that the target does not have any anti-pit ability.

The prison lamp is very magical, and when I got this lamp from the King of Life, it contained a weak cosmic instinct consciousness complex.

In order to create this small independent space at the edge of the different-dimensional space, plus pulling you in, the cosmic consciousness power inside is completely exhausted, and now there is only an empty shell left. "

Mie Shang glanced at Mu Qing and said with a chuckle: "I gave it to you, this thing is not too precious, but it is still relatively rare."

Immediately afterwards, his eyes were fiery, he looked at Mu Qing and asked: "What about things?"

"Are you sure if I take out that thing, I won't break this place?"

Mu Qing looked around.

This different-dimensional space is an independent small space created by Mishang relying on the incomplete cosmic consciousness power, and it is not connected to the real different-dimensional space.

"The prison lamp can directly imprison the sacred tree." Mie Shang reminded him.

The only condition for the prison lamp is that the target does not have any resistance, then whatever it is can be imprisoned.

The sacred tree has lost its heart, only a shell body is left, and naturally it will not have the power to resist.

Hearing this, Mu Qing nodded, and then fiddled with the prisoner's lamp in his hand.

He really wanted to try it out, what exactly this prison lamp looks like!

Mu Qing took the sacred tree out of the Scarlet Domination Hall.

Said it was taken out, in fact, it was Mu Qing who let Scarlet dominate the temple and directly "spit out" the entire sacred tree.

Before the huge sacred tree appeared in this small independent space, Mu Qing urged the prisoner's lamp in his hand.

The prison lamp is like a demon with open fangs, a fierce ghost wearing a torn black cloth, sucking the entire sacred tree in!

The sacred tree turned into a blood-red mist, which was sucked into the prison lamp in just a few seconds.

"Happy cooperation. I didn't expect that you could really take the entire sacred tree back. To be honest, I didn't have too much expectation."

Mie Shang's expression was agitated, and he walked forward and took the prisoner's lamp in Mu Qing's hand.

After a while, Mie Shang calmed down his emotions. He looked at Mu Qing and said, "Next, I will absorb part of the power. You must know that the entire sacred tree, even without the heart, still has a lot of pure energy.

I can use this to transform into a blood demon of the **** race, and there will probably be a lot of energy left, and the rest will be yours. "

Mu Qing nodded, but to be on the safe side, he was secretly ready to activate the ability of the Starry Sky Book, and the time was suspended at any time.

It is impossible to rule out the possibility of this guy turning back. After all, the other party said that he was undercover, and he might not be able to attack him in order to conceal his identity.

Of course, the secret enchantment mark in Mu Qing's mind has always maintained contact with the outside world.

It means that Mu Qing cannot be trapped here!

Mu Qing is quite confident.

The only thing he was afraid of was the prison in the painting displayed by destroying the wounds. Once trapped in, then the secret enchantment mark in his mind would not work.

However, he also has the confidence that he can pause the show time at the moment of killing injury!

However, all of this is based on the fact that Mie Shang wants to do it on him.

In fact, according to Mu Qing's observation, the sincerity of killing injury is quite sufficient!

At this moment, Mie Shang didn't care about Mu Qing's thoughts, but took the prison lamp, opened her mouth and took a sharp breath, and a cloud of blood-red mist broke out and was swallowed in his mouth.

In an instant, an astonishing energy fluctuation burst into Mie Shang's body, and his body expanded several times, and blood was overflowing from the pores under his body!

The sacred tree is not a real tree, but the product of the strength of the ancient blood demon tree, so in the prison lamp, it changed back to its original appearance.

Now, Mie Shang took most of the energy, swallowed it in one breath, and let out a heart-piercing roar.

"You can leave now, the next thing is about my promotion!"

Mieshang endured the severe pain, and said solemnly.

He also did not completely trust Mu Qing. Before, Mu Qing showed all kinds of unusual methods, and even Qingtong was unwilling to kill Mu Qing!

Therefore, Mie Shang believes that Mu Qing is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

The most important point is that Mie Shang saw that Qing Tong didn't care about killing Mu Qing, indicating that Mu Qing possessed the power that Qing Tong was afraid of.

Mie Shang is not sure whether Mu Qing will suddenly make a move, so it is better to let Mu Qing leave when he transforms into a blood demon of the **** race.

Mu Qing was also afraid of injury. Neither party had complete trust, but the benefits had been taken, and the cooperation had been completed. Mu Qing was anxious to leave immediately.

He took away the prisoner's lamp with a lot of **** mist left, and stuffed it into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

Afterwards, before Mie Shang sent him away, he actively activated the imprint of the secret enchantment, and the whole person turned into a beam of light, tearing a small hole in the different dimension space, and disappeared.

Mie Shang was once again taken aback by Mu Qing's fascinating means, and his evaluation was much higher.

"Perhaps, when this Mu Qing passes the assessment, I can get the highest award!"

Mie said secretly in the sad heart.

After that, he devoted himself to the promotion of Transforming God Race Gorefiend.


Secret enchantment.

Mu Qing's figure suddenly appeared.

"The action went smoothly?" Supreme Nirvana has been waiting here for a long time, and quickly asked Mu Qing.

Mu Qing nodded, "It's going well, and the other party doesn't have any malice."

"What's the situation on the leader's side?"

Mu Qing asked about things outside again. He remembered that when he appeared disguised as a blood demon clan, the evil gods, the demon flame supreme, and the emperor had all started.

It's just that the Emperor of Heaven was stopped by Ming Xuan, and the evil **** was trapped by the Supreme Nirvana, and only the Supreme Demon Yan chased him up.

It is a pity that Yaoyan Supreme's strength may have been greatly improved because of the evil nerves, but it is located in the non-existent field, and there is still no way to catch up with Mu Qing.

If it was the Emperor of Heaven, then maybe Mu Qing would suffer.

"The Emperor and the leader didn't do anything. They were jealous of each other, and I used the confusion array to trap the evil **** for a while, but after all, the other party is a supreme tenth heaven, and trapping him consumes a lot of money.

Later Jianxin Supreme arrived, except for the evil gods and Yaoyan Supreme who had not given up on entering the non-existent realm to search for your whereabouts, everyone else had already left. "

When the Supreme Nirvana spoke, he also carried a wave of schadenfreude.

This time, other forces have suffered heavy losses, and those who have fallen are all the powerhouses of the Supreme Eight Heaven and Nine Heavens!

Although the black world also lost the powerhouse Ying Xuantian, but in comparison, their losses were very small.

All this is still relying on this tenth-class artifact created by the Supreme Nirvana, a secret enchantment!

"Even I didn't expect that the effect of the secret barrier would be so great. After I break through to the Supreme Tenth Heaven, if I have the ability, I might consider strengthening it again!"

Extreme Nirvana said with excitement.

It is precisely because of the hidden enchantment that not all the strong men in their black world have fallen.

He decided, after studying the dominating sacred artifact, he can try to strengthen the secret enchantment and transform it into the dominating sacred artifact!

"By the way, the tenth-class artifacts you mentioned earlier will help you refine them when we return to the black world."

When Nimbling Supreme remembered, he still had a deal with Mu Qing.

Mu Qing used the master-level scriptures in exchange for a tenth-class artifact!

This is obviously quite profitable for the Supreme Annihilation.

"Let's go back to the black world first!"

Mu Qing nodded.

Afterwards, the nirvana supreme raised his hand with a wave, and the gray space was closed and turned into an irregular sphere the size of a palm, falling on the palm of his hand.

This is the core of the secret enchantment!

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing urged the world's snake abilities, a huge starry sky snake entwined Mu Qing and Nirvana Supreme, and the two disappeared into place in an instant.

The dark world, the heartland!

In the depths of the core land, Mingxuan and Jianxin Supreme were already waiting for Mu Qing's return.

Nimie Supreme retires first, he is going to help Mu Qing build a tenth-class artifact, and when he creates this tenth-class artifact, it means that he will break through to the supreme tenth heaven!

Moreover, the nirvana supreme didn't know much about the things in the sacred tree space, and only Mu Qing was left behind to participate in it.

Mingxuan smiled and looked at Mu Qing, and asked, "I want to know about the sacred tree space. Are they possible enemies?"

He had seen the ancient blood devil tree in Hanoi for a long time, but now, he found that things were not as simple as he thought.

He had to consider it carefully, and at the same time, determine if the Gorefiend Old Tree was an enemy.

Jianxin Supreme also looked at Mu Qing curiously.

"May be the enemy!"

Mu Qing groaned, then raised his hand to his temple and tapped with his finger.

A wisp of silver mist haunted his fingers and came out misty.

He waved his hand, and the silver mist instantly turned into a three-dimensional picture, presented in front of Mingxuan and Jianxin Supreme.

This is Mu Qing's memory. Of course, Mu Qing has removed all the pictures related to the Starry Sky Book. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1667 Prisoner's Light), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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