Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1616: Fierce battle

"Very good! I think we can have a fierce battle!"

Opposite, the double-horned blood demon sneered, his injuries were recovering at an astonishing speed, and it was obvious that the blood demon clan had a pretty good recovery ability.

"How long has it been since you met an opponent of your level? In the few cosmic trials I have experienced before, the invaders were all crooked melons, and they died at any touch. They simply can't inspire a battle of our clan. desire!"

"Perhaps the great supreme tree discovered this, and now the fourth universe trial has finally chosen a very good universe!"

The two-horned devil blood licked his lips, and the terrible power on his body was intertwined, revealing an expression of excitement.

He is eager to fight!

Mu Qing frowned tightly from the mouth of the double-horned blood demon in front of him, he learned some special news.

The great supreme tree, the fourth cosmic trial, the desire to fight...

"Does the great supreme tree refer to the ancient blood demon tree? But this ancient blood demon tree has only grown up recently. Even if the ancient blood demon tree can create bleeding demon and blood worms, it does not meet the current situation. The situation of the Double Horned Gorefiend!"

Mu Qing began to speculate in his heart. In his imagination, even if this ancient tree of blood demons really created a whole group of blood demons, even if these blood demons have sages, but Mu Qing can't believe that these blood demons have sages. Able to reach this point!

Not to mention, this pair of horned blood demons said a crucial thing...

The fourth cosmic trial!

Mu Qing took a deep breath, he had some terrible conjectures in his mind.

Undoubtedly, when the fourth cosmic trial was spit out from the double-horned Gorefiend, Mu Qing immediately realized that this guy in front of him and the other Gorefiends, and even the Gorefiends behind him, were not actually blood. Created by Mogu, but from other universes!

It seems that this group of blood demons has experienced three cosmic trials, and this time, it is the fourth time!

"Which universe are you from?!"

Mu Qing shouted in a low voice, wanting to learn some news from the mouth of the blood demon in front of him.

Unfortunately, the two-horned gorefiend seemed to be more eager to fight.

Seeing the other party grinning grinningly, a few flashes appeared next to Mu Qing, and a large knife appeared in his hand with a dazzling blue fire gleaming on it.

"Beat me! I'll tell you!"

The two-horned gorefiend laughed, his blood was boiling at the moment, and he was eager to fight even more!

Mu Qing frowned, raised his hand, the long river of time raged away, and at the same time raised his palm, a terrible chaotic light penetrated.

"Dominant-level scriptures, but only your lower races can use it!"

The Double-horned Gorefiend was very disdainful, and the continuous violent power burst out, slashing towards the long river of time.


The forces of horror were intertwined, and the incomparably majestic wave of air was vented in an instant. The two-horned gorefiend held a big knife, and cut the long river in half with a single knife!

Mu Qing's complexion has not changed. The Dominant Scripture Xiaocheng Realm has indeed improved his strength a lot, but the strength of the pair of horned blood demons on the opposite side is not weak!

There is a powerful force in the opponent, although there is no master-level scripture, it is not bad at all!

At the same time, a chaotic light pierced through at an astonishing speed, but the double-horned blood demon was fast, and suddenly avoided, a blood-red sword light cut off from Mu Qing's head!

The snake of the starry sky swallowed Mu Qing, and at the same time, Mu Qing appeared beside the double-horned gorefiend. At this moment, Mu Qing's body was wrapped in golden flames, and the fourth-order destiny form had been activated.

He did not hesitate to display the magical powers in the Sun Sutra, and blasted out with a punch, like a shining sun, fiercely bombarding the back of the double-horned blood demon.

At the same time, the chaotic light bursts out at this moment, and in conjunction with the sun sutra, it exerts an even more amazing power!

The power of Chaos Jing is particularly prominent in attack and defense.

In terms of overbearing and fierceness, it is estimated that only the savage script created by the ruler of the sky can be compared, and the two are very similar!


The sound of broken bones!

The two-horned Gorefiend was stunned for a moment. The blood-red sword light that was cut out fell into the endless void, stirring up a terrible void storm, but the expected Mu Qing did not receive any harm, but appeared strangely on his own. Behind, punched myself!

This fist hit the double-horned Gorefiend's back severely, and his whole person turned into a streamer, and he was smashed to an extremely far distance, constantly spitting blood out of his mouth.

"Interesting, I can't detect the breath at all, and there are even weird ways to move!"

Strongly hit by Mu Qing's punch, and even was attacked by two dominator-level scriptures at the same time, but the double-horned blood demon seemed to be fine.

He grinned, ignoring the injury on his body, holding the big knife in his hand, the aura on his body was even more terrifying!

"It's time to get real. If I was known by the group of guys in the clan, I would be injured by a lowly race who practiced dominance level scriptures, but I would lose face!"

The double-horned gorefiend twisted his neck. Just after speaking, Mu Qing had been swallowed by the snake of the starry sky, and appeared next to him in an instant, and a golden crow that swallowed chaotic light emerged between his hands.

But this time, Mu Qing did not succeed, the other party suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the golden crow.


The dazzling golden light and the power of chaos exploded!

There was a huge explosion in the endless void.

Mu Qing has retreated, his face a little dignified.

He was able to rely on the breathless characteristics of the form of destiny, with the movement of the zombie in the starry sky, to attack the double-horned blood demon, the first time was a successful assault.

But the second time, he failed!

The double-horned blood demon was halfway through, but it seemed as if he knew in advance that Mu Qing would appear next to him, and just raised his hand and grabbed it, it squeezed the magical power of the sun that injected the power of chaos light!

"But that's not a force that ordinary people can withstand!" Mu Qing whispered. After the golden crow exploded, the power of the chaotic light burst out. When the two-horned blood demons were close, they would definitely suffer. Create!

However, what the Double Horned Blood Demon had just said made Mu Qing frowned.

Because the other party calls them those who practice dominating scriptures are a lowly race!

Is it ignorant and arrogant, or is it really disdainful of the dominion-level scriptures?

You know, the dominance level scriptures are related to the dominance realm, but in the eyes of this two-horned blood demon, it doesn't seem to be a good thing!

The violent light gradually dissipated, and Mu Qing stared at the space in front of him, only to see a figure standing in place.

Mu Qing's pupils shrank slightly!

The double-horned Gorefiend was stained with blood, and his hair was burned by the sun's fire, and the chaotic light also left small pits on the opponent's body.

Obviously, the Double Horned Gorefiend has suffered a certain degree of damage again!

However, the two-horned Gorefiend didn't seem to care at all, he was carrying a big sword, always with that excited fighting spirit.

"It's almost time to warm up."

The Double Horned Gorefiend took a step forward, but in an instant, appeared next to Mu Qing, the sword had already been severely cut, only a few centimeters away from Mu Qing's eyes!

Mu Qing's pupils shrank violently, and the opponent's speed was several times faster than before!


Faintly, there was the roar of a snake, and Mu Qing was swallowed and disappeared in place.

In the next moment, the terrifying sword light spans hundreds of thousands of meters, sweeping the endless void!

Mu Qing appeared in the extreme distance, his forehead was cut open, and the defensive ability of the Cosmic Eucharist was easily broken.

"A special kind of supernatural power? That guy's speed is much faster than before!" Mu Qing half-squinted, he observed that the double-horned blood demon seemed to use a certain pace, making his speed surprisingly fast!

Facing the double-horned Gorefiend, Mu Qing promised to go all out, even if it was the ability of the Star Sky Gate, he was urged to the extreme by Mu Qing!

Normally, the Star Gate possesses the ability of the World Snake, but it is still presented as a portal. After successfully entering a non-existent field, Mu Qing has used the ability of the World Snake more deeply.

Mu Qing realized that the abilities that the world snake left him were very rare and precious, and the ability after being fully urged would appear as a snake in the starry sky!

"Damn it, if you can give me enough time!" Mu Qing gritted his teeth. Before he could move, the double-horned gorefiend was already holding a big knife and slashing towards him.

"Let you, such a lowly race, try the companion weapon of the blood demon clan like me!"

"Yeyou Chihuo!"

As the words of the double-horned blood demon fell, a blue nether flame burned on the broad sword, almost turned into countless blade lights, and rushed towards Mu Qing.

It's too fast!

Mu Qing wrapped around a snake in the starry sky, trying to swallow him, and at the same time Mu Qing urged the destiny sutra and evil nerves!

I have to say that the speed of the double-horned blood demon is a bit faster than Mu Qing's ability to spur the snake of the starry sky, so Mu Qing must act to temporarily resist the attack of the double-horned blood demon.

Even the evil nerves were displayed by Mu Qing, and Mu Qing would not display the evil nerves in normal battles.

Because the evil nerve is a very evil and weird dominance-level scripture, even if you just go to practice in normal times, you will be terribly bewitched, causing you to be gradually assimilated by the evil god.

Even if there is a starry sky book to protect himself, Mu Qing rarely uses it, but in the current situation, he can only use all the means that can be used!

Mu Qing's eyes were firm. The two-horned Gorefiends in front of him were the strongest opponents he had encountered so far. The opponents were at the peak level of the Supreme Eighth Heaven, but the speed was so fast that they might be able to compete with the Supreme Nine Heavens.

Time Changhe was the first to bear the brunt, but in the light of the knife with countless blue flames, it was twisted to pieces.

After all, Mu Qing only cultivated the Destiny Sutra to the Xiaocheng realm, and the long river of time this summoned out was just a phantom vision!

Afterwards, a phantom of the evil **** appeared, it was the evil spirit condensed from the evil nerves of Mu Qing's cultivation.

The front is terrible, with an aura of destruction lingering, and there seems to be a look on the back, but I can't see it clearly!

When this demon **** appeared, Mu Qing felt a slight change, and subconsciously spurred his own destruction avenue. The surging destruction power was induced, condensed into a 10,000-meter-diameter destruction light ball, and blasted towards the double-horned blood demon.

In an instant, blue and black and red light filled the endless void, and dazzling rays of light swept away like a wave.

Mu Qing had been swallowed by the snake of the starry sky and disappeared in place, while the double-horned blood demon, accompanied by a scream, flew out! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1616 Fierce Battle), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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