Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1615: Triangular blood demon, die Heng!

"Intruder from outside!"

This Gorefiend seemed to have the wisdom, staring at Mu Qing steadfastly.

It suddenly roared, accompanied by a roar, teleported to Mu Qing at an astonishing speed, and hit Mu Qing's chest with a fierce punch!

Mu Qing's face changed suddenly, the opponent's speed was too fast, and even he could not react for the first time. He was struck abruptly, and the whole person was forced to plunge into the void and fall into the endless void.

At the same time, a head of blood demons appeared in front of everyone, all of them disguised as ordinary blood worms, suddenly appeared, giving everyone a desperate blow!

The serpent was attacked and hit hard in an instant. Xian Muran and Ponton joined forces to withstand a blood demon.

There are also two blood demons, staring at Gai Linxuan and Mutuo respectively.

"How can it be?!"

Ji Mie Zhi Zun's eyes widened, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Before coming, Mingxuan handed him some memory images, which were the images of the ancient blood devil tree that Mingxuan was in the long river of time, watching the multiverse.

For the blood demons that appeared in the ancient tree of blood demons, the Supreme Nirvana also learned a lot from it!


The current situation is totally different!

According to the memory screen given by Mingxuan, the ancient blood demon tree in Tianqing Universe can only appear when it is close to the heart of the ancient tree.

Moreover, although the strength of the blood demon is strong, but the number is small, there are already a lot of two or three heads.

And right now, five blood demons appeared in front of them!

Even the five blood demons transformed into ordinary blood worms' hiding methods have never appeared in the picture of memory!

"Is there something wrong with it?"

Nimie Supreme's face was solemn, and a black gold hammer appeared in his hand.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to encounter the blood demons at this time!

But now that they are encountered, they can only be solved quickly. The Supreme Nirvana also knows that the strength of the blood demons is very powerful, and only the strong of the Supreme Ten Heaven can easily kill them.

The nirvana did not go to help Xian Mu Ran and others, nor did he have free time to worry about Mu Qing's situation.

His eyes were not far away, on a blood demon.

This blood demon is three meters tall. Compared with other blood demon, it does not have red vellus hair on its body. Instead, it wears a gilt armor and holds a spear. Its eyes are strange. The whites of the eyes are pure black, and the pupils are red and exudes. Unknown breath.

The Supreme Nirvana took a deep breath, the black gold hammer in his hand gradually grew larger, and at the same time nine-class artifacts appeared all over his body, ready to fight at any time.

He could see that among the five blood demons in total, the blood demons in front of him were special and the most powerful.

In addition to the double horns on the top of his head, a golden horn protrudes from the middle of his forehead!

"Interesting, I didn't expect that in this universe, there are people who can refine these powerful artifacts."

The Triangular Gorefiend looked at the Supreme Annihilation with interest, with a slight smile at the corners of his mouth.

But these words shocked the heart of the supreme nirvana!

"What do you mean?! You are not from this universe?!"

The nirvana supreme was shocked, and for a while, he forgot to attack.

"Impossible! Your blood demon was created by the old tree of blood demon. It is very rare to have such a kind of wisdom. How could it come from other universes..." The pupils of the supreme nirvana shrank, and he couldn't believe the triangle blood demon in front of him. the words said.

"Hahahaha!" The Triangular Gorefiend laughed, and then coldly snorted, "Our Gorefiend clan was naturally created by the great supreme tree, but it is not an ancient tree seedling in this universe."

"Forget it, it's useless to say more, just let me see, you, the powerhouse of the universe, what level of strength has reached."

The Triangular Gorefiend brandished his spear, and then buzzed, the violent air wave vented from his body, and the figure disappeared in the next moment.

"not good!"

Suddenly, the expression of the nirvana supreme changed abruptly, flashed quickly, and at the same time the two sword formations moved away in the air.

I saw a spear piercing through it, like a huge pillar that pierced the sky and the earth, and the blood-colored light tore the space around it!


One divine sword shattered, and the two sword formations faced the enemy triangle gorefiend, both of them suffered certain damage and their power was greatly reduced.

"Interestingly, I have experienced three full trials in the universe, but this is the first time I have seen such a powerful artifact, and it is only slightly inferior to my clan's companion artifact!"

After a shot, the Triangular Blood Demon spied his hand and grabbed the spear back, with a surprised look on his face.

It was the first time he saw such artifacts!

Regardless of the two sword formations, they almost damaged a lot at once, but you must know that in the universe trial he had experienced before, those artifacts were as fragile as paper and shattered at the touch of a touch!

Afterwards, the Triangular Blood Demon looked at the black gold hammer in the hands of the Supreme Nirvana, and felt a faint heart palpitations in his heart.

That thing is enough to be comparable to the companion weapon of their clan!

"Some means. Among the opponents I met in the trial, it was the first time I saw the ability to refine the artifact to this level."

"You are qualified to know my name."

The Triangular Gorefiend raised the spear in his hand, pointed it at the Supreme Nirvana, grinned, "Remember the name of the person who killed you, Mie Heng!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Triangular Blood Demon had appeared behind the Supreme Nirvana in an instant. The spear was like a dragon, crushing the surrounding space, and a spear penetrated the Supreme Nirvana.

The eyelids beating frantically, the opponent's speed is too fast!

He didn't even react in the first time, but there were many nine-class artifacts on his body, all of which were usually refined, and they were protected in the first place.

A brass mirror suddenly appeared, resisting the tip of the spear, and at the same time the terrifying power was offset, and the aftermath turned into an astonishing wave of air, causing the surrounding space to collapse every inch!


The brass mirror also turned into fragments after offsetting the attack, and fell into the void.

This is a ninth-class artifact, defensive type!

This is so, the Supreme Nirvana was still blasted into the endless void by that terrible force.

In the endless void, the nirvana supreme glanced at Mu Qing's direction and saw that Mu Qing was in a fierce battle, but it seemed that there was nothing serious, so he was relieved.

At the same time, Xian Muran and Ponton fought with a double-horned blood demon, and Gai Linxuan and Mu Tuo each fought a double-horned blood demon!

All in the endless void!

As the Supreme Nirvana said before, the void and the endless void, including the non-existent areas behind, seem to be battlefields!

When the outside space cannot withstand the power of the strong, it will break open, and everyone can only enter the void or the endless void to fight.

However, Supreme Nirvana discovered that it seemed that the Triangular Blood Demon named Mie Heng took the initiative to pull the battlefield into the endless void.


The Supreme Nirvana glanced at the broken brass mirror.

It was a nine-level defensive artifact, but it could only withstand a shot from Mie Heng!

You know, that is not a one-time artifact, but unfortunately under the terrifying power of Mie Heng, it was eventually forced to become a one-off.

At the same time, the gilt armor on Mie Heng's body shone with dazzling brilliance, like a golden war god, stepping from a distance, and the terrifying void storm in the endless void obediently bypassed in front of him.

"Although it is not the great supreme tree that gave birth to my waiting clan, it is one of the seedlings after all. It is a trial place for my waiting clan, and it should not suffer too much damage."

Mie Heng muttered to himself, and walked slowly towards the supreme nirvana.

He always smiled, as if the winner was in hand, with a condescending posture, admiring: "You are very good, but unfortunately your own strength is not good, and even the reaction ability can't keep up with my speed."

"My clan has seen all kinds of universes, but without exception, the strong ones who eventually come to the back rely on their own strength, and like you, although they have refined quite amazing artifacts, they can be called the number one in the multiverse. A refiner..."

"But so what? My own strength is not good, everything is vain!"

Mie Heng was affirmed of the skill level of Nimie Supreme, but then he was full of disdain.

He shook his head and sneered: "No matter how good your refining level is, how many defensive artifacts can you have just now? How many attacks can the black gold hammer in your hand spur?"

From Mie Heng's point of view, the life-saving means of the Nimie Supreme is the brass mirror. If there is no defensive artifact, he is confident to kill the Nimie Supreme!

As for the black gold hammer, it made Mie Heng's eyes hot. He could feel the threatening aura that the hammer brought to him, but he also knew that Nirvana must not be able to display the full power of the black gold hammer!

Hearing the words, the supreme nirvana smiled, he touched his nose, and said: "Sorry, quite a lot..."

As soon as the voice fell, a piece of brass mirror appeared beside the Supreme Nirvana, which finally formed a tortoise shell-like protective cover, covering his surroundings.

Nirvana Supreme picked up the black gold hammer and said with a smile: "This kind of defensive artifact can be refined at hand, usually if you have anything to do, you can refine some, but it is much more than you think!"


At the same time, Mu Qing is here.

The Cosmic Eucharist has already suffered a certain amount of damage. At the same time, he urged several master-level scriptures, his whole body burned like the sun, chaotic light in his palms, a long river flowing above his head, and a looming evil **** phantom appeared behind him!

The four master level scriptures cultivated by Mu Qing were unreservedly displayed when fighting the double-horned gorefiend!

Because he knew that the opponent's strength was much stronger than the Supreme Eighth Heaven Peak he encountered!

The use of the four dominating scriptures at the same time will consume a lot of money, but Mu Qing's body contains the power of the vast starry sky of the four worlds, which is still able to hold it.

"Unbelievable. I didn't expect that in a mere mature universe, not only could you see the dominion-level scriptures, but there were even fellow practitioners of the Four Sects!"

Opposite, the double-horned Gorefiend spoke. This guy was more like a tauren, covered in vellus hair, with pitch-black horns on top of his head, but with complete intelligence, he spoke.

The double-horned gorefiend wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his violent eyes looked at Mu Qing.

At first, he injured Mu Qing with his terrifying speed and strength, but then Mu Qing displayed the four dominator-level scriptures at the same time, which also made him suffer a lot! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1615 Blood Triangle, Die Heng!) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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