Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1505: Cheating astral body

"How is this going?!"

Everyone was shocked. Most of the people present were in the supreme realm, while the others were half supreme and supreme emperor.

All of a sudden disappeared so much strength, the Underworld Demon suddenly panicked.

"Their strength has also been reduced to the extreme state. Don't panic, we have the upper hand."

Beside, a demon world supreme shouted.

Of course, this person is also in the extreme realm now.

"Kill them!"

Dark Emperor Yao's face was gloomy, and he shouted.

With an order, at least hundreds of extremely powerful people surrounded Mu Qing and others.

In this sun dominance hall, everyone has only the realm of the extreme great emperor!

There are only five people here in Mu Qing!

On the side of the Underworld Demon, there are hundreds of people in the Demon Realm alone!

"Shall we do it together?"

Beside the ink shadow, Demon Supreme asked.

There are a few old antiques from the Demon Ancestral Hall.

They naturally want to obtain the dominance inheritance, after all, in the sun dominate the temple, no matter who it is, there is a chance to obtain the dominance inheritance.

They even heard that there is no limit to the number of people who dominate the inheritance!

Even if the supreme powerhouse of the Supreme Tenth Heaven is given the dominance and inheritance, others can still fight for it!

Now, the number of people entering the Sun Domination Hall is still relatively small, because most of the powerhouses in the Three Realms are stationed next to the phantom of the sun.

They do not want other people to enter, only allow their own people to enter first.

"You don't have to follow along. Let's explore the Sun Domination Hall first. Anyway, there are many people in the Demon Realm. If nothing happens, it should be easy to deal with Mu Qing and others."

Ink Shadow said lightly, not wanting to help the Underworld Demon.

Because her main task is to explore the secret of thunder punishment, and her secondary task is to kill Mu Qing.

Nowadays, there is no need to look for Thunder Punishment. She has already learned that the secret of Thunder Punishment is the Domination Hall, and now the Sun Dominates the Hall directly appears.

The secondary task is to kill Mu Qing.

As for who killed Mu Qing, it has nothing to do with her. As long as she watched Mu Qing die in front of her, it was considered to have completed the task assigned by the Demon Ancestor.

What's more, there are hundreds of people in the Demon Realm, but Mu Qing and others have five.

In the realm of the same extreme emperor, besieging Mu Qing and others is almost a mortal situation!

Even in this temple of the sun dominates, they don't even know how to get out.


The Underworld Demon shouted angrily and strode out.

Without the Supreme Dao, without the Supreme's cultivation base, his strength still has to surpass the ordinary extremely powerful.

"Sky Demon Palm!"

The vigorous evil spirit condenses into a big hand and envelopes it.

At the same time, hundreds of powerful monsters in the surrounding area also displayed their magical powers, and jointly urged ten thousand monsters!

Countless monsters roared and surrounded Mu Qing and others.

"Damn, these guys are so shameless!" Oga cursed.

Lei Yuan scratched his head for a while, and then shouted in a low voice: "Hit and fight, who is afraid of whom!"

They were about to make a move, but found that Mu Qing was still indifferent.

"Hey! Mu Qing!"

"What are you doing in a daze!"

Oga saw that Mu Qing hadn't moved yet, and was a little anxious, and immediately shouted.

Their strength has also been weakened. At this time, only by cooperating and working together can they survive.

"Don't panic."

Mu Qing said lightly, in fact, there was also a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Because he discovered that his star **** body power was still not suppressed very seriously in the sun dominating hall!

Mu Qing originally thought that the Star God Body was only resistant to Scarlet Domination Hall, but he did not expect that it would still be effective in this Sun Domination Hall.

The Star God Body is suppressed to a certain extent, but not much suppressed, at least completely surpassing the extremely strong.

Mu Qing guessed that the power still retained by the Star God Body was around the Supreme First Heaven.

He didn't expect that the Star God Body was like a cheating existence, in the Domination Hall, even if it was suppressed, it could still retain its powerful power.

Perhaps it was because the Star God's body merged with his physical body so that it could retain a certain degree of power smoothly.

Even Mu Qing has a killer.

That is the Star Gate!

The Supreme Avenue of other people was erased, perhaps because of the influence of the power of dominance, and temporarily blocked.

But Mu Qing is different!

Because he had previously squeezed his supreme avenue directly into the starry sky gate in order to cultivate the body of the master.

Mu Qing is still able to perceive the power of his supreme avenue, and he can summon the dazzling star that has turned into a master to fight at any time.

In other words, Mu Qing's current strength is very likely to be the strongest now!

Mu Qing didn't make a move because he learned from Lei Punishment that the sun dominates the hall and it is not allowed to fight.

"Boy! Are you scared?"

The eyes of the Underworld Demon flashed with a cold killing intent, and he showed the palm of the sky demon and patted it down towards Mu Qing.

Compared with Oga, Lei Yuan and others, his goal is very clear, that is to kill Mu Qing!

Mu Qing carefully stared at the big hand of the demon energy, he was observing whether ordinary attacks would be wiped out by the power of Domination Hall.

With the power of his star **** body, it was easy to resist the next blow.

If this attack is directly wiped out, it means that even attacking other people in the dominion hall cannot be done.

And if the attack works, but you can't kill others, you can still find a way to kill the opponent with some careful thinking.


The big hand of the evil spirit fell on Mu Qing's body, and the terrifying evil spirit exploded in an instant!

"Mu Qing!"

Oga and the others yelled, they didn't understand why Mu Qing suddenly stood still.


The Underworld Demon also looked towards the place where Mu Qing had originally stood, thinking that under this blow, Mu Qing had no defenses, and might be able to kill directly.


But soon, a force out of thin air, like a heavy hammer, hit the underworld demon's chest.


The Underworld Demon flew upside down, fell on the ground, coughing up blood.

A look of horror appeared in his eyes, and then he scolded: "Who is it!"

However, the Underworld Demon didn't see anyone. On the contrary, those demon world powerhouses who attacked Oga and Thunder Ape, also coughed up blood and flew away.

The people in the Demon Realm and the Sacred Realm all looked here, and they were also quite surprised, not knowing what had happened.

"Sure enough, it's weird!"

The ink shadow condensed.

"Tsk, it still seems a bit painful."

At the same time, Mu Qing walked out of the demonic atmosphere, he twisted his neck, and there was no injury on his body.

He glanced at the Underworld Demon lying on the ground not far away, and he already had an answer in his heart.

In this sun-dominant hall, if you act on other people, you will be injured out of thin air by the power of the master hall!

"Then see if I can withstand the attack of the Domination Hall."

Murder flashed in Mu Qing's eyes, and then a flash, appeared in front of the Underworld Demon, and hit the Underworld Demon's chest with a punch! Starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1505 Cheating Astral God Body), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support ! (

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