Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1504: Suppress strength, extreme state!

"It seems that the strong in the holy world are still ahead, or have entered the sun dominance hall."

Mu Qing whispered.

On his way down, he encountered a lot of people from the holy world, but they were basically around the extreme emperor.

For the guys in the holy world, Mu Qing would not be merciful, so he would directly kill him when he encountered them.

Of course, this way down, I encountered the most powerful, that is, the great emperor's holy realm powerhouse.

That is to say, in the face of the holy world, Mu Qing will start to deal with this group of guys, otherwise he will not even bother to pay attention to the extremely great emperor.

"It's the end?"

After continuing for a certain distance, Mu Qing suddenly discovered that this blazing road had come to an end.

With the power of the star **** body and the fourth-order destiny form, Mu Qing was able to easily resist the golden flames that emerged from the blazing white road.

"Weird, this golden flame does not seem to be aimed at the cultivation base."

Mu Qing glanced at the front, there was a figure there, obviously only in the realm of the lower emperor, but he walked here.

"who are you?"

When the lower emperor saw Mu Qing, his face suddenly changed.

"Mu Qing?!"

Obviously, Mu Qing is still quite famous now, this person recognizes Mu Qing after looking at him.

However, before Mu Qing could take action, the lower emperor's breath was disordered and was directly enveloped by golden flames.


Accompanied by a scream, this person was completely burnt and turned into a pile of ashes.

Mu Qing touched his chin, lost in thought.

"Lei Chai said, the sun dominates people with integrity, and even in the dominating hall, they are not allowed to kill each other. Why is there life-threatening on the road to the sun dominating hall?"

Mu Qing was surprised, just to enter the Sun Domination Hall, I am afraid that a group of people will die.

This is inconsistent with the sun dominates the human setting mentioned by Lei Chuan.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, first enter the Sun Domination Hall and talk about it."

Mu Qing shook his head, cast aside the distracting thoughts, and walked in a golden whirlpool in front of him.

After a dazzling golden light passed, Mu Qing saw a familiar place, and he knew immediately that he had entered the Sun Domination Hall.

Of course, it wasn't that Mu Qing had been to the Sun Domination Hall, but the structure inside the Sun Domination Hall was very similar to the Scarlet Domination Hall.

Perhaps, these dominating halls are all the same!

"There are so many people..."

Mu Qing restrained his aura and looked around and found that there were already thousands of people present here. Of course, this number of people was nothing to say to the Sun Domination Hall. The entire interior space of the Sun Domination Hall was very huge.

"The Demon Realm, the Devil Realm, the Holy Realm, sure enough, the people of the Three Realms come the most!"

Mu Qing glanced at him and found that most of the people were powerhouses of the Three Realms, with obvious characteristics. The whole body of the Demon Realm was full of evil spirits, and the Demon Realm was enveloped by evil spirits.

After all, all realms in the universe are now under the control of the Three Realms. At the moment when the phantom of the sun, the passage through which the sun dominates the temple, appeared, strong men were sent to guard it!

Most people can't get in at all.

"Brother Mu."

At this time, a figure approached Mu Qing.

Mu Qing turned his head to see, a trace of surprise appeared on his face, but he didn't expect it to be Thunder Ape.

"Haha, I didn't expect that some of us wanted criminals would gather in this dominion hall."

A rough voice came from the other side, and Oga, Sword Demon, and Sword Demon came over.

They were also very surprised, and didn't expect to meet here.

Afterwards, several people looked at each other and smiled at the same time, because they were able to enter, they all used some means to forcibly break the blockade of the three realms against the shadow of the sun.

After all, the phantom of the sun appeared too suddenly, and the Three Realms could not send enough powerful supreme experts to guard it for a while. It was just a few semi supreme and supreme great emperors. For Oga, Lei Yuan, etc., There is no difference between ants.

"The leader of the black world said before that there are masters in the universe from all walks of life, but I didn't expect it to appear so soon."

Oga stroked his chin, he was looking around.

After all, if it is possible to obtain the inheritance of dominance, then it will be cultivated by the leaders of the black world.

"Wait! Those guys!"

"It's the people wanted by our Three Realms, those guys under the Black Realm!"

Suddenly, someone found Mu Qing and a few people, and a famous expert hurriedly surrounded them.

"You dare to come in, okay! Very good!"

An old voice came, it was the gray-haired Underworld Demon. He looked at Mu Qing and said in a deep voice, "I asked you to run away before, this time I will see where you are going!"

Beside, a beautiful and charming figure came slowly, it was the ink shadow.

She had a frosty face and said coldly: "It's quite courageous, but unfortunately, you are destined to miss the inheritance of the master. Those who compete for the inheritance of the master will only be the powerhouses of our Three Realms."

"Suffer to death!"

The Underworld Demon screamed, and the Nether Avenue appeared behind him, displaying the magical powers of the demon clan, ten thousand magic arts!

In an instant, the endless ghost beast phantom appeared next to the Underworld Demon, and the next moment he was grabbed by his spying hand in his palm.

"Netherworld Demon Palm!"

With a cry from the Underworld Demon, the **** hands covering the sky and the sun shrouded Mu Qing and others.

The faces of Oga and others changed suddenly and felt the suffocating threat of death.

But soon, their expressions became surprised again.

The corners of Mu Qing's mouth also lifted slightly, revealing a faint smile.

Looking at the expressions of Mu Qing and others, the Underworld Demon was shocked. He didn't understand why these guys were still laughing when they died, and they didn't even resist, standing in place as if waiting for him to kill. .

"Underworld Demon! Your avenue!"

On the side, Mo Ying's cold pretty face also showed a hint of horror.

The Underworld Demon only noticed something was wrong at this time. The Netherworld Demon Palm he had displayed hadn't hit Mu Qing and the others before it collapsed in midair on its own.

That terrifying demon power collapsed every inch and disappeared.

The Underworld Demon suddenly turned his head, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He found that his nether avenue began to disappear gradually, as if it had been erased by a stalwart force.

The Supreme Avenue that could pierce the sky was erased inch by inch, and nothing was left in the end.


"my power!"

The Underworld Demon roared, panic appeared on his old face.

Realm breath, from the supreme realm, fell to the peak of the extreme great emperor!

Unlike Scarlet Domination Hall that completely erases the power, in the Sun Domination Hall, only the part of the power belonging to the supreme is erased, and the person who conducts the trial will proceed with the strength of the extremely strong.

"Hahaha! Old stuff!"

"Look at your bear look!"

"If you have the ability, come and kill us!"

Oga and Thunder Ape sneered and mocked there.

They can also feel their strength gradually disappearing, but they are not panicked.

At this time, everyone had guessed that in this dominion hall, their own power would be suppressed!

In just a few breaths, the thousands of people who entered the Sun Domination Hall were all suppressed to the extreme! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1504 Suppressing Strength, Extreme Realm!) Reading records, and you can see them next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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