Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 084: Modulating the Insect Core

After several hours of hard work, we finally reached the final step. Lin Liang carefully adjusted the internal energy structure of the target insect core, so that the energy of multiple insect cores was completely integrated, and finally formed an effective cycle.

He let out a long breath, carefully removed the needle from the insect core, and then used his own insect breath on the needle tip to quickly seal the hole, which was thinner than a hair and invisible to the naked eye.

Immediately, the small insect core became aura, and insect breath faintly flowed through the lines on the outer shell. Shen Zheng could completely sense the power it contained.

But at the same time, that feeling of disgust could not help but emerge immediately, making Shen Zheng just want to stay away from the prepared insect core.

"Successful!" Lin Liang clapped his hands happily, reached out to take the insect core, and handed it to Shen Zheng. "Look, this is an insect core that can enhance a person's strength."[

"Oh." Shen Zheng reluctantly took it and looked at it in his hand. He felt that compared with the one Lin Liang gave him before, this one seemed a little inferior, but not too much.

Then he hurriedly returned the insect core to Lin Liang.

Lin Liang had no intention of giving it to Shen Zheng, so he took a metal box and packed it carefully.

"This thing is of no use to us, but it is a good treasure for those insect planters." He said, "This little thing is a great reward for them, and some people are even willing to take it. It’s a matter of life.”

"Approximately how much power can it increase?" Shen Zheng asked curiously.

"This one is considered a mid-level product." Lin Liang said, "It can at least bring 4 points of insect power improvement to the insect planter. Don't underestimate these 4 points. Some people have struggled for more than ten years, and often only have only 4 points. It can increase the insect power by 1 point. However, there is no breakthrough probability for the mid-level product.”

"Breakthrough probability? What does that mean?" Shen Zheng asked.

"That is to say, if a person's insect power reaches 97, then after swallowing a certain insect core that can increase the insect power by 4 points, there is a certain probability of breaking through 100 and becoming an insect controller." Lin Liang smiled mysteriously.

"So powerful?" Shen Zheng was startled, and then he realized that it was not an exaggeration at all to say that someone was willing to sacrifice his life.

The wages of avarice is death.

Although it is only "with a certain probability", without it, I am afraid that some people will have no hope of becoming a pest controller in their life.

"But for us insect controllers, it is meaningless." Lin Liang shook his head and smiled, "At least 4 points of insect power increase are for insect planters. For us insect controllers, only high-end products can improve Our insect power has been increased, and the increase is too small, and it is of no use or significance. The insect controller's insect power value is 101 to 1000, and an increase of one or two points is insignificant to us."

"Then the insect core is only attractive to insect planters?" Shen Zheng asked puzzledly. "Then why do we put so much effort into learning this kind of thing? Just to make the planters more willing to work for us?"

"No, no, no." Lin Liang shook his head continuously, "This involves some knowledge that I haven't explained to you yet, and that is the level of the insect core."

"Well, you mentioned mid-level and high-level products." Shen Zheng nodded thoughtfully.

"Insect cores can be divided into five levels in total." Lin Liang said, "Ordinary, mid-level, high-end, high-quality, and top-quality. Theoretically, ordinary insect cores can increase the insect power by at least 2 points for the insect planter, and the appearance is the same. There is no difference between unmodulated insect cores; mid-level products can be improved by at least 4 points, and insect breath will flow in the shell texture; high-level products can be improved by at least 10 points, with a 525 breakthrough probability, and the entire shell texture will be filled with light; high-quality products can be at least It can be increased by 50 points, with a breakthrough probability of 1025, and the outer shell will be wrapped with a layer of light film; the best can be increased by at least 100 points, with a breakthrough probability of 3025. At that time, all the insect cores will be transformed into light quality, and there will be signs on the surface. It has some of the same attributes as the original insect core, such as the lightning type, which will have arc jumps on the surface. In addition, there is also a legendary insect core that can increase the power of the insect by 10025. breakthrough rate.”

"Is there a 100% chance of a breakthrough?" Shen Zheng was startled, "So, doesn't it mean that you can turn an ordinary person into a pest controller?"

"Yes." Lin Liang nodded. "However, insect controllers cannot concoct top-quality insect cores under any circumstances. Even concocting high-quality insect cores is a luxury. The best we can do is to concoct high-grade products, and the prerequisite is to hunt for insect power. Close to 1,000 bugs.”

"What a guy!" Shen Zheng exclaimed. [

"However, there are some geniuses among insect controllers who can prepare high-quality insect cores." Lin Liang said, "Such people have a great chance of breaking through the limitations of insect controllers and becoming insect melters. At that time, they really stood at the top of the mountain, instead of having to consider the national affairs and human relations in the mortal world like us."

"That's why insect controllers refine their techniques, because everyone hopes that one day they can become such a genius through continuous training?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Yes." Lin Liang nodded. "Who can become an insect controller without the arrogance of a genius? Everyone thinks that as long as they work a little harder, they will definitely succeed. By then, the road to cultivation will be shortened a lot!"

"This kind of thing is really tempting." Shen Zheng nodded.

"So study hard." Lin Liang smiled, "This can not only be a means for you to make breakthroughs in the future, but also a means for you to win over people's hearts and build your own loyal team."

"Yeah." Shen Zheng nodded.

"I have done everything that needs to be said and demonstrated. Now you can make the first modulation in your life." Lin Liang said, while manipulating the modulator's mechanical arm, taking out an insect core from the cabinet, and placing it On the mixing station.

"Okay." Shen Zheng walked over, and Lin Liang stepped aside, letting him stand at the main modulation position. He went to the magic light screen and put his hand on the insect power sensing device, like a responsible instructor. Typically, students watch their first hands-on experience from the sidelines.

Shen Zheng took a deep breath, carefully recalled all Lin Liang's previous demonstrations, and then input the insect power into the machine. In an instant, he felt like he was connected with those mechanical arms, as if his limbs had increased a lot.

How interesting! He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and with a hint of excitement, he controlled the mechanical arm to move towards the insect core. He did not dare to do it directly. Instead, he manipulated the mechanical arm and repeatedly made dozens of large and small movements such as touching, rotating, and moving the outside of the insect core. After he became completely proficient in the operation, he completely attached the needle to the insect core. On the nuclear shell, the search began.

He searched for it one by one, and after a minute he had found many soft penetration points, but there was still a large part of the insect core that had not been explored. He couldn't help but feel that it really took so long to talk? Is there a simple way?

Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind. He tentatively inserted the needle into a line, and then shot out his insect breath along the needle. Although the insect breath was small, it was very sensitive to the smaller lines. It seemed like a huge thing, filling up the inside of the lines in an instant.

"Be careful!" Lin Liang thought he had made a mistake and reminded him carefully from the side.

Shen Zheng didn't hear Lin Liang's words clearly, because in that instant, several penetration points had been found by his insect breath, and the "softness" of those penetration points was also clearly felt by him.

This method is so convenient! He was so ecstatic that he was only happy and did not hear Lin Liang's reminder at all. He quickly removed the needle, probed another path, and quickly released the insect breath.

There are several more infiltration points of information that are completely in his hands.

Lin Liang was stunned. He now understood that Shen Zheng had not made a mistake, but was conducting some kind of experiment. But what is that? Filling the lines with insect breath will only cause the insect breath to be dispersed, making it impossible to accurately detect any information on the penetration point? What is this kid doing?

He wanted to stop Shen Zheng, but an inexplicable intuition made him hold back.

It's just an ordinary insect core anyway, so let him do it. Even if he makes a mistake and fails, he can use this failure as a teaching material to guide him, and maybe he will make greater progress.

After Shen Zheng mastered this method, he immediately started working quickly. After continuously exploring the penetration points in several lines, Shen Zheng's ambition couldn't help but swell: Rather than doing this, it would be better...

Suddenly, he controlled several mechanical arms at the same time and stabbed the needles on the insect core together. Then, several needles released insect breath at the same time, quickly surrounding the insect core.

He immediately grasped the information about all the influx points on the insect core. Among them, he found the three best intrusion points at once. [

"What are you doing?" Lin Liang couldn't help but interrupt him.

"Find the best penetration point?" Shen Zheng was unhappy because he was disturbed. He turned to Lin Liang and said with a frown. "I've found the three best penetration points."

"What?" Lin Liang looked at Shen Zheng with wide eyes, as if he was looking at a monster. " found it? How did you find it? Just cover the insect core shell with insect breath in a mess, and..."

"Why is it so messy?" Shen Zheng shook his head unhappily, "I followed your instructions and used them to detect the penetration points in the lines! I know what I did was compared to your cautious method. I'm a little impatient, but I just observed it for a long time and feel that your caution is completely unnecessary, because the best penetration points you finally determine every time are the same ones you detected at the beginning."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" Lin Liang felt that he might have been sleepy or confused. Why couldn't he understand what Shen Zheng was saying?

"You" He thought for a long time before he was surprised to formulate his question. "Did you already discover the best penetration points when you used the insect breath to blend into the needle for observation?"

"Yeah, is there something wrong?" Shen Zheng was confused by his question.

"I..." Lin Liang stared, not knowing what to say, and after a long time he excitedly pointed at the insect core. "Come on, come on, I want to see what is going on!"

"What's going on?" Shen Zheng was confused.

"Quick, come on!" Lin Liang urged anxiously.

"Okay, just don't bother me anymore." Shen Zheng said unhappily.

Anyone who is interrupted while concentrating on something will not be in a good mood.

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