Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 083: Deputy Commander of Hazy Star

Seeing the three people on stage, in addition to the media people going crazy, the drums and drums below also burst into cheers. However, the cheers were not chaotic, because the tens of thousands of people standing below were all soldiers in military uniforms.

Xun Qianjue slowly stretched out his hand, and the square immediately became quiet.

"I think everyone already knows this." Xun Qianjue stood in front of the podium and spoke slowly into the four microphones. "Not long ago, there was an outstanding student from Ophiostar College who won the first ever championship for our Ophiostar College at the college exchange meeting! This student was promoted to become a pest controller after that, making The strength of our country has increased again! Do you know who that is?"

"Shen Zheng!" As if they had been rehearsed for a long time, tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, and the sound shocked the world.

"This is a very important event for our Longxing Kingdom." Xun Qianjue said. "Our national strength will be further improved, our ranking among countries will be improved, and we will receive more help from the military region..." [

He spoke in a deep voice and said a lot, but Shen Zheng didn't listen to a word. Because when Xun Qianjue repeatedly emphasized how beneficial this was to the country, what he was thinking was: Isn’t the country just a warehouse for us? So are you really happy that my appearance has made the country strong? No, you are just happy because this warehouse is more stable and the harvest will be more...

"Now let's ask Shen Zheng to speak!" Xun Qianjue's voice sounded, breaking Shen Zheng's thoughts.

After thinking for a while, he came to the podium and stood behind the microphone. Looking at the crowd in the audience and the cameras, he said slowly: "The strong man has his rights and his responsibilities. In the days to come, I will fulfill my responsibilities and try my best to protect the peace of the Star Kingdom. I will try my best to save my countrymen from suffering from insect infestation. Thank you.”

Without saying anything more, he just retreated.

Xun Qianjue and Lin Liang looked at each other and smiled, their eyes seeming to say: sooner or later, he will grow up.

"I announce that Shen Zheng is officially appointed as the deputy commander of the Long Star Kingdom!" For Langya City.”

"Langya City? Langya City!" In front of the TV's illusion screen among the distant Spiral Army, Liang Jiang clenched his fists excitedly.

"Shen Zheng... no, Deputy Commander Shen." His adjutant Le Ning also danced excitedly, "I really lived up to your expectations. He really has not forgotten us!"

"Does that need to be said?" Liang Long was overjoyed, "Hurry up and prepare to welcome Deputy Commander Shen home! Don't wait for the national funds to be released before taking action. Send people to build Deputy Commander Shen's mansion now!"

"Yes!" Le Ning saluted and hurried away. While jogging, I recalled my previous adventures with Shen Zheng in the capital, and then I felt excited for a while - I was so close to the country's deputy commander...

In the large conference room of the Capital Guard Army, senior generals were sitting in front of the magic screen. Legion Commander Chimoya turned his head and looked at everyone, and said slowly: "The death of that squad leader was related to Deputy Commander Shen who had just entered Hao Xing Academy at that time, and the other squad captain Sarando was detained by the academy. At that time, I said that we should not look down on any student, because they all have the potential to become our superiors. At that time, many people expressed dissatisfaction, right? Now let me ask you to think about it, if I insisted on finding Deputy Commander Shen at that time. Trouble, then what is waiting for us now?"

Many generals wiped their sweat away in fear.

"My naughty son is really good at finding people to offend." Lafite's father, Field, smiled bitterly and muttered in a low voice. "Fortunately, this kid turned out to be smart enough, and his relationship with Deputy Commander Shen was pretty good."

He thought to himself: Thanks to me, I had the foresight to not stand up for this naughty son, but to have a good relationship with Shen Zheng! Otherwise, we would no longer have to hang out in the Star Country now...

Shen Zheng didn't know what the people in front of the illusion screens were thinking or saying. He just knew that his life had completely changed, from a low-level wage earner to one of the few rulers in the country.

The one who is above billions of people, the god among people who controls the life and death of several people.

The grand celebration lasted for a week, and the entire capital city of Yunfang and even the entire Star Kingdom were immersed in joy. People held various forms of celebrations, TV stations held parties every day, and singing and dancing celebrations could be seen everywhere in the city, creating a scene of nationwide jubilation.

Shen Zheng did not attend any activities during this week. According to Xun Qianjue, it was just a matter of showing his face at the main celebration that day for the Chinese and foreigners to see. All subsequent celebrations have already been linked to the control. Insects are closed, purely for the excitement of mortals. There is no need for pest controllers to cooperate with them anymore.

He only did one thing this week, and that was to return to Longxing Academy with Lin Liang, get into the dean's office building, and start learning the technology of preparing insect cores. [

In the first three days of this week, Lin Liang only explained theoretical xng knowledge to him, and only on the fourth day did he start practical operations.

"The original insect core also has power, but that power has not been purified and modulated, and its effect is limited." Lin Liang told Shen Zheng while operating in the laboratory.

What was placed on the machine operating table at the moment was a small ordinary insect core. It seemed to be of little value, otherwise Lin Liang would not have casually taken it out as an example in the modulation class.

"In the past three days, I have finished explaining the basic theories to you." Lin Liang said, "Now it's time to carry out the actual operation. This step is easier said than done. You must completely penetrate the insect power. Entering the modulation machine, while using the super vision driven by insect power to observe, you also use your own insect breath to sense the changes inside the insect core. If you are not careful, the consequences will be disastrous. "

As he spoke, he operated cautiously.

According to the method taught by Lin Liang before, Shen Zheng put his hands on the insect force sensing device of the modulator, penetrated it into it, and added it to Lin Liang's insect breath that filled the moderator. At the same time, he looked at the insect force sensor on the observation device. Image of the insect core magnified dozens of times.

Lin Liang stared at the microscope, and at the same time sensed the changes in the insect core with insect breath, controlled the spider-claw-like mechanical hands, and manipulated the insect core with the tiny tools on his hands.

"First of all, we need to find the penetration point of the insect core." As he was doing this, he was talking about the knowledge that had long been conveyed to Shen Zheng, as if he was afraid that he would forget something. "There will be many such penetration points, but we must try to find the best point. In this way, our insect power can fully enter and control will be easy. We must also pay attention to the way the needle is inserted, and be cautious careful……"

As he spoke, he controlled several mechanical arms and began to test the insect core. The needle, which was much thinner than hair, was as thick as a finger in the magic light screen. Shen Zheng could clearly see how they each looked for penetration points in the insect core.

At the same time, part of the insect breath he penetrated followed the movement of the needle, and gradually sensed many "holes" in the hard shell.

It's not accurate to say it's a hole. To put it simply, they are relatively soft parts of the hard insect core shell. These soft areas vary in size and hardness. These are the penetration points. From a purely physical perspective, their hardness is no different from other places, but from the perspective of insect breath, they are the areas most easily penetrated by insect breath.

In other words, this "softness" is not soft in terms of hardness, not for needles, but for insect breaths.

Shen Zheng focused his attention and quickly sensed the four best penetration points on this small insect core. At this time, Lin Liang was still using insect breath to penetrate into various points, trying to find the best penetration points. of. This made Shen Zheng feel strange - why are you still trying again and again?

Then he blamed himself: Dean Lin had already said that he must be cautious, but I was too imprudent.

Within ten minutes, Lin Liang wiped his sweat and said: "Okay, I finally found it. This insect core has four best penetration points, look."

As he spoke, he carefully turned over the insect core with his mechanical arm and showed the four points to Shen Zheng in front of the magic light screen.

Huh? Shen Zheng's eyes widened: Aren't these the four points I just found? So I found the right one, but why did Dean Lin take so long?

He was puzzled, but before he had time to ask, Lin Liang had already continued operating, and he didn't dare to interrupt.

The quality of insect cores varies. Some insect cores are born with powerful energy, while others are pitifully weak. The one Lin Liang used as an example can only be considered to be of average to lower quality, but if it is properly prepared, it can also become a top quality.

There are two ways to prepare insect cores. One is to use multiple low-quality insect cores to fully fuse and concentrate the energy of all insect cores into one. This method is relatively simple and easy to achieve, but it requires the modulator to have a sufficient number of insect cores; secondly, The modulator directly uses his own insect breath to change the structure within the insect core so that its energy can be maximized. Of course, if this method is adopted, it will involve highly difficult techniques to change the structure of the insect's power within the insect core, so the success rate will be greatly reduced, and it is by no means an easy task.

What Lin Liang is demonstrating to Shen Zheng now is the first relatively easy method. He first injected his insect breath into the penetration point through the needle, and then slowly merged it with the insect power of the insect core to minimize the physical defense of the penetration point, and then let the needle gently penetrate into the inside. Completely infiltrate your insect power into it.

Through the insect breath sensor on the needle, the internal structure of the insect core was transmitted to Lin Liang's microscope and the illusion screen that Shen Zheng was staring at. Shen Zheng clearly saw how Lin Liang transformed the structure of the insect core step by step to make the space for storing energy more reasonable. [

Half an hour later, Lin Liang used another robotic arm to take out a smaller insect core from the modulator's storage cabinet, put it aside, and then used the other two robotic arms to find the penetration point of the insect core again. Then he extracted the insect power from it and injected it into the previous one.

In this way, it took more than an hour.

The next process made Shen Zheng puzzled and boring. Lin Liang kept repeating this process, extracting the energy from the four small insect cores and injecting it into the first insect core. Each time he extracted, It takes about an hour to find the penetration point.

What is Dean Lin doing everywhere? Shen Zheng wondered very puzzledly: The penetration points were so easy to find, and every time the results proved that the best penetration points were the first ones, why did he have to spend so long and cautiously verify them?

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