Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 008: Insect Tide

Shen Zheng decided not to tell anyone about the glowing bug on the day of the mission.

Now he can be sure that his changes must be related to that strange bug, and the mission performed by the special forces must also be related to the bug. The matter is so big that it would do no good to involve myself in it.

And the ability to self-plant insects cannot be easily shown to others. Who knows how people will react when they find out?

Shen Zheng believed that he should find an opportunity to use the insect planter, so that he could reasonably explain why he had the power of the second insect.

After a good night's sleep, a clear morning greeted us. Shen Zheng was the first to get up, looking at the bright sunshine coming in from outside, and smiled faintly. [

"This clear sky and bright sunshine herald my bright future, right?"

He thought so. Thinking about the improvement in his treatment after becoming stronger and the hope of Shen Ying being cured, he felt even more happy.

"Think about it carefully, I'm really lucky." He thought to himself, "If my fitness value hadn't been as high as 98, I wouldn't have been able to 100% integrate the power of the Foundation-Building Insect; if I didn't get the power of the Foundation-Building Bug initially, Then during that operation, I would not have been able to resist the attack of that strange insect; if a member of the death squad had not carelessly forgotten an insect egg in the collector, I would not have been able to easily complete this change in my life. The Zombie of Destiny…”

Just as he was thinking this, the siren suddenly sounded throughout the entire legion base. That is the highest level of combat alarm. It will only sound when the greatest danger comes. Anyone who hears it must be ready for battle as soon as possible and assemble quickly.

The three sleeping soldiers were awakened. They hurriedly got up and dressed as quickly as possible.

Shen Zheng glanced at them and then left the dormitory calmly. He was the first to leave the third team's military building and ran to the weapons depot to collect the firearms.

Soon, the entire Wolf Fang Legion was ready to go. The mighty soldiers stood in line with serious expressions, waiting for the final order.

"The time has come to protect our homeland!" Liang Long stood on the military parade platform, looking at the nearly 6,000 soldiers of the four formations of the Spike Legion in front of him, and his words were brief and clear. "The insect wave is coming!"

The insect wave is coming!

These are words that are more nerve-wracking and exciting than any mobilization order. Behind him is his hometown of Langya Town, and in front is the terrifying insect swarm that represents death. What the soldiers carry on their shoulders is life and death.

"Defend your hometown to the death!" The formation captains took the lead in roaring, and the blood of the soldiers boiled at this moment.

"Defend your hometown to the death!" Thousands of men shouted to the sky together, the sound shaking everywhere.

The recruits had not experienced the terrible insect tide, and they had not experienced that kind of terror. However, under the influence of thousands of veterans, they also became excited and shouted together: "Defend your hometown to the death!"

It was also the first time for Shen Zheng to experience the unique passion of an iron-blooded soldier. He became excited, raised his fists, and roared loudly.

Liang Long looked at these men who were full of courage and fearless of death. He nodded with satisfaction and raised his fist high: "Let's go!"

The battlefield was arranged in the northwest defensive city five kilometers away from Langya Town. This defensive fortress was specially built to guard against the insect tide in the northwest. It lies in front of the Insect Valley connected to the Insect Jungle in the northwest. It blocks the path of all insects and is the protective shield of Langya Town.

Four thousand experienced veterans, more than a thousand recruits, and second-level infantry entered the fortress.

The insect sound discriminator is turned on, and the light and shadow on the phantom screen continue to form three-dimensional phantoms one after another, showing densely packed light spots. From there, it can be clearly seen that in the northwest, there are countless The insects are advancing towards the valley in the Evil Insect Jungle. At that speed, maybe in another day or so, the insect tide will come to the Evil Insect Valley.

"All personnel are on alert, working in groups! No disarming is allowed 24 hours a day, and be ready for combat at any time!" Each formation leader issued such an order to his subordinates. [

Shen Zheng carried a gun and guarded the fortress with the insect planters. At this time, the recruits were filled with nervousness and fear, and no one had the time to tease Shen Zheng, the "genius".

But there are always exceptions.

"Isn't this a 'genius'?" An annoying voice sounded. Shen Zheng turned his head and saw Ping Lei's face full of contempt.

There were more than a dozen recruits holding rifles between the two of them. These recruits were very nervous, staring at the shooting port they were guarding on the defensive platform, and they had no time to look at the person next to them. After Ping Lei's words, they turned their heads and realized that they were guarding the same high platform as Shen Zheng, the "genius".

Shen Zheng looked at him with cold eyes, turned his head and ignored him. But Ping Lei didn't want to stop talking. He looked at Shen Zheng and sneered.

"At this time, the waste also has the value of waste and can be used as long-range firepower. But what if the insect tide is approaching? We can use them as bait to attract the attention of the insects, and then we will have time Gather your strength and kill the bugs in one fell swoop, looks good, right?"

"What did you say?" Shen Zheng looked at Ping Lei with murderous intent in his eyes. He could tolerate Ping Lei's ridicule of him, but he could never tolerate his remarks.

"Did I make a mistake?" Ping Lei's eyes were fierce, "Besides playing such a role, what use does a waste like you have?"

"Don't let me hear such words again." A voice sounded, peaceful and quiet, but with a kind of terrifying majesty. Ping Lei turned around in surprise and found that standing behind him was Feng Yu, the captain of the second formation.

"Sir!" He immediately stood at attention and saluted Feng Yu.

"No matter how fragile your comrade is, he is your kind and your brother." Feng Yu's face was cold. "Your mission is to protect your kind and your brother! I don't want to hear this again. Speech, otherwise I will think that you are no different from those insects that kill our kind. In that case, your life is a superfluous thing. Don't think that I can't kill you. Although I am not your formation leader, executing a hidden person. It’s not that difficult to be a soldier with an evil heart.”

"I know I was wrong!" Ping Lei lowered his head in panic and his body trembled slightly.

"Work hard." Feng Yu looked at Shen Zheng who also turned around to salute, and smiled slightly. There was a little regret and a little sympathy in the smile.

But no matter what, he was speaking for Shen Zheng, and Shen Zheng would never forget this. He stood up to Feng Yuyi gratefully: "Please see my actual actions!"

Feng Yu smiled, turned around, and sighed slightly the moment he turned his head.

Ping Lei blushed and glared at Shen Zheng fiercely before saying anything. He just turned around and looked away from the shooting port.

Silence enveloped the defensive fortress like a lid. Everyone was either staring outside or looking at the insect sound discriminator, waiting for that moment to come.

What was supposed to come finally came. At around nine o'clock the next morning, as the emergency alarm sounded in the fortress, tens of thousands of insects of various shapes finally rushed out of the Evil Insect Valley, swarming like a tide towards this barrier. The fortress at the mouth of the valley.

"Everyone is ready!" Liang Long's voice came from the loud voice, "Long-range artillery launch!"

A deafening roar sounded, and the long-range artillery on the fortress's high-level fort roared one after another. Each cannon flew across a distance of several kilometers and fell into the dense swarm of insects. In the explosion, some bugs were directly blown to ashes, some were torn apart, and many more were riddled with holes by the debris, or died directly, or fell to the ground and struggled.

But the insect tide quickly submerged these blown-up fellows, just like running water can quickly smooth out the mud puddles on the ground.

When Shen Zheng looked at the dense swarm of insects, his scalp felt numb and his body felt cold. [

"Tide" is a perfect word to describe the insect swarm. Thousands of insects crowded together, fearful of death, and moved forward bravely, forming a tide of insects that was like a wave. Just looking at it from a distance made people pale and breathless.

During the bombardment of long-range artillery, the bugs died in droves, but more bugs filled up the big holes in the ground one after another, rushing towards the defensive fortress. Finally, with their numerical advantage, they successfully broke through the artillery and came to a distance of about one kilometer from the defensive fortress.

"Machine gun fire!"

Following the order, hundreds of machine cannons on the defense platform roared, and dense rapid explosions flew out like a torrential rain, raising countless fragments in the insect swarm. Those fragments are nothing but the carapaces, legs, and tentacles of the insects...

Tens of thousands of bugs were killed by long-range cannons, and tens of thousands more bugs died on the ground outside the defensive fortress within this short distance of one kilometer.

But more bugs stepped on the corpses of their companions and continued to move forward. The terrifying insect swarm moved forward slowly but uninterruptedly, fearing all obstacles, and finally came within a few hundred meters of the defensive fortress.

At this time, there were still tens of thousands of bugs, which looked dense and shocking.

"Hit!" The captains of each formation issued the order at the same time, and all the firing ports on the defensive platform on the outer wall of the fortress immediately spit out tongues of fire. Dispersion, rapid explosion, armor-piercing... Countless bullets poured out and sprinkled on the bugs, beating them until they screamed and screamed, and their armor and flesh flew everywhere.

However, they finally rushed to the nearby area and climbed up the fortress, heading towards the fortress.

Amidst the intensive gunfire, each of them was beaten to pieces and fell down screaming. In this siege, they lost thousands of their own kind.

After paying a heavy price with the lives of nearly 20,000 bugs, the remaining 8,000 bugs from the swarm that rushed out of the Evil Bug Valley finally broke into the defensive fortress. The soldiers on each defensive platform directly faced those terrible bugs at close range.

Sharp claws, knife-like jaws, strong carapace, these offensive and defensive weapons made the recruits' scalps feel numb.

At this time, the veterans showed their strength. They threw away the obstructive spears and each used their own insect abilities to pounce on the insects.

The fighting started outside the defensive fortress.

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