Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 007: Genetic Memory

Shen Zheng ran towards that aura without hesitation.

He was like a wolf that smelled the scent of prey, his eyes flashed with hunger, and he pursued it all the way. He quickly passed through the training ground and came to another military camp.

That was the military building of the fourth team's barracks. Somewhere in this building, the alluring aura was constantly exuding outwards, making Shen Zheng's hungry brain feel even stronger hunger.

"What on earth is it?" he thought as he looked around at the military building.

There is no sentry standing guard here, only a veteran on duty, sitting in the guard room reading a book, showing a silly smile from time to time, obviously being firmly attracted by the plot of the book. [

"What a good opportunity!" Shen Zheng's eyes were shining, he looked around, and without hesitation, he crouched and sneaked over, quickly passed under the door of the guard room and got into the military building.

All the military buildings of the Spike Legion have the same layout, so for Shen Zheng, this place is no different from the building where he lives. He can find anywhere he wants with his eyes closed.

What's more, there is always that kind of aura guiding him on the way.

Soon, he came to a door on the fifth floor. The door was very strong, a reinforced safety door made of steel plates, and the name on the door was "Emergency Ordnance Room."

That kind of aura was emanating from the armory room. At this moment, it became stronger due to Shen Zheng's approach, making Shen Zheng almost go crazy.

But Shen Zheng knew that the emergency ordnance room stored emergency weapons and other military equipment. It was a backup weapons depot for emergency use when soldiers were unable to get weapons from the weapons depot in case of emergencies. It was usually used as a backup depot. Strictly speaking, this thick steel door cannot be opened at all even with a 20mm rapid blast.

He couldn't get in without the key.

But there are exceptions, for example - the door is not locked at all.

I don't know whether it was due to carelessness or because I felt that no more dangerous elements would be able to steal in the Wolf Fang Army's barracks, so the emergency ordnance workshop in the fourth team's military building was not locked, and The door was still slightly open, revealing a small crack.

Hunger made Shen Zheng lose his mind. He couldn't bear it anymore, opened the door and rushed in. The voice-activated light immediately turned on, illuminating the emergency ordnance room.

Fortunately, this is a strictly protected room, so there is no room at all. Otherwise, someone outside would notice that the lights suddenly turned on and would know that someone had entered.

Without looking around blankly, his eyes stared directly at something that looked like a military bag. That thing was carried on the back of a certain death squad member not long ago, but now it has been placed in the emergency armory.

It was an insect egg collector that had been used on that death battlefield before. Apparently, when a member of the Suicide Squad was sorting out the collector, he accidentally forgot a collected insect egg in it.

The hunger made him lose the power to think, so he rushed over, opened the collector, and saw a black insect egg.

There is only one.

That kind of alluring aura was emitted by this fist-sized thing. At this time, this round and black thing broke away from the shackles of the collector and began to emit a stronger aura.

In Shen Zheng's opinion, this was simply a delicious delicacy. He stared at the insect egg and grabbed it with both hands.

Reason was telling him that this was not edible, but his instinct kept urging him - quickly, swallow it!

Just when his will and instinct were struggling against each other, a force flowed from the tips of his fingers and seeped into the strong shell of the insect egg. In an instant, the shell became torn apart, and the liquid inside quickly changed. It turned into a purple mist, condensed into a line and sprayed towards Shen Zheng's forehead. [

A cool and comfortable feeling surrounded his forehead, and the strong hunger disappeared.

It disappeared instantly.

"What happened?" Shen Zheng looked at the shell fragments of the insect eggs in his hand and couldn't help but be stunned.

At this moment, a burst of severe pain instantly hit his body. He felt as if a giant monster had penetrated his body and was being stretched so big that it was close to exploding. This feeling is not too unfamiliar to him, he also had a clear experience on the day he received the zoophytes.

What's going on here?

He bent over in pain, fell to his knees, curled up and fell down again, balling up like a chrysalis on the ground, his body shaking constantly. During these bursts of trembling, he felt that his body was being torn apart inch by inch. He felt as if he had been crushed into fine crumbs. He felt that his body and soul had been broken down into particles.

Dying? Am I going to die?

He asked himself in his heart, and then burst out with a strong will to survive. The power of the Foundation Establishment Insect that was perfectly combined with him surged wildly at that moment, surging and flowing throughout his body, and the pain that was like being decomposed gradually subsided in an instant.

The physical pain disappeared and was replaced by a kind of extreme comfort. Shen Zheng couldn't help but lie quietly, wandering in this comfort. That feeling is like drinking a glass of cold orange juice in summer, drinking a glass of slightly scalded hot milk in winter, and getting the fresh air in the forest when you are about to suffocate.

He was so lost in this beautiful feeling that he forgot where he was for a moment.

He didn't know how long it had passed before the sound of footsteps and laughter woke him up. He suddenly realized that he was in the military building of another team, and had also entered the strictly controlled emergency armory. If he was discovered, it would be a big crime.

This shock made him wake up immediately and jumped up hastily.

As soon as his body stood firm, a surging force began to flow rapidly in his body. This force surged from the inside out and suddenly broke through the barrier of his skin and poured out from his body. He felt something hard forming on his body, protecting him.

"What is this?" He raised his hand in surprise and saw the two hands exposed outside the military uniform. At this moment, the two palms made of flesh and blood had completely changed their appearance, and the surface was completely covered with a layer of Covered by a steel-hard shell, it was like wearing a pair of armor.

This is... Shen Zheng was stunned.

The power of insects!

That’s right, you can’t be wrong!

In an instant, this thought flashed in his mind - the strange scene just now was a bizarre process of plantation, and the change in his body now was a sign of the success of the plantation. He already had what he was called The power that the unformed insect should possess from the insect egg inhaled into the body!

how so? How can a person complete a plant insect with physical strength? This is simply unbelievable!

There was no time to think too much. The footsteps and laughter were getting closer and closer. He didn't want to be sent to a military prison to await trial and punishment.

Collecting the shell fragments of the insect eggs, he quickly ran out of the emergency armory, ran along the corridor to the bathroom, opened the door and stepped in. Almost at that moment, soldiers came down the stairs to the corridor on the fifth floor. If Shen Zheng had been a step slower, they would have seen him.

This bathroom faces the back of the military building, where there is just a piece of grass and a high wall, without any sentries. Shen Zheng stood in front, looked at the height from the fifth floor to the ground, and smiled bitterly. [

"If you jump like this, you are just looking for death. I was so confused. I only thought that this place can lead directly to the back of the building, but I forgot that this is the fifth floor..."

It's over, now I can only wait to be caught.

At this moment, the power that had surged in his body began to move again, concentrating along the nerves in his body and seeping into his brain. A seemingly innate knowledge memory suddenly appeared in his mind. He was surprised to find that it contained some skills that could be used after possessing this steel-like carapace.

The genetic memory of insects!

This occurred to him immediately. In his past studies and training in the military camp, he had learned this knowledge - the truly powerful ones are not the ordinary insect planters, but the real supermen among the insect planters who can implant a variety of insects. Among these real supermen, the most powerful are those who can receive the genetic memories contained in insect eggs.

In other words, this kind of insect planter can directly absorb the Zerg's combat, survival and all the innate abilities acquired through inheritance without going through acquired training!

What struck Shen Zheng's mind at this time was the ability of steel beetles, the strongest among insects, to protect themselves when they fall from the sky - or to put it more simply, it is the skill they use to survive unhurt when they jump from high places.

"Great!" He couldn't help but trembled with excitement.

It doesn't matter why he can miraculously plant insects on his own. What matters is that he has not only become a superman who can implant two kinds of insects, but also has the ability to receive the genetic memory of insect eggs!

He seemed to see that the hell of suffering that surrounded him was falling rapidly, far away from him, and a piece of light had already appeared above, waiting for him to step into it.

The sound of footsteps was approaching. He didn't have time to think about it further. He immediately opened his eyes and jumped down after seeing clearly the people and the ground below.

The fall caused the sound of wind to appear in his ears. In the whine of the wind, he quickly gathered his body according to the instructions of the genetic memory in his mind, letting the strong carapace on his back serve as his protection, like a ball. Generally, it fell straight down from the air and fell to the ground.

When his back came into contact with the earth, a slight shock spread throughout his body. It felt like he had fallen on a spring bed. He jumped up in surprise and looked at the small hole that was made on the ground. He pressed the insect egg fragments into it, buried it with soil, and immediately ran along the wall.

The carapace was taken back into his body consciously. When he retracted it, he clearly felt that under the hard shell, connected to his skin and flesh, was a soft tissue, like a spring, which allowed the impact on the carapace to be evenly dispersed and transmitted to his body. force is minimized.

Strong, so strong! Is this the power of the Steel Beetle?

This is my power?

He returned to the military camp of his third team and entered the military dormitory. When he returned to his dormitory, the other three recruits in the same dormitory had come back and were lying on their beds busy with their own affairs. Seeing him come back, the three of them They all showed expressions of contempt and jealousy.

"Hey, genius, you finished dinner so early and came back so late. Did you go somewhere to meet your lover?" A recruit teased him.

Shen Zheng didn't intend to ignore him. He hears this kind of ridicule several times every day.

"Huh, some people are just lucky." Another recruit said, "I thought I was overestimating my ability to join the death squad. I must have gone back and freed up a bed in our house so that we could have a place to store our sundries. No. To think that he actually encountered a battlefield where both sides were dead, and that he had the limelight of acting together with the formation leader, bah!"

"What did you say?" Shen Zheng could bear the teasing, but he couldn't bear this kind of blatant curse. He walked to the other person's bed and stared at the other person.

"I said..." The recruit seemed to want to pick a fight with Shen Zheng, but as soon as he sat up from the bed, his eyes met Shen Zheng's.

He felt that the other person's eyes were flashing with a terrifying light that made him shiver. At that moment, he couldn't help but fell back, trembling with fear.

"Don't mess with me." Shen Zheng glanced at the other two people and received the same effect.

"I am no longer useless!" He said secretly in his heart.

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