What does it mean to be attracted by beauty?

Without a doubt, this middle-aged man has explained it now!

This middle-aged man asked Leng Hongye to kneel in front of him, which is a typical case of being too impatient!

Seeing Leng Hongye's delicate face, cold breath, charming face, standing there, like a blooming flower, for a moment, he completely forgot what the scene was like.

He also ignored why two unknown men and women suddenly appeared.

The IQ in his mind has disappeared without a trace, otherwise it would not be like this.

If he looks carefully, he can see that there is confusion on the face of the old man Duobao next to him.

Looking more closely, most of the other members of the Xia family are also confused, and they are about to speak, with nervous expressions.

But he is still like this!

But whether he has a brain or not, the ending is already doomed.

When he finished speaking, Leng Hongye frowned, and Leng Hongye was about to take action.

However, someone is faster than her!

This person is of course Lin Yi.

"You're fucking crazy, right? You dare to say that to my wife. If I don't destroy your soul, it doesn't fit my character and personality."


Lin Yi came to the middle-aged man all of a sudden. When the middle-aged man stood up with a bang, his aura instantly enveloped him.

The middle-aged man's eyes, which were originally full of desire, disappeared in an instant.

The spiritual power suppressed the middle-aged man, who was a second-rate master of the second level of martial arts. In the blink of an eye, it seemed as if there was an infinite force squeezing his body.

Puff puff puff

Blood was flowing, his body was constantly crushed, and even his bones and flesh began to break under the heavy pressure.

The head turned into a piece of skin, and the body was the same.


Die in pain!

After doing all this, Lin Yi said nothing and continued to wave his hands.

"Great Freedom Sword Technique!"

After saying this, infinite sword intent began to condense on Lin Yi's body.

Densely packed small swords then flew in all directions!

Puff puff puff puff

Seeing the Xia family members, starting with the middle-aged man, all began to be quickly harvested by these simulated sword beams.

Their bodies turned into pieces of broken flesh and blood!

One death means a large group!

Lin Yi shook his head and looked at Elder Duobao, who had straightened up next to Saint Mingtao with a bang.

"I find that you Xia family members are really full of filth in your heads, and more importantly, you are quite brainless. Why do you say you offended my wife?

Aren't you looking for death? If I don't kill them all, do you think I can be in a good mood?"

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he walked towards Elder Duobao step by step

Some of the boundless sword beams had already slapped towards Elder Duobao.

Elder Duobao opened his mouth wide, looking angry, "You... who are you? I have never offended you, you... you..."

When Elder Duobao wanted to say more, Lin Yi continued to wave his hand.

In the blink of an eye, the sword beams wiped out almost half of the Xia family members!

Harvesting lives!

Elder Duobao stood up with a bang, "Saint, save me! Kill this little beast!"

With the ready-made Saint Mingtao, Elder Duobao suppressed his rage and asked her to test.

When Lin Yi killed the Xia family members, Mingtao also had a hint of pleasure in her eyes.

When seeing that Lin Yi killed more than half of the Xia family members in the blink of an eye and was now targeting Elder Duobao, Mingtao spoke up.

"Stop, no matter who you are, stop immediately. Judging from your aura release, you should be at the second or third level of the Qi Refining Stage. You...won't you stop?"

Although he looked down on the Xia family members and Elder Duobao, he had to complete the task assigned by the leader of the Black Evil Sect.

However, he was not in a hurry, so he let Lin Yi kill them first. These Xia family members deserved to die anyway.

Lin Yi shook his head, "Saint Mingtao, right? I can tell you very clearly that I will not feel comfortable if I don't kill all the Xia family members today, so you can't stop me!"

Ming Tao was stunned for a moment, and then she was furious.

She felt that the simulated attacks launched by Lin Yi should only be at the second or third level of the Qi Refining Stage, and it was impossible for him to be a match for her at the fifth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

But Lin Yi's arrogant behavior shocked Ming Tao greatly!

She stared at Lin Yi carefully and found that the person opposite was a handsome and elegant young man.

But he was quite calm when killing people, and his expression was not disturbed at all.

Before Ming Tao made a move, Elder Duobao started to yell frantically, unable to hold back, "Little beast, you... why are you targeting my Xia family members so much? Saint Ming Tao, hurry up, this man wants to kill all my Xia family members!"

He was a little angry that he was the firstBefore, he actually gathered all the Xia family members together. If they had not gathered together, this killing would not have happened.

While calling for Saint Mingtao to take action, Elder Duobao secretly took out his magic weapons from the storage treasures while Saint Mingtao confirmed the strength of the young man in front of him. However, when he was at the second or third level of the Qi Refining Stage, he was at the second or third level of the Qi Refining Stage.

Especially the magic weapons he was best at using, such as the golden axe, the worn-out scissors and the broken sword!

He was going to use these magic weapons to attack Lin Yi.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

While Mingtao was still hesitating, Elder Duobao had already thrown these magic weapons out.

These magic weapons carried infinite power and hit Lin Yi.

"With these magic weapons and my strength, cultivators at the second or third level of the Qi Refining Stage, or even the fourth level, can kill you at will. You are dead!"

Elder Duobao did not feel how powerful Lin Yi was for the time being.

It all depended on Mingtao's judgment.

He only felt that the boundless sword light that the young man shot out contained a trace of sword intent, which made him feel very terrified.

But the words of Saint Mingtao made Elder Duobao feel that this young man only had the strength of the second or third level of Qi Refining Stage, and he could completely ignore him and kill him with one blow!

But the next moment, Lin Yi looked at him and Saint Mingchao, and a scornful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Killing you is too easy. I am the second or third level of Qi Refining Stage? Well, I will show you how the second or third level of Qi Refining Stage can break your defense and blow up your dog head!"

The next moment, the scissors and axes that Elder Duobao shot out, all kinds of magic weapons, burst into boundless light, and when they hit Lin Yi, Lin Yi just waved his hand lightly, and the aura on his body even completely disappeared, without any protection.

Elder Duobao listened to Lin Yi's words, and his heart skipped a beat.

He saw his magic weapons, one after another, about to pierce the young man, but suddenly, the scissors lost their connection with Elder Duobao, and were directly held in Lin Yi's hands!

The young man held the scissors just like that!

Then the connection between the magic weapon and Elder Duobao was cut off.


Elder Duobao vomited blood!

This was not over yet. In addition to the scissors, the golden axe and the broken sword, as well as a section of the precious metal rope that he had obtained, which was more than one meter long, were all held in Lin Yi's hands.

After countless magic weapons were held, Puff, Elder Duobao kept vomiting blood.

"Saint Mingtao... This young man is not in the second or third level of the Qi Refining Stage, who... who are you?"

Elder Duobao was completely scared, looking at Lin Yi, his whole body was abnormally cold.

He did not expect that this young man could hold his magic weapon at will.

As a cultivator in the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, he used the attack of the magic weapon as nothing!

Lin Yi smiled slightly, "I am here to solve the Yin family's problems. Who do you think I am?"

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