Lin Yi laughed.

"Madam Hongye, you are making a fuss. In addition to the liquid medicine, your husband has given you a lot of stock."

"Bah, not serious!"

Leng Hongye was stunned for a while before reacting, blushing and spitting.

"Madam, what are you thinking! I mean, didn't I give you a piece of top-grade spirit stone just now? Besides, this is my only stock!"

Lin Yi wanted to show off, but seeing that Madam Leng Hongye seemed to be staring at his storage bag, Lin Yi thought it was better not to say more.

At the same time, Lin Yi felt a little anxious. It seemed that he had to get a few more storage treasures when he had the chance.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

I don't worry about others stealing or robbing, but this thing can prevent thieves from outside, but not from thieves at home!

A wife like this, Madam Leng Hongye, who is obsessed with money, might touch things in her storage bag at any time, open it and take a look, which would be not very pleasant!

Lin Yi changed the subject and pointed to the diluted King-level elixir liquid to Yin Shoucheng and others.

"Elders, drink it quickly!"

When the people of the Yin family smelled the diluted King-level elixir liquid that Lin Yi took out, their eyes were already full of excitement.

There was no way, the fragrance of the liquid was too strong.

Smelling it refreshes the mind, and drinking it may improve the brain to a certain extent.

One of the Yin family members immediately took a big gulp of the diluted liquid in the jade bottle in Lin Yi's hand.

Bang bang bang

Not long after, a strong breath surged violently on the body of the Yin family member.

If before, this person's strength was only a first-class martial arts master of the acquired level, then now, his strength is rising sharply.

However, because he drank a little too much diluted King-level elixir liquid, the diluted King-level elixir liquid was not something that he could drink more of at his level of strength.

So much so that when the liquid medicine was drunk, it flowed down his throat into his body, and then the medicinal energy spread out, making him a little overwhelmed.

Yin Shoucheng and others' faces changed drastically for a moment, and they couldn't understand what was going on.

Lin Yi also observed it at this time, and then said, "This is drinking too much, no, the medicinal effect of this thing is too strong, elders, please drink less."

Yin Shoucheng and others were a little confused.

This liquid medicine looks so little, but a first-class master of the acquired level can't bear it after drinking it, and will explode!

In addition, Leng Hongye, the cold fairy of the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage, was amazed at the liquid medicine.

How strong is this liquid medicine? It is simply a panacea!

It must be made from those natural treasures!

Yin Shoucheng and others saw that the aura of the Yin family member changed and began to gradually improve!

It was visible to the naked eye that although his face was an abnormal color that changed back and forth from purple to blue, his expression was happy!

Then, the member of the Yin family opened his eyes, not looking at anyone, but staring at the jade bottle containing the liquid medicine.

"No, I still want to drink... Although... Although my body is about to explode, I just want to drink!

The poison made by that damn old man Duobao is nothing, it has to be you, Lin Yi, your strength is really too strong, this antidote is enough to satisfy your craving!

I don't care whether others recognize you or not, Lin Yi, you will be the good son-in-law of my Yin family in the future!"

Lin Yi shook his head after listening, "I say this elder, you can drink as little as possible."

How can Yin Shoucheng and others continue to wait?

Rush over instantly!

Lin Yi clearly said to drink less, but these people didn't care, they drank as much as they could.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room was in chaos.

Lin Yi knew from the state of these people that they would have to stay here for a while.

There was no way, the effect of the medicine was too much for them!

If they wanted to dilute the effect of the medicine, they had to meditate here to clear the power in their bodies.

Only some members of the Yin family who could not practice at all seemed to sigh in despair, watching others drink so much, with a lonely look.

And Lin Yi just took advantage of this opportunity to go out, kill the old man Duobao, meet the saint... and the maid.

Leng Hongye was heartbroken, "What a waste of resources!"

After saying this, Leng Hongye came to Lin Yi's side.

While Yin Shoucheng and others laughed and kept thanking Lin Yi, Leng Hongye acted like a spoiled child to Lin Yi.

Her head was even on Lin Yi's body.

"Husband, do you still have this medicine?"

Lin Yi looked at Leng Hongye, "My dear, whether there is medicine or not, we have to see how you react in a while?"

Leng Hongye gritted her teeth, "It's tested again! Sure enough, there is still some! I understand, I can't stop you, go ahead, I'll be by your sideI won't stop you from doing anything. "

Why do you say that there is a tacit understanding between husband and wife?

Lin Yi said one sentence, and Leng Hongye knew what Lin Yi was going to say, which must be related to the saint.

Lin Yi and Leng Hongye left this place.

Yin Shoucheng felt the poison in his body being removed, and the effect of the king-level elixir diluent impacted his body, making him feel like he was floating in the air and his cultivation was improved, but his face suddenly flushed and he felt a little embarrassed.

"Alas, I lost face in front of my younger son-in-law today. These Yin family members are so shameless!"

While saying this, Yin Shoucheng suddenly found that there was still a little king-level elixir diluent on the hand of a clan member.

Without saying a word, he pointed at the clan member and said, "Show mercy, let me lick the liquid. "

Lin Yi and Leng Hongye appeared in the courtyard, but they didn't meet anyone along the way.

It turned out that the Xia family members and maids and servants, except for those guarding the stables and cowshed, had gathered in the courtyard and were kneeling.

Only Elder Duobao was there, bowing slightly to the saint.

Lin Yi could tell at a glance that the saint was a good material for giving birth to a son!

Her waist was bee-like, her top was big, and her figure was surging!

Especially her black hair, which was actually loose, and she was wearing a black sleeve, a skirt with flowers, birds, fish and insects woven from various gold threads, and a hem.

She was wearing black woven shoes with the same pattern on her feet.

Standing there, she was taller, and although her face did not have the charm of Madam Hongye, she was also not to be underestimated.

Her nose and jade mouth, especially her eyes, were actually a pair of fox eyes. The eyes of a raccoon, between her left eyebrow, there is a small black mole.

Lin Yi nodded step by step!

Not to mention, this goal should really have a comprehensive score of 80 points, this appearance is here!

Lin Yi's sight flashed, looking at the maid of the saint who spoke before, and nodded involuntarily.

The maid of the saint is also good-looking, a bit like Madam Tingting.

But her figure is a little shriveled.

She has a childlike face, but not as surging as Madam Tingting.

The appearance is online, and it looks like a little hunting horse, very cold, and there should be a different sense of conquest.

Buy one get one free, a sure win.

The next moment, Lin Yi felt a hint of coldness on Leng Hongye's face.

Lin Yi said to Leng Hongye, "Don't forget, my lady, what you promised just now, and this medicine is for you. "

Lin Yi took out another bottle of king-level diluent from the storage bag, which can increase cultivation!

Anyway, it's better to keep the money within the family.

Mrs. Hongye's cultivation has improved. When Lin Yi practices with her, won't Lin Yi's cultivation also improve?

Anyway, it's a sure win business!

Leng Hongye's face suddenly became as bright as spring.

The appearance of Lin Yi and Leng Hongye had already made the bowing old man Duobao and the kneeling Xia family members, servants and maids, including the saint and maids standing there, all look here.

Old man Duobao looked puzzled.

Beside Lin Yi and Leng Hongye, one of the middle-aged men who was kneeling looked at Leng Hongye with burning eyes at first, and then he acted pretentiously and scolded Lin Yi.

"You ignorant boy, why don't you kneel down quickly to welcome the saint Mingtao of the Black Evil Sect! Saint Mingtao is here, why don't you kneel down!

In addition, you kneel beside me. "

The middle-aged man pointed at Leng Hongye and said shamelessly, asking Leng Hongye to kneel beside him!

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