["Wow! It's a female version of me, it's just a goddess!"]

[Deadpool looked at the "female Deadpool" in the distance, and his eyes were about to protrude from the mask!]

[At this time, the head of the zombie Deadpool was also admired:]

["Really, why wasn't I teleported here in the first place?"]

"It just landed on that damn savage land...... Hang out with you guy!"]

[And at this moment, Captain Mi Guo also launched a verbal sword against the female Deadpool:]

["Woman, I'll give you a chance, and now you will repent and turn back...... Confess your treason!"]

And swear...... Forever allegiance to Millican!"]

["Phew, don't even think about it!"]

[Deadpool held the knife in both hands and said fearlessly:]

["The government you are loyal to is extremely corrupt, shouting about human rights all day long, but doing all kinds of fascist acts in the shadows!"]

["Other ......"]

[Deadpool glancing at the shield in Team Mi's hand:]

"Tell you, I've always felt ...... Shields are only used by sissies!"]

["You !!"]

[Seeing that the woman in front of him was so disrespectful, Captain Mi was suddenly furious!]

[But before the American team could make a move, the real 616 Deadpool rushed out from the side and kicked him to the ground. 】


[Just when the captain fell and gnawed on the mud, Deadpool had already begun to pay tribute to the female version of "himself"]

["Beauty! The light bulb has kicked me off, we can start dating!"]


[Looking at Deadpool in front of him, who looked in the mirror, the female Deadpool chuckled:]

"Actually, I don't need help, but...... I really appreciate your style of dressing......"]


[At this moment, a shield suddenly flew out from the side, knocking Deadpool back several steps. 】


[Reaching out to grab the shield that bounced back, Captain Mi said with a gloomy face:]

["Woman! I don't know yet...... You have a twin brother. "】

["But it doesn't matter, I'll take you two down today!"]

["Huh...... Captain, you're so angry. "】

[Deadpool smiled, and directly teamed up with the female Deadpool to have a mixed doubles against Captain Mi Guo!]

[And halfway through the fight, Deadpool even resorted to a trick and took the zombie head in his hand...... Thrown at the captain. 】

["I bite!"]

["Deadpool Dead Head" actually cooperated tacitly, opened his mouth directly, and bit the arm of the American team fiercely. 】


[Looking at Deadpool's head that was clenching his body, the American team was also shocked, and the whole person stiffened. 】

["It's now!"]

[Seeing that the enemy was stunned, Deadpool suddenly shouted, beckoning the female Deadpool to attack at the same time!]


[was attacked by the three Deadpools, and the rice team had no room to fight back at all, and was soon beaten and fainted. 】

[After defeating the enemy, Deadpool looked at Captain Mi who fell to the ground and groaned. 】

["Hmm...... Can't let the zombie virus spread to this world. "】


[I saw Deadpool pull out the knife, and without saying a word, he cut it off with a knife...... Team Mi's arm that was bitten!]

["Hahaha! I, Uncle Wade, saved another world today!"]

[After returning the knife into the sheath, Deadpool turned his head again and looked at the "beauty" he had just saved. 】

[And the female Deadpool also looked over affectionately at this time:]

["You're quite interesting, how can I thank you for saving me?"]

["Do you need to say this?"]

[The two Deadpools pulled up the mask on their chins at the same time, and kissed each other.] 】

[But in the next moment.] 】


["It's so uncomfortable......"]

[In the next second, the two Deadpools immediately separated, and even ...... There was also a sound similar to "gagging". 】

["This feels so weird......"]

["Maybe...... We don't fit into each other. "】

[Deadpool shakes his head, puts the mask down, and reaches out to pick up the dead man's head that has fallen to the ground.] 】

[And seeing this scene, the dead man's head suddenly laughed too:]

["Hahaha, man, how does it feel to be a 'female version of yourself'?"

["Shut up, bastard, let's go!"]

[After greeting the female Deadpool, Deadpool picked up the head of the zombie Deadpool and stepped into the dimensional portal again. 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Wanda Maximoff: Wowhaha! That's funny, except for Loki, Deadpool you...... I actually fell in love with the female version of myself! ^_^

Rocky Odinson: Convex

John Constantine: What is that? Is same-sex attract?

Charles Xavier: I guess it's repulsive, you didn't look at the two of them, and then they separated?

Starlight: What does it feel like to kiss yourself? Isn't it disgusting?

Deadpool: Hmm...... This kind of thing...... You'll have to try it for yourself.

Ganata, the Star-Swallowing Daughter: Oh, you guy, do you really want to try it?

Deadpool: Hahaha! Needless to say, kissing yourself is not something everyone has!

Deadpool: Oh, by the way, Loki, would you like to try it out with me?

Loki Odinson: Get out! Pervert! You're not qualified to talk to a god like me!

At the same time, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[Although ABC entered the portal, he failed to enter the zombie universe, but returned to his own 616 universe!]

[In the end, with the help of a black archmage, Deadpool entered the portal again with the dead man's head and Dr. Betty. 】

[After a while, they finally came to the zombie universe!]

[As soon as Deadpool and the others appeared, they were warmly welcomed by a large number of zombies. 】

[The leader is still a "superhero zombie" with superpowers, Moon Knight!]

["Hey, why can't this guy be killed?"]

[Deadpool slashed the Moon Knight a lot of knives, but this zombie ...... But he continued to attack frantically. 】

[Seeing this, the dead man's head immediately made a suggestion:]

["Stupid! Deal with the zombie, either destroy his brain or cut off his head!"]


[After getting the guidance of the "zombie version of himself", Deadpool immediately waved the sharp blade in his hand and cut off the head of the Moon Knight with one sword!]

[Next, Deadpool takes the dead man's head and Dr. Betty to find his way back in this "zombie apocalypse". 】

[In the process, they actually encountered a group of humans!]

[It turns out that these people are the "human survivors" of this zombie universe!

[The leader of them is actually a beautiful woman named Veronica.] 】

Veronica takes Deadpool back to their secret camp. 】

[There is not only water, electricity, food, but even TV sets and video games!]

[Deadpool settled in this small base, playing video games day and night. 】

[Beauty doctor Betty and female professor Veronica teamed up to research the latest antidote to the zombie virus. 】

[In the end, Professor Veronica finally developed a serum that can resist the zombie virus.] 】

[At this moment, Deadpool also decided that he had to go back to the 626 universe.] 】

[Professor Veronica prepares to take his companions and take them outside the base.] 】

[Who knew that as soon as they left the base, Deadpool and others encountered a group of super zombies!]

[The leader is Hulk's old enemy...... "Zombie Absorber"!]

[In the face of this monster, Deadpool's attack can't cause damage at all.] 】

["Hehe, do you think I can't do anything about you?"]

[Deadpool directly found a bazooka, and with a rocket launcher, it hit the building next to it...... Empire State Building. 】


[This iconic building of New York collapsed with a bang, completely crushing on the absorber and Deadpool!]

[The terrifying roar shook the heavens and the earth, and the smoke and dust rushed all the way to several kilometers away. 】

["Oh God!"]

[Seeing the terrifying image behind her, the female doctor Betty and the female professor Veronica were shocked.] 】

[But after a while, Deadpool, who was covered in bruises and almost all his clothes were shattered, still crawled out of the rubble!]

[It's just 1 building, it's impossible to smash him to death!]

[However, the collapse of this building directly obscured the entrance to that secret base.] 】

[The female professor Veronica wants to go home, so she has to find another entrance.] 】

[So, they separated from Deadpool and the others.] 】

[And before parting, Veronica also gave Deadpool a special intercom, just in case. 】

[After breaking up with Veronica, Deadpool and the others found a working airship and flew into the sky with it. 】

[But in the sky, they encountered a new "super zombie". 】

[Later, they met the Indian heroine "Firebird" and the "Iceman" in the X-Men!]

[Of course, these two heroes...... It has long been transformed into a zombie. 】

["Firebird, don't roast them, I want to eat them alive, so they taste good!"]

[Bob the Iceman has a hideous face and lets out a crazy scream!]

PS: This Wednesday, the "Moon Knight" series will be broadcast. ^_^

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