[On this day, Deadpool accepted the commission of Pioneer Technology and went to the Wild Lands to steal something. 】

[Under the arrangement of Pioneer Technology, Deadpool sat in a miniature spaceship and fell like a meteorite into the wilderness!]


[After the spaceship fell to the ground, Deadpool was almost charred by the heat...... Crawled out with difficulty. 】

[Such a task can only be completed by him, if it is replaced by an ordinary human, it will have turned to ashes at this moment.] 】

[As soon as he left the ship, Deadpool encountered a barbarian in the Savage Lands. 】

[He followed the barbarian to the other party's camp, and was astonished at first sight. 】

[Inside the camp, those primitive savages...... A statue of Deadpool was built!]

[These guys actually worship Deadpool as a god!]

And just when Deadpool was confused, he suddenly noticed movement behind him. 】


[Deadpool punches back and knocks down a person, only to find out after a closer look...... It's actually a blonde beauty!]

[It turns out that this woman is Pioneer's liaison in the Savages, Dr. Betty Swanson.] 】

[Deadpool has just met Dr. Betty and has an encounter with the barbarians here.] 】

[Due to the large number of enemies, Deadpool was defeated without any suspense, and then was captured into the enemy's cave with Dr. Betty.] 】

[And in the cave, Deadpool saw an incredible ...... "person"!]

[Or ...... Dead Man's Head!]

[On a stick in front of him, there was actually the head of a "zombie Deadpool"!]

[Moreover, this Deadpool is still alive.] 】

[Looking at Deadpool who was tied up and sent in, this zombie Deadpool head...... Suddenly laughed out loud:]

["Hahaha! Cool, guys, you can get me a fresh body!"]

[It turns out that this "dead man's head" is what Dr. Betty is going to take out of the wilderness!]

[And from the mouth of this dead man's head, Deadpool finally figured out the details of the matter. 】

[The head of Zombie Deadpool comes from a "zombie universe". 】

[In that universe, due to the raging zombie virus, all superheroes and supervillains were infected. 】

[Deadpool is no exception, he was infected by the virus and turned into a zombie. 】

[Even though he turned into a zombie, Deadpool passed through a portal and came to other parallel universes by chance.]

[In the process, his body was blown to pieces, and only one head remained!]

[The zombie Deadpool with only his head left, wandered all the way, and finally fell into the hands of the barbarians in the wilderness!]

[These primitive creatures were shocked when they saw a human head that could speak, and worshipped him as a god! 】

[Fortunately, or unfortunately...... Because of the characteristics of zombies, even if there is only one head left, this "dead man's head" is still alive!]

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I'll go! Which zombie universe did this head come from?

Nick Fury: I think...... It should be the first zombie universe we've seen.

Nick Fury: Because of the second universe, the people there are not zombie viruses, but Zerg parasites!

Nick Fury: Parasitic people will completely lose their personality and become the host of bugs!

John Constantine: So the head hasn't lost its personality, it's just become a crazy cannibalistic ...... Zombies?

Wanda Maksimov: Vomit ...... I'm sick to death, so break this head to pieces!

Deadpool: Wow, you're so violent, such a funny living head still belongs to me, it's a shame to be so ruined.

Reed Richards: Hmm...... Anyway, he only had one head left, and it was impossible for him to attack anyone else.

Reed Richards: If such a creature were to fall into the hands of researchers, it might be possible to decipher the antidote to the zombie virus and make the people who turned into zombies ...... Return to normal.

Wanda Maximov: Oh? You think I forgot, in that zombie universe...... Your variant, after researching the zombie virus, turned the Fantastic Four into zombies!

Wanda Maximov: Now...... Do you want to study it again?

Reed Richards: ............ When I didn't say anything. ╥﹏╥

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Next, Deadpool escaped from the barbarians with his immortal body, the "Dead Head" and Dr. Betty. 】

But that's just the beginning of their troubles. 】

[Pioneer Technology covets the zombie virus on the dead man's head and wants to snatch him back for research. 】

[In order to stop them, Deadpool fought several battles with these guys dressed like beekeepers, and finally won!]

[Considering the danger of losing movement on the dead man's head, Deadpool feels that he can't put this guy in his own universe.] 】

[After some negotiations, Deadpool decides to take the dead man's head...... Through the portal he came to the 616 universe, send him back to the zombie universe!]

[After another arduous adventure, Deadpool came to a swamp with the head of a dead man.] 】

Here, they found the strange portal. 】

["Okay, come with me, the dead man, get ready to go home!"]

[As if he wasn't afraid of the zombie universe at all, Deadpool directly held the dead man's head...... Rushed into the portal!]


[With a flash of red light, they leave the swamp and appear in a new universe!]

[But because they landed on this new land, the two Deadpools were immediately surrounded by a group of soldiers.] 】

[And the most outrageous thing is that the commander of the group of soldiers...... It turned out to be a Deadpool too!]

["I'm Colonel Wade Wilson of S.H.I.E.L.D.!codename Deadpool!"]

[Major Wilson, who was dressed in a military uniform and wore a special hood for Deadpool on his face, said coldly:]

["Who the hell are you two guys?


[Deadpool doesn't understand what his variant is saying.] 】

Major Wilson immediately ordered his subordinates to ...... Catch Deadpool with a special fishing net and torture him to find out the secret!]

["Tell me, which force are you!"]

["The portal...... Will new enemies emerge in the future?"]

[Looking at Major Wilson with a serious face in front of him, Deadpool laughed and immediately began to use the agitation method. 】

["Boy, if you have the ability, you can go head-to-head with me!"]

["If you can win against me, I absolutely know everything. "】

"You'll regret it. "】

[Major Wilson...... Seems to be very confident in his fighting skills, not only directly untied Deadpool's body, but even began to take off his combat suit!]

["It's been a long time since I've fought with people hand-to-hand, but this time...... I'm going to give you a long memory!"]

[While speaking, Major Wilson even took off his hood!]

[And at the look of this person's appearance, Deadpool's eyes suddenly widened. 】

[This guy is not disfigured at all, and there are no scars on his body at all!]

[Not only that, but this Major Wade Wilson...... Still a big handsome guy!]

["Damn, everyone is Deadpool, why are you so handsome!"]

[The more I looked at it, the more annoyed I became, and Deadpool pounced directly.] 】

[And in the process of fighting, this kid even used the cheap trick of "fake death" to lure Colonel Wilson to relax his vigilance, and only then did he win the final victory!]

["Hahaha, let you know...... What is a real tactic. "】

[After knocking Major Wilson unconscious, Deadpool directly changed into the other party's clothes, and pretended to be a major, rushed out all the way, and gave orders to the soldiers next to the vehicle:]

["Listen to the GI, the situation is dangerous!"]

"Hurry up and bring me to the place where the dead man's head is, I must protect it at all costs. "】

["Got it! Major!"]

[The soldier couldn't tell that this "Major Wade" had been replaced, and directly brought "Colonel Deadpool" to the scientific research department. 】

[Pick up the dead man's head being studied here, Deadpool turns around and runs!]

[And in the process of their escape, another portal appeared in front of Deadpool!]


[After crashing headlong into the portal, Deadpool did not come to another universe, but appeared in the ...... of this universe Another place. 】

[I saw that this place was full of ruins and broken walls, as if there was a war. 】

And not far from Deadpool, a big war is unfolding. 】

["Abominable traitor, I will destroy you on behalf of the people of the United States!"]

[Wearing a standard battle uniform and holding a vibranium shield in his hand, "Captain of the United States" Steve Rogers has a righteous face and beats the enemy in front of him to the ground. 】

[And at this moment, a person suddenly appeared from the side and kicked the captain of the rice country to the ground. 】

["You! damned traitor! I must kill you with my own hands!"]

[Looking at the blonde woman in the red tights in front of him and holding two knives, Captain Mi suddenly became angry. 】

["Oh, Captain, if you have the ability, you can try it!"]

[The blonde woman wears a typical Deadpool mask on her head, and it is a female Deadpool!]

[In this universe, Deadpool's variant turned out to be a woman!]

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