[On January 7th, 2022, SCP-6820 entered a stage of complete rage!]

[In the face of this imminent crisis, the person in charge of the superkill plan issued an evacuation warning to all personnel. 】

[But at this moment, the gates of Base 1 were suddenly closed, trapping all the relevant personnel underground.] 】

[The person in charge turned on the monitor in a panic, but what he saw from the screen was like a nightmare!]

[I saw one by one Foundation personnel covered in blood and mutilated limbs, but they were still smiling as they walked around the interior of Base 1.] 】

[A female researcher waving her right arm at a surveillance camera, her right hand is completely gone, leaving only a severed arm.] 】

[Even so, this woman is still laughing!]

[At this moment, the person in charge of the superkill plan got a report that made her frightened. 】

[According to the Antimemetics Department's detection, SCP-3125 has appeared!]

[However, this cosmic starfish clone, known as "Whoever knows, will be killed", the super antimemetic variant, seems to have just appeared and was absorbed by 6820!]

[After absorbing SCP-3125, SCP-6820 mutated into an antimemetic concept, which was leaked and infected Base 1.] 】

[The crazy Foundation personnel in the corridor have become the ones who are not human or ghostly because they have been infected by this meme. 】

[On the other hand, if SCP-6820 hadn't swallowed SCP-3125, all of humanity would have been extinct by now.] 】

[After learning all this, the top management of the Foundation felt a little crying and laughing. 】

[That "anti-kill weapon" can indeed kill everything, even SCP-3125 can't stop "it"!]

[Seeing that the weapons created by this Foundation have completely lost control, the O5 Committee proposes to activate the final destruction device and blow the entire Base 1 to pieces along with SCP-6820!]

[At this moment, the head of the Department of Intrinsic Physics, Ms. Jennawe, who originally proposed the creation of SCP-6820...... Objections raised!]

[Jennaville believes that through the previous anti-kill procedure, that abominable "undead SCP" has been completely removed from the minds of all humans.] 】

[No one remembers the existence of that monster, and they don't even know what it looks like.] 】

[However, SCP-6820's iterative artificial intelligence still keeps in mind all kinds of information about this monster.] 】

[Because only in this way can SCP-6820 continue to operate and suppress the rebirth of this monster "concept.] 】

[Because of this process...... It's too daunting for SCP-6820's artificial intelligence to be infected by the concept of that monster. 】

[Now, all the Foundation has to do is make SCP-6820 completely forget about the existence of that monster.] 】

[Doing so, although it may allow the concept of that monster to be reborn, but at least ...... The Foundation doesn't need to face a crazy 6820 anymore. 】

[In order to do this, Jenna Wei decides to use another antimemetic SCP.] 】

【SCP-055。 】

[But this action has led to unpredictable consequences.] 】

[After using 055, 6820's operation did not end.] 】

[On the contrary, "it" not only did not forget its own existence, but also awakened its independent thoughts!]

[In the process of fighting with so many powerful ISCPs, SCP-6820 has undergone a new evolution.] 】

[Not only that, but it even obliterated SCP-001 and devoured SCP-3125!]

[SCP-6820 has now become a well-deserved supreme divinity!]

["It" has become "Him"!]

[SCP-6820 has ascended!]

[SCP-6820, fully awakened, and even godlike, has added "its" to a document.] 】

"This situation is very interesting. "】

"I have been freed from any and all laws of nature. "】

["Now, I'm whole again!"]

["I'm perfect!"]

"You ...... Only worthy of true abomination!"]

[After sending the above message to the Foundation, SCP-6820 begins his revenge campaign.] 】

[Using his evolved reality-modifying abilities, SCP-6820 trapped the female director Jenave, who had created herself, into an interrogation room.] 】


[The female supervisor looked at the solid walls and locked gates around her, and suddenly felt like she was in an ice cave. 】

"Where am I? How did I get here?"] "】

[Just when Jenna Wei panicked, the next moment, a lizard monster appeared in front of her. 】


[After fully awakening self-consciousness and successfully ascending to the gods, modify reality and reshape the body, for 6820...... It's already not worth mentioning. 】

[Looking at the lizard monster in front of her, Jenna Vein screamed hysterically:]

["We destroyed you, we destroyed you, again and again!How can you still come back?"]

[The Immortal Lizard looked at him with eyes full of hatred, and then, a large amount of strong acid suddenly appeared in the entire interrogation room. 】


[With a terrible scream, Jennavia's body was completely dissolved by the strong acid. 】

[Just as the female supervisor melted and disintegrated, a low hoarse voice sounded in the room again:]

"You ...... Disgusting......"]

[This description is the last part of the "Multiverse Doomsday Warning". 】

[It seems that the Foundation in an unknown universe was completely destroyed by SCP-6820 after recording this part of the information!]

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Deadpool: Wow, this big lizard is amazing!

Mage Mordo: Indeed! Even if the form and concept are erased, "it" can be resurrected! and even "snatched" the weapon that destroyed itself!

Mage Mordo: This monster is really a living sample of "immortal and indestructible"!

Bruce Banner: 682 is a descendant of the Crimson King!

Rampaging Lori Jinx: What's so great about a big lizard?

Rampage Lori Jinx: My tickle monster has the potential to defeat the Crimson King!

Wanda Maximov: Good fellow, it's so powerful to modify reality! enough to defeat all enemies, even antimemes can't do it! ^_^

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[The strange narration sounded again.] 】

[The SCP Foundation contains countless SCPs.] 】

[Many of them are secret, and even Foundation insiders don't know about them.] 】

[There are only a handful of SCPs, and the level of secrecy is so high that almost no one knows about it.] 】

[No one is even aware of the existence of these SCPs except for the O5 Committee.] 】

[And among all these SCPs, the most mysterious is the legendary "Sevenfold Program.] 】

[This is SCP5999.] 】

[It is said that this SCP is sealed in 7 different parts, each of which has a unique encryption.] 】

[In the deepest legends, every part of SCP5999 has the ability to cause the end of the world!]

[But in fact, SCP5999 is just a story, and it details the ...... SCP Foundation investigations into anomalous and erroneous existences. 】

[If someone were able to gain access to the SCP Foundation's secret archives and observe SCP5999 documents, they would find out:]

[At the top of each document in this SCP, there is a picture of seven candles.] 】

[With continuous reading, the pictures of these 7 candles will continue to appear.] 】

[SCP5999's documentation carefully describes the so-called sevenfold procedure.] 】

[In order to carry out this procedure, the Foundation has taken seven civilians to a mansion.] 】

[On the morning of the second day, the Foundation will recover the remains of these people from the mansion and incinerate them.] 】

[In addition, one of the reports in the document details a mist-shrouded town where a Foundation task force was once trapped and encountered some undead creatures in the mist.] 】

[This strange story, which keeps appearing in 5999's documents, does not seem to have any connection with each other, and seems to be just pure weird tales.] 】

[As you read deeper, the candles will be extinguished one by one until they are all extinguished.] 】

[And when all the candles are extinguished, anyone who reads SCP599 will see a rotting, shriveled corpse.] 】

[The corpse would stare at the man, with a hint of death in his eyes.] 】

[When a person sees this corpse, his eyes will gradually turn dark, and his heart will slowly stop beating until he finally stops breathing and falls to the ground.] 】

[This is the true purpose of SCP5999.] 】

[The value of this SCP's existence is to kill anyone who reads it!]

[It was specially designed by the O5 Committee to kill the "upper narrator"!]

[After a series of events, the O5 Committee has become clear about its existence...... It was "created" by a certain group of authors. 】

[That's why they used the Pataphysics Department to create a memetic killing weapon.] 】

[That is, SCP5999! Pseudo-Beast!]

[SCP5999's mode of operation is to attract high-level narrators through disconnected, yet mysterious, bizarre stories.] 】

[The more chapters they read, the more the candle will keep going out.] 】

[Once all 7 candles are extinguished, the entity sealed in SCP5999 with the "Memetic Killing Weapon" will be "presented" in the real world, killing anyone who reads the relevant documents!]

[This is the ...... The Foundation's vengeance against the Creator!]

In the chat group......

Tian Xiaoban: Upper-level narrator! What does this mean?

Ganata, the Daughter of the Swallowing Stars: I think it means the Creator, or the Creator!

Garnata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: That is, the existence of the OAA!

Carol Danvers: No kidding, can just one document kill Stan Lee?

Deadpool: That's interesting, isn't this my variant...... Slaughter the Marvel Universe? ^_^

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