["Since 1968, this SP Foundation, which is in an unknown universe, has begun to create so-called "anti-killing facilities". "】

["Originally, what they were building was not an execution machine, but a purely scientific research project. "】

["Slowly, more and more Foundation departments are joining this project, and even the legendary metaphysics is involved!time anomaly, and quantum super mechanics!"]

["This project has been running smoothly for many years......]

["It wasn't until 2006 that a department head named "Jennaville" discovered the ...... "potential weaponization use" of this program.]

As head of the Department of Essential Physics, Jennaville explained her position to her superiors and colleagues. "】

[The so-called "essential physics" refers to the "embodiment" of the concept of nothingness in the physical world]

[For example, anger, attack, damage, kill...... These actions in themselves can be considered "hatred...... Real-world embodiment. "】

When you hear the term "hate," you usually associate these acts with it. "】

["Jennaville thinks that the anomalous entity that the Foundation has been trying to terminate for so many years may be the "embodiment" of some concept!"]

[It is precisely because the concept itself still exists that the Foundation has been unable to terminate it."] "】

"You can't kill a concept. "】

["On the basis of this theory, Jenna Wei suggests...... The Foundation used the "Anti-Killing Facility" to completely erase the "concept" represented by the anomalous entity. "】

["After listening to Jennavia's presentation, the upper echelons of the Foundation agreed to her plan. "】

["Soon, the Foundation began weaponizing "anti-kill facilities."] 】

["It took many years for the Foundation to finally create a so-called "anti-killing weapon" under Base 1. "】

["This weapon is powered by a "double antimatter reactor"! "】

["In order to identify and analyze the "concept" of the object, the anti-kill weapon is also equipped with iterative "advanced artificial intelligence", which is responsible for "identifying the behavior pattern of the object" and "modifying reality". "】

["Because of the power of this weapon, the Foundation has designated it as an SCP, codenamed "SCP-6820."] "】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Deadpool: Wow hahaha! Iterative AI! I know now...... How did these people kill themselves? O(∩_∩)O haha~

Robert Kiliman: AI is evil and dangerous, why do these humans always fail to learn?

Bruce Wayne: Are the Foundation people crazy? Leave such a terrible weapon to an artificial intelligence to control!

Bruce Wayne: Didn't they take it into account at all...... Is it possible that this artificial intelligence will go wrong?

Reed Richards: Possibly, only artificial intelligence can make this weapon work.

Reed Richards: In order to analyze and identify the concept of the other party, it is also necessary to precisely modify the reality and erase the concept and entity of the other party.

Reed Richards: This kind of thing can only be done by artificial intelligence that can keep iterating and learning...... to be able to do it!

Nick Fury: Even such high-tech things can be made, so why doesn't that Foundation prepare some emergency measures......! Stop button!

Tony Stark: Sigh, for an iterative, infinitely growing AI, can a button really turn it off?

Wanda Maximov: This Foundation spends so much energy just to destroy an SCP!

Wanda Maximov: Is their purpose really to control, contain, and protect?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Who knows......

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

The eerie voice of narration sounded again.

[In 2021, the Foundation launched anti-killing weapons, and successfully erased the form and concept of the "undead SCP". "】

["Because this erasure was so successful, it was ...... afterwards No one in the Foundation remembers...... What exactly did they kill?"]

["All materials and information about the obliterated object have disappeared from the real world. "】

["Therefore, the Foundation named the hateful object they succeeded in erasing as "SCP-6820-A."] "】

["Although on the surface, the Foundation's erasure of the forgotten "abomination"...... It was a success. "】

["But there are still some researchers who are skeptical."] "】

[First of all, it has been suggested that the "object" may not have been completely erased, and perhaps some of the "concept" of "it" remained. "】

["It has also been suggested that SCP-6820 is too powerful and that it should be shut down as soon as possible for safety reasons."] Even disintegrate!"]

"But unfortunately, it was too late at this point. "】

["In order to obliterate the abominable "undead SCP", SCP-6820 has used high-intensity artificial intelligence. It was thoroughly analyzed. "】

["It can be said that this artificial intelligence weapon is already the ...... in the world The existence that knows the most about the "undead SCP". "】

["That's where the problem arises. "】

[In order to ensure that the "Undead SCP" can never be regenerated in the real world, SCP-123 must operate non-stop, using its reality-bending capabilities to erase its concept countless times. "】

[But the "concept" of this monster is too stubborn! It includes an endless hatred of all things in the world, and no matter what state it is...... will continue to evolve and resurrect the concept!"]

["In order to suppress this ever-evolving, never-ending "concept of immortality", 123's artificial intelligence had to be overloaded, and eventually "overloaded" appeared. "】

["Eventually, one day, the CPU of the 123 began to change. "】

["Due to the long period of analysis and suppression of the "concept of immortality", the artificial intelligence of 123...... Eventually it becomes the concept itself!"]

["As if infected by a virus, this "anti-killing weapon" with "infinite energy" and "infinite reality reconstruction ability" has been replaced by the concept of "immortal SCP"!"]

["The One Who Gazes into the Abyss...... Eventually turned into an abyss!"]

["It wasn't until this time that the Foundation discovered that they couldn't shut down 123!"]

["123, who fell into a state of rage, began to use the reality reconstruction ability of "it" to destroy everything around him and destroy all the lives that could be touched!"]

["Seeing that the situation was critical, the Foundation hurriedly summoned ...... All researchers who have created anti-killing weapons. "】

"All of them have been assigned a new mission. "】

["Project, Overkill!"

["Destroy this superweapon that has completely gone berserk at all costs!"]

["In order to completely erase that "undead SCP", the Foundation has endowed the "Anti-Killing Weapon" with unparalleled capabilities. "】

"It can learn by itself, iterate on itself, evolve infinitely, and modify reality as it pleases. "】

["And after being "polluted by concepts", 123 has a new quality, that is, infinite hatred for all living things in the world. "】

["First of all, the people in the memetics department have come up with a memetic algorithm to try to infect SCP-123 and make him think that he is nothing more than a low-level person. "】

[Correspondingly, 123 immediately used his reality-re-remodeling abilities to "position" himself as a member of the O5 Committee, with supreme power over life and death in the Foundation. "】

["The people in charge of the Superkill Project. Decided to use another super artificial intelligence to fight against 123!"]

["The one they chose was 'SCP-079'!"]

["This SCP is said to have reached the pinnacle of artificial intelligence, and its software system is so advanced that no hardware system in the world can accommodate it. "】

["The Foundation has entered all of 123's information into 079's database. "】

[And this AI quickly understood the gravity of the situation and issued an "anti-algorithm" to 123 to terminate its operation.] "】

["But this counter-algorithm only halted SCP-123 for 16 minutes, and the entire Site-1 experienced an electromagnetic overload, resulting in the death of three staff members."] "】

["An hour later, 123 restarted. "】

["And this time, the exterior of this AI weapon is all covered by some kind of tungsten-diamond alloy that is thought to be impossible. "】

Next, the Foundation dispatched their ultimate weapon. "】

["That's SCP-001!"]

["SCP-001 is not an object, but the first row in the Foundation database!"]

["According to the Foundation's internal records, any factual narrative written in the SCP001 database will be transformed into objective reality without exception!"]

["Many years ago, a researcher named Mary Nakayama used this universal wishing machine to become a true god above all else...... Supreme Divinity!"]

["Since then, this document has been banned from anyone using it."] "】

["In the face of the crisis of burning eyebrows, the Foundation has nothing else to care about now. "】

["Soon, with the authorization of the O5 Committee, a staff member opened SCP-001's file and typed the following into it:"]

["Once this document is saved, the presence of counter-kill facilities, SCP-6820, and SCP-6820-A, is to be completely erased immediately."] "】

["The area where the anti-kill facility is located will be replaced by dirt."] "】

["The staff member then stores the document."] "】

["Just after the document was stored, a large area of Base 1 was completely replaced with soil, resulting in extensive landslides. "】

["Unfortunately, nothing has changed in 123. "】

["When the researchers went back to look at the 001 document, they found that it didn't exist at all."] "】

["It wasn't until then that the Foundation really realized...... What kind of enemy are they dealing with!"]

["Even SCP-001, which created the supreme divinity, Mary Nakayama, was obliterated by 123!"]

["This anti-killing weapon has reached the point of obliterating the "Supreme Divine Existence"!"]

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