["Kiri Ellod ......"]

[After saying these strange words, the hostess immediately fell from mid-air and fell to the ground and fainted. 】

[Feeling that the situation is not good, Captain Megumi Kurama immediately informs the victorious team members in the base and asks them to enter a state of alert.] 】

[But even the captain didn't expect the enemy's attack to come so quickly!]


[Megumi Kurama had just left the TV station, and a building across the street suddenly exploded and turned into countless rubble in front of her!]

[Could this be ...... Is this the warning of the so-called Kiri Elrods?]

[In the face of this sudden attack, there was a debate between various factions within TPC. 】

[Some people think that the captain of the intermediary should not rashly agree with Ultraman Tiga!]

[But in the end, everyone still thinks that the inexplicable Kiri Elrod is ...... is the biggest threat at the moment!]

[And after research, the victory team believes that the building that suddenly exploded was detonated by some kind of superpower!]

[The other party may be an alien or a superpower!]

[Without a clue, Captain Megumi Kurama returned to the dormitory alone at night and prepared to rest. 】

[But in the hallway, she saw a strange blue figure.] 】


[Hurriedly rushed into his dormitory, Captain Megumi Kuruma soon saw a strange man. 】

"Don't be nervous, I'm just here to talk to you. "】

[This man, who looks no different from an earthling, calls himself a "prophet"!]

[And as soon as this prophet came up, he threatened Captain Megumi and ordered her to represent the earthlings...... Tribute to the people of Kirielrod. 】

[After the captain refuses, the Prophet claims that he will destroy the "K1 region" next.] 】


[Captain Megumi was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly followed the prophet out of the door. 】

[But the team members who were guarding outside said...... I didn't see anyone at all. 】

[It's as if the prophet disappeared out of thin air.] 】

[And then, there was a terrible explosion in the K1 area, with countless casualties!]

[This prophet is indeed true!]

[For failing to stop the attack, Captain Megumi feels extremely remorseful.] 】

[And in the midst of the trough, she suddenly remembered something!]

[In his room, that strange prophet once reached out and picked up a photo!]

[The captain hurriedly took this photo for fingerprint testing, and sure enough, he found out the true identity of the prophet. 】

[In desperation, the captain came to the suspect's house alone, but was surprised to find that this man, who was considered a "prophet", had died three years ago!]

[How can this be? Could it be that he appeared in his dormitory...... Is it a dead man?]

[And just when the captain's heart was full of consternation, the blue figure suddenly appeared behind her again!]

["It's you, why did you find me?"]

[Look at it again and again...... The Kiri Elrod man who appeared in front of him, Captain Megumi Kuruma shouted desperately. 】

["It's because...... You want to recognize Tiga's status!"]

[The Kirielrod has changed into a human form again, but it's still the same guy who has been dead for three years!]

[The prophet looked at Captain Megumi and said coldly:]

["We, the Kiri Elrods, have already come to this planet. "】

["Tiga came much later than us, it's not a big deal at all!"]

[At this moment, Dagu also rushed to the captain's side in time and drove away the Kiri Elrod people with his gun. 】

[But then, both Dagu and the captain heard terrible news!]

[It turns out that the next place to be destroyed by the Kiri Elrod is the building they are in!]

[The captain ordered Dagu to assist the nearby residents to evacuate.] 】

[At the same time, the victory team that received the warning also drove the Feiyan to attack!]

[After this period of research, the victorious team members have discovered the enemy's means of destroying buildings.] 】

[It was a special kind of flame that would rise from the ground and shatter the building!]

[In order to neutralize this attack, the Victory Team has also developed an electromagnetic wave cannon!It is also installed on the latest Feiyan!]

["Three, two, one! Launch!"]

[After the remaining team members on the Feiyan pressed the button, an electromagnetic wave cannon suddenly hit the ground with precision!]

[At the same time, Dagu found out that Captain Megumi was ...... I didn't have time to evacuate with the rest of the civilians!]


[Seeing that the situation was critical, Dagu took out the divine light stick from his arms without thinking!]

["Tiga transforms!"]

[With a bright light lit up, Ultraman Tiga suddenly appeared in the middle of the city!]

[But under the influence of the electromagnetic wave cannon, there was no explosion in the nearby building!]

【Enemy Fire Attack...... It's cracked!]

[After Tiga appeared, he immediately grabbed the captain with his hands carefully, and then placed him in a safe position. 】

[The captain had just escaped, and the prophet suddenly appeared again. 】

["Ultraman Tiga, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"]

[Naomi Prophet stood on the street not far away, stretched out his hand and pointed at the tall Tiga giant, and shouted loudly:]

"What do you think...... Can you be the guardian saint of this planet, you are too arrogant!"]

"Before you appeared, the ignorant humans of this planet...... It has always been guided by us Kiri Elrod, and your presence is superfluous!"]

[After saying these inexplicable words, the prophet suddenly opened his hands, and a dazzling fire bloomed on his body!]


[I saw a huge amount of flames, turning into pillars of fire...... Soar to the sky!]

[From the pillar of fire, a strange giant with a height of tens of meters and taller than a high-rise building came out!]

[It turns out that this is the essence of the Kiri Elrod people!]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Agent J: Aliens! There are other aliens living on this earth!

Big bones boiled into soup: incredible, it's really an alien! And it can also turn into a human form!( ̄△ ̄;)

Seeing that prophet suddenly turn into a giant, Da Gu was also shocked for a while, and even his eyes widened.

In the previous video, strange monsters also appeared.

But such as Gakuma and the like, they are obviously protists of the earth, so it is not difficult for Dagu to accept it.

But the "armored" Kiri Elrod in front of him has already reported himself to his home, and he is indeed an alien!

Bruce Wayne: What worries me more than that...... This kind of alien, like Dagu, has the ability to transform into a human form!

Bruce Wayne: I'm thinking...... In addition to this "prophet", how many aliens are there, hiding on Earth in the form of humans?

Agent J: It looks like this Earth needs to create a group of men in black to investigate extraterrestrial things.

Big bones boiled into soup: alien things?

When he went to the speeches of Young Master Wayne and the others, Da Gu only felt that his heart was lifted for a while.

This kind of "Kiri Elod" can actually turn into a human form!

How many such aliens exist around you?

Stephen Strange: Strangely, the man possessed by the "prophet" seems to have been dead for several years.

Bruce Wayne: Maybe...... Is it fake death, perhaps...... This kind of alien can only possess the dead.

John Constantine: Resurrecting the dead? Is it a necromancer?

Hermione Granger: Necromancer? (⊙o⊙)

John Constantine: Actually, it's not really resurrected, it's just the corpse and soul turned into zombies or ghosts at your disposal.

John Constantine: These are all dark arts......

Hermione Granger: ............ Too bad I'm definitely not going to learn this kind of thing. (╯_╰)

Deadpool: Compared to this, I think the psychological state of this alien is more interesting. ^_^

Hermione Granger: What?

Deadpool: That base man is obviously jealous of Ultraman! I can't stand seeing someone praise him on TV!

Big bones boiled into soup: Kixing people? (⊙_⊙)

Bruce Banner: Aliens who have been hiding among humans for tens of millions of years, he ...... What exactly do you want to do?

Reid Richards: I'd like to know, it's a wonderful subject.

And while everyone in the group was arguing, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After the Kiri Elrod people revealed their true form, they immediately started a battle with Ultraman Tiga!]


[The battle between the two giants suddenly caused terrible damage around the block, and several buildings were destroyed in the battle. 】


[Seeing that the balanced type could not gain the upper hand for a while, Ultraman Tiga suddenly changed his battle form and transformed into a purple ...... "Agile Air Form". 】


[After changing to an agile form, Ultraman's movements have significantly accelerated a lot, and his fists and feet have rained down on the Kiri Elrod people!]


[Although he was hit many times by Ultraman, the Kirielrod man didn't seem to suffer much damage, but instead raised his right hand and aimed it at Tiga!]


[I saw it in the hands of the Kiri Elrods...... A fierce burst of flames spewed out and hit Ultraman's body right in, causing a violent explosion!]

[This is the Kirry Elrod people's special trick Hellfire Bomb!]

[At the beginning, he used this superpower to blow those buildings to pieces without knowing it!]


[Hit head-on by the Prison Flame Bullet, Diga staggered back several steps, apparently suffering some injuries. 】


Seeing that the trick worked, the Kiri Elrod people immediately rushed up and struck at Diga repeatedly! 】


[In the face of the second Hellfire Bullet released by the enemy, Ultraman Tiga barely blocked it, but the signal light of the murderous mouth finally lit!]

[There is not enough time to transform!]

["Bang, bang, bang!boom!"]

[After gaining the upper hand, the imposing Kiri Ellod rushed up again and punched and kicked Ultraman Tiga!

[At this time, on the ground, the victorious team members saw Ultraman retreating again and again, and it seemed that he was about to be defeated, and they were immediately anxious. 】

"Ultraman! Don't lose. In desperation, Lina shouted. 】


[But in the next moment, Ultraman was sent flying again.] 】

[Lina's refueling, it doesn't seem to be of much use. 】

"I have always believed in you. "】

[At this moment, Captain Megumi Kurama suddenly stood up and shouted at Ultraman:]

["You...... It's supposed to protect and guide us humans, so please stand up!"]

[And at this moment, the Kiri Elrod raised his right hand at Ultraman, and it seemed that he was about to release the Prison Flame Bullet again!]


[At the last moment, Diga seemed to hear Megumi Juma's words...... Suddenly, his spirits were greatly lifted, and he used the agility of the "air type" to dodge with one heel. 】

[Immediately after, Ultraman Tiga raised his right hand and aimed it at the top of the head of the Kiri Elrod, releasing a "cryo beam.] 】


[The ultra-low temperature cryogenic beam exploded above the enemy's head, releasing a large amount of freezing gas!]


[Under the shroud of freezing air, the movements of the Kiri Elrod people slowed down significantly, and the whole person became stiff. 】


[After a few seconds, the body of the Kiri Elrod was completely frozen!]


[Seeing that the enemy had been restrained, Ultraman immediately crossed his hands in front of his forehead, and the crystal on his forehead flashed, and the whole person changed back to a balanced form of red, white and blue!]

[Only in the balanced form, Ultraman Tiga can unleash his most powerful attack!]


[I saw Ultraman split his hands and condense the strength of his whole body on his arms, and then combined the two arms into an "L" shape and aimed at the Kiri Elrod people...... Unleash a dazzling flash of light!]


[Frozen in place, completely unable to dodge, the Kiri Elrod people were hit by this flash!]

[And in the next second......]

["Boom !!"]

[The body of the Kiri Elrod man exploded, turning into countless ice cubes and scattering in all directions!]

[This move is Ultraman Tiga's most powerful trick...... Jappeli Ao Ray!]

[Under the light of Japelia, the people of Kiri Ellod were killed in seconds without any suspense!]

And seeing that the enemy was finally defeated by Tiga, the chat group was also lively again.

Wanda Maximov: This Ultraman is really, he has such a powerful trick, why didn't he use it at the beginning, and he was almost defeated by the enemy.

Bruce Wayne: I'm afraid...... It's not enough experience, right?

Daddy: Oh, Dagu, your combat experience is really so poor, and you can't compare with the "original Ultraman"!

Big bones into soup: uh...... I'm sorry.

Wolverine: That blue-purple agility type doesn't seem to be of much use except for being fast.

Wolverine: I see, when the Great Ancient fights in the future. Transform directly into the red form and fight the enemy with brute force!

Wolverine: It's the easiest and best for you.

Big bones boiled into soup: spell ...... Desperate?( ̄△ ̄;)

Carol Danvers: That's right, as long as it's strong enough, no enemy can stop the second punch!

Carol Danvers: That's who I am...... So many years of experience in the universe!

Barry Allen, The Flash: But, fast speed also has the benefit of being fast, don't underestimate speed!

Wonder Woman Diana: Well, from the video just now, Ultraman also has a lot of superpowers!

Wonder Woman Diana: If Dagu can develop all these abilities, he can win even if he doesn't rely on brute force.

Big bones into soup: Really? So what should I ...... (O_O)

Seeing the various opinions in the group, Da Gu only felt a little dizzy in his head, and he didn't know who to listen to for a while......

[And at this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.] 】

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, Dagu piloted the Feiyan and routinely patrolled the air. 】

[In the process of chatting with the team member "Xincheng"...... It is known that just two months ago, a spacecraft named Jupiter 3 went missing on its way to Jupiter. 】

[To this day, no one knows where this spaceship has gone.] 】

[Suddenly, the Feiyan detected that a huge object was breaking into the atmosphere at a very fast speed and was about to fall to the earth!]

[Moreover, the landing point of this huge object happens to be at a base of the Space Development Agency! 】


[Soon, with a loud bang, the "huge object" fell violently into the ocean near the base, stirring up a monstrous wave!]

[Immediately after, a "steel monster" dozens of meters tall and shining all over his body suddenly stood up from the sea!]


[I saw that this monster looked like a lizard that had been magnified countless times, and it seemed to be covered with a thick layer of steel armor!]

[For a while, I couldn't tell whether ...... "it" was a creature or a machine!]

[This terrifying alien monster is the "Composite Monster Ligadron"!]

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