Hearing Bruce Wayne's words, doubts suddenly appeared in the group.

Tian Xiaoban: What is the real Tiga? What are you talking about?

Tony Stark: Really? Is that what the Poor said...... Tens of millions of years ago, Ultraman Tiga, who left the Earth and traveled to other nebulae?

Bruce Wayne: Well, I think that's how it should be.

Bruce Wayne: That explains ...... Why was Tiga's combat power so strong before, but now it has become weaker!

Wolverine: It was the real Tiga who fought before, and now it's ...... But it's the kid named Da Gu?

Big bones into soup: Actually, I also learned how to fight.

Wanda Maximov: Oh, have you learned how to fight as Ultraman?

Big bones into soup: uh...... (⊙_⊙)

Tian Xiaoban: Ah! I understand this way.

Tian Xiaoban: After I got Omnitrix, I didn't know how to use the power of transformation at first.

Tian Xiaoban: But judging from the video, in the end, I can even turn into a "flame man" and fly into the sky!

Stephen Strange: You can only improve with experience and practice.

Stephen Strange: That's what medicine is, it's magic that's it, it seems...... The same goes for superpower transformations.

Wanda Maximov: Then I still don't understand, isn't the real Ultraman Tiga a soul out of a shell, leaving only a shell on the earth?

Wanda Maximov: Why is this shell ...... Can you still fight automatically?

Bruce Wayne: This ............

Stephen Strange: I can answer you about that.

Stephen Strange: Do you remember the hero who didn't come home from the previous air?

Wanda Maksimov: Ah? Yes, yes, what you want to say......

Stephen Strange: In No Way Home, the little spider was knocked away by my variant, but his body ...... You can still move, and you can even dodge with extremely fast movements!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): That's because ...... Spider Sense!

Stephen Strange: Whatever the reason, it proves that even human beings on Earth can still act after losing their souls.

Stephen Strange: And it's normal for an alien giant like Ultraman to leave a little consciousness in his shell.

Big bones boiled into soup: residual consciousness? Is there such a thing in the world?

Stephen Strange: As a doctor, I've seen this kind of thing a lot.

Stephen Strange: A few years ago, I transplanted a patient with an instrument donated by someone else!

Stephen Strange: As a result, the patient was able to master an additional foreign language after he recovered...... He never studied!

Stephen Strange: And this foreign language is the native language of the transplant recipient!

Bruce Banner: I've heard something like that, and that's ...... Remnants of the memories of the human body and the official!

Stephen Strange: Even the Instrument and the Official have memories, and Ultraman's body must have it too.

Wolverine: Good guy, that's what happened.

Tian Xiaoban: So what now? After Ultraman's consciousness disappears, Dagu can't defeat the monsters!

Big bones boiled into soup: No, since I am determined to protect the earth, I will never fail so easily!

And just when Dagu was desperately cheering for "himself", a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]


[In Ultraman Tiga's feet...... After being hit by the Gakuma petrified light, the petrified part is still spreading upwards!]


[Most of the victorious team members who were hiding on the side screamed when they saw this scene. 】

["Oh no, if this continues, the giant will turn to stone!"]

["Tick tock, tick tock!"

[The house leak happened to rain overnight!]

[Right in the petrified area of Ultraman's body, from the legs all the way up...... Even when it extends to the upper body, the red light in front of Tiga's murder is lit!]

[The time for Ultraman's transformation is almost up!]

[Facing a double crisis, Diga or Dagu...... Finally the Jedi has fought back!]

["Oh oh oh!"

[With the last of his strength, Ultraman Tiga crossed his arms in front of his head, and the crystal on his forehead ...... It bloomed with a bright red light!]

[At this moment, Tiga's body also changed from a red, white, and blue "balanced form" to an all-red "power form"!]


[With a loud shout, Tiga's arms were outstretched, and his whole body released endless power fluctuations!


[The shattered petrified fragments were scattered in all directions at once!]

[It turns out that the petrified beam released by Gakuma is not a complete "fossil" of the body, but only a layer of stones on the outside of the body!]


[After successfully crushing Gakuma's petrified attack, Ultraman Tiga also seems to be confident and rushed straight forward!]

[He is ready to drop ten times with one force, and use the brute force of the "power form" to completely defeat this monster!]


[Ultraman now, every move can unleash infinite power! ] I saw him raise his hand and slap the knife. He cut off a horn on Gakuma's head!]

[Next, the "Power Type Tiga" lifted Gakuma's huge body up again and threw it out fiercely. 】


[Gakuma fell heavily to the ground, seemed to be a little dizzy from being smashed, and it took him half a day to get up. 】

[And at this moment, "Strength Diga" also took the opportunity to release his biggest trick!]


[I saw Tiga's arms draw a semicircle from left to right, and finally, gathered in front of the murderer...... Golden-red ultra-high thermal light energy particles!]


[Condense the light, heat, and light energy particles on the right hand, and Ultraman Tiga ...... from top to bottom made a slashing gesture and forcibly split a golden-red shockwave!]

[This is the biggest trick of "Power Tiga":]

["Dilashum Optical Flow"!]


[The golden-red shockwave hit Gakuma's head impartially!...... In an instant, it spread all over the whole body of this monster!]


[Gakuma, who was badly bruised, fell to the ground and closed her eyes forever. 】


[And just after Gakuma stopped moving, his body turned out to be ...... It also changed into a stone statue at a very fast speed!]

[Immediately followed by a loud bang, Gakuma's corpse exploded, turning into countless stone fragments scattered in all directions. 】

[This stone-eating petrified monster, in the end, actually turned into a stone......]

After destroying the enemy, Ultraman Tiga flew into the sky without leaving a word! 】

[After the victory, the members of the victory team gathered at the headquarters of tPC and began a post-war discussion. 】

[During the discussion, Dagu suggested that the giant should be given a name.] 】

[Team member Zong Fang's brain was opened, and he thought of a name called "Giant Mountain Super Force"!

[Seeing this, Dagu simply pushed the boat down the river and said the name "Ultraman Tiga"!]

[The thought of the giant, which was originally found in the Land of Tiga, agrees.] 】

[Since then, the name of Ultraman Tiga has officially spread to this earth. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Wolverine: Make up for the lack of skill and experience with pure strength, big Gu boy, well done!

Bruce Wayne: Well, that's the most effective strategy when you can't improve your strength in a short period of time.

Rocky Odinson: Strategy? I think he just knows how to use brute force.

Wolverine: Hahahaha, Loki, so you still don't know...... Why is it always inferior to your brother.

Rocky Odinson: What do you say?

Wolverine: Strength ...... It's the purest strength!

Wolverine: If you are several times stronger than your opponent, you don't need any skills, you can knock your opponent away with one punch!

Reed Richards: That's right, if pure power is stacked up to a ceiling, there's very little that can resist it, and that's physics.

Rocky Odinson: ............ A bunch of savages who only know brute force. (╬ ̄dish ̄)

Captain Mi Guo: Da Gu, you don't need to listen to what others say, the style of play that suits you is the best.

Captain Mi Guo: When I went to the battlefield with a shield, I don't know how many people laughed at me.

Big bones boiled into soup: Ah...... Thank you for your advice.

Captain Mikoku: No matter what method you use, as long as you can defeat the monsters and protect the humans, that's fine.

Loki Odinson: Protect humanity? Hmph! Again, this hypocritical statement!

Wanda Maximov: Loki, what are you talking nonsense again?

Rocky Odinson: I'm not talking nonsense!

Rocky Odinson: You see...... That pair of Gakuma monsters has existed in legends for a long time, but for so many years...... Are they just eating stones under the ground and doing something wrong?

Loki Odinson: It was all those humans who kept mining and finally drove to the door of the monster's house to cause this kind of trouble!

Loki Odinson: At the end of the day, it's humans who do the wrong thing, not monsters!

Wanda Maximov: ............ (⊙_⊙)

Captain of the United States: Loki, you ......

Seeing Loki's tirade, the group was surprisingly quiet, and almost everyone was silent.

After all, the monsters that appeared this time were the same as Gorzan and Melba who had attacked everywhere for no reason before...... Completely different.

Those two Gakuma are a pair of otaku and otaku who hide in the ground, and they eat stones every day for a living, and for many years, they have been harmless to humans.

In the end, they died at the hands of Team Victory and Ultraman Tiga.

All this can be said ...... It's a trick of fate.

Big Bone Soup: Guys, maybe, I can give a warning in advance...... There are monsters on that island. This would allow mining to be suspended.

Bruce Wayne: Sigh, Dagu, how do you explain your intelligence sources?

Big bones boiled into soup: Ah............ ( ̄△ ̄;)

Just as the group fell silent, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Due to the repeated appearance of Ultraman Tiga, it has finally attracted the attention of the world. 】

[In order to deal with the doubts of the people, tPC sent Captain Megumi to appear on a TV show and be interviewed by a female reporter. 】

[During the interview, Captain Megumi Kuruma frankly claimed that Ultraman appeared twice, both to protect humans against monsters, so ...... He shouldn't be a threat to humanity. 】

[Through the TV screen, the other members of the victory team also saw the captain's appropriate answer. 】

[Several team members expressed envy, and even wanted to be on TV!]

[But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!]

[I saw the hostess on the screen, her face suddenly changed, and then she ...... The body is still floating in the air!]

["The earth is about to be reborn, and the divine flame is about to consume all filth!"

[The hostess's face was bruised, and she was muttering inexplicable words:]

["Kiri Ellod...... will rule the planet!"]

["I'll prove it to you right away!"]

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