Seeing the Tiga giant on the screen made of stone statues, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow, that's amazing, Dagu, you've turned into a giant!

Big bones boiled into soup: this ...... I......

Nick Fury: What's going on? Are you an alien?

Big bones boiled into soup: Impossible, I'm a native of the earth! I'm definitely not an alien!

Bruce Wayne: It's also possible...... Dagu is actually an alien orphan who came to Earth in a spaceship!

Bruce Wayne: His parents, who hid the past, just raised him as if he were their own child.

Big bones boiled into soup: Shenma ??? ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Hearing such appalling news, Da Gu only felt dizzy, his face was sluggish, his thoughts were almost unable to keep up, and his psychological shadow was even bigger than he could imagine!

Myself...... Aren't they really earthlings?

Tian Xiaoban: Whether it's an earthling or not, this Tiga giant...... It looks really handsome!

Tian Xiaoban: I don't know, can he continue to transform! ^_^

Rampage Lori Jinx: Boy, you're too early to be happy.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Maybe that stone statue is alive, but he still has to face two monsters!

Rampage Lori Jinx: Besides, these monsters can shoot lasers!

Bruce Banner: Good guys, laser-capable monsters, that's unscientific.

Reed Richards: Ahem, Dr. Banner, what do you mean......

Bruce Banner: Oops! I'm sorry, I forgot.

Bruce Banner: That Godzilla ...... It can also spew energy cannons out of its mouth!

Reed Richards: Actually, I'm talking about...... Never mind

Reed Richards: Dr. Banner, do you want to assume that Gorzan and Melba are ancient beasts like Godzilla?

Bruce Banner: I think ...... Quite possibly!

Bruce Banner: Like Godzilla, these monsters have been dormant for tens of millions of years and have only recently awakened.

Bruce Banner: And maybe the reason why that ancient supercivilization perished was because of these monsters!

Tony Stark: Bruce, if your guess is correct, these monsters are awake again...... Isn't it. Is it to destroy the current civilization of the earth?

Big bones into soup: What? Monsters are going to destroy us? (⊙_⊙)

Stephen Strange: No wonder, that Pity mentions Cataclysm.

Stephen Strange: Monsters destroy humanity!

Big bones boiled into soup: No!

Da Gu gasped, and a cold sweat broke out faintly on his forehead.

Originally, he was still ...... for himself Is it an alien and bothered.

But in the face of such a crisis as the destruction of the world, Dagu suddenly came to his senses.

If you become a giant yourself, you can prevent the end of the world!

Well, aliens or something, it's not important at all!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After merging with the light of the Great Ancient Incarnation, the Tiga Giant has been completely resurrected!]

[Looking at the two monsters in front of him, Diga was not afraid at all! First rushed to Gorzan, pressing this monster is a fierce beating!]


[Diga is not only powerful, but also agile, and the stout Gorzan can't react at all, so he can only be beaten passively. 】

[Seeing that his companion was about to be defeated, Melba fell from the sky to the ground and threw himself at Tiga!]


[But Ultraman Tiga seemed to have eyes on his back, and with a flying kick, he kicked Melba to the ground. 】

["Woo Lala!"

[Grab Ultraman's attention...... At this moment when he was led away by Melba, Gorzan's head flashed with purple electric light!]

[Seeing that the purple lightning began to gather on Gorzan's forehead, Ultraman Tiga rushed forward first and grabbed the monster's head fiercely!

[Although he has just been resurrected from his slumber, Ultraman Tiga is very experienced and seems to be handy in battle!]

[However, it is not easy to be outnumbered after all. 】


[In order to dodge the supersonic rays emitted by Gorzan, Ultraman Tiga had to roll on the ground, but Melba caught him. 】


[When fighting with Melba, Tiga was still hit by the supersonic light released by Gorzan because he couldn't dodge!]


[Ultraman Tiga fell to the ground and quickly stood up.] 】

[And this time, his expression seems to have changed somewhat.] 】


[Ultraman Tiga shouted, and the crystal on his forehead flashed with a light!]


[In an instant, Ultraman Tiga's whole body suddenly turned pure red!]

[In this state, when Ultraman raised his fist again, he exuded an unprecedented sense of power from his body!]

[This is Ultraman Tiga's new ...... "Power Form"!]


[It seems to sense the threat of Tiga's new form, and Gorzan is facing a supersonic ray!]


[Purple lasers shot out from Gorzan's forehead, tearing through the air and attacking them!]

[Ultraman Tiga raised his right hand and emitted a shield of light, easily blocking the laser.] 】


[Seeing this, Melba also stared at each other, and released a golden light at Ultraman!]


[Seeing the two monsters joining forces, Ultraman Tiga shouted, and crossed his hands in front of the murderer!


[The energy of Ultraman's arms intertwined, and the power of the shield of light was more than doubled!]

[Although the lasers released by Gorzan and Melba are powerful, they can never get past the thunder pool!]


[Seeing that the light cannon was ineffective, Gorzan let out a brutal roar and stepped forward to crash into Ultraman.] 】


[Ultraman Tiga showed no mercy, and first hit his elbow to stop Gorzan's impact!]

[Then, Tiga stretched out his hands to grab this monster, and actually gave Gorzan an over-the-shoulder fall!]


[Gorzan's huge body was thrown to the ground by Tiga like a toy!]

["Boom la la ......"]

[The terrifying impact caused by the monster's landing crushed the entire earth. 】


[After encountering this slam blow, Gorzan seems to be finally scared!]

[Gorzan has really realized...... In front of the "Red Tiga", his brute strength is not worth mentioning at all!]

["Howl howl!"

[Gorzan let out a series of strange screams, and did not dare to fight Ultraman again, but turned around, waved his huge claws, and dug the ground frantically. 】

[This monster, just like the last time he faced the Feiyan, was ready to dig a tunnel and escaped!]

[Seeing this, Ultraman Tiga wanted to step forward to stop it, but Melba, who was flying in the air, seized the opportunity and shot another golden laser at him!]


[This laser did not cause much damage to Tiga. 】

[But in the next moment, the crystal in front of Ultraman's murder suddenly flashed red. 】

["Tick tock, tick ......"]

[The moment the crystal lit up, Ultraman's expression seemed to change again.] 】

[He gave up chasing Gorzan into the tunnel, and turned his head to look at Melba in the sky!]


[The crystal on Tiga's forehead lit up with purple light, and then, his whole body also changed from red to blue-purple!]

[This is the ...... "air combat type" that focuses on agility!]


[After transforming into an "aerial form", Ultraman Tiga jumped into the sky without delay, and kicked Melba with one kick!]


[Although Melba is an aerial monster, his speed is not as fast as that of the air-type Ultraman!] 】


[Melba landed from a high altitude and stirred up smoke and dust in the sky. 】

["Tick tock, tick tock!"

[The red light on Ultraman's chest is getting more and more frequent!, and Melba also gets up from the ground!]

[Faced with this situation, Ultraman Tiga is finally ready to amplify his moves!]


[I saw Ultraman first close his arms in front of the murderer, and then spread it left and right, concentrating all the energy in his body.] 】


[After concentrating his hands under his ribs, Diga concentrated all his energy on his right hand and released it with a fierce aim at Melba!]


[The ultra-high hot light containing infinite energy turned into a flash of light and hit Melba's body directly!]

【“!!!............ Boom!"]

[Hit by the light, Melba first froze in place like a wooden plastic, and then exploded and turned into countless pieces!]


[Countless monster fragments are scattered in all directions, and this "monster that tears the sky" is gone!]

[And this blow is the most powerful ultimate move of "Aerial Form Tiga" "Lampalt Light Bullet!"]

[After destroying Melba, Diga didn't even delay for a second, flew directly into the sky, and disappeared into the sky. 】


[In another Feiyan, the members of the victory team watched this earth-shattering "Tiga Battle Monster", and they were all dumbfounded and speechless. 】

[And Lina...... He bowed his head sadly. 】

["Great Ancient ......"]

[Until now, everyone still thinks that Dagu has been in the crash of the Feiyan just now...... Killed. 】

[Suddenly, Horii looked at the ground below and exclaimed in surprise:]

["Look, that's Dagu! This kid isn't dead!"]



[Looking at Da Gu waving his hand while looking up and shouting by a small stream, all the victorious team members let out a cheer of surprise. 】

[The unknown Tiga Giant defeated the monster, and the Great Gu team members did not die, this is really a double happiness!]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Bruce Banner: This Tiga ...... It's so strong!

Wolverine: Not only that, but the change in color on this Tiga giant seems to be ...... It also represents a change in the way of fighting.

Wolverine, who has been in a hundred battles all his life and has a lot of combat experience, quickly came to a conclusion.

Wolverine: When he turns red, he seems to have gotten stronger! And after he turns blue, he's more agile!

Carol Danvers: And being able to unleash the Shield of Light, and being able to unleash the Ray Cannon!

Carol Danvers: I've traveled in the universe for so long, and I've never seen an alien like this!

Wanda Maximov: Big Bone, you're lucky to be transformed into such a powerful giant.

Big bones into soup: Yes...... Is it?(⊙o⊙)

Seeing the heroic posture of the battle of Tiga on the screen, as well as the amazement of the group members, Dagu himself was also pleasantly surprised, and he was speechless for a while.

But at this moment, Young Master Wayne suddenly spoke in the group.

Bruce Wayne: No! Tiga Giant...... There should also be weaknesses.

Bruce Wayne: This weakness should be the same as Tian Xiaoban's transformation.

Tian Xiaoban: Wait a minute, is what you are talking about......

Tian Xiaoban: Is that transformation time?

Bruce Wayne: If I'm not mistaken, the red light that lit up before Tiga's murder was just before your "Omnitrix" transformation ended...... The lights are the same!

Tian Xiaoban: Huh, this giant...... Is there a time limit for transformation too?

Bruce Wayne: Quite possibly, and if time passes, he'll be in shape.

Tian Xiaoban: What is the prototype of the alien?

Big bones into soup: Yes...... Will Tima become me? (O_O)

Bruce Wayne: I think that's a big possibility.

Daddy: Gee, that's a problem.

Hermione Granger: yes, Ben couldn't transform for a long time after he turned back to his original form.

Hermione Granger: If Tiga also turns back into Dagu in battle, he'll definitely be trampled to death by the monsters!

Big bones boiled into soup: trampling on the !! ( ̄△ ̄;)

Hermione Granger: Oh no! I'm saying the wrong thing again.

Rocky Odinson: Hahaha, little girl, you said the wrong thing, that's the brutal truth!

Tian Xiaoban: Hmph, what if there is a time limit for transformation? As long as you can change back before you can ...... Just defeat the monsters!

Rocky Odinson: I hope you two ...... You will always have such good luck. ^_^

Big bones boiled into soup: If there really is a monster, and I have the power to transform into a giant, then I ...... It's going to be attacked!

Big bones boiled into soup: no matter how lucky or bad, I can't back down!

Captain Mikoku: Well said, this is the courage of a hero!

Wolverine: Maybe it's no coincidence that this kid turned into a giant in the end......

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[After defeating Melba, everyone on the Victory Team got on the Feiyan and prepared to return to the base. 】

[And at this moment, the silver cone stored in the base suddenly activated automatically, releasing a ghostly projection!]

"There is only one way to awaken the Tiga giant. "】

[You said categorically:]

["That's the Great Ancient Turning into Light!"]

["The giant's name is Ultraman Tiga!"]

[At this time, in the Feiyan, Dagu seemed to hear something, unconsciously reached out and groped in the team uniform, and finally found a strange object. 】

[This is the Tiga Divine Light Stick!]

And seeing this, everyone in front of the screen was taken aback.

"Dagu turned into light?

"This woman from tens of millions of years ago ...... How do you know this person?"

"And how did he know that when Dagu turned into light, he would be able to resurrect Tiga?"

"Ultraman, what kind of creature is this?"

"Also, what is that Divine Light Stick?"

"Incredible, it's so incomprehensible!"

All of a sudden, all sorts of arguments rang out from all over the multiverse!

Countless people...... They are all confused and confused!

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