
[Jackie Chan, Niu Warrior, Tru, and Little Snake are four people, each holding a god token transformed by the "Archmage Daddy", facing the Holy Lord and other 4 demons...... Released the light of the seal!]


[After the sealing light hit these 4 demons, a huge hell gate opened above their heads!]

["No, no, no!!"

[Strong suction, sucking all the demons in!]

[No matter how desperately they struggle, they can't do anything!]

And just before he was sucked into the gates of hell, the Holy Lord shouted with his last strength:]

["I'll take revenge, Jackie Chan! don't think that's the end of it!"]

Soon, with the closing of the gates of hell, all the demons disappeared. 】

[And after the demons were sealed, Dad finally found the page that was modified by the Holy Lord in the history books of the years. 】

[Next, Xiao Yu tore off the page and filled it up, and Daddy also changed the part that was changed by the Holy Lord again. 】


[With a green light, everything is back on track.] 】

[When Xiaoyu opened her eyes again, she found herself back in her real home, facing her parents in modern clothes. 】

[And the dragon group and others also came to his home, and everyone was reunited again. 】

And that's when the screen dimmed.

[The broadcast of "The Adventures of Jackie Chan: The Devil" ends. 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Big bones boiled into soup: Great, the Holy Lord has finally been sealed forever!

Big bones boiled into soup: Now, he will never be able to come out of that hell again.

Tian Xiaoban: What are you talking about, why can't he come out?

Daddy: Oh! It's easy.

Daddy: The previous Lord was in a state of soul, and he could freely go in and out of hell and the world.

Daddy: But this time, the Holy Lord is alive and sealed! Not a soul!

Daddy: So, he can't come out again!

Tian Xiaoban: Oh...... I see.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Heh, you big bone broth, your brain spins pretty fast.

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Seeing that you talk about "justice" and everything all day long, I thought it was ...... You're a naïve fool.

Big bones boiled into soup: Actually. I'm not smart, but what's wrong with sticking to justice?

Rampage Lori Jinx: ............ Hum!

Hermione Granger: Daddy, what are you going to do next? Are you going to seal the Holy Lord?

Daddy: Of course, Daddy thought it was ...... It was enough to seal the Holy Lord in a stone statue and deprive him of 12 charms.

Daddy: But now it seems that it is better to open the gates of hell and seal it into the demonic hell, once and for all!

Stephen Strange: Well said! Dad, I wish you a speedy success!

And at this moment, the voice of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

【Selected: Big bones boiled into soup】

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to: "Ultraman Tiga"]

Wanda Maximov: Tiga?

Tian Xiaoban: Ultraman?

Hearing this title, everyone in the group was a little surprised for a while. And Dagu himself is even more confused.

Tian Xiaoban: Big bones are boiled into soup, what is that Ultraman? Have you heard of it?

Big Bone Soup: No! I don't know, it's the first time I've heard the name.

That being said, Da Gu ...... in his heart But he was slightly excited.

Could it be that he can also experience a thrilling adventure like Tru and them in Jackie Chan's adventures?

And just as Dagu looked expectantly, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Unknown universe, Earth. 】

[Now that it is the 21st century, the strife of human beings has gradually subsided, and nature has regained its beautiful appearance. 】

[But on this very day, a strange meteorite fell from the sky and fell to the earth.] 】

[Immediately after the picture turned, I saw a radiant pyramid, slowly floating from the bottom of the sea. 】

[This pyramid is actually TPC's Far East headquarters. 】

[On this day, there are two members of the TPC Victory Team, piloting the Feiyan aircraft to conduct routine patrols. 】

[Among them, the driver is Lina, and the one sitting in the back seat of Lina is Dagu.] 】

[Originally, it was just an ordinary patrol. 】

[But on the plains, Dagu they saw an incredible sight!]


[With a violent vibration, a monster covered in carapace and dozens of meters tall actually stood out from underground!]


[The monster stands on its legs, waving its claws, and roars at the sky!]

[In the Feiyan, Lina and Dagu were stunned by the scene in front of them. 】

["Dagu, what is that?"

["I don't know!"]

And just as the two team members were dumbfounded, Gorzan suddenly opened his thick legs and walked towards a nearby village. 】

["Not good!"]

[Seeing this, Da Gu hurriedly shouted loudly:]

["Lina, let's launch a flare and see if we can scare it and change the path of this monster!"]


[In the absence of other options, Lina simply followed Dagu's words and fired two flares at Gorzan. 】


[Shrouded in smoke from flares, Gorzan lets out another roar, then suddenly crouches down and gouges the ground with his claws.] 】


[Although the monster is bulky, its efficiency in digging the ground is really amazing, and it quickly dug out a tunnel, and then drilled directly into it and disappeared. 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Wanda Maximov: Wow, Dagu, is that you? and...... What's the deal with that monster?

Big bones boiled into soup: this ...... It can't be, it's a monster!A living monster?( ̄△ ̄;)

Seeing the hideous and terrifying Gorzan on the screen, almost like a high-rise building, Dagu's eyes widened, and he almost thought that he had seen it wrong for a while.

Nick Fury: It's a monster like this, it looks ...... The earth is not at peace.

Nick Fury: "Big bones are boiled into soup", isn't your organization an organization similar to S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers?

Nick Fury: Your mission. Is it against these terrifying monsters and protect the earth?

Tian Xiaoban: Fight against monsters! It's so handsome! I also want to join such an organization.

Big bones boiled into soup: No! This must be something wrong.

Big bones into soup: We at TPC are actually a scientific institution, mainly responsible for researching strange phenomena around the world.

Big bones into soup: what to fight monsters...... I've never heard of it!

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Weird phenomenon?I think this monster is weird enough, and it should definitely be in your hands......!

Big bones into soup: how come?(O_O)

The thought of having to fight against a monster like Gorzan made Dagu feel a little bitter in his mouth.

Face such monsters...... How to fight?

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[TPC Headquarters.] 】

[After returning to the headquarters, Dagu and Rina arrived at the research room. 】

[Here, the victory team and a female doctor...... The meteorite that had just descended on Earth from space was being studied. 】


[The female doctor uses a laser knife to cut the meteorite open.] 】

[But after cutting, the female doctor turned around and claimed that the meteorite was not a natural product, but man-made. 】


["Then how did it fall from the sky?"]

[Everyone in the victory team was a little surprised when they heard this. 】

[After the shell of the meteorite was removed, everyone found that there was a silver cone-shaped object hidden inside. 】

[Everyone was observing this thing, and suddenly a light lit up on the cone-shaped object!] 】


[I saw that on the projection, a woman with white hair appeared and began to tell everyone something. 】

["Wait a minute, let me translate!"]

[Hori, a member of the victory team, used the latest translation machine to translate the woman's words into a language that everyone could understand. 】

[It turns out that this white-haired woman claims to be the Earth Guard...... The head of the regiment "mercy"!]

[This cone-shaped machine is actually a "time capsule" launched from tens of millions of years ago to modern times!]

[When this time capsule appears, it means that the earth is about to undergo a terrible cataclysm!]

["The sign of the appearance of the catastrophe is the monster "Gorzan" that shakes the earth...... and the resurrection of the monster "Melba" that tears the sky!"]

["The only person who can protect the earth from the catastrophe is a giant named Tiga!"]

["The giant was originally the guardian god of the earth, but later he hid his body in the pyramid during the battle, and the body left the earth and returned to his own nebula. "】

[Finally, Yu Lian said:]

["There is only one way to wake up the giant, and that is ......"]

[At this moment, the holographic projection of the mercy suddenly distorted and deformed, and finally disappeared!]

[Hearing such an astonishing fact, the victorious team was silent, and their faces were full of shock. 】

[While everyone was surprised, the female doctor thought that this time capsule might have been made by someone just to cause chaos!

[Da Gu felt that the huge monster he had seen on the plains before was probably "Gorzan who tore the earth"!]

[Female doctor, but still unimpressed:]

["If this time capsule is true, it means that tens of millions of years ago, there was a super-civilization on the earth that was more developed than we are now!"]

[Hearing this, everyone's eyes were a little more suspicious. 】

[After all.] What kind of super civilization in ancient times, that sounds...... It's too unbelievable. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! This Gorzan looks a bit like the Earth Chief, is he the Demon of the Earth?

Big bones boiled into soup: demons??

Hermione Granger: Compared to civilizations tens of millions of years ago, I think ...... Or is it the devil who is more believable?

Big bones in soup: No, we don't know how to do magic here. ( ̄△ ̄;)

Bruce Wayne: Calm down, what's going on? I can't say for sure at this time.

Bruce Wayne: But the giant named Tiga, that's interesting.

Stephen Strange: Leaving his body on Earth, but his body is back in the universe!

Stephen Strange: What does that mean? Astral Projection? Does Tiga also do magic?

Bruce Wayne: In contrast, I'm more focused on ...... That Tiga, it's an alien!

Bruce Wayne: Why would an alien become the patron saint of Earth?

Clark Kent: Ahem, Bruce, is it so incredible to you that aliens are guarding Earth?

Bruce Wayne: Clark, not every alien has the same growth process as you!

Bruce Wayne: If I could have a systematic understanding of this Tiga's past, then ...... The situation may vary.

Loki Odinson: It's ridiculous, you have to suspect that it's your business, and no one else has any obligation to satisfy your delusions of victimization!

Bruce wayne:............

Jerome Valeska: Well, you can't say that.

Jerome Valeska: If that "Tiga" really has great power, as an earthling, I would like to know more about him...... What's wrong?

Tian Xiaoban: Yes, yes, I also want to know if the Tiga giant will transform!

While everyone was arguing, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[It didn't take long for TBC's South American branch to come back with news that on Easter Island, a bird-like monster that could fly had appeared.] 】

[Seeing the terrifying giant bird monster on the screen, Da Gu immediately blurted out:]

["This is the monster that tears the sky, Melba!"]

[Seeing the terrifying monsters appear one after another, the rest of the people also began to pay attention to the prophecy of mercy. 】

[A member named Ye Rui analyzed the location of the legendary "Tiga" land through the analysis of ancient languages. 】

[In order to find the Tiga giant who can defeat the monster, the victory team immediately set off on two Swifts. 】

After landing in the Land of Tiga, the crew of the Swift scattered and searched for the pyramids. 】

[Unconsciously, Da Gu vaguely heard that there seemed to be a woman...... Calling his name. 】

["Great Ancient ...... Dagu!" 】

[Inspired by this voice, Da Gu found the golden pyramid!]

["Dagu! wait! don't ......"]

[Seeing Da Gu rushing towards the pyramid desperately, the rest of the team members were very anxious, lest he be hurt. 】

[Da Gu didn't seem to hear at all, just walked to the pyramid, stretched out his hand gently, and then ...... I just wore it in!]

[Seeing this, the rest of the team members could only follow. 】

[As soon as they entered the pyramid, all of them were stunned. 】

[I saw that inside the pyramid, there were three huge statues!]

[Moreover, the appearance of these statues is also a little strange, and they definitely do not look earthling. 】

[At this moment, an order came from TPC headquarters, claiming that Gorzan and Melba appeared at the same time! and...... It seems that they are all rushing towards this Tiga land!]

[To be on the safe side, the rear ordered the victorious team members to retreat immediately.] 】

[But Dagu seemed to hear something again, and rushed out with a nervous face. 】

[Seeing this, the rest of the team had no choice but to catch up and pull Dagu to board the Feiyan fighter. 】

[Shortly after the members of the victory team left, Gorzan and Melba came to the vicinity of the Pyramid of Tiga. 】


[A flash of light flashed on Gorzan's forehead, and a fierce supersonic ray shot out, quickly breaking the shell of the pyramid!]


[In the strange scream, Melba also fell from the sky! Together with Gorzan, he frantically destroyed those giant stone statues. 】


[Seeing that the two stone statues in the front and back were completely destroyed, and only the only third stone statue remained, Da Gu, who was operating the Feiyan, suddenly shouted and rushed forward desperately!]


[Without being equipped with weapons, Dagu could only fire signal flares at Gorzan!]

[Facing the Feiyan falling from the sky, Melba also raised his head and released a golden laser!]


[In an instant, the Feiyan that Dagu was riding on was hit!

[At this critical moment, Dagu's parachuting device actually failed. 】


[And in the frightened shouts of the rest of the remaining team members, a light suddenly appeared on Da Gu's body, and then turned into a ray of light and flew out of the cockpit!]


[I saw that the light of the Great Gu incarnation actually flew towards the only remaining giant statue and became one with him!]


[The Feiyan that Dagu was riding on crashed.] 】

[And in the next moment, the crystal on the head of the Tiga giant ...... Suddenly it lit up!]


[Seeing that there was no Feiyan to obstruct him, Gorzan raised his big foot at the stone statue and was about to trample it to pieces!]

[But suddenly, its big feet were blocked by a hand!]

[It's the hand of the Tiga statue!]


[Under the surprised eyes of the monsters and the victorious team, this Tiga stone statue turned into a living giant!


In the dormitory of the victory team, Dagu saw this incredible scene in front of him, and immediately opened his mouth in disbelief, as if he had seen the most ridiculous thing in the world!

I turned into light and fused with the stone statue!

How is this possible?

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