[Watching these circus geeks robbing on the street, Tian Xiaoban immediately couldn't hold back. 】

[He's just afraid of the clown, but the others aren't!]


[With the green light, Xiaoban transformed into a super beast, and soon beat the gorgons and others to the ground.] 】

[But I didn't expect that those circus members immediately went to ...... their boss after losing the battle Sandoso the Clown invited him. 】

[In the face of this terrifying clown, the clown phobia of the super beast Xiaoban immediately attacked, and he could only shrink back, not even daring to step forward. 】

["Hmph! It's just a timid dog, what's the big deal, you guys quickly destroy it for me!"]

[Seeing this, the clown Sandoso snorted coldly and ordered his subordinates to take action!]


[Under the joint efforts of the bald lord and others, the iron tower where the super beast was hiding was quickly destroyed, and the super beast was also buried under the rubble. 】

["Ahem, cough, cough ......"]

[After a long time, the energy was exhausted, and Tian Xiaoban, who had changed back to his original form, crawled out of the ruins. 】

[Narrowly escaped with his life, Xiaoban hurriedly returned to the original site of the circus and went to find his grandfather. 】

[But the terrible thing is that he only found his grandfather who was sitting in place, smirking, but Xiaowen was gone!]

[It turns out that Sandoso the Clown, in addition to being able to cast magic, also has a special ability, that is, stealing people's "joy"!]

[Those who have been stolen by him will become delirious and only know how to giggle. 】

[Moreover, Xiaowen and some other children...... He was even robbed by Sandoso. 】

[In order to rescue Xiaowen, Xiaoban hurriedly rushed to the camp where Sandoso was located with his grandfather. 】

[However, because Grandpa fell for Sandoso's trick, he was so stunned that he almost drove the car to the bottom of the cliff, so he could only pin everything on Xiaoban!]

[After infiltrating the camp, Tian Xiaoban first turned into a shapeshifter, and easily killed the stinky sour monster and others. 】

[But after entering Sandoso's tent, Ben was once again confronted with a terrible vision, and the whole person was frightened. 】

[In front of Xiao Ben, who was almost trembling, Sandoso revealed his true face. 】

[It turned out that he relied on a "clown machine" to suck out the "joy" of all the victims, so as to strengthen himself. 】

[And what's even more terrifying is that Xiaowen, who was completely drained of his joy by Sandoso, has now turned into an old man in his last years, and his face is full of wrinkles. 】


[Looking at his cousin's tragic condition, Xiao Ban's heart was suddenly filled with anger, and even his fear of the clown...... All overwhelmed!]


[With a green light, Xiaoban turned into a ghost that can be invisible!]

["I just remembered something!"]

[As soon as the ghost class's words fell, he punched the clown Sandoso in the face!]

"What I'm more afraid of than a clown is...... Let you be such a pervert and hurt my loved ones!"]


[The ghost shadow is really as elusive as a shadow, and Sandoso has a blue nose and swollen face, but he can't even see where the enemy is!]

[In the end, the ghost punched Sandoso so out of the air, crashed into the clown machine, and broke the evil machine!]


[After the clown machines were damaged, the "joy" stored in them was suddenly released and returned to their original owners. 】

[Not only that, but the ghost even faced Sandoso...... Parting the white robe draped over his body, Sandoso was able to see the ghost's true face. 】


[I don't know exactly what Sandoso saw, but just one glance frightened the clown into huddle and shivered, his face full of horror! 】

["Please, no, wow!"]

[Out of too much fear, Sandoso simply cast a magic spell and fled!]

[This time, Xiaoban not only defeated the enemy and rescued Xiaowen, but even overcame his own clown phobia!]

in the live broadcast room.

"Hey, no. "

After watching this video, Xiao Wanda turned her head a little puzzled, looked at Tian Xiaoban and asked:

"You don't look like a little hairy kid anymore, why are you still afraid of clowns?"

"Who...... Who's afraid of clowns?"

Tian Xiaoban's cheeks were slightly red, and he involuntarily lowered his head and muttered in a low voice:

"I just think that red nose is disgusting!"

"And don't you think the clown is crazy...... Isn't it weird?"

Bruce Wayne didn't speak, but the face of another clown flashed in his mind.

Relative to that...... Pretty much the monster of all "negative feelings aggregate", this clown named Sandoso is simply a thug who doesn't fall into the stream.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, Xiaowen and Xiaoban visited the museum. 】

[The narrator happened to be showing everyone a priceless book that had just been discovered...... "Akamida Spell Book"!]

[This book is said to contain all the magic spells from the 15th century onwards!]

[But just as everyone was visiting, the gravity in the museum hall seemed to suddenly disappear, and all the spectators floated in the air, and finally even stuck to the roof.] 】


[Immediately after, a cloud of red smoke flew in from the window, turning into a wizard in fancy dress on the ground.] 】

[This guy is the black mage corpse!]

[Seeing that this magician was about to steal the "Akamida Spell Book", Xiaoban immediately activated the small broken watch and transformed himself into a flash star!]


[Although the spell of the corpse is very strong, and he releases flames and various energy attacks at will, but in the face of the super speed of the flash star, he can't react at all. 】


[The flash star turned into a tornado, frantically outputting around the horrified corpse, and soon knocked him to the ground, unconscious. 】

["Dalala ......"]

[And just as the corpse was beaten by the flash star, a pendant also fell from him and rolled far to the ground. 】

[In the end, the fainting corpse was captured by the police, and the pendant that fell to the ground was also picked up by Xiaoban as a trophy. 】

[After the dust settled, the flash star became the focus of everyone's eyes again, and Xiaowen was a little angry when he watched from the side. 】

[He and Xiaoban are obviously cousins born on the same day, but because Xiaoban was lucky, he got that little broken watch, and now he is a hero!]

[And she is still an unknown little girl.] 】

[Looking at Xiaowen's unhappy appearance, Xiaoban comforted her and gave the pendant he picked up as a gift. 】

[Xiaowen saw the pendant, his face suddenly looked good, and he took a rope to tie it up...... Hung around the neck. 】

But then, something strange happened. 】

[During the meal, Xiaowen wanted to compete with Xiaoban for the last shrimp, but because of a series of changes, a bowl of live shrimp in the kitchen suddenly slipped out...... It was put on Xiao Ben's head, which made him extremely embarrassed. 】

[At the same time, the mage's corpse escaped from the police, infiltrated the museum once more, and snatched the Akamida Spell Book.] 】

[But due to the lack of a pendant, his magic power cannot return to its peak.] 】

["Damn! It's that weird Scud, he snatched my pendant!"]

[Next, the people in the small class encountered a group of robbers on the street. 】

[Grandpa wants to be righteous and brave, but the little class is broken...... The energy is not enough again. 】

["Oh, hell, how can this be?"]

[Xiaoban hid to the side, kept tossing the little broken watch, and sweat flowed from his forehead. 】

[But in the ensuing conflict, something strange happened.] 】


[The pendant around Xiaowen's neck suddenly emitted light, and then, the robbers who opposed them ...... All kinds of bad luck happened to them!]

[Some were knocked down by the fast food truck machine, and some were stunned by the flower pots that fell from the sky. 】

[In short, before Xiaowen came over in turn, these unlucky eggs all fell to the ground and fainted. 】

[And because of this incident, Xiaowen was also regarded as a hero by the people around him. 】

[Xiaowen, who was deeply inspired, simply bought a mask at the night market, and prepared to go out like a small class in the future to do chivalry and become a real hero!]

[On the second day, Xiaowen also studied the nature of her superpowers. 】

[As long as the pendant around her neck glows, she will be possessed by the god of luck, no matter what she does...... You can make your wishes come true!]

[And at this moment, there was an accident on a construction site next to her, and Xiaowen hurriedly changed into the superhero costume she prepared overnight and became a "lucky girl"!]

[Next, the lucky girl Xiaowen created a series of accidents and rescued all the victims. 】

[However, transform into a super beast and prepare to go to the small class to save people...... But it fell into the cement mixer and made a huge mess. 】

[It is precisely because of this rescue incident that Xiaowen is on TV!]

[And the image of her wearing that magic pendant...... I was also seen by the magician's corpse!]

[At this time, although he became a celebrity on the other side, Xiaowen was not carried away by fame. 】

[Through a search on the Internet, she found information about the pendant around her neck.] 】

["It turns out that this pendant is part of the 'Bezier Charm Chain'!"]

[Looking at the information on the Internet, Xiaowen was also a little surprised:]

["This one on my neck is the Lucky Magic Pendant, in addition, there are Fire Demon Pendants, Flying Demon Pendants, and Incarnation Demon Pendants......]

["No wonder, that magician wanted to seize the Akamida Spell Tome. "】

[Xiaowen looked at the information on the Internet and thought thoughtfully:]

["This says that the spell book can make the power of the magic pendant to the limit!"]

[Hearing this, Grandpa suggested that Xiaowen return the pendant to the museum, but Xiaowen was unwilling. 】

[At this time, Xiaowen and Xiaoban argued with each other. 】

["I already have superpowers, and I don't need you to be a hero again. "】

["You have superpowers, but it's because of your little broken watch!"]

["How good are you, without this pendant, can you become a lucky girl?"]

[Just when Xiaowen and Xiaoban were arguing, the radio suddenly broadcast again that a haunted house in the city was really haunted, trapping more than a dozen tourists inside!]

[Hearing that a tourist was trapped, Grandpa hurriedly rushed to the haunted house with Xiaowen and Xiaowang, and Xiaowen also changed into the costume of the lucky girl!]

[But Xiaoban didn't expect that the accident in the haunted house this time was actually made by a hacked corpse, just to lure out the lucky girl so that she could seize the lucky pendant!]


[In order to save people, Xiaoban turned into a four-handed bully and joined forces with the lucky girl Xiaowen. Rescued all the tourists. 】

[However, as soon as the tourists left, the gate was closed by magic!]

[It's the magician who hacks the corpse, he finally makes a move!]

["Give me back the pendant!"]

[However, in the face of Xiaowen, whose luck was off the charts, the luck of the horrified corpse was immediately sucked up, and it became extremely unlucky!]


[Xiaowen escaped into a tunnel and pressed it on the wall casually, which caused the collapse of the tunnel and almost buried the corpse underneath. 】

[However, this kind of luck power, although it can stop the horrified corpse for a short time, can't really defeat him!]

[In the face of a terrifying corpse that was countless times stronger than himself, although Xiaowen ran desperately, he was finally caught up, and the lucky pendant was also taken away. 】

[After obtaining all the pendants and cooperating with the "Akamida Spell Book", the corpse will begin to use the most powerful magic!]

"I'm going to ...... this city Turn into a ghost town!"

[Under the magic of the horrified corpses, the entire city was surrounded by terrifying tornadoes, and even the big trucks on the street were sucked into the air by the hurricane. 】

["Ahhh......h Help!"]

[In the face of this natural disaster-like force, the people in the city are running in panic, screaming in despair. 】

[Seeing that the situation was critical, Xiaoban hurriedly turned into a 4-handed overlord and rushed forward desperately to stop the corpse!]

[The corpse is resurrected by magic, and the giant gargoyle wants to stop the four-handed overlord.] 】


[With the help of grandpa, the four-handed overlord relied on his unparalleled strength to break all these gargoyles into pieces!]

[Unfortunately, in the process of fighting, the corpse unfortunately put the "pendant belt" around his neck...... fell to the ground and was picked up by Xiaowen. 】

[Lost the pendant and lost the corpse, there was no magic, and he was imprisoned in a coffin by the four-handed overlord. 】

["With these pendants, I can fly, shoot lightning magic light, and make big trees grow tall!"]

[Looking at the pendant in his hand, Xiaowen's mind immediately flashed the information he had searched for from the Internet. 】

[But after thinking about it, she still put these pendants on the coffin, raised the shovel and broke them to pieces!]

["I think I'd better be myself!"]

[Lost the pendant, the magician was horrified, and was arrested by the police again.] 】

[And this time, he may not be able to escape.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Deadpool: Hey, that Xiaowen is such a stupid girl, how could she ruin such a powerful superpower pendant?

Stephen Strange: Probably ...... She didn't want to be like that horrified corpse and indulge too much in these pendants.

Mage Mordo: Speaking of which, this guy is really pathetic, completely dependent on external forces!

Master Mordo: Without the pendant, even mortals can't beat it, and they can only be obediently arrested, which is really embarrassing, and it is not worthy of a mage at all.

Hermione Granger: yes, when I first appeared, I thought this zombie was a strong dark wizard.

Robert Killiman: Magicians, is magic common in your world?

Hermione Granger: It's not common, like us wizards, we rely on blood to pass it on, and ordinary people can't learn magic no matter how they learn it.

Gen-la Mordo: Sometimes, I feel ...... Shouldn't we Kama Taj take in more mage apprentices?

Gen Mordo: In this way, in the face of a crisis, you can also mobilize stronger forces.

Warhammer World.

"Mages, wizards, these guys and psykers...... Isn't it the same?"

Thinking of this, there was also a hint of seriousness in Kiriman's eyes.

The Psyker is a type of psyker that can draw from subspace... Draw energy and ...... as if by magic. The one who unleashes it!

For the Empire, the presence of psionics is indispensable!

The empire spans across the galaxy, and to communicate effectively across such a large territory, it is largely dependent on psionics...... to launch some kind of "subspace communication"!

Moreover, in order to reduce the danger when navigating in subspace and avoid getting lost, the empire must also resort to a ...... Psykers known as "Navigators" to navigate and locate in subspace.

However, psionics are also a source of danger and must be closely watched for lest they act in a way that endangers the Empire!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, Xiaoban and Xiaowen came to play in the sea park. 】

[However, the small class is not tall enough to enter.] 】

[Watching Xiaowen walk in triumphantly, Xiaoban was suddenly furious!]

[He hid to the side and activated the little broken watch, turning himself into a "little wonder man"! 】

[But Xiaoban never dreamed that there was a mad scientist mixed in this sea park, and he happened to see "Little Wonder Man"]

Oh my God, I've finally found an alien. "】

[The mad scientist found an opportunity, grabbed Little Wonder Man, and brought him back to his home. 】

[Immediately afterward, the mad scientist contacted another organization, claiming to have captured aliens.] 】

[In a remote castle, a masked man "Imok" is looking at a scientist on a computer screen. 】

[The clothes of this "Imok" look like a medieval knight, but he is actually a member of the mysterious organization "Eternal Warriors"!]

[After seeing the picture of Little Wonder Man with his own eyes, "Immok" also decided to send someone to bring this little monster to his castle!]

in the live broadcast room.


Looking at the helpless little wonder man who was put into a bottle on the screen, little Wanda suddenly burst out laughing.

"Is this a superhero? How could you do such a stupid thing?"

"If you don't get it right, you may end up being ...... evil organization Solution·· Planed!"


Xiao Ban was on the side, and Xiao Wanda's face was flushed with laughter, and his face turned white when he heard the words!

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