[Next, Flame Man Xiaoban and Kevin fought!]

[And halfway through the fight, Kevin actually pounced desperately... When he got to the flame man, he was immediately burned by the flames and screamed!


[Afraid that something would happen to Kevin, the Flame Man Xiaoban hurriedly prepared to come forward to check. 】

[But unexpectedly, at the next moment, a fireball suddenly flew over and smashed right on his body. 】


[A few seconds later, a strange man with the left half of his body transformed into a flame man actually appeared in front of Xiao Ban's eyes!]

["Idiot! I said I could absorb energy, did you forget?"]


[Hearing this familiar voice, Xiaoban was stunned. 】

[He couldn't have imagined that this Kevin...... Even the "energy" of the transformation of the little broken watch can be absorbed!]


[Facing the "Flame Man Kevin", who has the same strength as himself, Xiao Ban was suddenly caught off guard. 】

[At this moment, both trains also arrived!]

["Not good!"]

[Seeing that the situation was not good, the flame man Xiaoban hurriedly melted the orbiter with flames and changed the track back. 】

[Next, he turned his body into a whirlwind of flames and avoided the train]

[However, Xiaoban was also thrown on the roof of the train, and followed the train all the way out of the underground and into the city.] 】

[In the end, it was the grandfather who arrived in time to save Xiaoban, who had run out of transformation energy. 】

[Next, in order to stop Kevin, who abused the power of the Flame Man, Xiao Ban turned into a four-handed overlord again, rushed to the place where Kevin was, and broke out a battle with him!]

[However, in this battle, Kevin turned into a ...... by touching the body of the four-handed overlord "Kevin Overlord" with 6 hands!]


[The 6-handed overlord Kevin burst out with unimaginable strange power, and he actually pressed Xiaoban for a while!]

["Hahaha, I'm going to deprive you of alien energy!"]

["Di Di Di!"

[And the worst thing is that halfway through the fight, the small broken watch on the four-handed overlord even lit up with a warning red light!]

[The transformation energy is almost exhausted!]


[Forced to the extreme, the "Four-handed Overlord Small Class" exploded with unprecedented potential!]

[He rushed forward desperately, and 4 fists beat Kevin like a raging storm, and soon knocked him out!]


[Kevin is knocked out of the way, knocking over the pillars of an overpass.] 】

["Uh-uh...... I surrender!I admit defeat!"]

[Being beaten and in pain, Kevin couldn't bear it anymore and could only surrender. 】

[And at this moment, with a red light, the four-handed overlord also changed back into a small class. 】

[Next, Xiaoban walked to the side of the "six-armed overlord Kevin" in a friendly manner, wanting to influence him with words. 】

[But the naïve Xiaoban didn't expect that Kevin would pretend to surrender from the beginning!]

"Hahaha! You're such a fool."] "】

[Seeing that Xiao Ban had changed back to his original form, Kevin suddenly burst out and grabbed Xiao Ban's left hand directly, trying to pull Xiao Po Watch off his arm. 】

"You're stupid. "】

[Xiaoban, who turned back into a child, couldn't resist the external force of the six-armed overlord at all, so he could only struggle desperately. 】

[But at this moment, the small broken watch on his arm suddenly released an incomparably strong green fluctuation!]


[This fluctuation is so powerful that it actually flew out of the "Six-Armed Overlord Kevin", breaking several overpass pillars in a row!]


[Because of the battle between Xiaoban and Kevin, this overpass was already crumbling, and now it collapsed completely, pressing on Kevin's body. 】


[Kevin finally got up from the rubble, but found that the "six-armed overlord transformation" had disappeared, and he had changed back into the original child. 】

["No, no!!"]

Kevin screams in disbelief and turns around and flees into the night. 】

[It wasn't until Kevin escaped that he found out that the transformation power he had absorbed from his childhood was still in his body!]

["Those guys who call me weird, all give me a wait, hahahaha. "】

[Hiding underground, Kevin looked at his right hand, which had turned into a flame man again, with a fierce smile on his face. 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Tian Xiaoban: No, how did my Omnitrix power run to him?( ̄△ ̄;)

Charles Xavier: This kid named Kevin is amazing!

Charles Xavier: He gave me the feeling that it was kind of like ...... That alien called Apocalypse!

Magneto: No! this kid is stronger than Apocalypse.

Magneto: In order to seize superpowers, Apocalypse must also change his body!

Magneto: And this kid, just by touching the other person, he can turn the other person's power into his own!

Deadpool: Wow, this is terrible, if he touches me, will he become as handsome as me, and he won't be able to die?

JOHN CONSTANTINE: I think ...... If that kid does become you, then the first thing he's going to do next...... It's self-brake.

Nick Fury: Anyway, now we can be sure that the world in which Tian Xiaoban lives is not a normal earth.

Nick Fury: On that Earth, there are not only mad scientists like Dr. Dong Wu, but also superpowers like Kevin!

Nick Fury: I just don't know...... Is there an agency like S.H.I.E.L.D. to control these unstable factors?

Robert Killman: S.H.I.E.L.D., is this an organization responsible for capturing superpowers and mad scientists?

Nick Fury: I think it's control, if these people didn't commit crimes, we wouldn't have put them in jail.

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! We control, we contain, we get out of control, we run!

Loki Odinson: Speaking of which, what have you managed to control by S.H.I.E.L.D., and in terms of combat record, you're not even as good as the SCP Foundation!

Nick Fury: ............ →_→

Robert Killiman: SCP...... Foundation?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Sigh, newcomer, the world of SCP is worse than you think, full of high-dimensional evil gods and terrifying monsters!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Thankfully, there are those at the Foundation who are secretly fighting desperately to keep humanity alive!

Robert Killiman: Desperately fighting to protect humanity! You say that, and I get the idea.

Robert Killiman: But what is a high-dimensional evil god?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This ...... One sentence can not be explained clearly.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, Xiaoban and Xiaowen went to the department store to buy something, but just as they were going out, they happened to meet a group of robbers robbing!]

[The most incredible thing is that this group of robbers armed with laser weapons turned out to be a group of women. 】

[Xiao Ban hurriedly used the small broken watch to transform himself into a 4-handed overlord and easily defeated this group of female robbers. 】

[But in the middle of the fight, the Omnitrix robots sent by the aliens to retrieve them also rushed over, making the battlefield even more chaotic!]

[In the scuffle, the boss of the female robber shot the building above Grandpa's head, and the fragments of the building fell, injuring Grandpa. 】


[Seeing that his grandfather was injured, the "Four-handed Overlord Xiaoban" even turned red. 】


[The four-handed overlord under the rage grabbed two alien robots and pinched them directly into scrap metal!]


[Then, she threw the robot scrap metal out again, stuning the female robber.] 】


[Seeing that his grandfather was unconscious, the four-handed overlord Xiaoban didn't dare to delay, so he directly picked him up and rushed to the hospital. 】

[After a while, the female robber who was knocked unconscious by Xiaoban suddenly woke up. 】

[Out of curiosity, she picked up the fragments of the alien robot monster on the ground, who knows...... This fragment actually attached to her body!]


[After a series of screams, the female robber's skin actually turned red, and her physique was several times stronger, and she looked ...... It's like you've become an alien!]

[And at this time, on the alien spacecraft, the octopus-headed alien also got a report.] 】

["Okay, you said the robot monster and a human have merged?"]

["Hah! Maybe one human can be stronger than two robots!"]

[Next.] The octopus-headed alien used some kind of telepathic ability to contact the female robber who turned into a monster!]

["Go and get something back for me, or ...... I'll turn you to dust!"]

[Under the threat of the octopus head, the "monster female robber" can only obey orders honestly. 】

[Next, the female robber broke into the hospital where her grandfather was, and the small squad leader had a big fight, but in the end she was defeated. 】

[But under the threat of the octopus head, the female robber lingered and launched a second attack. 】

[But this time, under the guidance of his grandfather, Xiaoban turned himself into a shapeshifter! 】

[If you can't destroy it from the outside, then level it from the inside!]


[Under the attack of the shapeshifter, the monster female robber let out a painful wail, and then fell directly to the ground and fainted. 】

[But at this moment, a vision suddenly appeared in the mind of the shapeshifter.] 】

["Listen to me!"]

[In this terrifying and mysterious fantasy, a huge octopus-headed monster appeared in front of the shapeshifter. 】

["My name is Morjath!Fear, fear!"]

["In front of me, you can't escape, you can't hide!"]

["When I find you, I'll take back Omnitrix and destroy you completely!"]

["Who is this guy?"]

[The shapeshifter Xiaoban finally eliminated the robot monster on the female robber through his "invasion ability", and restored her to a human. 】

[However, the octopus head that I saw in the hallucination just now still made Xiaoban a little worried.] 】

[And the strangest thing is that when Grandpa heard Xiaoban's sentence "Be afraid, be afraid", his face was ...... There was even a hint of horror!]

in the live broadcast room.

"Oh, this grandfather of Xiaoban doesn't look like an ordinary person. "

Young Master Wayne groaned for a moment, then suddenly turned his head to Xiao Ban and asked:

"Xiaoban, do you know what your grandfather used to do?"

Tian Xiaoban shook his head a little dazedly:

"Actually, my grandfather and I don't see each other very often, and he only comes to pick me up when I'm on vacation. "

Although he is young, Xiaoban is not a stupid person, and he also muttered a little in his heart when he saw the complicated expression of his grandfather on the screen.

"Grandpa...... Is there really something unknown that is being hidden from oneself?"

At this time, little Wanda suddenly laughed softly:

"Did you notice that the octopus-headed alien looks a bit like Cthulhu?"


Peter scratched his head and said with some hesitation:

"No, if it's really Cthulhu, the one who sees his true face...... They should all be crazy. "

"Look at ....... "

Little Wanda said in a serious way:

"The illusion that the octopus head releases, it looks ...... Isn't it a bit like Cthulhu's whisper?"

"Just seeing Cthulhu in a dream doesn't mean you're going crazy. "

"But if his true body comes to Earth, then Tian Xiaoban will be miserable!"


While laughing, Xiao Wanda also glanced at Tian Xiaoban, seeing that his scalp was numb, he didn't dare to look directly at Xiao Wanda's gaze for a while.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, Xiaoban and others went to the circus to play and met a group of weirdos known as "circus weirdos". 】

[Among these guys, there is a strong man named "Bald Boss", a "Gorgon" who can control her hair, and a "sour weirdo" who can spew corrosive gas. 】

[But during the performance, as soon as he saw the hideous and terrifying clown "Sandoso", Xiaoban's face immediately changed. 】

[It turns out that he has a weakness, and that is...... Very scared of clowns!】

[Just escaped from the circus tent, Xiaoban suddenly discovered another thing. 】

[Those circus characters led by the bald bully actually robbed outside!]

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