["Squeak Squeak ......"]

[Looking at the diamond god of war in front of him, the giant robot first scanned him, and finally shot a laser directly, and with a "boom", the diamond god of war was knocked away!]


[The Diamond God of War fell a camper next to him, and the giant robot even chased a laser cannon!]


[The intense fire rushed into the sky, and the entire camper was blown to pieces!]

[But in the next moment.] 】


[The unscathed Diamond God of War cut through the fragments of the camper and drilled out from underneath. 】


[Finding that his body was almost indestructible, the Diamond War God Tian Xiaoban immediately came to his senses and rushed directly towards the robot. 】

[But he didn't expect that although this giant robot was only a few dozen meters tall, its movements were extremely agile, and it jumped into the air to avoid the attack at once. 】


[In the next moment, the giant robot fell from the sky again, directly stepping on the diamond god of war to the ground. 】


[The Diamond God of War struggled hard, but couldn't break free at all, and was dumbfounded. 】

"I'm in trouble. "】

in the live broadcast room.

"Ah......h Why is a robot so powerful?"

Seeing himself being trampled under the feet of the giant robot on the screen, Tian Xiaoban suddenly felt a chill on his back, and even his hairs stood up.

From the previous images, he already knew...... The watch "Omnitrix" in my hand is actually a treasure for aliens to compete for!

The other party will definitely continue to send people to grab this thing!

And if you can't even beat one of the enemy's robots, what will you do in the future?

Thinking of this watch that he couldn't take off at all, Tian Xiaoban even broke out in a cold sweat on his forehead.

Aliens may not be able to remove their watches either, but ...... They can cut off their own hands!

Just when Tian Xiaoban was frightened, Xiao Wanda, who was standing next to him, suddenly spoke:

"Strange, that cousin of yours, why is she so strong?"

"Something as heavy as a fire extinguisher, the average little girl...... I shouldn't be able to lift it. "

"And she can even use a fire extinguisher to knock the flame man you transformed into flying!"

And when Tony Stark heard this, he also nodded slightly:

"Not only that, but that girl even carried a shovel and broke the alien robot!"

"This power...... Not to mention children, not even adults!"


Hearing them say this, Tian Xiaoban also forgot about the threat of aliens for a while, and opened his mouth slightly, looking confused.

For him, Tian Xiaowen is a disgusting cousin, who knows...... Where did she get such strange powers?

And looking at Tian Xiaoban's pale face, Tony Stark's heart moved, and he quickly guessed what he was worried about.

"Actually...... You don't need to be so scared. "

Tony Stark pointed to the watch on Ben's left hand:

"Since this thing has chosen you on its own initiative, you are responsible...... Unleash its full power. "

As he spoke, Tony looked at the watch carefully, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

If he had the chance, he really wanted to study this alien creation well......! How does it make the wearer ...... Become an alien!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】


[The Diamond God of War finally crawled out of the pit, but was immediately grabbed by the giant alien robot, thrown far away, and smashed a jeep with a "boom". 】

[Next, the alien robot and the diamond god of war are locked in a tug-of-war. 】

[Although the robot has the upper hand, it can't hurt the indestructible Diamond God of War.] 】

[The body of the god of war seems to be really harder than a diamond!]

[And in the middle of the battle, the alien robot shot a laser fiercely, which was blocked by the diamond god of war. 】

And then, something surprising happened. 】


[The intense laser penetrated the body of the Diamond God of War and turned into several beams of light, which were refracted in all directions!]


[Seeing the refracted laser, which still has extremely strong destructive power, the "Diamond War God Tian Xiaoban" suddenly had an idea and an idea. 】

["Come on!"]

[The Diamond God of War rushed in front of the giant robot, pointed his finger at his murderous chamber, and roared:]

["Fight here!"]

[The robot doesn't seem to have the ability to think, and when it hears the words, it just honestly aims at the diamond god of war...... Lasers are released!]


[A laser shot out more violently than the previous attack, and the Diamond God of War did not dodge or dodge, and directly raised his palms to block this beam from the front. 】


[Stubbornly withstood the most powerful laser, and the Diamond God of War couldn't help but scream!]

[But in the next moment, a confident smile appeared on his face.] 】

"It's called...... In the way of others, they will also govern their bodies!"]

[I saw the Diamond God of War waving his hands, and he refracted the laser shot by the robot in reverse!]

["Let me be awesome, robot geek!"


[The robot didn't expect this move at all, and before it even had time to dodge, it was blasted up by its own laser and exploded its upper body! 】

[Diamond God of War, actually used the enemy's attack...... In turn, the enemy was destroyed!]

[And at this time, on the spaceship in outer space, the octopus-headed alien who was soaked in the medical compartment also received a message from the front:]

["Failed, how is this possible?"]

["The little earthlings actually took Omnitrix from me!"]

["I'm going to let him die without a place to be buried!"]

[Just when the big boss of the aliens was angrily preparing a revenge plan, Xiaoban's grandfather and Xiaowen were packing up and preparing to leave the camping site. 】

[When they were almost finished, they suddenly found ...... Tian Xiaoban is gone. 】

["Eh, where's the little class?"]

[Grandpa turned around and asked, but Xiaowen only shook his head:]

["I didn't see anyone after breakfast, maybe I wanted to be lazy!"]

[In the next moment, Grandpa saw smoke and dust rising at the end of the road, and a figure like a tornado flew over in an instant!]


[Seeing the smoke and dust, grandpa hurriedly covered his eyes. 】

[Just between his fingers, he saw a "lizardman" wearing a pointed helmet and stepping on a pulley, appear in front of him. 】

"You are...... Small class?"]

[Through the "watch" logo of this lizardman's fierce mouth, Grandpa quickly recognized it. 】

["That's me!"]

[Tian Xiaoban, who was incarnated as a "flash star", smiled lightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared like the wind. 】


[The speed of the "Flash Star Small Class"...... It was so fast that I couldn't see it clearly, and soon all the equipment used for camping was folded up and put into the campervan. 】

["Hehe! Isn't it super fast?"]

[After sorting out all the outfits for his grandfather, the flash star posed in front of him again and smiled proudly. 】

[It's a pity that he was handsome for only three seconds, and the watch logo of the murderer lit up, and he soon changed back to Tian Xiaoban. 】

["Haha, this must be the coolest summer vacation ever. "】

[Tian Xiaoban patted the dust on his body, his face was full of pride, as if he had just accomplished something terrible. 】

[Seeing this, Tian Xiaowen asked curiously:]

["Where did you just go?"]

[Tian Xiaoban glanced at the road behind him and smiled indifferently:]

["I'm just going to settle some small things and get ready for a super cool summer vacation!"]

[And at this time in the school, the school bullies who often bully others have also been hung on the tree. 】

"Hey, how did we get here?" The bullies looked at each other in disbelief. 】

"I don't know, it's happening so fast. "】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Barry Allen, The Flash: It's so fast, it looks like this "flash star" is a speed-type transformation!

Tian Xiaoban: Hey, in fact, I still like the power type, one punch! That's the real powerhouse!

Barry Allen, The Flash: The advantage of speed is bigger than you think, and if you practice hard, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Tian Xiaoban: Really? Okay! Just let me see how fast that flash star can be!

Barry Allen, The Flash: Well, it's good to practice speed, but there's one thing......

Barry Allen, The Flash: Don't break the speed of light, or you'll be in big trouble!

Tian Xiaoban: Huh, breaking the speed of light?

Robert Killiman: Oh......? Can human speed break through the speed of light?

Barry Allen, The Flash: Huh? It's a newcomer, but are you a scientist?

Robert Killiman: I do have some research in science, so ...... Very curious.

Barry Allen, The Flash: Sigh, theoretically.

Barry Allen, The Flash: However, if you exceed the speed of light, it can affect time itself......! Cause a terrible space-time shock!

Barry Allen, The Flash: So, I gave up and went back in time and changed history.

Robert Killiman: Changing History!!

Hearing this appalling concept, even the genetic prototype that had gone through countless storms, Killiman couldn't help but take a deep breath.

But on second thought, he relaxed again.

Under the command of the war commander Horus, the Empire's Great Expedition is in full swing!

All the alien aliens and human rebels in front of them have all been crushed!

Now it seems that it is only a matter of time before the entire galaxy is conquered.

And the most optimistic imperial generals even felt ...... It is not impossible to conquer the entire universe!

No matter how many mistakes and regrets mankind has made in the past few thousand years, in the face of such achievements, achievements, and achievements, it is no longer important!

And at this moment, someone in the chat group bubbled again.

Big bones boiled into soup: Xiaoban, I envy you for having such a handsome transformation!

Big bones boiled into soup: If only I had similar abilities.

Tian Xiaoban: Hey, it's a pity that there is a time limit for every transformation, and I feel very uncomfortable.

Big bones boiled into soup: Eh, even if there is a time limit, as long as you can become strong, to protect the weak!

Big bones boiled into soup: I don't want such a good thing!

At that moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[On this night, after discovering the crime on the street, Tian Xiaoban turned into a flame man again and stopped the criminals!]

[And in the process of doing chivalry, Tian Xiaoban noticed the card held by a child next to him. 】

[These are the Berserk Sumo Gold Cards, which are bonus prizes that can only be obtained by purchasing Berserk Sumo Corn Flakes!]

[No matter how strong the transformation power is, as a child, Tian Xiaoban still likes to collect these beautiful cards. 】

[However, when Tian Xiaoban was fighting crime in the city, in a remote corner of the city, a terrifying mad scientist ...... But the terrible "genetic transmission" has been developed!]

[Relying on this instrument, he can accelerate the genetic mutation of animals, and even turn a frog ...... Become as big as an elephant!】

And in order to complete this genetic accelerator, the mad scientist also rode this giant frog. Break into the supermarket in the city and rob the necessary parts!]

[Damn! Omnitrix just ran out of energy.] "】

[Lin Xiaoban happened to be in the supermarket. 】

[However, because the watch has no energy and cannot be transformed, he can only watch...... The mad scientist turned the mouse and the parrot into a giant beast and a giant bird, and then ran away triumphantly. 】

[Fortunately, although grandpa is old, he has the heart of a superhero!

[Chasing the parrot, Tian Xiaoban and the others came all the way to a paleontological museum. 】

[The skeletons of various ancient creatures are displayed here, from saber-toothed tigers all the way to mammoths!]

[Xiaoban and the others went all the way to the depths of the museum, where they bumped into the mad scientist again...... Dr. Wuwu Dong. 】

"Damn! "】

[Looking at Tian Xiaoban and the others, Dr. Dong Wu smiled coldly:]

["That's right, let's see the results of the research!"]

["The second stage of the gene accelerator is the dormant cell activation program!"]

["In other words, I can bring dead animals back to life and make them do my bidding!"]

[Dr. Dong Wu laughed wildly and immediately activated the gene accelerator. 】


[I saw it from the helmet of this mad scientist's head...... A red lightning bolt was shot out, and it hit the mammoth specimen next to it!]


[With a roar, this behemoth, which had been dead for tens of thousands of years, really came back to life. 】

["Let me deal with this big stupid elephant!"]

[Looking at the monster in front of him, Xiaoban hurriedly ordered Xiaowen and the others to chase after Dr. Dong, and he activated Omnitrix!]


[This time, when Xiaoban pressed the watch, red muscles appeared all over his body, and his body instantly skyrocketed!]


[Not only that, but two extra arms have grown from the ribs of the small class!]


[Finally, with a roar, the four-handed overlord with a red body appeared in front of Xiaowen and the others. 】

["Let's wrestle!"]

[The four-handed overlord rushed forward without fear, grabbed the mammoth's nose hard, and ...... Knocked this prehistoric monster to the ground!]

[The power of this transformation is so powerful!]

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