Accompanying the world, the extreme star field, the Cooss star.

"There...... Is it ......?"

Killman's eyes widened, and he looked at the "world" on the screen in a daze, his heart was full of amazement and shock, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Through the images on the screen, Kiliman was already sure that the world where Tian Xiaoban and the others were located was the Holy Terra!

That is, the birthplace of mankind, dozens of thousands of years ago, it was called the place of the earth!

As a leader and instructor of both literature and military affairs, Robert Killriman was well-read from an early age, and was interested in history, culture, philosophy, and art...... All aspects are involved.

According to various ancient books, 100,000 years ago, the mother planet of all human beings was born, and it was named "Earth"!

In that time, which is so distant that it is almost impossible to remember, humans have not yet invented subspace engines and cannot travel faster than light, so they can only be trapped in the solar system.

This "ancient age" was later called the "Age of Terra".

The so-called Terra is synonymous with "Earth".

It is said that during the time of Terra, there were still large cities on Earth like "Newawayo", "Atlanta".

And some countries called "Amerika", "Britalia" are still thriving.

In some scattered fragments of history books, it was once recorded...... The earth at that time. With a population of only a few billion people, the environment is also very good, and you can even see blue sky and white clouds in the sky.

Like forests and oceans...... It still exists.

But now......


Killiman sighed slightly, without a trace, and if it weren't for the person standing beside him, he wouldn't even notice it.

After dozens of millennia of development, now Holy Terra, with all its natural resources...... It was collected thousands of years ago.

The soil is so barren that almost nothing can be grown, and the atmosphere is filled with a fog of pollution that obscures the sky.

With the exception of the Himalayas, all the mountains on earth were completely bulldozed tens of thousands of years ago!

Holy Terra, home to the largest hive world of any planet in the Human Empire, these labyrinthine megastructures...... Spread all over the planet.

These gigantic buildings stretch from the ground up to the clouds! Hundreds of millions of humans live inside!

According to statistics, the entire population of St. Terra lives on it...... It's probably over 100 trillion!

That's a staggering number!

With such a large number of people, living crowded on one planet, the resources consumed and the pollution produced are unimaginable.

All the oceans on the sacred Terra were evaporated tens of thousands of years ago.

Now, all the inhabitants of Terra have drinking water by spaceships from outer space...... Brought ice comets, melted.

The vast majority of the people on Holy Terra also live in astonishing poverty.

But a small group of people living at the top of the hive city can still live a life of luxury and affluence.

In Holy Terra. Every inch of "natural land" is unimaginably expensive.

The price of one square meter of "natural land" is even more expensive than the entire palace of the ordinary hive world!

Only the richest and richest can own a small piece of land in Sacred Terra.

Nearly half of the planet Sacred Terra has been built into the Emperor's Palace......


Thinking of this, Killiman suddenly stopped thinking and turned his thoughts in another direction.

"It is said that in the Hive City of Holy Terra...... In the catacombs below the lowest building, ...... are buried An ancient civilization that is completely different from the Hive City. "

"Could it be that what I see now is the ...... of these ancient civilizations? Human life?"

Through sober thinking and logical reasoning, Kiliman soon came to a conclusion:

"In the parallel universe, the human beings there have not been able to leave the solar system and are still staying on Earth!"

"At that time, the earth not only had blue skies and white clouds, but even everywhere...... Dense forest!"

Thinking of this, Kiliman's gaze on the screen also faintly revealed a hint of appreciation.

Maybe. In this "ancient civilization", humans did not have much technology in their hands.

But they at least have a clean and green environment, and a relatively rich and free life.

Compared to the current Holy Terra, or the vast majority of civilians in the Human Empire...... I don't know how strong it is!

"However, on this ancient earth, humans still encountered aliens!"

Thinking of the space battleship that appeared just now, and the ...... that fell to the earth The alien watch, Killiman's eyes immediately became sharp.

In the ancient times of the earth, where humans couldn't even get out of the solar system, could they cope with the dangerous alien aliens?

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the campsite, Tian Xiaoban and his cousin Tian Xiaowen had another quarrel, and finally broke up unhappily. 】

[Walking into the jungle alone, Tian Xiaoban sighed with a bitter face:]

["I'm annoyed, this must be the worst summer vacation of my life. "】

["I knew it earlier...... It's better to sign up for a summer tutoring class. "】

[And at this moment, Tian Xiaoban suddenly noticed something, and when he looked up, he was stunned. 】

[I saw a meteor pierce the night sky, illuminating all the clouds.] 】

["Wow! there's a shooting star."] "】

[Tian Xiaoban just stared at him, only to see a meteor in the sky suddenly turn around and shoot in his direction. 】


[Xiaoban turned around in a panic and ran, only to hear a "boom", and the meteor fell to the ground, causing a huge explosion. 】


[Under the strong shock wave, Tian Xiaoban's whole person was rushed out several meters away, and after a long time, he sat up with a disgraced face. 】

[I saw that not far away, in the deep pit formed by the meteor...... Something is glittering. 】

[Tian Xiaoban walked up, looked at the round thing in the deep pit, and muttered in a low voice:]

["This...... Could it be Sputnik?"]

[Thinking of this, Xiao Gang suddenly looked up at the sky, reached out and scratched his head:]

["If it's a satellite, why did it suddenly turn just now?"]


[At this moment, the soil under Xiao Ban's feet suddenly collapsed, and he fell into the deep pit and landed right next to the artificial satellite. 】


[At this moment, the satellite suddenly opens, revealing a green object stored inside.] 】

"This is...... Watches?"]

[Looking at the familiar device, Xiaoban looked incredulous:]

["How did the watch go to outer space?"]

[Out of curiosity, Tian Xiaoban stretched out his hand to what looked like a watch. 】

[And in the next moment, the device seemed to come to life and pounced straight at him!]


[The "watch device" was attached to Xiaopan's left hand in an instant!...... It's like being one with his body!]

["Oh, let go, let go, why can't you take it off?"]

[Encountering this amazing change, Tian Xiaoban was suddenly shocked. 】

[After many failed attempts to take off the watch, he panicked...... Tian Xiaoban hurriedly climbed out of the deep pit, shouting his grandfather's name while fleeing outside the dense forest. 】

[After escaping in the woods for a while, Xiao Ben had another thought, he broke off a branch and tried to pry his watch with it. 】


[With a crisp sound, the branch breaks.] 】

[In desperation, Xiaoban began to try to understand the function of this watch.] 】

["Drip...... Answer......]

[He pressed a few buttons around the watch, and suddenly it seemed as if something had started!]


[I saw the "screen" of the watch bulging upwards.] ...... A strange humanoid creature has also appeared on it!]


[Xiao Ban's eyes lit up, and out of curiosity, he gently pressed the raised screen.] 】


[I see...... The watch, first burst out of a dazzling green light!]

[Subsequently, a large number of red crystals diffused from the watch, which instantly spread to Xiaoban's arm, and soon covered the whole body.] 】


[With a red light, the original short Tian Xiaoban no longer exists!] Replaced by a tall and strong "flame man" who releases infinite heat waves all over his body. 】

[The most conspicuous feature of this flame man is the ...... on his head A raging fire that burns all the time!]

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Deadpool: Wow! Just by activating that watch, you will transform into a ghost rider!

Ghost Rider: ............ Don't mess with analogies, it's not about fire...... That's me!

Tian Xiaoban: Ghost Rider? What is that? Is it a superpower who can control flames?

Charles Xavier: Oh, little one, your brain is spinning, that's it, you guessed it.

Big bones boiled into soup: incredible, that kid...... Use that device and you'll become a monster!

Tian Xiaoban: Who is the monster, be careful when you speak!(▼へ▼メ)

Big bones boiled into soup: Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to it just now, I'm really sorry to offend you. m(__)m

Tian Xiaoban: I'm just casually talking, you don't have to apologize to me so seriously.

Big bones boiled into soup: Hehe, I'm like this, sometimes I speak without thinking.

Big Bone Soup: But your watch should be an alien! Could it be that the fire man you became was also an alien?

Tian Xiaoban: Become an alien? and superpowers, this is really handsome!( ̄▽ ̄)

Nick Fury: Bone in soup? Your name is strange, but you're quick-witted.

Nick Fury: But it seems that ordinary people can't think of aliens so quickly.

Nick Fury: You...... Who exactly is it?

Big bones boiled into soup: a wry smile, and I don't know why, this system ...... It's such a weird name for me.

Big bones boiled into soup: Actually. My name is Dagu, and I'm a member of the Earth Peace Coalition, and I'm responsible for protecting the earth!

Big bones into soup: in our usual training process, we also take into account ...... Alien invasion possible!

Tian Xiaoban: Alien invasion?

Bruce Wayne: Well, it's a possibility.

Bruce Wayne: That octopus-headed alien is going to war with another ship in order to capture "Omnitrix"!

Bruce Wayne: Now that this device has fallen to you, I don't think ...... That's how the octopus head stops.

Tian Xiaoban: What? Won't you?( ̄△ ̄;) That octopus head...... Will you come to Earth again?

in the live broadcast room.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ban was suddenly shocked.

But he looked at the green watch he was wearing, and his face suddenly drooped again.

He'd tried it many times before.

This watch...... It's like sticking to his hand, and he can't take it off!

Now, what should I do?

Just when Tian Xiaoban was sad, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After just transforming into a flame man, Tian Xiaoban panicked at first...... Ran in the woods for a while. 】

[But he soon discovered that the flames on his body did not damage him.] 】

["I'm on fire, but it doesn't hurt, it's amazing, I'm super hot. Hehe......"]

[After smirking for a while, the Flame Man Xiaoban looked at the woods next to him and suddenly decided to try his strength. 】


[As soon as the Flame Man Xiaoban stretched out his hand, a fireball shot straight out, breaking an entire tree!]

["Hahaha, it's amazing!"]

【“...... Huh?"]

[Xiao Ban laughed for less than a second, and his expression stiffened suddenly. 】

[I saw that he shot that fireball, which had already ignited a small piece of forest, and the fire was still spreading, burning bigger and bigger!]

["Oh oh, what should I do? I'm in a big trouble!"]

[The small class that transformed into a flame man wanted to go up to put out the fire, but where it passed...... On the contrary, the flames are burning bigger and bigger!]

[At this critical juncture, Xiaoban's grandfather and cousin also noticed the fire and hurriedly carried a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. 】

[When cousin Tian Xiaowen was extinguishing the fire, she also collided with the flame man, and suddenly screamed in fright. 】


"Hey, you don't need to scream so loudly. "】

[The Flame Man still wants to say a few more words. 】

[But I didn't expect that although Tian Xiaowen was small, he had great strength......! When it came up, it was a hard blow, and the whole flame man flew several meters away!]

[In the end, it was Xiaoban's sentence of "weird coffee" that made Xiaowen recognize his identity. 】

[After a while, Grandpa also ran over.] 】

[Looking at Xiao Ban, who has become a flame monster, grandpa was surprisingly not so surprised, but came up with a trick to extinguish the fire:]

["If you can control the fire, then create a new fire and burn a clearing!"]

["Then the flame will be extinguished!"]

[The Flame Man Class was overjoyed when he heard it:]

["Leave it all to me!"]

[And at this time, in the cosmic space.] 】

[Due to the previous battleship shooting, the octopus-headed alien also suffered a heavy blow, and half of his body was blown away, and he was soaking in a culture tank to heal at this time. 】

[But at this moment, he received a new piece of bad news:]

["What are you talking about? Omnitrix is no longer on that transport?"]

[After learning that the transport ship had launched a rescue pod to Earth, Octopus Head immediately ordered a giant robot next to him to attack:]

["Go! Get me Omnitrix back!"]

[As soon as the picture turns, it comes to Earth again.] 】

[After extinguishing the forest fire, as time passed, the Flame Man automatically changed back to Tian Xiaoban. 】

[But seeing that his grandson has changed back, his grandfather still looks serious. 】

[He came to the pit alone where the "meteor fell", checked the fragments of the alien rescue capsule, and couldn't help muttering to himself:]

["It seems that the situation is not good......]

[At this time, when Tian Xiaoban was testing the function of the watch, he found other "transformation objects". 】

["Great, I know how to transform!"]

[Xiaoban excitedly uses the button to bring up another creature image, and then, presses the raised watch screen.] 】

["Try again, just once!"]


[This time, other substances were scattered from the watch, turning Tian Xiaoban into a big monster covered in hair!]

[This is the Super Beast!]

[Incredibly, although this monster has fangs and claws, it has no eyes and is blind!]

["Babbling ......"]

[Looking at the saliva that kept dripping from the corners of the monster's mouth to the ground, Tian Xiaowen wrinkled a small face, stretched out his hand and kept fanning in front of his nose:]

"This thing...... You're 100 times uglier than you used to be, and you have bad breath!"]

["And...... It doesn't have eyes yet!"]

[Seeing that the super beast had no eyes on its face at all, Tian Xiaowen rolled his eyes, picked up a branch and walked behind him, wanting to sneak attack the "super beast small class" from behind!]

[But although the superbeast does not have eyes, it has special organs...... It can be located through sound waves!Accurately captured Xiaowen's movements!]


[The super beast jumped out at once, causing Tian Xiaowen to fly with one blow, and he sat down on the ground instead. 】

[Next, the "Super Beast Field Class" didn't pay attention to Xiaowen anymore, but jumped into the forest by himself, and experienced it wholeheartedly...... The power of the new transformation!]


[The super beast moves and jumps between the big trees in the forest, its body is as light as a swallow, and it is even more agile than a monkey!]

[But soon, his figure was captured by an alien robot.] 】


[A laser burst over, and the super beast hurriedly dodged away, but the big tree behind him was broken in two. 】


[The super beast seized the opportunity to kill an alien machine, but at this moment, the time for him to transform was up, and he turned back into Tian Xiaoban!]


[Looking at the second alien robot flying overhead, Tian Xiaoban was shocked. 】

[Fortunately, Tian Xiaowen took the opportunity to catch up, and when he raised the shovel in his hand, it was a painful blow! 】

[Next, Tian Xiaoban and Xiaowen returned to their grandfather's camper. 】

[Grandpa solemnly told him not to run around anymore, otherwise...... It's likely to become someone else's target!]

[At this moment, a cry for help was heard on the radio in the campervan.] 】

[It turns out that other people have been attacked by alien robots.] 】

["And the robots are coming for me, and they are being attacked because of me!"]

[Seeing that others were suffering because of their own reasons, Tian Xiaoban suddenly stepped forward and decided to come to the rescue!]

[At this time, Tian Xiaoban has fully mastered the transformation function of the watch, so ...... He chose a new transformation form. 】

["Point Soldiers...... Point will!"]

[Randomly chose an alien form, Tian Xiaoban pressed the screen of the watch violently!]


[A large amount of blue-white crystals were released from the watch, covering Xiaoban's whole body in an instant!]

[This time, he transformed into the Diamond God of War!]

["What is this guy capable of?" Looking at the completely unfamiliar Diamond God of War in front of him, Tian Xiaowen asked curiously. 】

["I don't know, anyway...... It must be cool. "】

[Diamond Battle Kanda Xiaoban, clenched his fists with a confident face!]

[After rushing to another camper's camp, the Diamond God of War quickly noticed...... A giant robot that is tens of meters tall!]

["This is the leader of the enemy, I'll distract him, grandpa, you go and flee with the others!"

[There was already a hint of the momentum of the leader, the leader, and after the Diamond God of War assigned the task, he rushed directly towards the huge robot!]

["If you want to find someone to fight, then come on!"]

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