"This ...... Incredible. "

Tony Slark watched Superman gallop through the galaxy. His eyes widened slightly, and he could no longer remain calm.

And beside him, little Wanda stared, unable to speak.

In fact, when they saw Superman flying into the universe, countless people in front of the screen had their eyes wide open, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

They never dreamed that there would really be someone who could rely on their own strength to fly from the earth to the universe!

It's not a creature at all.

And at this moment in Merlot Heavenly Court.

The angels looked at the screen calmly.

This image is enough to make ordinary people's hearts tremble, but for them, it is like a daily routine.

"It's just flying in space, is it necessary to make such a fuss?"

Angel Yan already had a hint of pride in his tone.

For three generations of angels like her, as long as they spread the wings of time and space, they can not only soar into space, but even open wormholes and shuttle through the universe at will, spanning hundreds of light-years in an instant!

"The vast majority of the humans who watched the live broadcast with us were still in pre-nuclear civilizations, and they couldn't enter the universe at all. "

The angel said softly.

"Not everybody. Hexi stood aside and said calmly:

"The woman who calls herself 'Carol' has the ability to travel through the universe. "

"And, that Manhattan doctor......"

Hearing this name, both Angel Hiko and Angel Burning Heart had a look of horror on their faces.

From their previous statements, they already knew that this mysterious doctor seemed to have...... The ability to destroy the universe!

It's simply appalling!

Sitting on the throne at this time, Queen Keisha supported her cheek with one hand, and her eyes already showed a trace of curiosity.

He could see that this Clark Kent was purely using his own energy to counteract the gravitational pull of the earth, and this was why he flew!

It can be clearly seen from the previous video that those Kryptonian people who stay on Krypton have absolutely no similar abilities.

"Can you become so powerful after absorbing the light of the earth's yellow sun?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Queen Kesha's mouth: "These Kryptonian genes, I really want to study them." "


"This alien...... He has such great power!"

Looking at Superman soaring wantonly on the screen, Captain Marvel stood in the starry sky, and his eyes already showed a trace of solemnity.

Whether it's the experience of traveling the universe over the years, or the experience I've gained since watching the video for so long, Captain Marvel is the first time I've seen a creature that can fly freely in the universe like her!

At this moment, the shock she felt was really indescribable in words.

But after breathing a sigh of relief, Captain Marvel managed to calm himself down.

"Even if he could go to space, he wouldn't be able to fly faster than light like I did!"

Thinking of this, Captain Marvel finally showed a confident look on his face again.

As long as she enters faster-than-light mode, Carol can even travel through several galaxies in an instant by herself!

And at this moment in the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne's pupils suddenly contracted to the extreme, and his heart twitched fiercely!

A strong shock surged into his heart like a tidal wave.

"It's because of the sun on the earth that I awaken such an ability!"

"These Kryptonians ...... It's incredible!"

When I think of the countless inhabitants of a planet back then...... All had similar strong bodies, and Bruce Wayne felt that his throat was a little dry, and he swallowed involuntarily.

Fortunately, in the galaxy where the Kryptonite is located, there is no yellow sun like Earth.

Otherwise, how could some Kryptonians continue to be trapped on that planet, even at the cost of discovering the energy of the planet's core?

Just by flying, I'm afraid it's enough to colonize countless planets!

And thinking of this, the melancholy in Bruce Wayne's eyes became more and more intense.

It turned out that he thought that Clark, who was wearing strange tights, was just a person with powerful superpowers.

But who knows, he is not only an alien, but even has an alien civilization on his shoulders...... The Last Revival Mission!

Nexus Treasure!

As long as he has this gene pool, in theory, it is even possible for Clark to recreate a Kryptonian civilization!

Asking himself, Bruce Wayne felt that if it were his own...... He may not be indifferent to this heavy sense of mission!

The survival of an entire civilization is in your hands!

Can you simply leave it alone?

But if this Clark really wants to revive the Kryptonian civilization, then what will he do?

Where, exactly, will he be revived?

Young Master Wayne thought about it, but he could only think of one answer.

That's the Earth!

Clark will only use that central tome to create a group of Kryptonians on this earth!

And when he thought that this group of guys whose combat power might be more than a thousand times that of ordinary people, and who could still fly in the universe, appeared on the earth, Young Master Wayne only felt that his cold hairs stood on end, and a creepy feeling swept through his body in an instant!

There really will come a day when the earth will become a colony of these aliens...... It's all lucky!

As a scholar, Master Wayne remembers very well what happened to those backward civilizations in the Age of Discovery on Earth after encountering the Western, Fang, Colonists, and People.

And this time, it may be the earth civilization itself that suffers bad luck!

Moreover, Wayne saw clearly just now that the alien spaceship that Clark discovered contained the "Origin Incubation Room" needed to make Kryptonians.

Coupled with the central treasure book in his own body, all the conditions required to resurrect the Kryptonian civilization have been met!

As long as this Clark wants, he can start making Kryptonians right away!

The more I thought about it, the more shocked I became, and the way Young Master Wayne looked at Clark changed.

This man is wearing the El family's battle suit!

It's not something on Earth.

In other words, he should have found the spaceship!

At the same time, Tony, Black Widow and the others seemed to have the same thing in mind, and they all turned their heads to look at Clark.

Although he looked very strong, Clarke's mind was extremely delicate, and as soon as he noticed that everyone's eyes were wrong, he immediately came back to his senses and hurriedly raised his hands:

"Everyone, please calm down and listen to me. "

Clark looked down at the huge S sign in front of the murder, and then said with a sincere face.

"That's right, I've found the Kryptonian ship, and the clothes were found from the ship. "

"But the projection left by my biological father didn't tell me anything about the Central Treasure. "

Speaking of this, there was already a hint of bitterness in Clark's tone:

"I don't know why he did it, that projection...... It's just that they want me to guide the earthlings. "


Loki snorted coldly when he heard this:

"He wants you to be the god of the earthlings!"

As soon as he heard this, Xiao Wanda finally seized the opportunity and immediately ridiculed him:

"Loki, isn't that what you want to do all day? Why, if you are only allowed to be a god, no one else can do it. "

"This ......"

As soon as little Wanda said this, Loki didn't react, but Clark was embarrassed first:

"I'm just an ordinary journalist, and I've never thought about being a god in the past!"

Seeing Clark standing in place with his hands swinging continuously, with an extremely embarrassed look on his face, Young Master Wayne also secretly relaxed a little in his heart.

Depending on the situation, after so many years of life on Earth, it seems that this alien has really been assimilated.

But...... He has all the conditions for the resurrection of the Kryptonian civilization, which is always an unstable factor.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

After solving the mystery of his origins, Clark finally ends his travels around the world and returns to his home in Kansas. 】

[Louis Lane also tracked down this place in the process of searching for "superpowered aliens". 】

[Faced with Louis, who wants to reveal his identity, Clark begins to tell about his past with his adoptive father.] 】

[It turned out that his adoptive father had always hoped that Clark would inherit the family business and become an ordinary farmer.] 】

[But Clark feels that since he has this superpower, he should use it to do something worthwhile!]

[And his adoptive father believes that once Clark's ability is exposed, it will definitely cause the world to fear and even ostracize!] 】

[As a result, one day his adoptive father was hit by a tornado, but even though his life was in danger, his adoptive father still signaled Clark not to save himself, so as not to expose his superpowers.] 】

He believes that the world is not ready to accept my appearance. "】

[Clark said to Louis Lane with a solemn face:]

"So I have to wait. "】

[After listening to this amazing story, Louis also understood Clark's adoptive father and decided to give up the report.] 】

[But at this moment, the military of the beautiful country discovered an alien spaceship and descended on Earth.] 】

[The ship sent out an astonishing signal, took over all media communications on Earth, and issued an announcement to all of humanity in countless languages.] 】

"I'm General Zod, and I'm from a distant planet. "】

"There is one of our compatriots who is hiding on your planet. "】

["Carl Ayr, you have 24 hours to come out and surrender. "】

["Otherwise...... We're going to attack!"]

"It's General Zod!"

Seeing this, Bruce Wayne was shocked.

Wasn't General Zod's gang banished to the Phantom Zone by the Kryptonian Council?

Why did it come out again?

More importantly, how did they know that Clark was on Earth?

Seeing this scene, there was also an uproar in the live broadcast room.

"Is there any mistake?"

After the initial shock, little Wanda suddenly stomped her foot and started a fire:

"General Zod's gang killed so many Kryptonians and didn't sentence them to death?"

"In the end, the people on Krypton died, but they survived, what is the reason?"

Tony was on the side, sighing softly.

"Those guys from the Kryptonian Council are really idiots!"

Joe El said this...... That's right!"

Now it seems that the Kryptonian Council exiled General Zod and the others, but instead saved their lives!

It was the Kryptonian Council's decision to develop the energy source of the Kryptonian core, which directly led to the destruction of the entire planet.

However, instead of saving the inhabitants of Krypton, they made a mistake...... Saved General Zod's gang of criminals!

Protect my enemies and beat my teammates!

How can there be such a strange ruler in the world?

And of all, Bruce Wayne's expression was the most ugly.

In just a split second, many thoughts crossed his mind.

Why did General Zod come to Earth?

Why did he want the earthlings to hand over Carl El?

There's only one answer!

They want the Nexus Treasure!

Master Wayne remembers very well that the last words General Zod left before he was imprisoned in the Phantom Zone were......

"I'll take back the Nexus Treasure!"

"I'll find his !!"

At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze.

Immediately after, the sound of the system rang out.

【New Q&A starts!】

[Question: How did General Zod find Clark Kent?]

[Please start answering! Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty!]

"Is that really the problem?"

Seeing the system's question, Bruce Wayne didn't even have time to be surprised, and his brain began to spin wildly.

To know...... This time the situation is different from all the previous Q&A!

Since Clark Kent is in the same universe as him, then General Zod must be too!

In other words, in the near future, General Zod may also lead the crowd to descend on Bruce Wayne's Earth.

Thinking of a dozen aliens as powerful as Clark, who would kill him at some point, Wayne felt that his throat was extremely dry and hoarse, and he was almost terrified!

There are more than a dozen alien monsters as powerful as Clarke!

Who can withstand this!!

In addition to being shocked, Young Master Wayne was also thinking frantically about the reason why General Zod "positioned" Clark.

If he can find this reason, then ...... Not only can you successfully answer this question, but you may also be able to prevent this from happening in advance!

Master Wayne remembers very well that in the previous Fantastic Four 2 images, the reason why the Planet Eater was able to find Earth was because of Silver Surfer's cosmic surfboard!

If it weren't for Dr. Doom's obstruction, Silver Surfer would have been able to lure the Devourer of Planets to other planets as long as he could get his surfboard in advance!

"If this is also the case with General Zod, then ...... And what is his 'surfboard'?"

"Clark has been living on Earth for decades and is fine, what exactly caught the attention of General Zod?"

After thinking carefully for a while, Master Wayne's eyes suddenly froze!


Wayne turned his head in disbelief, his gaze fixed on Clark Kent's clothes, his expression as if he had seen a ghost.

For decades, Clark has been living on Earth as an ordinary person.

Until...... Until he finds the Kryptonian ship!

On the ship, Clark learns about his origins and successfully launches the ship!

"Ship! Hell! This is the thing!"

His eyes widened violently, and Young Master Wayne shouted loudly while suppressing his beating heart:

"It's a spaceship!General Zod found Clark because he activated the Kryptonian ship on Earth. "


Hearing this, Clarke, who was standing on this side, was also taken aback, opened his mouth slightly, and the whole person was completely stunned.

He never dreamed that his act of finding his life would bring such danger to the earth!

And Master Wayne didn't care about what Clark thought at this time, his eyes were staring at the big screen in front of him, and there was only one thought in his heart,


I hope my answer is wrong!

Otherwise, it's too late!

Soon, the sound of the system sounded again......

[Ding! Bruce Wayne finished answering, and the Q&A system began to determine ......]

Bruce Wayne answered correctly. 】

"Right, won't you?"

Young Master Wayne's body trembled suddenly, and his face suddenly turned pale,

At this moment, he actually felt a feeling that a mountain rain was about to come and a catastrophe was coming.


It's too late.

Just now, Clark even admitted that he had found the spaceship!

In other words, if it was really this ship that attracted General Zod, it would be too late!

Those terrifying aliens may already be on their way to Earth at this moment!

By now, Wayne already knew that Clark's combat power was far more than 3,000, and might even be tens of thousands!

And a dozen Clark Kent...... He also has extraterrestrial technology beyond imagination!

Such an enemy, the earthlings will fight with their heads!

So that Young Master Wayne was extremely strong-willed, and at this time, he only felt that his body was trembling slightly. An unimaginable chill instantly enveloped the whole body!

And just when Wayne was cold, and even a trace of fear surged in his heart, the voice of the system sounded again.

[Bruce Wayne gets 100 live streaming points, which can be used to watch the multiverse on demand]

[Bruce Wayne gets a random reward............ "Limiter Breaker"!]

PS: Ask for collections!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for full support! ^_^

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