Hearing Loki's evaluation of his biological father, Clark Kent's expression moved slightly, but he immediately regained his composure.

In fact, whether it is Joe El or Krypton, to him, they are similar to characters in history books.

No matter what others say, Clark doesn't have any special feelings.

But Loki's words still touched him to a certain extent.

After finding the Kryptonian spaceship left on Earth, Clark already had a certain understanding of Krypton and his biological father, but he had always avoided thinking about it.

And only now did he know that ...... "biological father" had made such a heavy bet on himself!

It can be said that ...... The future of the entire planet is now hidden in his body!

The thought of this made Clark's breathing a little heavier.

This is a planet, a civilization!

Clark never imagined that he would one day have such a responsibility!

At this time, little Wanda glanced at Loki and said a little unconvinced:

"What do you mean by fighting for the people of Krypton?"

"That General Zod is an arrogant careerist! "

"I think he's acting like that Keisha!"


At this time, in Merlot Heavenly Court, Queen Keisha looked at the bottom right corner of the screen...... In the live broadcast room in the picture-in-picture, Xiu's eyebrows were also raised slightly.

What does this little girl mean?

Why do you say that I am a careerist?

Does she know me?

At this time in the live broadcast room, Tony Starck reached out angrily and knocked on little Wanda's head:

"You're not talking about Kesha, it's Caesar! That guy is an ancient earthman from thousands of years ago. "

"Ah...... Huh?"

Little Wanda touched her head, and her face showed a confused look.

At this time, before Loki could speak, Magneto suddenly sneered:

"Is there anything wrong with the pursuit of power?"

"You don't look at what happened to Krypton at the time!"

"Because of the rule of these idiot parliamentarians, the planet is already on the verge of destruction!

"In this case, if you are the general of Zod, what good way is there but to start a rebellion and seize power?"

Speaking of this, Magneto's face already showed a hint of arrogance:

"Even if you use some violence to save your own people, so what?"

Hearing Magneto's statement as if it were categorical, there was silence in the live broadcast room for a while.

Although a well-ordered and kind character like Peter also felt that Magneto's words were a bit excessive, he pondered for a long time, and he couldn't think of a better way!

After all, that planet is almost finished, and the people on it are going to die!

In this case, is it necessary to sit and wait for death?

"Haha, that's a good point. "

Seeing that someone finally supported him, Loki was so happy that his face lit up.

He turned his head to look at Clarke, as if he wanted to say something, and at that moment a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[Joe El had just put his son in the spaceship when General Zod rushed over. 】

[Coming to Joe El's face, General Zod said coldly:]

"I know you stole the Nexus Treasure. "】

"Hand it over, and I'll spare you from death."] "】

[And Joe Al actually said:]

["This chance to be reborn belongs to everyone on Krypton!, not just the bloodlines that you feel are important. "】

[Looking at Joe El's expression, General Zuode's expression changed, and he hurriedly asked:]

["What did you do?"]

[Joe Al replied with a smug face:]

["I have a child, a boy!]

["He is the first child born naturally on Krypton in hundreds of years!"]

["He will have a freedom that the Kryptonians have not had for many years, and that is the freedom to decide his own destiny. "】

[General Zode was furious when he heard this, and immediately ordered his subordinates to do it!]

[And although Joe El is a scholar, he actually has extremely strong combat effectiveness, and he directly shot and killed two of General Zod's subordinates, and even defeated General Zod head-on!]

[General Zod fell to the ground, watched Joel's wife prepare to launch the spaceship, and hurriedly shouted loudly:]

["Listen to me!"]

["The Nexus is the future of Krypton! "】

[But Layla glanced at her husband and pressed the launch button with a blank face.] 】


[The spaceship carrying Karl El unleashed a dazzling jet of flame and rose into the sky.] 】


[Seeing this scene, General Zod let out a desperate roar!]

[Then, a spike suddenly stretched out from the arm armor of his right hand and stabbed into Joe Al's body.] 】

[Joe El was looking up at the spaceship ascending to the sky at this time, and he didn't expect General Zod to have this trick behind him, and he was suddenly pierced!]

[After killing Joe El, General Zod, in a fit of rage, also tried to order his men to shoot down the ship carrying Karl El.] 】

[But before they could do anything, Krypton's army arrived and suppressed the rebellion launched by General Zod. 】

[As punishment, General Zod and his henchmen will be exiled to a subspace known as the "Phantom Zone.] 】

[In the face of the trial of the Kryptonian higher-ups, General Zod still had the scars left by Joel on his face, and roared angrily:]

"You dare not kill us with your own hands, for fear of staining your hands. "】

["So you're going to throw us into another dimension!"]

["You're all a bunch of idiots, all of you are!"]

[After reprimanding all the council members, General Zod looked at Joel's widow Leila and said coldly:]

["Do you think your son is safe?"

["I will find him, and I will take back from him the central treasure you have stolen!"]

[Until General Zod's body was frozen, his last words were still the same:]

["I'll find him!"]

[Shortly after the exile of General Zod. Krypton collapsed and exploded due to the overexploitation of the energy source of the core. 】

[All the Kryptonians are dead, and the only survivors are Karl El, and General Zod, who was exiled to another dimension. 】

Seeing his home star explode in the starry sky and turn into countless cosmic dust, Clark Kent's eyes also became a little complicated.

Even though he didn't have any affection for the planet, the thought of it...... Countless other creatures on Krypton were wiped out, and Clark felt a sense of sadness like never before.

Moreover, his biological father and biological mother could have built a spaceship, but they chose to send them away!

This also puzzled Clark.

At the same time, Loki first snorted coldly, ready to say something, but before he could speak, Magneto next to him shouted angrily:

"This Joe El is too much!"

I saw Magneto's face full of anger, and he said sharply:

"That central treasure book can be said to be the last and only hope of the Kryptonian race, and he entrusted such a treasure to a newborn baby?"

"What if the baby doesn't discover the secret, or what if he discovers the secret but doesn't have the ability to make new Kryptonians?"

"Isn't the Kryptonian race completely wiped out?"

Magneto may have many shortcomings, but his love and loyalty to the mutant race is absolutely unquestionable.

Therefore, when he saw Joe El's series of irresponsible actions, he instinctively felt dissatisfied and resistant!

Hearing this, Clark's expression stiffened slightly, but he had nothing to say.

In fact, he has grown up on Earth for so many years, and he doesn't know anything about his background, so naturally he can't talk about reviving Krypton.

But even not long ago, Clark found the Kryptonian spaceship left on Earth and successfully learned his origins,

But...... He still didn't know about the existence of the Nexus Treasure Book!

In other words, Joel's move, he was kept in the dark from beginning to end!

At this moment, Clark himself was a little confused.

Hide such a treasure trove of Kryptonian civilization on yourself, but don't tell him at all!

What is the idea of his biological father, who has never met before?

And Loki stood aside, and at this moment he also sneered:

"This Joe Eyre...... It's even more outrageous than I thought. "

I saw Loki pointing to the screen and said impassionedly:

"He also proudly claimed to Zod that his son was not made through the Central Treasure Book, so he has freedom!"

"In that case, what is this Joe El implanting the Central Treasure into his son's body?"

"Don't you just want him to ...... in the future Make new Kryptonians?"

Speaking of which, the look of sarcasm on Loki's face was completely undisguised:

"His son can have freedom, and the Kryptonians created by his son with the Central Treasure Book continue to divide the labor according to the Kryptonian bloodline...... Live according to the rules. "

"That's the freedom that Joe Eyre had in mind, and it really touched me. "

The expressions of everyone in the live broadcast room changed slightly, and then the eyes that looked at Clark also became a little strange.

Even little Wanda, who hates Loki the most and has to oppose him in almost everything, doesn't know what to say at this time.

Joe El obviously knows the value of freedom, so he does not hesitate to violate the laws of Krypton, and also skips the "manufacturing mode" of the Central Treasure Book and gives birth to Carl El according to the most primitive method.

In this way, Karl El is free to determine his own future without being bound by genetic engineering.

But...... He implanted the Central Treasure Book into Carl El's body, hoping that he would rely on the genetic engineering of Krypton to create a Kryptonian civilization again!

Freedom is precious, so ...... It's enough to set my son free!

At the same time, Magneto also said coldly:

"That General Zod also wants to rely on the Central Treasure Book to revive the Kryptonian civilization. "

But Joe Eyre thinks that what he is doing is evil, and that he is reading and cutting. "

"But who did he ask for his opinion when he implanted the central treasure book related to the future of the entire race into his son?"

"Who gave him this power?"

"Joe El is not doing this, what is it?"

As he said this, Magneto couldn't help but think of his old friend Charles.

This guy, even in the face of the plight of mutants, will only stand on the moral high ground, talk about all kinds of big truths, and accuse him of being too extreme at every turn.

Now it seems that Charles's behavior is even a little close to hypocrisy.


The more Clark listened, the more embarrassed he became, but he didn't know what to say.

As a journalist, he is also highly educated.

So whether Loki and Magneto's words make sense, Clark understands as soon as he hears it.

Although these words are indeed biased, from another perspective, Clark also has to admit it......

His biological father, whom he had never met, was indeed a somewhat hypocritical and even extremely selfish person!

It's just that Joe Eyre's selfishness is all reflected in his ...... That is, Carl Ayer's love!

He hopes that his son will be free and able to revive the Kryptonian civilization in the future!

Become an unfree civilization...... The only ruler with freedom!

"Is this fatherly love?"

Bruce Wayne was silent and sighed secretly.

And Tony Dark, who was standing on the side, was also silent at this time, as if he recalled some unspeakable memory.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[The spaceship carrying Carl El left Krypton and landed on Earth, where he was adopted by a peasant couple from a beautiful country. 】

[The couple named him Clark Kent. 】

[As an alien, Clark has shown a lot of things that are different since he was a child.] 】

[His five senses are more sensitive than those of earthlings, and his strength is stronger than that of ordinary people. 】

[In an accident, Clark pushes a car that fell into the water to shore, but also encounters strange stares from his classmates. 】

[The adoptive father tells Clark that he must hide his unique side, or the humans may fear him or even reject him.] 】

[Faced with Clark's doubts, her adoptive father simply took her to the basement of the farm.] 】

[There's the ...... hidden here.] The spaceship he flew in when he came to Earth. 】

[Clark didn't know until this time that he wasn't an earthling. 】

"You are the answer, my son. "】

[The adoptive father looked at the young Clark and said earnestly:]

["You are the answer to ...... 'Are humans alone and exist in the universe?' "】

"Somewhere, you have another father who gave you another name. "】

"He sent you here for some reason, Clark. "】

And even if it takes a lifetime, you have to find that reason for yourself. "】

[The adoptive father gives Clark the key to the ship's operation and asks him to find out why he came to this strange planet.] 】

[For this purpose, as an adult, Clark traveled all over the world, trying to find the mystery of his life. 】

[In this journey to find himself, Clark occasionally saves people heroically, or uses his superpowers to teach those bullies who pick quarrels and provoke trouble. 】

[One day, he heard that an unidentified object had appeared on a small island. 】

[According to research by the military of the beautiful country, the ice around this unidentified object is 20,000 years old. 】

[A reporter from the beautiful country named Louis Lane also came to cover the news of this unidentified object.] 】

[One night, she ran out alone to try to take some pictures.] 】

[But Louis accidentally discovered that Clark used heat rays to open a path in the ice!]

[After entering the ice, Clark discovers that the so-called unidentified object turned out to be a spaceship that fell to Earth in ancient times. 】

[Clark inserts the "control key" given to him by his adoptive father into the control hole of this spaceship, and successfully starts the spaceship.] 】

[And at this moment, Clark also found traces of Louis,]

[Seeing the wound on Luis's body that was injured by the spaceship robot, he directly used a heat ray to stop the bleeding for Luis.] 】

[Clark then puts the fainted Louis on the ice and drives the ship away.] 】

[When Louise wakes up in the ice, she realizes that Clark and the ship have disappeared.] 】

[She returned to the newspaper office to report on this mysterious event.] 】

[But the editor-in-chief directly refused, because he didn't plan to report anything at all...... The story of aliens hidden among humans. 】

[In desperation, Louis had to find a tabloid reporter and send out his report. 】

[On the other side, Clark meets his biological father, Joe Al, in the spaceship.] 】

[However, this is just a phantom, a projection created by the information that his father hid in the "manipulation key".] 】

[Until this time. Clark learned about his origins. 】

[And the spaceship he is on now is one of the tens of thousands of reconnaissance ships launched into the universe by Kryptonians in ancient times. 】

[In the heyday of the Kryptonian Empire, they will use huge spaceships to reshape the environment of alien planets and make them suitable for Kryptonians. 】

[But with the decline of the Kryptonian Empire, they began to abandon their colonies in the universe and activated a tight mode of genetic control. 】

[Before the birth of every baby, the role of each baby in society is predetermined. 】

["Your mother and I both believe that Krypton has lost something precious. "】

[Looking at Clark Kent, Joe Eyre's apparition says:]

"We want you to be a person who has the right to choose, a person who has dreams and hopes. "】

"That's why we're doing our best to protect you. "】

[Clark asks why his biological father and mother didn't come to Earth with him.] 】

[As a result, Joe Al's phantom answers:]

["We are the remnants of Krypton's old days, destined to be destroyed with that planet. "】

"And you are a child of Krypton and Earth, and your mission is to guide humanity and bring them hope. "】

[Next, Joe Eyre's apparition shows Clark a costume that remains in the ship.] 】

[This is the El family's suit.] 】

[It turns out that the sun of the earth is not the same as the sun of Krypton. 】

[The yellow sun here can give Clark unimaginable superpowers.] 】

["Your cells absorb the sun's rays and strengthen your muscles, skin, and senses. "】

["Moreover, the gravitational pull of the Earth is weaker than that of Krypton. "】

"On this planet, you will be more powerful than I can imagine. "】

And the only way to know how strong you are is is to keep testing your limits. "】

[Reciting in his heart the teachings left by his father's phantom, dressed in the battle suit of the El family, Clark Kent came to the ice outside the spaceship, jumped into the sky, and flew into the sky!]


[At an unbelievably high speed, Clark broke through the speed of sound in an instant, and sonic booms were fired in the air. 】

【Superman...... Clark Kent streaked through the sky, skimmed the earth, split the sea, and finally even broke through the atmosphere and flew into space!]

[Looking condescendingly at the blue planet, Superman's face is full of excitement.] 】

[This is his true power!]

Seeing this scene, there was an uproar in the chat group.

Starlight: His eyes can emit a hot wire, he can fly! His strength is still so great! God, he is really exactly like the motherland!( ̄△ ̄;)

Clark Kent: Ahem, can you please don't compare this person to me.

Reed Richards: God of science, this alien can fly into the universe, and he doesn't need oxygen to survive!

Bruce Banner: It's incredible, what kind of ability is this? It can be so easy to get rid of the gravitational pull of the Earth.

Agent J: Are all Kryptonians so powerful? shivering......

Carol Danvers: You...... You can even fly into space!? (⊙o⊙)

PS: Clark Kent really didn't know about the Central Treasure Book, and in the end it was General Zod who told him, so ...... Joe Eyre is really a mystery operation.

PS2: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for full support! ^_^

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