"I can rewrite the story. "】

[The next second after Loki said this, his consciousness crossed space and time again! 】

[And right in front of Loki's eyes, this is the time loom that is about to collapse!]

[And Kang's variant, at the moment, is wearing a fully armed protective suit, ready to go out to repair the loom!]

[Loki finally controlled his "Time Leap" ability and accurately transmitted his consciousness to the moment when he was needed!]

"I'm back. "】

[Looking at the familiar scene around him, Loki took a breath and his heart raced. 】

[As long as you master this ability to travel through the past at will, it means...... He could try to save the timeline countless times!]

[This means reading the file countless times until it succeeds!]

And just after Loki calmed down, surprisingly, he didn't stop Kang from going out.] 】

[Loki may want to try it, will it be a little different this time.] 】


[It's a pity that Kang's screams came back from the outside.] 】

[This time, Kang's variant, or 053 without suspense, turned into noodles. 】

[However, he already has the ability to read unlimited files, but Loki is not panicking at the moment, he comes directly to Europos:]

["Tell me, what the hell am I going to do to solve this problem."] "】

[Eurobus said bitterly:]

"We've wasted too much time, it's too late. "】


[After receiving the instructions, Loki did not hesitate to teleport his consciousness again to a few minutes ago.] 】

[This time, he asked Kang's variant to speed up!!] 】

"Okay! I'll go now...... Wow!"]

[Unfortunately, it was only a few minutes in advance, and it didn't help at all, and Kang's variant still turned into noodles amid the screams.] 】


["No! you'll have to go a little faster this time."] "】



[After seeing "noodle" seven or eight more times, Loki sighed. 】

[He knew that Kang alone was no longer enough, he had to go back to an earlier time. 】

"Wait! You should go now."] "】


[In order to save everything, Loki even went back ten minutes ago and rushed into the room where Miss Time and the female judge kidnapped Kang!]

["Enough!Miss Time, I know now that you're angry, but I need your help to fix the time loom outside."] "】


[Looking at Loki's serious face, even Miss Time was stunned. 】


[It's a pity, no matter how Loki improves the time for the "Kang variant" to rush out. None of them could change the outcome of his transformation into noodles. 】

【“- -﹏- -"】

[Loki's knees go limp, and he almost collapses to the ground.] 】

[But when he was lying on the platform next to him, his mind suddenly flashed. 】

[If he can figure out what the principle of this "noodle" is, will he be able to stop it from happening?]


[Next time, Loki shuttles directly to a few hours ago.] The moment when "Kang Variant" and Eurobus first met. 】

["Tell me, Eurobox, how is this device supposed to work?"]

[Taking out the model of the time-making machine made by Eurobos, Loki looked at the Chinese man in front of him, his eyes were full of thirst for knowledge:]

["How much time do I have to spend to learn what you know about mechanics, physics, and engineering?"] (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

["This...... We don't have that time. "】

["I'm a god, I'm a fast learner, please tell me!"]

"Perhaps, decades. "】


[At this time, the "Kang variant" standing on the side suddenly interjected:]

["It should be hundreds of years."] "】


[Hearing this number, even Loki was stunned at the moment, unable to make a sound. 】

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Oh my God! Centuries! Make no mistake, how can there be such time now!(⊙o⊙)

Bruce Wayne: No, have you forgotten? That Loki on the screen has infinite time!

Tian Xiaoban: What? You mean......

Bruce Wayne: He can travel back in time indefinitely and reset time, which means he can learn a little bit from that Europos at a time and repeat the process indefinitely!

Bruce Wayne: If you add up that little bit of time at a time, you can reach hundreds of years!

Rocky Odinson: No kidding, how many times do you have to repeat that?10,000, 10,000 or million?[]

Loki Odinson: Even if I were a god, I would be annoyed to death!

Bruce Wayne: Are there any other ways you can do that?

Rocky Odinson: ............

At this time, Loki's heart was also fluctuating, and his throat was extremely dry.

No way?

Could it be that he would really make such a crazy move in order to save the timeline?

Like that human ...... Uninterrupted, studying countless times!!

Dr. Manhattan: As a god who has mastered time, there is nothing in this world that he cannot learn if he wants to.

Dr. Manhattan: But there are some problems that knowledge can't solve.

Rocky Odinson: Hmm! You, what do you mean by that?

Dr. Manhattan: You'll find out quickly.

And at this very moment. A new image also appeared on the light screen.

["Casey!, we must increase the voltage input this time and reverse the time decay!"]

[Standing in the hall of the Time Authority, Loki is full of confidence and talks to the people around him. 】

["But...... Won't it overheat?"


[In the face of the doubts of Eurobus and others, Loki didn't think about it at all:]

["To get it to interface with the Adaptive Exponential Computing System, we need a new upgrade to make Time Aura more capable of handling those pivots."] "】

[Those rings are too small, we have to make them bigger, or we won't be able to handle any more time branches!"]

[Looking at Loki, who seemed to be judging two people in front of him, including Europos and Morbius, everyone was stunned. 】。

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