Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow, why did it become noodles again, what happened?

Magic Doctor Strange: It's the end of the timeline.

Dr. Strange: The side effects of the destruction of the Time Loom have finally affected this timeline as well.

Tian Xiaoban: What, side effects?(⊙o⊙)

Magical Doctor Strange: The loom was originally only responsible for the sacred timeline.

Demonic Doctor Strange: But with the death of those left behind, the sacred timeline began to crumble, giving rise to countless multi-branching universes.

Dr. Strange of Demonization: And this ...... It's not something that a machine can handle.

Magical Doctor Strange: So with the explosion of the Time Loom, not only will the single sacred timeline be destroyed, but the "time branch" derived from it will also be destroyed.

Dad: According to our Oriental saying, this is called the skin does not exist, and the hair will be attached!

Tian Xiaoban: What should we do? All the universes are going to end. (△;)

Dr. Strange: What surprised me more than that was the multiverse...... It really is unfolded by a single sacred timeline.

Dr. Demonized Strange: Doesn't that mean that the multiverse was born because of the female Loki's assassination of Kang first?

Demonic Doctor Strange: Before me...... What universe do you live in?

Dr. Manhattan: You're thinking too much, and at this level, the sequence of time is meaningless.

Dr. Manhattan: Maybe a single timeline shattered first, and then the universe you live in was born.

Dr. Manhattan: Perhaps, countless years after the destruction of your universe, the multi-universe war was born between the countless Kang variants, and then the Divine Timeline appeared!

Magic Doctor Strange: What ??? (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: yes! I remember that the remnant said that when he was younger, there were countless multiverses!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): If that's the case, what are we looking at now? ...... before the countless timelines shattered? Ancient past?

Rocky Odinson: No...... Before the multiverse shattered, there was also a "me"?

Wanda Maximov: Ha, Loki, you finally spoke, I thought you were dumb.

Loki Odinson: Hmph! I'm just too lazy to pay attention to you.

Wanda Maximoff: To be honest, I really didn't expect you to become so sentimental in the video.

Wanda Maximov: It took so much effort to get those humans to crowd around you, it turns out that it's just because you're afraid of being alone.

Rocky Odinson:

Wanda Maximov: Don't you want to be the king of the Nine Realms? Don't you still have an honorable mission? Is that what you really want...... Just playing with friends? (*^▽^*)

Rocky Odinson: Shut up! I'm ......

Just when Loki was speechless, a new image appeared on the light screen again.


[Looking at everything around me, all of them have turned into noodles under the influence of time.] ABC immediately took out the time controller she had taken from the remnant Kang, opened the portal, and walked inside. 】

[At this time, Loki is telling Morbius and the others that they can go home :]

["Actually, it's really a very selfish act for me to keep you by my side......"]

["Therefore, it is better for you to return to your old life and live your old life. "】


[Hearing this, Europos asked suspiciously:]

["What about TVA?"]

[Loki shrugged:]

"Even without you, it's not a big deal. "】


[At this moment, with the opening of the portal, Sylvie walked out of it:]

"Now, all the time branches are falling apart. "】

[The female Loki, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth on weekdays, is now full of panic, as if she has suddenly become a little woman:]

"I don't know what's going on, but there must be something we can do. "】

["I see!"]

[Loki clenched his fists and shouted:]

["We can go back, go back in time, and stop the destruction of the Time Loom!"

[But just as Loki was about to act, those friends in his room actually began to turn into noodles!]

["No! impossible!"]

[Watching Casey turn into countless noodles in front of him, both Loki and Europos were stunned. 】

["Wait! What should I do?"]

[In the face of Loki's question, Europos just opened his mouth and found that his right hand had also begun to "become noodles"!]

And just before his body completely turned into noodles, Europos still looked at Loki and said a sentence: "This is a ...... Story Questions. "】


[Loki only felt cold, and instinctively turned his head, only to see Mobius, and the black female B15, also turned noodles one after another. 】

[Looking at the terrifying scene in front of her, the female Rocky Sylvie actually showed a desperate look on her face:]

["I just came here from another branching timeline, and now I have nowhere to go!......"]

[As soon as the words fell, Sylvie was also swept up in the endless "noodle transformation", turning into a part of the countless noodles. 】

["No! no!"]

[Watching everything around him turn into noodles and fall apart, Loki is about to collapse.] 】

[Directly, he reached out and grabbed the ".~ noodles" scattered around in vain, as if he wanted to put them back.] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[But everything he grasped was just turned into dust.] 】

[At this moment, Loki recalled what Sylvie had said to him before:]

["Do you think Loki became Loki because we were destined to lose?"]


[Endless frustration, anger, fear, and sadness accumulated in Loki's chest, and finally burst out, turning into a roar. 】

And after this roar, everything changed. 】


When Loki opens his eyes, he finds himself back in a few seconds. 】

[Morbius, Eurobos, and the others have all turned into noodles, but Sylvie still survives.] 】

["I just came here from another branching timeline, and now I have no way to go......]


[Loki looks around in astonishment, and a flash suddenly flashes in his mind.] 】

[This time, "Time Leap" did not return his body to the past, but projected his consciousness into the body he had been a few seconds ago!]


Instinctively, he shouted again, and Loki's consciousness leaped forward for a few minutes again. 】[]

[This time, Morbius and the others are still standing by his side intact, while Sylvie has just opened the portal and come out of it. 】

"Now, all the time branches are falling apart. "】

[Female Loki said with a panicked face:]

"I don't know what's going on, but there must be something we can do. "】

[At this time, Loki, who was in the chair, suddenly spoke:]

"I've done it. "】


[Everyone else was stunned when they heard it, but they saw Loki slowly stand up, still confused in his eyes, and said word by word:]

["I controlled my ability to leap ......"]

"It's not about time, place, or reason. "Expansion]

"It's about people. "】

[Loki was gradually become confident by his eyes, and spit out a sentence categorically:]

["Now, I can rewrite the story!"]

PS: Today's two shifts.

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