Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I see!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Although the Flash changed the angle of the monitor, he didn't change the "history".

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): In the past, his mother was still killed, and his father was still treated as a criminal and imprisoned for more than ten years.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It was only "now" that the surveillance footage was restored and presented as evidence in court.

Tian Xiaoban: Uh...... Does it make any difference?

Tony Stark: Hehe, that's a big difference.

Tony Stark: If the Flash changes "507" to the past that has already happened, it will lead to all kinds of chain reactions, butterfly effects, and even the creation of countless parallel universes!

Tony Stark: Whether it's "Flashpoint" or the world in the image just now, it will eventually accelerate to extinction because of this "congenital deficiency"!

Tony Stark: But now, everything that should have happened in the "past" has happened, history has not been modified, and parallel universes have not been created.

Tony Stark: What The Flash has changed is the uncertain "future".

Wanda Maximov: Because it's changing the future, so there won't be side effects?

Tony Stark: Exactly.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! This unreliable looking Flash is so smart.

The Flash Barry Allen: This ...... If that's possible, should I......

At the thought of his mother, who had died inexplicably, Barry Allen's heart also beat wildly.

All along, he had learned from messages in the chat group that modifying the past could lead to a terrible catastrophe.

So, the gentle Barry never thought of redeeming the current tragedy.

But now what the "new Flash" is doing on the screen has opened a whole new door for him!

And at this moment, someone suddenly bubbled up in the chat group.

Dr. Manhattan: Unfortunately, time doesn't work as easily as you think.

Dr. Manhattan: Although the "New Flash" did not directly modify the "history" that had already happened, his actions definitely had an impact on the timeline.

Dr. Manhattan: It's just that these effects haven't been felt yet.

Barry Allen, The Flash: So, if I want to change the past, ......

Dr. Manhattan: You're going to regret it eventually.

The Flash Barry Allen: ............--_--

At this moment, a new image appeared on the light screen.

[After the trial, an excited Barry leaves the courthouse.] 】

[Soon, he received a call from Bruce Wayne.] 】


"Barry, congratulations. "】

"Thank you, you don't know how happy I am when I hear your voice. "】

[Barry said excitedly into the phone:]

"The next time we meet, I have a lot to tell you. "】

"My car will be here soon. "】


[As soon as Barry turned his head, he saw a luxury car, which was slowly driving to the intersection not far away and stopped. 】

[Obviously, this is the new car of the super-rich friend.] 】

[However, when the man who got out of the limousine, walked out of the crowd of reporters sitting in front of him, and appeared in front of Barry, the Flash froze. 】

[This man has gray hair, even his beard is gray-white, and he looks to be at least fifty or sixty years old!]

["You...... No way, ...... you are"]

[Looking at the white-haired man in front of him, Barry swallowed his saliva and said in a low voice:]

["You, you're not Batman, are you!"]

[Bruce Wayne frowned and leaned his head to Barry's side:]

["What's wrong with you?"]

【“............ (⊙⊙)"】

[Barry froze in place, the whole person was completely stupid.. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Wanda Maximov: Wow! Who is this old man?

Clark Kent: Bruce actually made another substitution, is this ......

Bruce Wayne: Because The Flash has changed the past, the "now" has also changed.

Bruce Wayne: And I suspect there may be other "places" that have changed besides "me."

Dr. Strange: Sigh, it's inevitable.

Doctor Strange: Reversing the past is probably the most terrible curse in the realm of time and space.

Demonic Doctor Strange: As long as this "taboo" is touched, it will definitely lead to unimaginable consequences.

Tian Xiaoban: Unbelievable? What do you mean......

Doctor Strange 1.9: Birth of a parallel universe, timeline disorder, and even a conflict between the multiverse!

The Flash Barry Allen: ............ (△;)

Barry Allen was also stunned at this time, and a trace of happiness suddenly appeared in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't get carried away by his emotions and do something stupid.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he will really regret it!

And at this moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

["Transformers March When Dark in March" will be broadcast next]

PS: After the end of the Transformers, the comics will play, the source of the horror script, and then Loki, the god of stories!.

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