["Barry ......"]

[Deeply injured in the past, Barry used the last of his strength to pull out a monkey toy from inside his suit. 】

[This toy was given to him by his mother as a child. 】

"Tell Mom...... I love him. ~"】

[Stuffing the monkey toy into Barry's hand, "Past Barry"'s eyes suddenly darkened, and he stopped exhaling and inhaling in "himself"'s arms.] 】


[And just after the two Barries died in the "Divine Speed Force Space", the "spherical universes" that collided with each other around them also began to "return to their places" and retreated from this space.] 】

[Seeing this, Barry finally confirmed his guess. 】

[All this chaos, all the destruction, is all because "Barry" modified the past!]

And now, if he wants to put everything back on track, he can only do that...... Something that I don't want to do anyway. 】

[Let your mother die.] 】

[After saying that "himself" gave him the monkey toy, Barry put on the Flash's suit again and rushed out without hesitation!]


[In the next second, he returned to the department store more than 10 years ago. 】

[Dressed in ordinary casual clothes and even a pair of sunglasses, Barry sneaks closer to his target. 】

[The middle-aged woman who was shopping in the mall. 】

[Not long ago, he modified the past by putting a box of "canned tomatoes" in this woman's shopping cart, causing a tragedy that rippled across the entire multiverse. 】

And now he has to correct his mistakes and turn history back on the right track. 】


[Through his sunglasses, Barry quietly watched as "himself" appeared in front of his mother with great speed, and put the box of cans in her car. 】

Next, he swallowed his saliva and stepped forward. 】

[Looking at his mother, Barry still can't bear to take away her "hope of life" like this. 】

[So, he instinctively found a reason and chatted with his "mother". 】

[As he spoke, Barry still couldn't control his feelings and couldn't help but burst into tears. 】

["Hey, are you okay?"]

[Seeing Barry's grief-stricken appearance, although his mother couldn't recognize who he was, she still said gently: "I'm just a strange aunt in the supermarket, if you don't mind, can I hug you?"]

【“............ (o)"】

[Barry nods with difficulty, and then feels it "finally...... A warm hug from his own mother. 】


[Then, he unleashed his speed force again, and while looking at his mother's face with attachment, he walked behind her and picked up the canned tomatoes in the shopping cart. 】

[And just like that, Barry corrected what he had done.] 】

[But just as he was frustrated and put the cans back on the shelf, he suddenly looked up and saw a monitor in the corner of the mall.] 】


At this moment, an astonishing thought suddenly flashed through Barry's mind. 】

[Perhaps, he can't save his mother, but maybe he can save another person!]


[After doing what he could, Barry unleashed his speed force again and returned to his own timeline. 】

[The world looks the same as it was before he left, nothing has changed.] 】

[And as soon as he returned home, Barry learned that his father's last "appeal" was about to go to trial.] 】

[Sure enough, after he put the canned tomatoes back, his mother still died.] 】

[However, Barry has no time to mourn during this time.] 】

[He needs to confirm one thing!]


[Changing into civilian clothes as quickly as he could, Barry rushed to the courthouse like lightning.] 】

[At this moment in the courtroom, Barry's father's defense lawyer is showing a surveillance video to the judge:]

["This video evidence, numbered F, was found to be invalid evidence in the previous trial."] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ask for flowers

["But thanks to the advanced technology of Wayne Enterprises, we were able to restore this footage."] "】

["This video corroborates my client's alibi!"]

[I saw the surveillance video displayed on the LCD screen, with the obvious time and date in the lower right.] 】

[20046 13, 2:17 p.m.] 】

[And on the video, a middle-aged man wearing a baseball cap is taking a canned tomato from a supermarket shelf, and his face is just being photographed by the camera. 】

[This man is Barry's father.] 】

[Original. After putting the canned tomatoes back on the shelves, Barry did the only thing he could. 】

[He changed the angle of the camera of the monitor in the supermarket.] 】

[In this way, his father's face was photographed in its entirety.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: What's going on?Did Barry change the past again?(⊙o⊙)

Magneto: This guy really didn't learn his lesson at all.

Charles Xavier: Could it be that if he does this, he will cause a crisis in the multiverse?

Demonized Doctor Strange: No! you're all wrong.

Dr. Strange: Barry's doing this won't cause any danger, as it's ...... in the strict sense of the word There is no revision history.

Tian Xiaoban: Ah???

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): yes, I see

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): The so-called history is that Barry's mother was killed by an unknown criminal, while his father was unjustly imprisoned for more than ten years.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): And this "history", Barry has not changed at all.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): All the tragedies that should have happened happened.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): What he has changed is the "future" after his own crossing!

Tian Xiaoban: What? What are you talking about?

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