"Carl was a baby when we left the house. "】

[Carla said with a wistful face:]

["He is the last son of Krypton, and I am ordered to protect him......"]

[Seeing this, Barry also said softly:]

["It seems that in this universe, he did not come to Earth at all. "】

[Kara's face became a little flustered:]

"The two of us spacecraft must have been separated. "】

[Hearing this, Barry finally couldn't help it, and leaned into Barry's ear and said:]

["Baby, is the Clark you're looking for a baby?"]

"You're counting on a baby to help us fight this alien named Zod. "】

["Zod !!"]

[Kara's complexion changed:]

["He's on this planet too!Damn!Zod must have tracked my spaceship signal!"]

["I have to go to him!"]

[As soon as she turned around, Kara only took one step, and her body collapsed to the ground limply. 】

"Hey, you need to regain your strength. "】

[Barry hurriedly helped Kara up, and then suddenly thought of something, and said to "past self": "You take her up to the roof and let Kara bask in the sun, it should be fine.] "】

"Okay. "】

[In the past, Barry helped Carla to walk out, and said with a sigh as he walked:]

["It turns out that you can use sunlight to recharge, it's really not 580 incredible."] "】

[And while walking, "past Barry" did not forget to put ...... The "suit" that Kara brought back from the cage brought with her. 】

[Coming to the rooftop, Supergirl Carla first changed into the Kryptonian battle suit. 】

[Then bathed in the sun, the energy in her body began to accumulate rapidly, and soon her feet flew off the ground. 】

["Wow! you can still fly?"]

[Looking at Supergirl hovering in the sun, "Past Barry" was so surprised that his eyes widened. 】

[After Supergirl had had enough of the sun, "Over Barry" found another opportunity to come over and test her tone:]

["Did you know? The old Barry said that if we don't stop that Zod, humanity will be destroyed by him......"]

[Supergirl looked at him with slanted eyes and said coldly:]

"Humans have locked me up in that black prison for many years. "】

["Uh...... This ......"]

["Past Barry" swallows and tries to defend humanity in an effort :]

"There are indeed bad people in human beings, but there are also many good people. "】

"I'm sorry. "】

[Supergirl slowly floats into the sky with a blank face:]

["I'm not an Earth human, I'm a Kryptonian. "】


[As soon as she finished speaking, Supergirl's form turned into a blast wind, and in an instant, she left a sonic storm cloud in the sky and disappeared into the sky. 】

[And in the Bat Cave, after learning the news of Supergirl's departure, Barry finally made a big decision. 】

["I have to recreate the 'lightning strike' that gave me superpowers, only then can I become the Flash again!"]


[Hearing this, Bruce Wayne pondered for a while, and suddenly asked rhetorically:]

["If you really regain your superpowers, with your powers, you can travel to any timeline or any universe!"]

["Then why did you stay with us?"]

["Why did you stop Zod for us?"]

[Barry smiled bitterly:]

"Because my mother lives in this universe. "】

["The reason why I went back in time was to save her!"]

"Therefore, I must not lose her again. "】

[Glancing at Barry, Bruce Wayne asks again:]

["That young version of you, you don't know this, right?"]

["Hey...... How can I say that?"]

[Suggest Barry, be honest with each other, and Bruce Wayne also said how much he misses his parents.] 】

[However, neither of them noticed that "Past Barry" was sitting under the hole not far away at this time, and they eavesdropped on all the conversations between the two!]

["Mom! You ......"]

["Past Barry" eyes widened, his mouth was stuffed with food, but he forgot to chew, and his face was full of shock. 】

[He never thought that this "self" from the future would actually be for this reason...... to travel through time and space!]

[And in order to help Barry regain his speed power, Bruce Wayne specially made a device for him to "lead down the thunder". 】


[And at the moment when Bruce pulled down the lever, as soon as lightning arrived, he was drawn down from the thunderclouds in the sky.] 】


[Locked firmly on the iron chair on the ground, Barry's whole body was pierced by the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky, and he suddenly let out a thrilling scream!]

["Wait, turn off the switch!"]

[In the past, Barry was dumbfounded, and rushed forward while screaming.] 】


[And when the thunder and lightning stopped, I saw Barry bleeding from his seven orifices, and the whole person collapsed on the chair like a puddle of mud, and seemed to be dying.] 】

["Oh my God!

[Looking at the miserable appearance of "himself", Barry immediately rushed over desperately, as if trying to save him. 】

[But at this moment, he heard a weak voice:]

["No...... Stay back. "】

[Barry doesn't seem to have the strength to sit up, but he still manages to open his eyes and look at Bruce Wayne standing by the console in the distance:]

"One more time, I beg you. "】


[Sensing that Barry was already determined to die, Bruce Wayne sighed in his heart, but nodded anyway, and then pulled down the lever again!]

["Ka ......"]

[But this time, nothing happened.] 】

[It turned out that after the lightning strike just now, this improvised "lightning channeling device" has been damaged. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Just when everyone was helpless, from outside the bat cave, a woman's voice suddenly came:]

"I'll help him. "】

[Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Supergirl Carla in a Kryptonian suit!]

[It turned out that after leaving, Supergirl quickly witnessed the brutality of General Zode and others. 】

[That's why she turned back again and prepared to fight Zod with Barry, Batman and others!]

[And now...... Supergirl is going to help Barry and become the Flash again. 】

[Walking to the iron chair, Supergirl Carla gently picks up Barry, who is slumped in the chair, and then slowly floats up and flies out of the cave above the bat cave.] 】

[Soon, Supergirl held Barry and rose into the thundercloud high in the sky!]


[Along with it, I saw a sharp flash in the thundercloud, a flickering thunder, drawing a broken line in the air, and shooting towards Supergirl and Barry. 】


[A white light illuminates the sky!]

[It didn't take long for Supergirl to bring Barry, who hit Thunder for the second time, to the ground and put him in the Batcave.] 】


[Looking at Barry, who was scorched black in front of him and didn't seem to be breathing, "Past Barry" was suddenly terrified, and even tears flowed. 】

["Aren't you able to heal yourself? Don't you die!"]

[With snot and tears on his face, "Go to Barry" rushed up and grabbed Barry's pitch-black right palm with a trembling hand. 】

[But at this moment......]


[The moment the two Barry's hands touched, a cyan electric light lit up again.] 】


[Immediately after that, a moan sounded out of Barry's scorched black mouth. 】

[And the scars on his body are actually fading rapidly. 】

[It turns out that the reason why Barry lost his superpower in the first place was because the lightning strike transferred some of his abilities to the body of "Barry in the past"!]

[Therefore, in order for him to "gain supernatural powers again", in addition to being struck by lightning, the two of them have to "contact again"!].

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