["Carl Aire?"]

[Looking at the ragged woman in front of him, covered in dust, Barry was dumbfounded. 】

[Superman is a man!]

[But if she's not Superman, where did this girl come from?]

"We've got to go. "】

[When the two Barry were dumbfounded, Batman just dropped a sentence coldly, turned around and walked out of this circular cell. 】

"No, we can't leave this woman here. "】

[With compassion, Barry carried the distressed woman and followed Batman to the underground waterways of the base. 】

[They are preparing to escape from the underground to this secret military base. 】

[It's a pity that in the underground tunnel, they still encountered the enemy's pursuers!]


["Ah...... It hurts!"]

[Due to his lack of combat experience, "Past Barry" was injured in the knee by a bullet fired by the enemy, although he had the speed of power!]


[At the moment of crisis, Batman rushed forward, turned his back to the enemy, and unfurled his cape, blocking the "Past Flash" behind the cloak. 】


[The enemy fired a series of shots, but all the bullets were bounced off by Batman's bulletproof cloak!]


[Seizing the opportunity, Batman throws a flashbang and stops the enemy with the bright light and smoke generated by the explosion.] 】

["Let's go!"]

[Seeing that the situation is not good, Flash holds the mysterious woman, and Batman pulls the injured leg "past Barry", and then turns around and escapes back to the position of the circular cell. 】


[In the face of the enemy's encirclement and interception, Batman led Flash and others to escape into the passage under the circular cell, and finally went through hardships and dangers to finally get out of the underground alive. 】


[Finally came to the Siberian ice field, Batman and the others were all lying on the ground, gasping for breath with difficulty. 】

And at this moment, the rising sun gradually emerged from the clouds. 】

【“......... ~..."】

[The mysterious woman lies on the ground weakly, as if she has fainted.] 】

[But when the sun shines on her, the woman's dark skin ...... It magically became white and smooth. 】

[It's as if her body is absorbing the sun!]


[And at this moment, a large number of soldiers with live ammunition also rushed out of the base, surrounding Batman and others who had survived the catastrophe in the center. 】

["What should I do? Batman!"]

[Lying on the ground, Barry raised his hands in embarrassment, not even daring to stand up, lest the soldiers pull the trigger and beat him into a sieve.] 】

[Now, he doesn't have superpowers, just an ordinary mortal. 】


[In the face of the muzzles of dozens of black holes, Batman did not resist. 】

[But after raising his hands, he still said to Barry with great meaning:]

"Now, let's try not to be killed. "】


[Before Barry could react, he saw Batman slam his raised hand into a fist!]

[And just above him in the air, a woman floating in the air appeared!]

[She is the mysterious woman that Barry and the others rescued from the cell below the base just now!]

["What's going on!"]

["Shoot, shoot!"]

[In the face of the woman flying in the air, those mercenaries with loaded guns were also shocked, instinctively twisting the muzzle of the gun to aim at the air, and then firing wildly!]

["Da Da Da ......"]


[The bullet hit the woman, punching large holes in the prison clothes of both men and women on her body.] 】

[But don't say it's injured, the woman hasn't even had her epidermis scratched!]


[In the next second, the woman's body shot a sonic boom in the air, falling from the sky at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and hit a soldier on the ground fiercely!]



[I saw that the woman was like moving instantaneously, so fast that the naked eye couldn't catch it!] And the force of each of her blows was also unusually large, and ordinary soldiers were punched, all of them were broken and broken, and the whole person was knocked out!]

["Shoot, kill this devil!"]

["No, she's not afraid of bullets!"]

[In the face of the rain of bullets fired by the soldiers, the woman didn't even dodge, just threw punches one after another. 】


[A soldier was punched by him and flew hundreds of meters, and the whole person hit the wall, almost embedded in the wall!]

["Wow!"] (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Looking at the hellish horror battle in front of him, Barry Allen was so shocked that even cold sweat broke out. 】

[By now, he can also guess that this mysterious woman, like Superman, must be a Kryptonian!]

[But unlike the benevolent Superman, this woman kills people, but she doesn't blink her eyes!]


[Seeing that the woman made another move to raise the dragon fist, she beat a soldier straight into the air! I can't even see the shadow!]

["Wow! That fight just now, if only there was a slow motion."] "】

[Looking at the incredible scene in front of him, although Barry couldn't move in the past, his mouth was still not idle:]


[Knocking all the remaining soldiers away, the woman stood on the snow, suddenly gasped violently, and finally collapsed to the ground and fainted. 】

[Obviously, even though the sunlight can recharge her body, the fierce battle just now has exhausted her remaining physical strength. 】

[Seeing this, Barry and the others had no choice but to put the woman on the Bat fighter, and then left Siberia all the way and returned to Wayne Manor. 】

[Placing the unconscious woman on a long table in the manor, the two Barrys, turned their heads to look at the LCD TV on the edge of the hall, and started a heated discussion:]

["What should I do now? Where is the superman you are talking about?"]

["How do I know, I thought the one I found there must be Superman, who knows it's a woman."] "】

[At this moment, a woman's voice sounded behind the two:]

["Who are you?"]


[The two Barries shuddered with fright and turned around sharply, only to see that the mysterious woman had woken up! 】

["Uh...... We are Barry. "】

[Barry spits, trying to explain: Song]

"We were looking for Carl Air, who is my friend. "】

["Do you know him?"]

[Hearing Barry's words, the expression on the woman's face softened, and then she leaned back on the long table, sighed and said:]

"My name is Kara, daughter of Zorelle. "】

"Carl El is my cousin. "】。

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