"Okay, you're all ready to listen to me. "】

[Changing into the enemy's clothes, Kamora led the Guardians of the Galaxy and others through the interior of the "living base" without looking back, and said in a low voice:]

["Nebula, Star-Lord, and I'll go find the key and take it away to save Rocket Raccoon."] "】

["The little bugs and the big fools, so they quickly entered the spaceport through the elevator and controlled it. "】

"That way, the Treants will be able to land in a spaceship and take us out of here."] "】

["Little bugs?"]

["Big stupid?"]

[Hearing these two nicknames, Mantis Girl and Drax glanced at each other.] ] "Five-one-seven"

[Although their hearts are full of resentment, but at the moment they are in the enemy camp, they don't dare to say anything, so they can only honestly do what Camorra says. 】

[Next, the Guardians of the Galaxy split into two routes, one to the spaceport, and the other to steal the key. 】

[And in the process of carrying out the mission, they finally understood the essence of this "biochemical base". 】

[It turns out that this is a branch of the well-known "Augur Group" in the universe. 】

For many years, Augur Group has been producing a variety of products related to "genetic biology" throughout the universe. 】

["Supreme Evolution" is the top leader of the Auger Group. 】

[It is said that the only goal of supreme evolution is to use super-advanced biological genetic technology to create a utopia.] 】

[On this side, Star-Lord had just gotten the "electronic species file" of Rocket Raccoon, and Mantis Girl and Drax were seen through by the monitoring personnel in the base. 】

["Someone infiltrated the base in disguise!"]

["Quickly send the security guards over and arrest them all."] "】

["Di Di Di ......"]

[As the alarm sounds, the security guards of the Armed Gun Era surround from all directions, and immediately surround the mantis girl and Drax. 】

"Oh no, Drax, we should run right away. "】


[In the face of the mantis woman's warning, Drax the Destroyer was full of excitement and laughed out loud:]

["We should fight a big battle now and defeat all these enemies!"]

["No, let's run away."] "】



["Enough, take down these two invaders for me!"]

[Seeing that the mantis girl and drax were still arguing in front of him, the leader of the security guards immediately ordered their arrest. 】


[Seeing this, the mantis girl first sighed lightly, and finally jumped up violently, kicking a security guard in front of her out with one kick!]

[It turns out that in addition to "mind control", this alien girl has actually mastered such a powerful kung fu!]

[Seeing the mess outside, Star-Lord found another way at the moment, using his charm and sincerity to persuade a female staff member in the base to help him enter the control system of the entire base. 】

["Alright! Now I just need to turn off the gravity system on all these security guards......"]

[I saw Star-Lord operating in front of the control system, and the situation outside suddenly changed dramatically. 】

["Oops!"] (If you read a cool novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

["What's the matter, why am I floating?"]

["The gravity control device has failed!"]

[Lost the gravity system that comes with the spacesuit.] All of the base's security personnel were weightless, floating uncontrollably into the air. 】

[Now, the crisis between Mantis Girl and Drax is immediately solved. 】


[In the next moment, the tree Groot was manipulating the spaceship, and it happened to break into the spaceport of the biochemical base... 0】

["I'm Groot!"]

["Okay! Let's go!"]

[All the security guards in the base lost their combat effectiveness, and Star-Lord and the others helped the injured Drax to board the spaceship as if no one was around, and flew out in style. 】

[After getting out of danger, Nebula immediately activated Rocket Raccoon's electronic file and extracted his past from it. 】

[It turns out that "Rocket" was originally just an ordinary raccoon, but it was only after undergoing a series of transformations of the Supreme Evolution that it gained intelligence. 】

[However, through checking, Nebula found that the key originally contained in the electronic file had been downloaded and deleted.] 】

["It's this guy who downloaded the key!"]

[Looking at a fat researcher displayed in the electronic file, Gamora groaned and said:]

["He should be the person next to the Supreme Evolution. "】

["Supreme Purification is not an ordinary character, it is rumored that he will create an entire society, or even an entire civilization, on some planets!"]

["In some corners of the universe, there are even 4.1 people who believe that he is a god. "】

"God, I only care about rockets. "】

[Star-Lord's mind turned, and he immediately said:]

["If this fat man is the person next to the Supreme Evolution, then as long as we find the Supreme Evolution, we can save the rocket!"]

[Soon, the Mantis Woman also found the current coordinates of the Supreme Evolution from the electronic archive. 】

["Wait, you're crazy!"]

[Seeing that Star-Lord and the others seemed to be about to leave, Gamora hurriedly tried to stop it:]

["The Supreme Evolution wants that raccoon, and you're going to send it to the door now."] "】

"It's a trap, can't you see it?"].

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