["Alright, let's start the engines, go through the shield, and climb that "creature building"!"]

Star-Lord arrives in the ship's engine room and activates a special device that gives the ship the ability to "pass through shields". 】


[But in the next moment, the entire ship shook.] 】

["Squeak Squeak ......"]

[I saw that a strange electric current began to wrap up and down the spaceship, and it seemed that something unimaginably strange had happened!]

["Hey, what the hell is going on? Did we pass the shield?"]

[Hearing Star-Lord's question, Nebula's expression also became very solemn:]

["We passed, but this ...... It's not a shield!"]


[Star-Lord just rushed to the cockpit of the spaceship, and when he looked at the space outside the window, his face suddenly changed. 】

[I saw several alien spaceships, which had surrounded the Guardians of the Galaxy in the middle at this moment. 】

[And just in front of the porthole 153, there was a person in a spacesuit. 】


[Looking at the familiar face of the "spacesuit man", Star-Lord gritted his teeth and spit out a sentence!]

[Yongdu, who raised him, is a member of the Marauders, so Star-Lord can be said to know a lot about these space pirates. 】

[However, he really never dreamed that the marauders would find him at this time!]


[At this moment, on the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy, a video signal of the Marauder suddenly appeared:]

"Boys, you're about to be boarded by the Combined Fleet of Marauders. "】

["You can obediently hand over all the valuable things and live!"]

"Or you can die...... Then give us everything of value!o(**)o"]


[As soon as the words fell, a magic portal suddenly opened in the corridor of Star Lord's spaceship!]

[A group of heavily armed and vicious marauders rushed out of the portal. 】


[Pointed at the guns of countless marauders, Star-Lord and the others were dumbfounded. 】

[They are now in the spaceship, they are not ready for battle at all, they don't even have weapons on their bodies, they are completely bare-handed!]

["Wait, Drax! Don't be impulsive!"]

[Star-Lord hurriedly grabbed Drax, who was about to go crazy, and tried to explain while trying to explain:]

["Brothers, do you still recognize me? I'm Peterquayle!"]

["I'm one of you, you won't forget, right?"

[At this moment, Nebula suddenly rushed up and shouted loudly at the same time:]

"Wait! I have an agreement with you. "】


[Xingyun said in a deep voice:] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"I have an agreement with Gamora. "】


[Xinjue turned back in amazement, and at that moment, a green-skinned woman also lined up and walked out of the marauders.] 】

[Gamora didn't even look at Star-Lord, stared at Nebula and said:]

"You're here too early. "】

["You ......"]

[Looking at the pair of "sisters" looking at each other in front of him, Star-Lord opened his mouth wide, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. 】

[It turned out that Nebula contacted the Camorra who had already joined the Marauders without notifying him, so these space pirates appeared here so coincidentally!]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Stephen Strange: Magic Portal, what's going on?(⊙o⊙)

Stephen Strange: Is it ...... Are there any magicians among these cosmic pirates?

Magic Doctor Strange: There are all kinds of aliens in the universe, and naturally there are all kinds of magicians.

Demonic Doctor Strange: Even if there was a mage who had fallen into depravity and become a bandit, wouldn't it be surprising...... (乛乛)

Mage Mordo: Damn, at least in Kama Taj, I will not allow such scum!

At this moment, in the light screen.

[The Marauders also came outside the door of this "biobase" because Nebula promised to pay them a large sum of money. 】

[However, the "Auger Group", to which the base belongs, has the most advanced genetic intellectual property in the galaxy. 】

[So, this base is also surrounded by a large group of guards who have been "genetically enhanced".] 】

[Once an outsider without a permit approaches, he will only be killed!]

[Therefore, the behavior of Star-Lord and others infiltrating the base can only be said to be nine deaths. 】

[At the same time, the rocket raccoon, who was left in the void and fell into a coma, was in a trance...... Memories of the past are recalled. 】

[Many years ago, it was just an ordinary raccoon, no different from a beast. 】

[But then it was used as an experiment by the Supreme Evolution, and it was transformed, and it gained intelligence.] 】

[For unknown reasons, Supreme Evolution took this "intelligent raccoon" as its "pouring object" and said a lot to the rocket:]

["You know what? I can make any organism evolve over millions of years in an instant!"]

[I saw that the "Supreme Evolution" sent someone to put an ordinary turtle into the experimental cabin, and then pressed the switch!].

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