Bruce Wayne: Konstantin, the woman named "Johanna", you really don't remember it at all?

John Constantine: ............ Ahem, actually, my grandmother seems to have her name.

John Constantine: But she's a World War I person, and the timeline isn't right.

Bruce Wayne: Well, in this universe on screen, the Sandman was imprisoned during World War I.

Bruce Wayne: By the time he's freed, the timeline has reached the 21st century.

Bruce Wayne: The Sandman also mentioned that 300 years ago, he knew a man named Constantine.

John Constantine: That's probably my ancestor.

Bruce Wayne: Being able to make the Sandman remember his name, your ancestor, you're definitely not an ordinary person.

John Constantine: Sigh, I'll be blunt, our family has had the power of magic in our veins since ancient times.

John Constantine: So, for generations there have been people who have been exorcists, mages, supernatural scholars...... and other occupations.

John Constantine: The unknown ancestor may have come into the Sandman's sight because of his profession.

At this moment, the screen turned to London.

[At this moment, the screen turned and I came to London. 】

[On this night, the famous exorcist "Johanna" was commissioned to come to a nightclub. 】

[The owner of this shop, I don't know which tendon he made the wrong one, actually took a magic book and summoned demons with his friends!]

Johanna goes to the basement of the nightclub and prepares to use her magic to banish the demons from the world, so that they do not harm the world. 】


[But he never expected that as soon as he opened the door of the basement, endless flames came out from behind the door, rolling Johanna in!]


[When Johanna opened her eyes, she actually left the basement and appeared in the back seat of a taxi.] 】

[It turns out that Justin was reminiscing about the past just now. 】

[That "basement exorcism" happened a long time ago. 】

[After getting out of the taxi, Johanna had just taken a step when someone stopped her. 】


[Johanna turns around and finds an old woman standing on the sidewalk, looking at her with a solemn face.] 】

[The old woman has lived to be 280 years old and is a prophet who warns Constantine that the Sandman, the king of dreams, has awakened!]

["He'll find you and get his sand back.!"]


[Johanna didn't care about the old woman's prophecy at all, and even regarded "Sandman" as a story of coaxing children. 】

[It's a pity that Johanna just turned around, and a "Sandman" dressed in modern clothes appeared in front of her. 】

["Uh...... Do we know each other?"]

[Facing Constantine, who didn't know the true face of Lushan, the "Sandman" said coldly:]

"I have something important to talk to you about. "】


[Glancing at the Sandman's handsome face, Johanna shook her head slightly:]

["Brother, I have something to do tonight, you can wait and talk about it first. "】

With that, Johanna threw down the Sandman and walked into the church next to her. 】

[Today evening, Konstantin was entrusted to deal with a very serious world. 】

[The British princess doesn't know what kind of nerves she has, so she has to get married in this church tonight!]

[Moreover, the object she married is still a black man!]

[Once this matter gets out, it will definitely be a terrible scandal!]

[Fortunately, the pastor of this church noticed that the princess seemed to have a problem with her sanity, and quickly found her friend...... Johanna. 】

[Originally, Johanna didn't want to care about this, but the priest offered three times the price, and finally moved her.] 】

[Johanna had an idea, asked for the priest's clothes to wear on herself, and ran to the princess's wedding. 】


[Standing in front of the couple, Johanna opened the holy book and muttered words in her mouth. 】

[However, what she is reciting is not a blessing word, but an exorcism spell!]


[Stimulated by Johanna's spell, the black man whom the princess was going to marry lowered his head and let out a low roar. 】

[In the next second, from this young man's mouth, two pitch-black arms actually stretched out!]


[These two black hands made a single effort, and immediately tore the black guy in half!

[It turns out that this demon has been possessed by this black guy all along, and it was Johanna's spell that forced him out!]

"Woman, you have too many words. "】

[After appearing, the demon stared at Johanna viciously, as if he was about to strike in the next moment. 】

[Johanna was not afraid at all, and even reversed the words of the devil:] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["Just tell me your name, and I'll shut up right away."] "】

[It turns out that the spell that Johanna just recited can only force out the true body of the demon, and if you want to expel him back to hell, you must know the demon's true name.] 】

["Hmph! Just kill you and shut you up forever!Why bother?"]

[The black demon's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and it seemed that he was about to make a move. 】

[And at this moment, the voice of the Sandman came from the side:]

"His name is Agles. "】


[As soon as the black demon turned around, he happened to see the true body of the sleeping demon, and was immediately surprised:]

["Lord Morpheus, you have indeed returned to the world!"]

["But ......"]

[The demon smiles weirdly:]

["I have to admit that I almost don't recognize you without a helmet. "】

[Stabbed to the sore spot, the face of the sleeping demon suddenly sank:]

["My helmet was taken and I made a deal with the demons of hell, and now...... It's supposed to be in hell!"]

[The demon nodded:]

"I can tell you the whereabouts of the helmet, but you must give me the princess in exchange. "】


[Hearing this, Johanna, who was standing on the side, was taken aback. 】

[If there is no princess, her triple pay will not be guaranteed!]


In desperation, Johanna immediately took the cross from her bosom and launched an expulsion ceremony using the demon's true name. 】


[A magic array appeared at the feet of the black demon, and a strong magical aura swept out of the array, pulling him down. 】

["Wait a minute, don't send me back to hell!"]

[Seeing the lava and flames on the other side of the magic array, the black demon was immediately shocked, and hurriedly asked the sandman for help: "I can tell you the whereabouts of the helmet, but please help me!"]


[Seeing this, the Sandman immediately shouted:]

["Hurry up and stop talking, don't expel him!"]

["I command you!"]

[But Johanna, who only recognized money in her eyes, didn't care what the Sandman said, she just recited the spell to the end by herself. 】


[Feeling the power of the magic array getting stronger and stronger, the black demon also exclaimed:]

["The dream of the Endless Family is ordering you, don't ......"]

[It's a pity that it's only (good)...... The only thing that responded to him was Konstantin's loud shout:]

"Get back to hell for me. "】


[With a terrible howl, the black demon's body turned into countless dust. Scattered on the ground on the magic array. 】

["You !!"]

[Seeing that the clue of the helmet was broken, the Sandman suddenly lost his breath. 】

[He stared at Konstantin viciously and asked coldly:]

["Do you know what you just did?"]

"I know. "】

[Johanna has a cheap smile on her face, and smiles proudly:]

"I just made three times as much as I was paid. "】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Deadpool: Ahaha! I'm getting more and more fond of this woman!

Deadpool: She's my soul mate. o(**)o

John Constantine: ............ (⊙⊙ watts)

Thor: This dream god is too miserable, any human woman doesn't take his words seriously.

Daddy: In Daddy's words, this is called "The phoenix that falls on the shelf is not as good as a chicken"!

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