[Although the Sandman is the king of dreams, he has no control over the real world. 】

[Therefore, he doesn't know where his magic weapon is located in the real world now.] 】

[In order to find these treasures, the Sandman has only one choice left, and that is to consult the "Three Sisters of Destiny"!]

[These three goddesses can see the past, present and future, and can be said to know everything. 】

[But the trouble is, these goddesses, like the Sphinx, like to tell riddles.] 】

"You shouldn't go to them. "】

[After learning of the Sandman's intentions, the loyal black housekeeper admonished worriedly:]

["The three goddesses of fate won't tell you what you want to know!"]

"They'll just tell you...... Something you shouldn't know. "】

[Swallowing saliva, hope appeared in the eyes of the black housekeeper:]

"My lord, maybe just this time, you can go and ask those of your brothers and sisters to help. "】

["Fate must know where your magic weapon is, and desire also has such power!"]


[In the face of the advice of his subordinates, the Sandman refused without hesitation. 】

[As a god of dreams, he has been imprisoned by humans for a hundred years, and he has been deprived of all magic weapons, which is shameful enough. 】

[What annoys Sandman 13 even more is that his brothers and sisters ...... I'm sure I know what happened to him!]

[However, no one came to save him!]

[Now, if he asks for the help of these "good brothers" again, isn't it enough to lose face?]

[The Sandman, who has made up his mind, decides to summon the three sisters of fate at all costs. 】

[But the tragic thing is that now that he has lost all his strength, he has neither mana nor tribute, and there is no way to attract the favor of the Sisters of Destiny. 】

[In desperation, the Sandman can only tearfully absorb the first-generation nightmare he created, a loyal "watchman". 】

[After a lot of effort, the Sandman finally summoned the three sisters of fate to the dream. 】

["Goddesses of fate, please answer my question!"]

[Facing the three sisters, the Sandman hurriedly asked the first question:]

["Where is my leather bag full of sand?"]

[The first goddess of fate said slowly:]

"The bag was sold in London. "】

["The buyer is a magician, named ...... Johanna Konstantin!"]


[Hearing this familiar surname, the Sandman's eyes suddenly changed.] 】

[300 years ago, he once knew a mortal named Constantine. 】

[Could it be that this "Johanna" is the descendant of that Constantine?]

[Immediately afterward, the Sandman asks another goddess of fate about the whereabouts of the helmet.] 】

["Your helmet was traded with a demon in exchange for an amulet. "】


[The Sandman was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly asked:]

["Which demon is it?"]


[Sisters of Fate laughed proudly:]

["Dream! You can only ask one question at a time!"]

[Seeing the malicious eyes of these old women, the Sandman suddenly became angry. 】

[He knew that the goddess of fate had deliberately replied like this!]

[They will only give some of the correct answers, and they will deliberately ...... Withhold the most important information. 】


[Forcibly suppressing his anger, the Sandman asks his third question to the last gray-haired goddess of fate:]

["Whose hand is my ruby now?"]

[After being cheated twice, the Sandman also appeared very cautious in asking questions, asking a question that was as "accurate" as possible. 】

"Your ruby was passed down from mother to son. "】


[The Sandman is furious when he hears this.] 】

[These damn women have hidden the most important information again!] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Angry, he involuntarily asked. 】

["Where are the mother and son?"]


[The faces of the three goddesses of fate changed instantly, becoming like evil ghosts, hideous and terrifying, and roared at the same time:]

["Your question is finished!"]

[After playing with the Sandman as much as possible, the three goddesses of fate left satisfied.] 】

[After sacrificing his last creation, but only getting such an ambiguous answer, the helpless king of dreams had to go to the world again to find the only reliable clue. 】

【Johanna Constantine】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

John Constantine: This ...... The "I" in this universe is actually a woman. (⊙o⊙)

Deadpool: Hahaha! Interesting, I wonder if that "Johanna" is pretty!

Deadpool: If she's a beauty, I'd really like to get to know her.

John Constantine: Damn, shut up, I get goosebumps when I hear it!

God of War Kratos: The Three Sisters of Destiny?

God of War Kratos: No matter what universe they're in, these three old women ...... It's still as annoying as ever.

Diana, Wonder Woman: Darkseid, you mentioned the "Endless Family" before, it looks like ...... Do you know their situation well?

Darkseid: Demigods on Earth, I'm not obligated to answer your questions.

Wonder Woman Diana: I just want to know, you're qualified to ...... Is it compared to these gods?

Darkseid: There's no need to play this botched provocation, I can tell you directly.

Darkseid: In their respective realms of the Endless Family, they are invincible!

Darkseid: But once out of the realm...... Hehe......

Ghost Rider: Seeing what happened to this Dream King, I probably already know the answer.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After getting the clues, the Sandman activated the mana 870 times, left the dream kingdom, and infiltrated the real world of London. 】

[He was going to find the sorceress here, Johanna Constantine.] 】

[And when the Sandman made a move, his old subordinate, "Nightmare", was not idle. 】

[This nightmare, who defected to the world, found the former lover of Tywin Lannister "Josia" and formed an offensive and defensive alliance with her. 】

["Jotheia", who stole the Sandman's "Ruby" from Tywin, and relied on the power of the gem to become a local celebrity in London, owning a museum!]

["Nightmare" wants to threaten "Josiah" to serve her life, and even wants to take the ruby from her!]

["Hmph, tell me where the ruby is, or ......"]

[Seeing Nightmare pull out a knife, he wants to hurt himself.] "Josia" sneered and pulled a pendant directly from her neck. 】

["I don't need the Sandman's magic weapon, I have mine!"

[On this pendant, there is a talisman tied to it!]

[This is the amulet that "Josia" exchanged with the demon of hell with the helmet of the sleeping demon!]

[After obtaining the sleep magic weapon, this scheming woman had long expected that today's scene would happen. 】

[This amulet is what she specially uses to deal with villains like Nightmares!]


[In the face of the power of the demonic spell, the nightmare had no power to resist at all, and was forcibly expelled from the real world in an instant!].

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