Hearing the name "Black Robe Pickets", someone in the chat group suddenly bubbled.

Bai Yuekui: Black-robed pickets? What is this? Is that some kind of security organization?

Deadpool: Haha, so to speak.

Deadpool: However, they're not dealing with ordinary people, but superheroes with superpowers!

Clark kent:......... (╯)

As soon as he heard this, Clark immediately thought of his inferior blackened version: the motherland!

To be honest, in the previous images, Clark has also seen several versions of the blackened Superman, but the motherland ...... Without a doubt, it is the most "disgusting" of them all!

Starlight: Sigh, in my world, there's a company called Walter that uses some kind of biochemical potion to create superhumans.

Starlight: And ...... The Walter Company will package these superhumans as super "zero three-three" heroes, and then make huge profits from them!

King Ada: Well, that's a biochemical potion...... Some kind of higher-level application.

Ida Wang: If anything, I think it's a much better way to use it than Ambrella.

King Ada: What kind of biological weapons will you make and destroy the whole world! What's the point of making more money?

Alice: Hmph, how do you know...... What does Ambrera want is money?

Alice: Perhaps, they just want to turn the Earth into a wasteland and become the master of the world!

King Ada: ......... Is it a great ambition to rule a zombie kingdom!╮(╯)╭

King Ada: Forgive me for not being able to understand it.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Ahem, anyway, as far as I know, the Earth where Starlight is located, the United States is full of superpowers.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): But these superheroes with superpowers only care about being famous and making money.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): The Walter Corporation mentioned by Starlight relies on compound 5 to create a large number of superpowers.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Just ...... This compound seems to have side effects in adults.

Starlight: Yes, that's why Walter Company hit the idea on the kids!

Starlight: They will lure their parents with money...... Hand over their children and use them as experiments!

Starlight: And I'm one of them. (▼ヘ▼)

Bai Yuekui: I see, so did you bring down this company?

Starlight:............ No. (⊙⊙)

Ida Wang: Oh, can't you beat the other party's superpowers? Or ...... Do you have other concerns?

Starlight: Sigh...... The ability of the sparkling fruit can guarantee that I am absolutely undefeated.

Starlight: But if I go to war with the Motherland, and the Super Sevens, I don't know how many cities will be razed to the ground by us!

Starlight: Besides, somehow, since I ate that fruit, I don't even seem to be motivated to do chivalry! ╥﹏╥

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Huh? Do Devil Fruits still have this side effect?

Thor: That's weird, I also ate the Thunder Fruit, but I don't have that problem.

While everyone was discussing, a new image appeared on the screen.

A mysterious narrator also sounded in everyone's ears.

[Since the Nazi heroine "Storm" was beaten into a "human stick" by the son of the motherland, this matter has come to an end. 】

[In the face of this public relations disaster, Walter Company has shown amazing ability to operate public opinion. 】

[Not only did they take themselves out completely, claiming that they didn't know anything about the Nazi background of the storm, but they even teamed up with the motherland and others to make a superhero movie!]


[In the short film, the Motherland joins forces with Maeve, Starlight and others to defeat the evil storm head-on and save countless people!]

[The movie, titled "Super Seven New Era", was a box office success and won more fans for superheroes!]

[Seeing that the situation is stronger than people, Huey and Starlight can only pinch their noses and cooperate with the motherland and others to build momentum for the promotion of the whole movie. 】

[After all, the current motherland people are not mad, it is entirely because of the "crash video" in Maeve's hand!] (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[In the face of the strongest superpower on the earth, whether it is Huey or Starlight, they dare not anger him, so they can only bow their heads...... Partnering with Walter Corporation. 】

[In the aftermath of the storm, a certain Indian congresswoman also established the Transhuman Affairs Authority, ready to supervise these lawless superheroes in an official capacity. 】

[Huey, who is an ordinary person, is also joining this authority in a bright way, ready to use legal means to supervise superpowers!]

[However, neither Huey nor Starlight knew that this Indian congresswoman was the one who had mastered the superpower of the "headshot" ability!]

[At this time, even the black-robed pickets led by Butcher have become subordinates of the Transhuman Authority!]

[Moreover, their immediate boss is Huey!]

[This ordinary man without any superpowers is now not only in a high position in the Superhuman Administration, but also as Starlight's boyfriend...... Envied by countless men and men!]

[Huey, at this moment has climbed to the peak of life!]

[On this day, the black-robed pickets received news and prepared to deal with an "Ant-Man" who can grow and shrink his body at will....]

[As a result, after the Mexican Frankie and the werewolf girl came to the scene, they saw an extremely spicy scene!]

[It turns out that this Ant-Man not only has superpowers, but also a G guy!]

[The most outrageous thing is that he actually used his ability to "zoom in and out" with another man...... Play the forbidden game!】

[No one expected that during the game, Ant-Man didn't control it well for a while, sneezed, and his body instantly became bigger!]


[The other unlucky man was instantly broken to pieces by Ant-Man!] 】


[Mexican and Werewolf Girl just opened the door 1.3, and they saw this terrifying scene in front of them! 】

["You all have to die!"]

[Seeing that his perverted behavior was seen, the ant people were panicked, and suddenly became evil to the side of the gall!]


[He directly activated his superpower to make himself smaller again, and then he was ready to burrow into the Mexican's body and blow it up!]

["Be careful!"]

"Wow! it got into my clothes."] "】

[Faced with this superhuman the size of an ant, the Mexican and the werewolf woman were immediately in a hurry! 】


[At this moment, Butcher slammed open the door and rushed in!]

["Where to run!"]

[He quickly grabbed the smaller Ant-Man and put it in a bag full of powder.] 】。

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