Seeing the scene on the screen, many group members were shocked.

Hermione Granger: Wait a minute! If I'm not mistaken......

Hermione Granger: Become the ultimate Thanos in the fullest and want to self-destruct and destroy the multiverse by the way!

Hermione Granger: In other words, the "Thanos Big Bang" that Star Fox saw when they traveled to the future was done by "Ultimate Thanos~"!

Hermione Granger: In the future, Thanos is not breaking free of control......! As soon as you start - you will die!

Venom: Phew, this madman is going to die if he wants to die, why is he holding the entire multiverse with his burial?

Thanos Sanos: I ...... There is no getting out of control. (⊙⊙)

Diana, Wonder Woman: Hey, from start to finish. Those who master the power of reality controllers are all "Ultimate Thanos"!

Wonder Woman Diana: Thanos's soul has always been trapped and locked up!

The Flash Barry Allen: But I still don't understand, "Ultimate Thanos", why did you destroy the multiverse?

Tian Xiaoban: Yes, what's wrong with him?

Darkseid: The real strong man is not something that ants can understand.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After leaving the room where Thanos was imprisoned, the "Complete Body Thanos" with absolute ultimate power came to the end of the timeline. 】

["Huh...... After all these years, my younger brother still hasn't grown at all. "】

[In the heart of "Complete Body Thanos", a cold thought flashed:]

["He actually wants to use his empty words to dissolve my existence!

"Words are worthless in themselves, only actions have meaning. "】

"Those foolish men who think they are righteous have been trying to rebel against me for years. "】

"The years of confrontation with these fools...... It made me realize the truth. "】

["Existence itself brings disagreement, and then it breeds confrontation!"]

["Confrontation leads to riots, and riots lead to war!"]

["Everything in the world, as long as it has gained wisdom and life, will seek to be above its kind!"]

["This is the curse of life itself!"]

["Full Body Thanos" stretched out his hands, and his mind remembered ...... What I have experienced in this life:]

["There is no so-called loyalty in this world, there is no so-called trust, all there is only betrayal and suspicion!"]

["I have gone through countless hardships and painful tortures to comprehend these truths!"]

["The whole world, all the universes, the only purpose of their existence, is to cause suffering!"]

["This cataclysmic game that spans the entire multiverse brings nothing but endless madness!"]

["Now, I, the Titan Sanos, have gained absolute power over all things!"]

"And I'm going to use this power...... Put an end to this madness once and for all, shut down this game once and for all!Let the countless creatures in it gain eternal peace and freedom!"]

["From now on, there will be no more painful struggles and cruel struggles!"]

["Everything in the world sleeps in nothingness!"

["This is me, Thanos Thanos...... Deliverance to you!"]

[After saying this inner monologue, Thanos began to mobilize the absolute power above all things in his body!]


[An incomparably strong golden light bloomed from him, illuminating the empty universe!]

[Soon, this crazy titan will be pulled into the multiverse...... Buried with him alone!]

[Moreover, after this explosion, there will be no more creation! There will be no birth!]

[All will return to eternal nothingness and dead silence!]

[At this very moment, the last remaining wise man in the multiverse: "Adam the Warlock" launched its long-planned plan!]


[I saw a flash of the soul gem on the forehead of Warlock Adam, a message...... It was passed out through the multiverse. 】

["Kang the Conqueror, do it now!"]


[At the moment when Warlock Adam gave the order, the "Complete Body Thanos", who was about to take the entire multiverse "away" with one shot, suddenly felt that something was wrong. 】

["What's going on?

"That's ...... Star Fox ???"]

[That's right, at this critical moment, the star fox that had been sucked into the body by the ultimate Thanos suddenly disappeared without a trace!]

[Without him, Ultimate Thanos is no longer a complete body!]


[Even through countless dimensions and time streams, Thanos, who was trapped in a giant test tube, felt the panic and shaking of the ultimate Thanos!]

[The long-awaited Thanos did not miss this opportunity!]

["Let's end this!"]

[I saw a red light suddenly flash in Thanos' eyes!, and in the next second, ......]


[At that blank point in the future, the infinite energy in Ultimate Thanos's body suddenly lost control and gushed out!, blasting his body into countless pieces!]

[Defeated AAO and gained the power above all things!] But because of the lack of the last fragment of "Star Fox", the ultimate Thanos finally failed, and he died completely without a corpse!]

[With the self-destruction of Ultimate Thanos, this "future catastrophe" that can sweep the entire multiverse has disappeared!]

[There will never be a madman with infinite power in his hands, who wants to end the suffering of all intelligent beings by obliterating the universe!]

[All of this is thanks to an arrangement made by "Adam the Warlock" before. 】

[It turned out that the warlock Adam had already seen through the trap set by the ultimate Thanos, so he united with the conqueror "Kang", who can travel through time at will, and set up this plan. 】

[Just after watching Adam send out a warning signal just now, Kang the Conqueror immediately traveled to a certain point in time and stopped the Star Fox.]

[The Star Fox who has been stopped will no longer be trying to travel through the flow of time and try to change Thanos's personality. 】

[As long as he doesn't do this, in the future...... will not fall into the scheme of the ultimate star fox and be absorbed into his body!] (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[By changing the past, Warlock Adam and Conqueror Kang also changed the future where the "Complete Body Thanos" is located!]

[Thanos, who lost the last fragment of the Star Fox and suddenly fell from the "complete body", revealed his flaws for the first time!]

[Thanos, who was bound in the test tube, just caught this weakness!]

[He used his last strength to forcibly control the consciousness of Ultimate Thanos and let it self-destruct!]

[From beginning to end, Thanos himself has no intention of destroying the universe, it is just controlled by the "ultimate Thanos" from the future!]

[After the "mastermind behind the scenes" was destroyed, this crisis that was enough to end the entire Marvel Universe came to a successful end. 】

[Everything has settled, and the world is back on track. 】

[Warlock Adam found Thanos, who had regained his freedom again, and entrusted him with one thing. 】

[That's the Reality Gem, one of the 6 Infinity Stones.] 】

[Looking at the gem shining with a strange light in front of him, Thanos was also a little surprised, but soon he understood:]

["Hehe...... You're such a smart guy. "】

[Looking at Warlock Adam, Thanos laughed indifferently. 】

[In fact, don't say just one reality gem, it's 6 Infinity Stones...... Even the power of the "reality controller", he has experienced it before!]

[As the saying goes, "the sea was once difficult to water."] 】

[In the entire universe, there may not be a second person like Thanos...... Ignore the power of the gods as nothing!]

[Several times he has mastered the power to subvert the infinite universe, and now Thanos has long since lost the so-called ambition and hegemony, and just wants to live a peaceful life. 】

[After entrusting the reality gem to Thanos, Warlock Adam also left him happily and went back to find his friend. 】

[For him, in this endless multiverse, the most precious thing is not power, but these friends who will always be by his side!]

At this point, the screen gradually dimmed.

["Controller Thanos" plays over.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Bruce Wayne: Original...... That's it!

Bruce Wayne: That ultimate Thanos, I don't know what kind of blow he suffered in the future, turned into a madman who "revenge the multiverse"!

Bruce Wayne: He wants to destroy the entire multiverse, and he thinks it's "saving"!

Deadpool: Whaha! That's crazy, but that's Thanos!

Deadpool: In your universe, doesn't Thanos feel ...... Is killing half of the life in the universe the salvation of this universe?

Thanos: Hmph, lower creatures, don't compare me to that kind of madman.

Looking at the screen in front of him, Thanos's eyes also revealed a hint of complexity, and then spit out this sentence between his teeth.

"Weak cowards ......"

In his opinion, the ultimate Thanos on the screen may have mastered the power beyond the multiverse, but he is still a weak person in essence!

What is pain?

What is cruelty?

Life itself...... It was full of pain and strife!

Even harmless herbivores, and even ordinary plants, are fighting to survive for food and sunlight!

The battle that wants to destroy everything, so you want to destroy all lives?

This is already not only madness, it is simply stupidity

"Even with infinite power, waste is still waste!"

Thanos snorted softly, and his complexion returned to calm.

Darkseid: Everything is back to normal, and the dead people and gods are resurrected.

Darkseid: Is this the "OAA" test?

Daughter of the Star Swallower, Ganata: Before letting the ultimate Thanos self-destruct, Thanos reversed all reality at the last moment with the power of the "controller".

Ganata, Daughter of the Swallowing Stars: That's why the dead gods will be resurrected!

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallowers: As for ...... Whether this is an OAA test or not, I don't know.

Darkseid: Hmph, everything is played with by the gods, and your universe is really sad.

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallowers: ............

And at this moment, the voice of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

【Selected Object: Starlight】

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to: "Black Robe Pickets 3"]

PS: Black Robe 3 is followed by Doctor Who!In addition, this live broadcast is ready to add "Superman and Louis" and "Spider-Man Animation"!^four^.

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