[Although it has temporarily alleviated the problem of flesh and blood mutation in the Thousand Sons Legion, the number of Astartes in this group of psionics is still very small. 】

[Fortunately, the powerful spiritual energy they possess can make up for the lack of quantity. 】

[On the battlefield, the strange spiritual energy of the Thousand Sons Legion, combined with Astarte's physique and combat effectiveness, can exert the effect of one plus one is far greater than two. 】

And because of this, Magnus had the courage to suggest to the Emperor that among all the Astarte legions, ...... Equip these "Battle Psionics"!

[This is also known as a "think tank."] 】

[After seeing the performance of the Thousand Sons Legion in battle, there are many genetic protogens who have shown envy for this "psionic Astarte". 】

[In view of this situation, the emperor reluctantly agreed. 】

[But among the original body, there are also many people who hate psionics very much, especially the Thousand Sons Legion!, and even think that they are a group of wizards who pretend to be gods.] 】

[Among them, the most obvious manifestation of this disgust is the genetic prototype of the "Space Wolf", the wolf king Riemann Ruth. 】

[Strange to say, the space wolf's dependence on psionic energy may be second only to the Thousand Sons Legion.] 】

[In their legion, there is also a psionic army similar to the Think Tank, known as Rune Priests.] 】

[However, as the Great Expedition progressed, hatred of psionics spread among the Imperial Army, and the various Astarte legions became suspicious of the Thousand Sons Legion. 】

[These "psionic oppositionists" have repeatedly petitioned the Emperor to terminate the think tank department in the Astarte Legion, and strictly prohibit the Legion of the Thousand Sons from conducting any psionic research. 】

[In the middle of the Great Expedition, the emperor was busy with conquests, so he put these disputes on hold for the time being. 】

And just as he was about to return to Terra, the Emperor finally convened a meeting. 】

[He summoned a number of primordials to a planet called "Nikea" to discuss what to do with the psionics of the Astarte Legion.] 】

[At this meeting, Magnus made a fierce speech. 】

[He defends the Legion of the Thousand Sons and the "Psionic Astartes", arguing that their existence is not a threat, but a help. 】

[In the face of the emperor and the other original brothers, Magnus also said a sentence that will be passed down to future generations:]

["If I have ever committed any sin, it is the pure pursuit of knowledge!"]

[Given that the Great Expedition has reached the final stage, and the emperor is ...... for psionics There has always been a deep-seated mistrust. 】

[Plus, the Emperor is now ready to return to Terra to carry out his own plans.] 】

[He was worried, and when he left, these psionics in the legion would ...... Will it get out of hand?]

[Under the interweaving of these factors, the emperor finally decided to disband all the think tank units in the Great Expeditionary Legion, and strictly prohibit the Thousand Sons Legion and Magnus from conducting psionic research of any nature......]

[Especially the study of subspace!]

[Before the end of the meeting, the emperor also said an extremely harsh word to Magnus:]

["Magnus, if you set foot in subspace again, I will destroy you and your legions and completely erase them from the records of the Empire!"]

[However, the emperor's simple and crude approach did not work. 】

[Or ...... It was counterproductive. 】

[The Emperor only told Magnus that subspace was dangerous, but he didn't say exactly where the danger was. 】

[It's like an adult telling a child not to do something, but not giving a reason.] 】

[This...... It usually only arouses children's curiosity and rebellion. 】

[And Magnus, that's exactly the case.] 】

[Filled with disgrief, he left the planet of Nikaia and returned to the garrison of the Thousand Sons Legion. 】

[Since then, Magnus has remained with his Astartes...... The study of subspace continues, ignoring the Emperor's ban. 】

[One day, when he was meditating and wandering into subspace, he accidentally spied into the future. 】

Magnus visions that Horus is being eroded by chaos and that the empire is being torn apart in a terrible civil war. 】

[Although he saw all this, Magnus did not tell anyone about it. 】

Magnus arrogantly believes that he can stop this from happening by his own strength. 】

[And in that temple, when Horus was bewitched by the four gods of chaos, Magnus also connected with this brother's mind through the power of psionic energy. 】

Magnus tried to convince Horus not to mutiny, but the commander was determined at this time and ignored him. 】

["Oh no!"]

[After the persuasion failed, Magnus was shocked to discover...... I'm playing by myself!]

[Now, the supreme commander of the entire Imperial Expeditionary Force has become an enemy of the Empire!]

[And, no one knows this except himself!]

[In a panic, Magnus wants to contact the emperor and pass on the news. 】

[But at this moment, a storm has spread in the subspace, and all psionic communication has been blocked.] 】

[After several attempts failed, Magnus finally decided to cast a powerful astral projection spell to penetrate the subspace storm and convey his warning to the Emperor. 】

[By casting a spell, Magnus condensed his spirit into a beam of light, projected into the subspace, and instantly reached the Holy Terra. 】

[However, Magnus did not find the emperor in Terra's underground, but instead encountered a strange "network corridor". 】

Magnus could feel that the Emperor was in this corridor of the net. 】

[However, his psionic projection can't penetrate it!It's as if there is a solid barrier in front of it!]

[Just when Magnus was anxious and nervous, but could not take a step beyond the thunder pool, an unknown voice came from the subspace. 】

["I will help you and give you some of the strength so that you can break through the barrier......"]

[Magnus, who was full of confidence and arrogance, accepted this unknown gift without hesitation. 】


[With the help of this force, he successfully broke through the barrier in front of him and broke into the network corridor!]

[Magnus didn't know that this power, and the owner of that voice, was Tzeentch, one of the four evil gods of subspace. 】

[And his move to break through the network not only completely ruined the emperor's plan, but even the results of the Great Expedition and even the future of the human race...... It's all buried. 】

[It turns out that the reason why the emperor returned to Divine Terra alone was to build a "network tunnel" that belonged to humans. 】

[If it is completed, humanity will be able to connect to the network ruins of the "Ancient Sage" and travel freely through the galaxy, no longer relying on the dangerous subspace. 】

[However, after all, the "network tunnel" is located between the real world and subspace, so the construction of this tunnel is very dangerous. 】

[Once there is a mistake, it will attract the invasion of subspace demons.] 】

[In the entire empire, the emperor is the only one who can use his powerful spiritual energy to unfold the barrier and protect the entire tunnel. 】

[But unfortunately, under the bewitchment of Tzeentch, Magnus broke the emperor's psionic barrier with the help of the power of the evil god!

["Roaring !!"]

[Countless Chaos Demons, from the rift that Magnus rushed out, poured into the underground of the palace of Divine Terra like a tide!]

[Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that this subspace rift is still expanding. 】

[If it can't be blocked, right in the position of the Holy Terra, a "reality rift" like the "Eye of Fear" will appear!]

[Once this happens, the Four Gods of Chaos may even appear on top of Terra, or take the entire Divine Terra ...... Swallow into subspace!]


In the office of Planet Coss, Killman's eyes were wide open, his heart was beating uncontrollably faster, and even a drop of cold sweat was flowing from his forehead.

Although the countless demons on the screen had caused him a great impact, at this moment, Kiliman's heart was ...... There was a faint hint of joy.

It turned out that the emperor did not abandon the genetic prototyp!

The reason why he left the battle and returned to Terra was to save humanity!

This human lord may not understand the human heart, but he is indeed for the survival of mankind...... And work hard!

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