[In the nightmare of subspace, the commander Horus sees a terrifying future. 】

[In that future world, Astarte will not be a single one, the original body will be missing, and the human empire will become an autocratic, violent, superstitious and ignorant theocratic state. 】

[The lives of the people are also extremely miserable, and some are even worse than the original "year of strife"!]

[The so-called "imperial truth" has been completely distorted!]

[The countless people of the empire will worship the emperor frantically, and their fanaticism is beyond the reach of even those who have spoken. 】

[Seeing the terrifying illusion displayed by the gods of subspace, Horus, who was dying, only felt that the whole world had collapsed. 】

Although he never worshipped the emperor as madly as "Loga Aurelian" and regarded him as a god, he did regard this wonderful man as ...... Regard it as your own father!]

[Now it seems that as a father, the emperor did not regard any of the primordial beings as sons, and as a ruler, he did not regard humans as subjects at all!]

[Originally, Horus followed the emperor because he recognized his grand cause of reviving mankind. 】

[However, if these illusions are true, then you ...... It's just aiding the abuse!]

[Immediately afterwards, the gods of the subspace also appeared in Horus's nightmare.] 】

[They told Horus that, as beings of subspace, the Chaos Gods had no interest in the physical world, but ...... But the emperor wants to destroy these "gods", so as to complete the great cause of "ascending to gods with men"!]

["This man's desires are endless!"]

["Having conquered Earth Terra, he still wants to touch the starry sky! Even subspace wants to dominate!"]

[Originally, because of the emperor's lonely departure and the establishment of the Council of Terra, Horus was ...... There was already a lot of suspicion and dissatisfaction with the emperor. 】

[Under the bewitchment of the subspace evil god, his suspicion turned into anger, and his dissatisfaction turned into resentment!]

[The negative mentality of the battle commander was infinitely amplified by the chaos gods, and finally made him pass the last threshold. 】

[Horus has fallen!]

[He reached a contract with the Chaos Gods, and at the same time received the blessings of "Fear and Sadism, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh", merging the divine power of the four gods into one!]

[When Horus came out of the hidden temple, his injuries had been completely healed, and he was still full of ...... Unattainable power. 】

[The chaotic energy of the subspace filled the body of the battle commander, making him stronger than ever!]

[Horus became the "Chosen of the Four Gods"!]

[He will use the power of chaos to defeat the emperor and make himself the master of mankind!]

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Oh my God, is this true? The emperor wants to become a god?

Robert Killiman: No, it must be a trick of the evil gods, everything the emperor does is for the sake of mankind!

Robert Killiman: He's not going to abandon humanity!

Loki Odinson: Hehe, maybe, he's really not going to abandon humanity.

Rocky Odinson: But that doesn't mean he won't abandon something else.

Robert Killiman: ............

As soon as he heard this, Kiriman's heart was also fluctuating, and he was speechless for a while.

Before, he had a vague feeling...... When the emperor faced these primordial objects, he seemed to be a little detached.

That feeling is not like a father to a son, nor is it like an emperor to a courtier!

Now, Killiman understood what was going on.

The Emperor never loved any of the genoplasms.

This human lord really treats them as some kind of "experiment"!


At this thought, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Killman's mouth, which finally turned into a sigh.

Now, he suddenly understood, why did Horus fall?

On the one hand, he wants to redeem the terrifying future in his vision.

But more importantly, he wants to save himself.

Horus was convinced that the Emperor would cleanse all the Genetic Protogens as he did with the Thunder Warriors, as well as Astarte!

It was precisely because of this "ultimate fear" that he chose to join forces with Chaos!

Horus's rebellion is, to put it bluntly, a self-salvation!

Since the emperor will wipe them out sooner or later, it is better to strike first.

Instead of sitting back and waiting, let's get up!

Bruce Wayne: I don't know if the emperor wants to be a god. But the secret he was hiding ...... It's just too much.

Bruce Wayne: As a king, it's normal to have your own secrets.

Bruce Wayne: But what he did made these secrets the most terrible hidden danger, enough to make his son rebel.

Bruce Wayne: Even if you exclude feelings, that's not appropriate from a purely intellectual point of view.

Nick Fury: By "mistake", do you mean that he left the frontline troops and went back to Earth alone?

Bruce Wayne: It's very dangerous, and it's easy for these militaries to feel ...... Himself was abandoned by the rulers.

Bruce Wayne: Historically, it's not uncommon for frontline troops to mutiniate and even counterattack their home country because of rumors.

Nick Fury: Well, plus the emperor did purge the Thunder Warriors before!

Nick Fury: Even if it were me...... I guess I'll be scared too.

Deadpool: Who can not be afraid of this kind of thing, if it were me, I would have run away a long time ago! ^_^

Robert Killiman: Sigh, Horus is a war commander, commanding an army of millions!

Robert Killiman: However, even if both the Whisperer and the Shadowmoon Wolf were betrayed, it would be impossible for these two legions to fight against the Empire.

Robert Killiman: So...... Horus must have co-opted other genoplasms as well!

Tian Xiaoban: Good guy, how many primordials have betrayed!(⊙o⊙)

Loki Odinson: Hehe, I think, you should ask: how many are not betrayed!

Loki Odinson: In the face of such a father, he has to be loyal to the end, I guess he really doesn't even want his life.

Robert Killiman: ............

Thor: (̄口 ̄), Loki, you ...... to your father Is there really that much resentment?

Loki Odinson: What? You idiot! Shut up, I didn't mean that!∑ ( ̄△ ̄*|||

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the Imperial Expeditionary Force, there was only one person who was aware of Horus's betrayal. 】

[That is the genetic prototype of the "Children of a Thousand Sores" legion...... "Scarlet King" Magnus.] 】

[Originally, Magnus fell on a planet full of psykers: "Prospero". 】

[These psionics are not all natives of the planet, but have been discriminated against and persecuted on other planets, and have no choice but to flee here. 】

[The psionics on this planet will hug each other to keep warm and learn the techniques of controlling psionic energy. 】

[Therefore, Magnus, who was born with extremely strong psionic powers, was immediately taken care of after landing on that planet. 】

[You know, at that time, on the colonized planets of the galaxy, psionics could almost be equated with demons!As long as you find out, you may be killed by the locals!]

[Falling to Prospero is enough to prove Magnus's good luck.] 】

And his luck doesn't end there. 】

[It's different from any of the progenitors.] Magnus was self-conscious almost from the moment he was born. 】

[He remembers everything he experienced as a baby,]

[And even if he was thrown into the crack of the subspace and came to Prospero, relying on his innate powerful psionic energy, he could still pass through the subspace...... Communicate with the Emperor in a heart-to-heart relationship!】

[And on this psionic planet, Magnus was not only not ostracized, but like the stars and the moon, he received the teachings of countless psionic masters at a young age!]

[In adulthood, Magnus eliminated the monsters that ravaged the area for many years and became a hero known to everyone on the planet. 】

[And when the emperor landed on this planet, the two also hugged each other as if they had known each other for many years, and talked to each other without barriers. 】

[However, Magnus's good fortune did not follow him all the time. 】

[Like other genetic protogens, Magnus also used Prospero as a recruiting ground for his Astarte Legion.] 】

[This directly leads to the Legion of the Children of Thousand Creations being filled with all kinds of psionic beings, as well as psionic mutations.] 】

[The energy of the subspace will affect the human body and cause various mutations. 】

Magnus genuinely cares about his Astarte, and uses all his power to find a solution to these flesh mutations. 】

[The Emperor once warned Magnus not to abuse his psionic powers, let alone peep into the subspace.] 】

[However, after all other methods failed, Magnus finally took the risk and made a deal with the evil god "Tzeentch" in the subspace!]

[In exchange, Tzeentch took one of Magnus's eyes, turning him into a one-eyed dragon.] 】

[But the problem of the flesh mutation of the Thousand Sons Legion will be ...... after this It has also been relieved. 】

[It's a pity that disobeying the emperor's orders and continuing to explore and study the subspace eventually brought terrible consequences to Magnus. 】

[His luck ran out in the end. 】

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