The Emperor's Great Expedition was the largest and most ambitious military operation in human history. 】

[In order to regain it, mankind has lost countless colonized planets for thousands of years, and the emperor has used thousands of space warships!]

[Among these warships, hundreds of thousands of Astarte warriors and tens of millions of Imperial Army soldiers were carried!]

[It can be said that this feat would have been almost impossible without the industrial production capacity of the Cult of the Mechanics of Mars and the large number of genetic laboratories on the Moon.] 】

[In this great expedition, the emperor mobilized the strongest armed forces he could muster. 】

[The most elite of them is the enhanced warrior created by the emperor based on his own genes...... Imperial Forbidden Army!]

[Every Forbidden Army. Almost all of them can be seen as a miniature version of the little emperor. 】

[Since the genes are almost the same as the emperor, they ...... Every forbidden soldier has a combat power close to the genetic prototype!]

[Moreover, when the emperor created the forbidden army, he did not use the power of subspace. 】

[So these genetic warriors are absolutely loyal and can never betray. 】

[But the forbidden army is too precious, so it can't be mass-produced, just like a genetic prototype.] 】

[The Emperor can only settle for the next best thing and create a "weak version" of the genetic warrior to sweep away the galaxy, also known as Astarte. 】

[And in order to deal with the endless psionics in the universe, the emperor also gathered an inventor composed of "untouchables", the Sisters of Silence. 】

[The so-called "untouchables" are also known as the "soulless.] 】

[They have an innate ability that can literally form a "soul vacuum" and suck all the soul fire in their surroundings into it!]

[Because of these characteristics, the untouchable is the nemesis of all psionic beings!]

[Attacking the untouchable with psionic energy is like dousing oil to extinguish a flame!]

[As I thought so, "Sister of Silence" is another nickname, "Anathema, Psykana", which literally translates to "psionic nemesis"!]

[In the face of such a huge imperial army, all resistance is meaningless. 】

[One after another, the newly colonized planets have been reclassified under the rule of the Human Empire. 】

[The local warlords and barbarians who dared to resist were wiped out like a witherer. 】

[Surprisingly, with the continuous conquest and the elongation of the battle line, the number of troops under the emperor's command not only did not decrease, but expanded!]

[Many local rulers of colonized planets, taken by the emperor's military might, not only simply surrendered, but also gave their territories and troops together, just to save their lives. 】

[Moreover, along with the Great Expedition, various technological miracles left over from the Golden Age of mankind were also included in the hands of the Empire. 】

[Due to these factors, the strength of the Great Expeditionary Fleet is almost increasing day by day. 】

[But even so, the march into the galaxy is still slow.] 】

[The main reason for this...... A large army with a lack of sufficiently good and skilled generals. 】

[This situation was quickly alleviated.] 】

[Because in the process of the Great Expedition, the emperor found his long-lost "sons", that is, "genetic prototypes". 】

[These genetic prototypes are all perfect commanders created by the emperor over hundreds of years!]

Each of them has their own strengths. 】

[For example: a great strategist, a commander who is good at defensive warfare, the embodiment of terror on the battlefield, a super psyker master...... Wait a minute. 】

[The first person to be found by the emperor was "Horus" who fell into the planet "Ketonia". 】

[Ketonia is one of the first planets colonized by humans. 】

[This planet used to be rich in resources, but after tens of thousands of years of human exploitation, it has long become a barren land. 】

[In other words, the planet is a giant "rust belt" filled with the ruins of the post-industrial era. 】

[Originally, tens of billions of people lived in the nest capital city of Ketonia, but due to the lack of resources and the cut off of trade, most of them died tragically. 】

[It was in this terrible dark world that Horus learned his first lesson about killing. 】

[And since Ketonia is not far from Terra, it ...... He was the first to be found by the Emperor and founded his own Astarte Legion. 】

According to the Emperor's new plan, each genetic prototype can recruit troops on the planet where they grew up and transform them into Astarte. 】

[In this way, these Space Marines can get closer to the Gene Primordial.] 】

[In the first 30 years of the Great Expedition, the emperor had only one genetic prototype by his side, Horus, so ...... The two of them have a very good relationship. 】

[It is said that in one battle, the emperor even personally intervened to save the life of Herus. 】

[And Horus, in order to repay the grace of saving his life, also found an opportunity...... Hacked to death an orc who tried to assassinate the emperor. 】

[And when the ABC found the second protoplasm, Horus was appointed commander of the expeditionary force, overseeing all the genetic protoplasms.] 】

And Horus's performance did not disappoint the emperor. 】

[When the emperor designed the 20 genetic prototypes, most of the prototypes were designed to be military geniuses and war commanders. 】

[And Horus is a natural leader, not only good at military affairs, but also good at diplomacy and politics!]

[Under the mediation of Horus, many colonized planets surrendered directly to the empire without even going through a battle. 】

Not only that, but these colonies have also become the Empire's forward base and the source planet, providing a steady stream of recruits and supplies for the Great Expedition. 】

[However, not all planets have been rescued by the Imperial Expeditionary Force.] 】

[Some humans on colonized planets, in the year of strife, because of the extreme environment, caused physical mutations, alienated into all kinds of monsters, and even orcs!]

[Once it is determined that the genetic mutation of these humans is too high to be saved, the expeditionary force will descend an orbital strike outside the atmosphere, burning life on the entire planet!]

[In extreme cases, the Imperial fleet will also use the most terrible "Whirlwind Torpedo" to directly strike at the core of the planet, and the entire planet polluted by mutants will be ...... Blown to smithereens!]

[This is the only way to completely cleanse these mutants!]

[This kind of orbital strike that is enough to exterminate everything is what the human empire of later generations commonly called the "extinction order"!]

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Morty: Put ...... wiped out the entire planet of life???

Starlight: Oh my God!, what is this? I look stupid!(⊙o⊙)

Magneto: Damn, even those humans have changed, and they have the right to live!

Magneto: Damn the Empire, why destroy them?

Robert Kiliman: These mutated human races could contaminate the human gene pool......

Robert Killiman: If left unchecked, over time, what we think of as humans may become something else!

Robert Killiman: At that time, human civilization will exist...... It's also extinct!

Deadpool: Hmm...... If all human beings become like me, it should be considered evolution. Or extinction?

Wanda Maximov: Bah! You made me get goosebumps!

John Constantine: If it really came to that point, it would have been better for humanity to become extinct sooner......

Thanos Thanos: Huh...... Hahaha!

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Eater: Mad Titan, what's so funny?

Thanos Sanos: I suddenly remembered the name Horus...... Why is it so familiar!

Thanos Sanos: Last time I was answering a question, I got a hammer of Horus!

Thanos Sanos: According to the system, the owner of this hammer took refuge in the Chaos God, betrayed his father, and finally ...... Killed by the Emperor's own hands!

Robert Killiman: What do you say? This ...... This can't be!( ̄口 ̄)!! !

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