"Angelon, Perturabo, Coz......"

Killiman slowly muttered the names of the three Primordial Brothers, a look of helplessness on his face.

As a child, they were thrown into a crack in subspace, and all 20 genetic prototypes were scattered across the galaxy, scattered on different planets.

Such a situation directly leads to the growth environment of all genetic protogens, which is different.

Among them, the most unlucky ...... None other than the above three.

These three genetic protoplasms. Due to the tragic experience in childhood, all of them have become mentally ill!

All of this is because of their "mother", who does bad things with good intentions!

In addition to the wry smile, Kiliman also felt a little more relieved in his heart.

Their father did not intend to cook their "sons" to rabbits and dogs.

After the end of the Great Expedition, the emperor still assigned them the responsibility of "governing one side".

At that time, other genetic primitives should also get a territory similar to the "500 Worlds" like he Killiman.

But when he thought of the ways of these people in Angron, Kiliman couldn't help but ...... Worried about the people of their future realm.

At the same time, the chat group was also lively.

Wanda Maximov: Oh my God, is there something wrong with this woman's brain? (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: Even if she doesn't like the emperor, she doesn't need to ...... her own son Throw it into the corner of the universe.

Starlight: yes, how old are these kids, two, three?

Starlight: Is it to kill such children by throwing them on a barren planet?

Robert Killiman: Ahem, the genoplasms have extraordinary physical abilities and growth rates, even for two or three-year-olds...... It is also easy to defeat adult men.

King Ada: What? Is this still human?( ̄△ ̄;)

King Ada: It's a living biological weapon!

Bruce Banner: The Emperor wanted to create powerful biological weapons to open up territory for him.

Bruce Banner: The only thing to be thankful for is ...... He didn't plan to kill the genetic primitives like he did with the Thunder Warriors.

Robert Killman: ......... →_→

Wanda Maximov: Haha, it's you again.

Wanda Maksimov: You don't have to say anything, I've guessed it by now. ^_^

Wanda Maximov: You're definitely one of the 20 "genotypes", aren't you?

Wanda Maksimov: That's why you defend your father like that?

Robert Killiman: Smile wryly, that lady "Erda" also thinks too badly of the emperor.

Rocky Odinson: No, I see...... She's just pure stupidity.

Rocky Odinson: If you think about it, as the supreme ruler of an empire, how much military and political affairs does the emperor have to do in peacetime?

Rocky Odinson: In this case, how can he have the energy to raise 20 children?

Robert Killiman: You...... What do you want to say?

Rocky Odinson: Hah! You guessed that.

Rocky Odinson: If Erda hadn't done that stupid thing, she could have stayed and continued to play the role of a mother, raising 20 genetic protogens, including you!

Rocky Odinson: In a few decades, she could have turned these 20 superhumans into "good sons" who only listened to her!

Loki Odinson: When the time comes, whether you are openly confronting the emperor or secretly overthrowing it, you can give it a try!

Robert Killiman: Shut up, bold maniac, how could our brother betray the Emperor!(▼Dish▼;)

Loki Odinson: Hehe, you're now aware of your father's arrangements for you through the video.

Rocky Odinson: But ...... What if someone doesn't know?

Rocky Odinson: If that "Erda" is smart enough, use the Thunder Warriors as a "role model...... To motivate you?

Robert Killiman: You!!

Hearing Loki's words, Killiman suddenly felt ...... A chill rose on his back.

Yes, the emperor had no intention of killing these sons of theirs.

But others...... I don't know.

If any of them knew the fate of the Thunder Warriors, would it ...... Really rebellious?

Wanda Maximov: Wow, Loki, what you said is so terrible, I feel a little furious when I hear it.

Loki Odinson: Hmph, little ghost, now I know how good Uncle Loki is!

Wanda Maximov: yes, in terms of betraying my father, in the multiverse...... There may be few people who can compare to you!

Rocky Odinson: ............ (⊙_⊙)

Seeing this, Loki in the Asgardian palace felt a tremble, and his face changed suddenly.

He slowly turned around like a robot, looking up cautiously...... Look at the throne above.

With just one glance, Loki's body immediately stiffened, and a cold sweat even broke out on his forehead.


Looking at the embarrassed adopted son in front of him, Odin narrowed his eyes slightly, and sighed secretly in his heart.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After learning that all the genetic prototypes were lost in the subspace rift, and "Erda" also fled alone, although the emperor felt regretful, he was helpless. 】

Now, he has to make all kinds of preparations for the Great Expedition, and it is impossible to go to the galaxy and look for those children everywhere. 】

[Therefore, the emperor can only put aside the matter of the gene prototype for the time being, and start to use the gene seeds he collected before to create 20 Astarte legions. 】

[Moreover, he also gathered the manpower and material resources on the earth to build a huge spiritual lighthouse...... Star Torch. 】

[This star torch is equivalent to a psionic amplifier. 】

[As long as you rely on the emperor's own super spiritual energy, you can provide navigation for the imperial fleet that will expedition to the galaxy in the future!]

[After everything was ready, in the 30th millennium, the emperor finally launched the Great Expedition!]

[The first step of this great expedition is to capture the moon. 】

[At that time, the moon was controlled by a sect organization known as the "Genetic Esoteric Sect". 】

[The emperor also tried diplomacy, but the other party was stubborn and could not communicate at all, so he could only start a fight in the end. 】

[In order to conquer the moon, the emperor sent the seventh, thirteenth, and sixteenth, a total of three Astarte legions. 】

[These legions are the Fist of the Empire, the Ultramarines, and the Shadow Moon Wolves in the future. 】

[In the face of the overwhelming combat power of the Astarte Legion, the Moon Army only resisted for 6 hours before it was completely wiped out......]

[In fact, the 16th Legion was awarded the title of Shadow Moon Wolf because of its bravery in the battle against the Moon. 】

[In the Golden Age, the Moon was the center of genetic experiments for mankind. 】

[Therefore, the emperor set the goal of the first battle here. 】

[He wants to take down the scientific equipment here and use it to produce more Astarte!]

[After the war, the female leader of the "Genetic Esoteric Sect" bowed down to the emperor, bowed her head, and promised to use the genetic technology within the sect to assist the emperor in the manufacture of Astarte. 】

[After that, many Astartes were born on the moon, among them...... Including Abaddon of the Shadow Moon Wolf. 】

[Next, the emperor negotiated an agreement with the Cult of the Mechanics on Mars, bringing the construction and industrial strength of Mars under the control of the Empire. 】

[After getting the genetic laboratory on the moon and the huge industrial power on Mars, the military power of the empire ...... Start swelling like crazy!】

[It didn't take long for the Empire's fleet to rush out of the solar system and begin to march towards the galaxy!]

[The Emperor's Great Expedition has finally entered its climax!]

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